(Askeri) MUKAVEMET HAREKETİ: Kanuni olarak kurulmuş hükümete veya bir işgal kuvvetine karşı koymak ve sivil düzen ve dengeyi bozmak üzere bir ülkenin sivil halkının bir kısmı tarafından organize edilen çabalar, faaliyetler
resistance movement teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
A resistance movement is a group or collection of individual groups, dedicated to fighting an invader in an occupied country or the government of a sovereign nation through either the use of physical force, or nonviolence. The term resistance has political overtones, as people have used it, along with similar terms, to bring support to opposition groups
acronym of arakat al-Muqwimah al-Islmiyyah ("Islamic Resistance Movement") (Arabic; "Zeal") Militant Palestinian Islamic movement. The group is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the creation of a Palestinian Islamic state. It was founded in 1988 by Sheikh Amad Ysn, and its leadership comes from the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. ams's aims are more militant: it takes the position that Palestine cannot be surrendered to non-Muslims. It opposes the 1993 peace agreement between the Palestine Liberation Organization and Israel. Beginning in 2000, the group engaged in violent acts, including numerous suicide bombings, against Israelis in Israel and the occupied territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip