An electronic device that allows electrical current to flow through in only one direction and is used for converting Alternating Current (AC) into Direct Current (DC)
An electrical device for converting alternating current to direct current The chamber in a cooling device where water is separated from the working fluid (for example ammonia)
This is an electrical component in the alternator that contains sets of diodes which are used to change the alternator output from alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC)
a device made up of one or more diodes, which changes Alternating Current (AC) into Direct Current (DC)
An electrical component that converts alternating current (AC) to unidirectional current (DC)
An electrical component that only allows electric current to flow through it in one direction Also, a circuit that is used to convert alternating current to direct current It can either control the DC voltage level or allow it to be determined simply by the input AC voltage
A power electronics converter that operates with AC voltage and current waveforms at one side and DC voltage and current waveforms at the other side It can be made up of diodes and/or thyristors In thyristor rectifiers the DC output voltage can be controlled by adjustment of the trigger angle
A circuit which produces a DC voltage from an AC voltage source The two types are
a circuit component that passes current in one direction and blocks current flow in the other direction A rectifier is used to convert alternating current into direct current
(Diode) An electronic device which allows current to flow in only one direction It is used to convert AC to DC Repeatability (Repeat accuracy) The percent variation of time within a group of consecutive timing cycles, starting with the second operation, when the timing device is operated under constant conditions of operating voltage, ambient temperature, and on/off times Reset Time The time a controller takes to return to its initial parameters when input power is removed