Cumhuriyetçi liderler suçlamayı reddetti.
- Republican leaders denied the charge.
Cumhuriyetçiler çok kızgındı.
- Republicans were furious.
Sir, there is one Mrs Macaulay in this town, a great republican. One day when I was at her house, I put on a very grave countenance, and said to her, 'Madam, I am now become a convert to your way of thinking. I am convinced that all mankind are upon an equal footing...' (Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, 1791). Travels of a Republican Radical in Search of Hot Water - Title of a collection of essays published by the leftwing novelist H. G. Wells in 1939.
A Revolutionary Tribunal was established , of which Carrier was the presiding demon—Carrier, known in all nations as the inventor of that last of barbarous atrocities, the Republican Marriage, in which two persons of different sexes, generally an old man and an old woman, or a young man and a young woman, bereft of every kind of clothing, were bound together before the multitude, exposed in a boat in that situation for half an hour or more, and then thrown into the river.
A lot of people who think of themselves as Goldwater Republicans do not know what it really means to be a Goldwater Republican, said Tom Paniccia, a former Air Force sergeant who was discharged from the military last year after he had proclaimed his homosexuality. He has always had a near libertarian stance on keeping government out of people's lives..
... I get elected, I'll sit down with leaders ' the Democratic leaders as well as Republican ...
... Governor Romney stands here, after a year of campaigning, when during a Republican primary ...