
listen to the pronunciation of rejimi
Türkçe - İngilizce
A form of government, or the government in power (as in a socialist regime)
A regulated system; a regimen
particular conduct or administration of affairs
"Regime theory" is a theory of the forming of channels in material carried by the streams As used in this sense, the word "regime" applies only to streams that make at least part of their boundaries from their transported load and part of their transported load from their boundaries, carrying out the process at different places and times in any one stream in a balanced or alternating manner that prevents unlimited growth or removal of boundaries A stream, river, or canal of this type is called a "regime stream, river, or canal " A regime channel is said to be "in regime" when it has achieved average equilibrium; that is, the average values of the quantities that constitute regime do not show a definite trend over a considerable period--generally of the order of a decade In unspecialized use "regime" and "regimen" are synonyms (After Blench, 1957, p 2 )
Mode of rule or management
A regime is the way that something such as an institution, company, or economy is run, especially when it involves tough or severe action. The authorities moved him to the less rigid regime of an open prison
A period of rule
system of government or a particular administration
A regime is a set of rules about food, exercise, or beauty that some people follow in order to stay healthy or attractive. He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back
the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit; "the government reduced taxes"; "the matter was referred to higher authorities"
An institution in which rules or practices (sometimes memorialized in a treaty or convention) are generally accepted by a group of states to help them work together in an otherwise anarchic world
A set of agreed-upon principles, norms, rules and decision-making procedures, which govern the negotiations, establishment of agencies, and other interactions by international participants in the area of a specific political issue (Source: Mintzer, 1992)
"Regime theory" is a theory of the formation of channels in material carried by the stream Used in this sense, the word "regime" applies only to streams that take at least part of their boundaries from their transported load and part of their transported load from their boundaries, carrying out the process at different places and times in any one stream in a balanced or alternating manner that prevents unlimited growth or removal of boundaries A stream, river, or canal of this type is called a "regime stream, river, or canal " A regime channel is said to be "in regime" when it has achieved average equilibrium; that is, the average values of the quantities that constitute regime do not show a definite trend over a considerable period, generally, approximately a decade In unspecialized use, "regime" and "regimen" are synonymous
disapproval If you refer to a government or system of running a country as a regime, you are critical of it because you think it is not democratic and uses unacceptable methods. the collapse of the Fascist regime at the end of the war
{i} mode of rule, system of government, form of government
(medicine) a systematic plan for therapy (often including diet)

I am adhering to a strict diet regimen. - Ben sıkı bir diyet rejimine bağlı kalıyorum.


Oppressive regimes don't live forever. - Baskıcı rejimler sonsuza dek yaşamaz.

The regime was overthrown by rebel militias. - Rejim asi milisler tarafından devrildi.


Do you want to go on a diet with me? - Benimle bir rejime başlamak ister misin?

You must go on a diet because you are too fat. - Çok şişman olduğun için bir rejime başlamalısın.

{i} government
regime, government; diet, regimen
antrepo rejimi
(Ticaret) warehouse regime
gümrük rejimi
(Ticaret) customs procedure
ihracat rejimi
(Ticaret) exportation
transit rejimi
(Ticaret) transit procedure
dahilde işleme rejimi
(Ticaret) inward processing
ekonomik etkili gümrük rejimi
(Ticaret) customs regime with economic impact
geçici ithalat rejimi
(Ticaret) temporary admission
gümrük antrepo rejimi
(Ticaret) customs warehousing
gümrük kontrolü altında işleme rejimi
(Ticaret) processing under customs control
hariçte işleme rejimi
(Ticaret) outward processing
mal rejimi
(Kanun) Matrimonial regime

Matrimonial regime designates the rules governing the property rights of spouses,as husband and wife.

serbest dolaşıma giriş rejimi
(Ticaret) release for free circulation
baskı rejimi
boğazlar rejimi
(Hukuk) regime of the straits
dikta rejimi
dictatorial regime
emeklilik rejimi
(Sigorta,Ticaret) pension regime
ithal rejimi
(Ticaret) import regime
kambiyo rejimi
(Hukuk) exchange arrangement
nehir rejimi
(Çevre) river regime
reducing diet
(a machine's) manner of functioning, operation
meteorology regime
regime, system of government
regime (of a river)
med. diet, regimen
fasting cure
sebze rejimi
vegetable diet
transit rejimi
law system which allows goods in transit immunity from customs duties
transit rejimi
(Hukuk) transit regime
Türkçe - Türkçe

rejimi teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

dahilde işleme rejimi
(İthalat, İhracat) İhracata yönelik önemli mevzuatlardan biri olan Dahilde İşleme Rejimi ihraç ürünleri üretmek için gerekli olan ve dışarıdan ithal edilen, bu yüzden de ithali gümrük vergisine tabi ara mallara ya da girdilere gümrük muafiyeti getiren bir ihracatı teşvik sistemidir. İhracat yapmayı düşünen işletmeler, ihraç edilmesi planlanan malların üretiminde kullanılacak olan hammadde, yardımcı madde, yarı mamul, mamul, ara mali ve ambalaj malzemelerinin başta değişik vergisel yüklerden muaf olmak üzere ve devlete ihracat taahhüdünde bulunmak şartıyla, çeşitli kolaylıklar ve teşviklerden yararlanabilirler. Teşviklerden yararlanabilmek için Dahilde İşleme İzin Belgesi alınması zorunludur. Söz konusu olan bu Dahilde İşleme İzin Belgesi, Gümrük muafiyetli ithalat ya da yurtiçi alımlara olanak sağlayan Dış Ticaret Müsteşarlığı´nca düzenlenen bir belgedir
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fr. Bir devletin sevk ve idare usulü, yolu
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Tıb: Hastanın tedavisinde tatbik edilen gıdalandırma yolu. Perhiz
gıda rejimi
Gıdaya bağlı rejim
Yönetme, düzenleme biçimi, düzen: "Hiç kimse Türkiye'de normal, sürekli ve dengeli bir basın rejimi yaşamış olduğunu iddia edemez."- B. Felek
Bir devletin yönetim biçimi
Perhiz, diyet: "Sıkı bir rejim takip etmelidir."- R. H. Karay
Yönetme, düzenleme biçimi, düzen
Akarsu debisinin yıl boyunca gösterdiği değişikliklerin tümü
Bir devletin yönetim biçimi: "Birinci Dünya Harbi'nden beri dünyanın temellerini sarsan totaliter rejimlerin hiçbiri lehinde beyanatta bulunmuş değildir."- H. E. Adıvar
Perhiz, diyet