
listen to the pronunciation of rear(a)
İngilizce - Türkçe

rear(a) teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} arka

Lütfen otobüsün arkasına doğru ilerleyin. - Please move to the rear of the bus.

Hız aracı Jack Robinson diyemeden önce kaydı ve bir kamyonun arkasına direkt çarptı. - The speeding vehicle skidded and crashed head-on into the rear-end of a truck before the driver could say Jack Robinson.

{f} yetiştirmek

Annem bizi yetiştirmek için çok çalıştı. - My mother worked hard in order to rear us.

{f} şahlanmak
(Askeri) GERİ: Bir kuvvetin harekatta en geride kalan kısmı veya muharebe sırasında en uzakta olan kısmı
{i} geri

Tom her zaman geri gitmeden önce dikiz aynasına bakar. - Tom always looks in the rearview mirror before he backs up.

(Arılık) üretme
(Arılık) yetiştirme

Annem bizi yetiştirmek için çok çalıştı. - My mother worked hard in order to rear us.

şaha kalkmak
rear axle
(Otomotiv) arka dingil
rear axles
arka dingil
rear echelon
(Askeri) geri kademe
rear feed
(Bilgisayar) arka besleme
rear panel
arka panel
rear sight
tüfekte gez
rear spoiler
(Otomotiv) arka spoiler
rear view
arkadan görünüş
rear wall
arka duvar
rear wall
arka kapak
en geri saf
yukarı kaldırmak
(at/vb.) şaha kalkmak
{f} büyüt
inşa etmek
rear admiral
rear bumper
arka tampon
rear door
arka kapı
rear engine
arka motor
rear fender
arka çamurluk
rear fog lamp
arka sis lambası
rear mudguard
arka çamurluk
rear radar scope
arka radar alanı
rear seat
arka koltuk
rear sight
rear trunk
arka bagaj
rear view mirror
dikiz aynası
rear wheel
arka tekerlek
rear window
arka pencere
rear-wheel drive
arkadan çekişli
rear back
arka arka
rear end
(Otomotiv) Bir aracın arka tarafı, tampon
rear entry
arka giriş
rear face
Arka yüz; bir şeyin arka yüzü
rear its ugly head
(deyim) Çirkin yüzünü göstermek
rear its ugly head
(deyim) Baş göstermek, ortaya çıkmak
rear of
rear part
arka bölümü
rear projection
geriden projeksiyon, geriden gösterim
rear quarter panel
(Otomotiv) Arka çamurluk
rear rank
arka sırada
rear wheels
arka tekerlekler
arka sona erdi
rear-view mirror
dikiz aynası
rear-vision miror
Dikiz aynası
rear-vision mirror
arka görüş aynası
rear-wheel brake
arka tekerlek freni
{i} ters taraf
{i} geri plân
{s} arkadaki
rear sight arpacık
rear admiral tuğamiral rear guard dümdar kolu
{f} yükseltmek
rearmost en geri
{i} tuvalet
en geri
{i} arka taraf
rear line en geri asker safı
en sonraki
{i} ask. artçı
rear admiral
den. tuğamiral
rear admiral
(Askeri) Tümamiral
rear admiral
(Askeri) TUĞAMİRAL: Deniz Kuvvetlerinde, rütbesi (commodore) dan yüksek ve Tümamiral (vice admiral) dan küçük olan sancak subayı. Tuğamiral, Kara Ordusunda Tuğgeneralin karşılığıdır
rear arch
(İnşaat) iç kemer
rear area
(Askeri) Geri bölge
rear area
(Askeri) GERİ BÖLGE: Herhangi bir komutanlık için; kendi bölgesinin geri sınırından ileriye, bir sonraki daha ast komutanlığın sorumluluk bölgesi gerisine uzanan bölge. Bu bölge başlıca muharebe hizmet destek faaliyetlerinin icrası için tesis edilir
rear area combat operation
(Askeri) (RACO) Geri bölge harekatı
rear area operations center; regional air operations center
(Askeri) geri bölge harekat merkezi; bölge hava harekat merkezi
rear area security
(Askeri) GERİ BÖLGE EMNİYETİ: Bir düşman hava indirme taarruzu, sabotaj hareketi, sızması, gerilla faaliyeti başlamadan devam ederken, sona erdikten sonra ya da psikolojik veya propaganda harbi başlangıcında meydana gelen etkiyi azaltmak mlaksadıyla alınmış tedbirler
rear area security control center
(Askeri) GERİ BÖLGE EMNİYET KONTROL MERKEZİ: Geri bölge emniyeti savunma sub ayının geri bölge savunması ve bölge hasar kontrol sorumluluğunu yerine getirmesinde vasıta olan idari üst makam
rear area security controller
(Askeri) GERİ BÖLGE EMNİYET KONTROL SUBAYI: Geri bölge savunması ve bölge hasar kontrolunun planlamasına ve bunlarla ilgili faaliyetlerin tertip, murakabe ve yürütülmesine yardımcı olmak üzere atanmış bir subay
rear axle
(İnşaat) arka aks
rear axle beam
(Otomotiv) arka dingil gövdesi
rear axle beam
(Otomotiv) arka aks kovanı
rear axle hub
(Otomotiv) arka aks poyrası
rear axle oil
(Otomotiv) arka aks yağı
rear axle set
arka aks grubu
rear axle shaft
(Otomotiv) yarım şaft
rear axle shaft
(Otomotiv) arka aks mili
rear axle tube
(Otomotiv) arka köprü
rear axle tube
arka aks kovanı
rear axle type
arka diferansiyel tipi
rear barrier
(Askeri) GERİ ENGEL: Gerisinde müteakip savunma mevziine geçmek veya kritik araziyi korumak üzere ordu, kolordu veya tümen tarafından seçilmiş bir engel
rear barrier
(Askeri) geri engel
rear battle
(Askeri) geri bölge muharebesi
rear beam
(Otomotiv) arka travers
rear beam
(Otomotiv) arka kiriş
rear beam brace
(Otomotiv) arka alt takviye çubuğu
rear bearing
(Otomotiv) arka rulman
rear boundaries
(Askeri) geri hudutlar
rear brake drum
(Otomotiv) arka fren kampanası
rear brake lamp
stop lâmbası
rear brake shoe
(Otomotiv) arka fren pabucu
rear bucket
arka sepet
rear casing
rear chamber
(Otomotiv) arka hava emiş bölmesi
rear combat zone
(Askeri) geri muharebe bölgesi
rear compartment
(Askeri) arka kabin
rear console
(Otomotiv) arka konsol
rear crank case
krank kapak keçesi
rear door window
(Otomotiv) arka kapı camı
rear drive
arkadan çekiş
rear drum
(Otomotiv) arka kampana
rear echelon
(Askeri) GERİ KADEME: Bir karargahın, esas itibariyle, idari ve lojistik meseleleriyle meşgul olan kısım. Ayrıca bakınız: "forward echelon"
rear echelon
cephe gerisi karargâh
rear echelon
(Askeri) (AIR SUPPORT) GERİ KADEME (HAVA ULAŞTIRMASI): Hava ulaştırma harekatında bir kuvvetin, indirme hedef bölgesinde kendisine ihtiyaç bulunmayan unsurları
rear elevation
arka görünüş
rear end
{i} popo
rear end
{i} kıç
rear end
{i} arka uç
rear end modules
(Otomotiv) arka taraf modülleri
rear exit
arka kapı (çıkış)
rear floor
(Otomotiv) arka taban
rear floor panel
(Otomotiv) arka taban paneli
rear fork
(Otomotiv) arka çatal
rear fos lamp
(Otomotiv) arka sis lambası
rear front
(Mimarlık) arka cephe
rear guard
(Askeri) ARTÇI: Bir yürüyüş kolunun geri kısmını düşman kuvvetlere karşı koruyan emniyet müfrezesi. Bir geri çekilme esnasında artçı silahlı mukavemet göstermek, köprüleri imha etmek ve yolları tıkamak suretiyle düşmanın ileri hareketini geciktirir
rear guard
ask. artçı
rear guard
(Askeri) (NATO) ARTÇI: 1. İlerleyen veya çekilen kuvvetin en geri unsurlarıdır. Aşağıdaki faaliyetleri icra eder: a. Bir yürüyüş kolunun geri kısmını düşman kuvvetlerden korumak; b. İlerleme esnasında ikmal yollarını açık tutmak; c. Geri çekilme esnasında düşmanı geciktirmek.2. Hareket halindeki bir kara kuvvetinin kendisine bilgi vermesi ve örtü sağlaması için geriye tahsis ettiği güvenlik müfrezesi
rear guard reserve
(Askeri) ARTÇI BÜYÜK KISMI: Artçının iki esas kademesinden birisi. Büyük kısmın çekilmesini ve süratle düşmandan sıyrılmasını temin eder, kendisi de artçı artçısı tarafından desteklenir
rear guard support
(Askeri) ARTÇI ARTÇISI: Artçının iki esas kısmından birisi. Artçı büyük kısmının çekilmesini korur
rear header
arka başlık
rear hitch
arka bağlama tertibatı
rear housing
(Otomotiv) arka gövde
rear hub bearing
(Otomotiv) arka porya yatağı
rear hub bearing
(Otomotiv) arka poyra yatağı
rear its ugly head
(deyim) başını göstermek
rear its ugly head
(deyim) yeniden ortaya çıkmak
rear lamp
rear lamp
arka lâmba
rear leaf spring
(Otomotiv) arka yaprak yaylar
rear light
rear light
arka lâmba
rear lining
(Otomotiv) arka balata
rear mirror
dikiz aynası
rear mount
(Otomotiv) arka takoz
rear muffler
(Otomotiv) arka susturucu
rear operations
(Askeri) geri bölge savunması
rear operations
(Askeri) geri bölge harekatı
rear overhang
arka sarkıntı
rear packing
(Otomotiv) arka conta
rear party
(Askeri) ARTÇI İLERİ KISMI: Bir artçının, artçı artçısını koruyan ve artçı ucunun çekilmesini himaye eden kısmı. Artçı ileri kısmı bir öncü tertibatındaki öncü ileri kısmının (advance party) karşılığıdır
rear party
(Askeri) artçı ileri kısmı
rear pillar
arka direk
rear plate
arka plaka
rear point
(Askeri) ARTÇI UCU: Bir artçı tertibatında; en geride bulunup düşman hareketlerini gözetleyen ve düşmana karşı taciz ateşleri açmak suretiyle takip cesaretini kıran küçük birlik
rear point
(Askeri) artçı ucu
rear push
(Bilgisayar) arkadan itmeli
rear reflector
rear reservoir
(Otomotiv) arka rezervuar
rear rotor (disc)
(Otomotiv) arka rotor (disk)
rear seat
arka oturak
rear seat catch
(Otomotiv) arka koltuk sürgüsü
rear seat lock
arka oturak kilidi
rear section
arka bölüm
rear sheep
koyun yetiştirmek
rear side doors
(Otomotiv) arka yan kapılar
rear side shelf
(Otomotiv) arka hoparlör kapağı
rear sight
(Askeri) GEZ: Bir silahta, nişan tertibatının namlu arka kısmına en yakın parçası. Nişan alınırken bu parça, arpacık ve hedef ile bir hizaya getirilir
rear sight
(tüfekte) gez
rear spar
arka spar
rear spar
arka direk
rear spar
(Otomotiv) arka lonjeron
rear spring
arka yay
rear springs
(Otomotiv) arka yaylar
rear stiffener
(Otomotiv) arka takviye kolu
rear support
(Askeri) artçı desteği
rear support
(Askeri) ARTÇI DESTEĞİ: Bak. "rearguard support"
rear tactical operations center
(Askeri) geri taktik harekat merkezi
rear tow hook
(Otomotiv) arka çeki kancası
rear tray unit
(Bilgisayar) arka tepsi birimi
rear up
şaha kalkmak
rear up
rear up
şahlanmak (at)
rear up
göğe yükselmek
rear up
rear wall panel
arka duvar paneli
rear wall rib
arka duvar pervazı
rear walls
arka bölme paneli
rear wheel hub
arka tekerlek göbeği
rear width
arka genişlik
rear zone
(Askeri) geri bölge
red rear lamp
red rear light
independent rear suspension
(Otomotiv) bağımsız arka suspansiyon
bring up the rear
en sonuncu gelmek
camshaft rear bearing
kama mili arka yatağı
crankshaft rear bearing
krank mili arka yatağı
crankshaft rear oil seal
krank boğaz keçesi
defrosting rear window
defrostlu arka cam
in the rear of
in gerisinde
towards the rear
arkaya doğru
barricade, raise, rear
barikat, arka zam
Radiological Assistance Program (DOE); rear area protection; Remedial Action Pro
(Askeri) Radyolojik Yardım Programı; geri bölge koruması; İyileştirme Faaliyeti Projeler Programı
adjustable rear sight
(Avcılık) ayarlanabilir gez
bring up the rear
en son gelmek
bring up the rear
sonuncu olmak
bring up the rear
arkada olmak
İngilizce - İngilizce
located in or toward the back or rear; "the chair's rear legs"; "the rear door of the plane"; "on the rearward side
To bring up to maturity, as offspring; to educate; to instruct; to foster

He wants a father to protect his youth, and rear him up to virtue. — Thomas Southerne.

To raise spiritually; to lift up; to elevate morally

It reareth our hearts from vain thoughts. — Isaac Barrow.

The buttocks, a creature's bottom
Being behind, or in the hindmost part; hindmost; as, the rear rank of a company
To construct by building; to set up; as, to rear defenses or houses; to rear one government on the ruins of another

One reared a font of stone. — Alfred Tennyson.

To lift and take up

And having her from Trompart lightly reared, Upon his set the lovely load. — Edmund Spenser.

To sodomize (perform anal sex)
To breed and raise; as, to rear cattle (cattle-rearing)
To rouse; to strip up

And seeks the tusky boar to rear. — John Dryden.

early; soon

Then why does Cuddy leave his cot so rear! -- John Gay.

Specifically, the part of an army or fleet which comes last, or is stationed behind the rest

When the fierce foe hung on our broken rear. --Milton.

To raise physically; to lift up; to cause to rise, to elevate

Mine the first hand to rear her banner. — Lord Lytton.

The back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last on order; - opposed to front

Nipped with the lagging rear of winter's frost. - Milton.

To rise up on the hind legs, as a bolting horse
rear admiral
a naval officer below the rank of vice admiral, originally in charge of a fleet's rear formation
rear admiral
A proctologist
rear admiral (lower half)
A commissioned officer in the United States Navy, Coast Guard, NOAA Corps, or PHS Corps of a grade superior to a captain and junior to a rear admiral (upper half). A rear admiral (lower half) is equal in grade or rank to an Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force brigadier general
rear admiral (lower half)
A naval officer of equivalent grade or rank in the navy of other counties
rear admiral (upper half)
A naval officer of equivalent grade or rank in the navy of other countries
rear admiral (upper half)
A flag officer in the United States Navy, United States Coast Guard, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Corps, or Public Health Service Commissioned Corps of a grade superior to a rear admiral (lower half) and junior to a vice admiral. A rear admiral (upper half) is equal in grade or rank to an Army, Marine Corps, or Air Force major general. A rear admiral (upper half) wears a two star insignia on most uniforms and a gold stripe above a broad gold stripe on the sleeve of certain dress uniforms
rear admiral lower half
Common misspelling of rear admiral (lower half)
rear admiral upper half
Common misspelling of rear admiral (upper half)
rear double biceps
A standard pose in which both sets of biceps and back muscles are flexed, with one's back turned toward the judges

Using this information, set the poses up in a manner that allows easy transition from one pose to another. Hitting a front lat spread and then trying to follow with a rear double biceps is just not practical.

rear echelon
The administrative and supply departments of an army
rear echelon
That part of an army that is not needed to combat the enemy
rear echelons
plural form of rear echelon
rear end
The back or hindmost part of anything, such as a car
rear end
The buttocks
rear gunner
One whose function in an organization is to defend it from attackers, for example, in public relations or public affairs
rear gunner
One who operates the gun in the rear turret of a bomber
rear gunners
plural form of rear gunner
rear up
To rise up, especially an animal like a horse rising up on its rear legs
rear window
The window at the back of a car
rear windows
plural form of rear window
Of a vehicle, to strike (another vehicle) from behind
of, or relating to a rearguard
of, or relating to resistance in politics etc
rear-view mirror
a mirror in a vehicle that allows the driver to see the traffic behind
rear-view mirrors
plural form of rear-view mirror
{a} raw, early
{n} a hinder troop, last class
{v} to raise or move up, elevate, rouse, stir up, bring to maturity, educate, instruct
rear entry
(Argo) Doggy style is a sex position. This name refers to the initial position assumed by dogs when mating (see canine copulation). It is also known as kitty style, retrocopulation, or simply rear entry, or by its Latin name, coitus more ferarum ("sex after the custom of beasts")
rear its ugly head
(deyim) Appear

The question of money always rears its ugly head in the matters of business.

rear its ugly head
(deyim) Appear. This phrase is used only of something undesirable or unpleasant, as in The interview went very well until a question about his academic record reared its ugly head. This expression was first recorded in slightly different form in Anthony Trollope's Barchester Towers (1857): "Rebellion had already reared her hideous head."
rear-vision mirror
A rear-view mirror (or sometimes, rear-vision mirror in British English) is a functional type of mirror found on automobiles and other vehicles, designed to allow the driver to see the area behind the vehicle through the back window
Rear Admiral
Rear Admiral is a rank in the navy. It is the rank below Vice Admiral. Rear Admiral Douglas Cap, commander of the USS America. a high rank in the navy
cause to rise up
the side that goes last or is not normally seen; "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph" the back of a military formation or procession; "infantrymen were in the rear" the side of an object that is opposite its front; "his room was toward the rear of the hotel" stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds; "The horse reared in terror" cause to rise up bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children
To rouse; to stir up
the side of an object that is opposite its front; "his room was toward the rear of the hotel"
stand up on the hind legs, of quadrupeds; "The horse reared in terror"
rise up; "The building rose before them"
bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children"
The rear of something such as a building or vehicle is the back part of it. He settled back in the rear of the taxi. a stairway in the rear of the building. = back front Rear is also an adjective. Manufacturers have been obliged to fit rear seat belts in all new cars
If you rear children, you look after them until they are old enough to look after themselves. She reared sixteen children, six her own and ten her husband's = bring up, raise
To raise; to lift up; to cause to rise, to elevate; as, to rear a monolith
construct, build, or erect; "Raise a barn"
If you say that something such as a building or mountain rears above you, you mean that is very tall and close to you. The exhibition hall reared above me behind a high fence = loom
If a person or vehicle is bringing up the rear, they are the last person or vehicle in a moving line of them. police motorcyclists bringing up the rear of the procession
{f} raise, bring up; erect, construct; raise, lift, elevate; rise onto the hind legs
Rear is the area to the back of a unit Fire and melee bonuses are given to units that attack an enemy unit's rear
cause to rise up bring up; "raise a family"; "bring up children
to elevate; as, to rear a monolith
The direction away from the enemy
To bring up to maturity, as young; to educate; to instruct; to foster; as, to rear offspring
Movement in which the horse stand up more or less vertically on his hind legs This dangerous defense, generally developed because of a major misunderstanding between horse and rider, allows the horse to escape the rider's demands
If you are at the rear of a moving line of people, you are the last person in it. Musicians played at the front and rear of the procession = back front
{s} back, hind
If you rear a young animal, you keep and look after it until it is old enough to be used for work or food, or until it can look after itself. She spends a lot of time rearing animals
To raise; to lift up; to cause to rise, become erect, etc
The line opposite and parallel to the front line In the event no lot line is opposite and parallel to the front lot line, there shall be no rear
(syn Back) - arbitrary convention (by Berliner et al ) for direction in a transducer, stack or convertor from the longitudinal center or crystals and away from the radiating face or tip
Another term for grow
Your rear is the part of your body that you sit on. I turned away from the phone to see Lewis pat a waitress on her rear. = behind
Real Ear Aided Response See "Aided Response"
the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
To breed and raise; as, to rear cattle
early; soon Prov. Eng
To erect by building; to set up; to construct; as, to rear defenses or houses; to rear one government on the ruins of another
located in or toward the back or rear; "the chair's rear legs"; "the rear door of the plane"; "on the rearward side"
the side that goes last or is not normally seen; "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"
If something unpleasant rears its head or rears its ugly head, it becomes visible or noticeable. The threat of strikes reared its head again this summer
When a horse rears, it moves the front part of its body upwards, so that its front legs are high in the air and it is standing on its back legs. The horse reared and threw off its rider
To rise up on the hind legs, as a horse
To rise up on the hind legs, as a horse; to become erect
The back or hindmost part; that which is behind, or last in order; opposed to front
the back of a military formation or procession; "infantrymen were in the rear"
the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer; "he stood at the back of the stage"; "it was hidden in the rear of the store"
{i} back end; hindmost unit of an army (or fleet, etc.)
To place in the rear; to secure the rear of
rear admiral
an admiral junior to a vice admiral
rear axle
back axle, shaft on which the back wheels turn
rear axle ratio
(Otomotiv) The number of times the rear wheels turn compared to a particular transmission speed. The higher the rear axle ratio, the slower the engine can run and still allow the car to achieve a given speed
rear back
start with anger or resentment or in protest
rear back
rear backwards on its hindlegs; "the frightened horse reared back"
rear base
military forces who operate in civilian areas, reserve forces
rear cover
back partition, divider in the rear
rear defence stop line
defense systems on the home front that are a last attempt to stop the enemy
rear end
{i} back part, back section
rear end
{i} (Slang) buttocks, nates
rear end
the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on; "he deserves a good kick in the butt"; "are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing?"
rear guard
unit which moves that the back of a camp, unit which protects the rear from surprise attack
rear guard
A detachment of troops that protects the rear of a military force
rear lamp
lamp (usually red) mounted at the rear of a motor vehicle
rear light
taillight: lamp (usually red) mounted at the rear of a motor vehicle
rear sight
rear viewfinder, viewfinder in the back
rear unit
military force that serves in inhabited areas
rear window
car window that allows vision out of the back of the car
rear-area headquarters
military headquarters responsible for the state's inhabited areas in the event of an emergency
If a driver or vehicle rear-ends the vehicle in front, they crash into the back of it. A few days earlier somebody had rear-ended him
collide with the rear end of; "The car rear-ended me
collide with the rear end of; "The car rear-ended me"
rear-view mirror
Inside a car, the rear-view mirror is the mirror that enables you to see the traffic behind when you are driving
rear-wheel drive
(Otomotiv) A vehicle that is pushed by its rear wheels, rather than pulled by its front wheels, has rearwheel drive. This means that its engine and transmission are separate (rather than combined in a transaxle), and it has a long driveshaft located under a center hump in the floor and a differential between the two rear wheels
rear-wheel drive
condition in which the motor of a vehicle turns the rear wheels
bring up the rear
Move along behind everyone else; to be at the end of the line. (Originally referred to marching soldiers. Fixed order.)
adjective rear 3
at or near the back of something, especially a vehicle   front
bring up the rear
be in the back, be at the end
bringing up the rear
being in last place, being at the end, being at the back
front and rear
section that is furthest forward and that which is furthest back