
listen to the pronunciation of ready
İngilizce - Türkçe

Et henüz hazır değil. - The meat's not ready yet.

Neredeyse gitmeye hazırım. - I'm about ready to go.

kullanıma hazır

Bu köprünün kullanıma hazır hale gelmesi yıllar sürebilir. - It could take years before this bridge is ready to use.

peşin para
hazır para
her günkü
(Askeri) kaynak takviyesi görev programı (resource augmentation duty program)
{s} eldeki
hazır olma

Teknolojinin hazır olması 5-10 yıl alır. - It will take five to ten years for the technology to be ready.

En kötüsü için hazır olmalısınız. - You should be ready for the worst.

el altında
(Askeri) HAZIR: Bir silahın doldurulmuş, hedefe tevcih edilmiş ve atışa hazır olduğunu gösteren bir terim
{s} el altındaki
{s} amade
{s} hızlı
a ready pen iyi yazı yazma kabiliyeti
make ready for hazırlamak
ready money hazır para
{s} çabuk

Çabuk ol! Şimdiye dek hazır olman gerekir. - Hurry up! You should be ready by now.

{s} becerikli
eli çabuk

Sorgulama sırasında, Fadıl herhangi bir soruyu cevaplamaya hazır ve istekli görünüyordu. - During the interrogation, Fadil appeared to be ready and willing to answer any question.

Hazır ve istekliyim, Tom. - I'm ready and willing, Tom.

{s} hazırlıklı

Ne gelirse gelsin hazırlıklı olmalıyız. - We ought to be ready for whatever comes.

Hazırlıklı bir konuşma yaptım. - I had a speech ready.


Tamam, sanırım hazırım. - OK, I guess I'm ready.

Tamamen toparlandım ve gitmeye hazırım. - I'm all packed and ready to go.

hazır olma

Bu terapide, psikolojik olarak hazır olmanın gerekliliğini söylemek doğru olur. - It is correct to say that psychological readiness is important in this therapy.

get ready

Sabahleyin iş için hazırlanmak çok zamanımı alır. - It takes me a lot of time in the morning to get ready for work.

Tom akşam yemeği için hazırlanmak zorunda. - Tom has got to get ready for dinner.

ready about
(Askeri) alesta tramola
ready for operation
çalışmaya hazır
ready made clothing
(Tekstil) hazır giyim
ready mixed concrete
(İnşaat) hazır beton
ready rack
(Askeri) hazır cephane rafı
ready reserve
(Askeri) hazır ihtiyat
ready status word
hazır durum bilgisi
ready to cry
ready to start
(Bilgisayar) başlamaya hazır
ready to wear
(Tekstil) giymeye hazır
ready wear
giymeye hazır
ready cash
hazır para
ready made

Mutluluk hazır bir şey değildir. O sizin kendi hareketlerinizden geliyor. - Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.

ready money
ready money
hazır para
ready money business
peşin alışveriş
ready to wear
(giysi) hazır
ready-made clothing
hazır giyim
ready-mix concrete
karılmış hazır beton
ready access
erişimine hazır olan

We need to find a new site with .ready access to the European motorway network.

ready meals
hazır yemekler
ready reference
hazır referans
ready to

Ben sizinle birlikte gitmek için hazırım. - I am ready to go with you.

Ben her zaman sana yardım etmeye hazırım. - I am always ready to help you.

ready to eat
yemek hazır
ready to use packages
kullanıma hazır paketler
ready to wear clothes
giysiler giymek için hazır
ready-mix concrete
hazır beton
hazır yemek
Yedirilmeye hazır (bebek maması vs.)
kullanıma hazır
ready berth clause
(Askeri) hazır rıhtım klozu
ready cap
(Askeri) hazır cap
ready cap
(Askeri) HAZIR CAP: "Hazır" durumundaki Avcı uçağı
ready cash
peşin para
ready cash
kasa mevcudu
ready cooked
önceden pişmiş
ready for immediate use
hemen kullanıma uygun
ready for issue
ready for sale
satışa hazır
ready for sea
(Ticaret) deniz seferine hazır
ready for service
işletmeye hazır
ready for sewing
(Tekstil) dikime hazır
ready for use
(Tekstil) kullanıma hazçır
ready for use
işletmeye hazır
ready led
(Bilgisayar) hazır ışığı
ready line
(Askeri) HAZIRLIK HATTI: Bir atış yerinde, atış ve cephane hatlarının gerisinde bulunan hat. Burada erler atış yapacakları hatta gitmek üzere hazır beklerler
ready line
(Askeri) hazırlık hattı
ready made clothing maker
(Tekstil) konfeksiyoncu
ready made seller
(Tekstil) konfeksiyoncu
ready market
(Ticaret) hazır pazar
ready missile
(Askeri) ateşlenmeye hazır füze
ready missile
(Askeri) ATEŞLENMEYE HAZIR FÜZE: Bir birliğin tasarrufunda bulunan ve rampaya monte edilip muharebe vazifesini yapması için sadece bir atış komutuna ihtiyaç gösteren taktik bir füze
ready missile rate
(Askeri) ateşe hazır füze oranı
ready missile rate
(Askeri) ATEŞE HAZIR FÜZE ORANI, ATEŞLENMEYE HAZIR FÜZE ORANI: Harp başlıkları takılıp ateşlenmeye hazır hale getirilmiş füze oranı
ready mix
(Gıda) hazır karışım
ready mix supplier
hazır karışım sağlayıcı
ready money
(deyim) hazir para ,nakit para
ready money
peşin para
ready money
ready money business
(Ticaret) peşin muamele
ready position
(Askeri) HAZIR DURUMU (HELİKOPTER) (NATO): Bir paraşütçü ekibinin helikoptere binmek üzere emir beklediği tayin edilen bölge
ready position
(Spor) hazırlık pozisyonu
ready position
(Spor) bekleme duruşları
ready rack
(Askeri) HAZIR CEPHANE RAFI: Hemen kullanılmaya hazır cephane rafı
ready reckoner
hesap cetveli
ready reserve
(Askeri) HAZIR İHTİYAT: Kanun ile (ID USC 268, 672 ve 673) vazedildiği şekilde faal görev ile yükümlü Seçilmiş İhtiyat ve Bireysel Hazır İhtiyat
ready reserve strategic army forces
(Askeri) KARA KUVVETLERİ BİRİNCİ DERECEDE HAZIR İHTİYAT STRATEJİK KUVVETLERİ: Erken seferber olma ve stratejik tertiplenme için seçilmiş ihtiyat asli teşkilleri tümen kuvvetleri
ready round
(Askeri) hazır mermi
ready sale
(Ticaret) çabuk veya hazır satış
ready sale
(Ticaret) kolay sürüm
ready sale
(Ticaret) kolay satış
ready soup
hazır çorba
ready status
(Askeri) ATEŞE HAZIR HALİ: Sığınak altı veya dışındaki rampa üzerinde sevk hakları yerleştirilmiş hemen ateşlemeye hazır bir füzenin durumu
ready status
(Askeri) ateşe hazır olma hali
ready status word
hazir durum bilgisi
ready to burst with anger
hırsından çatlamak
ready to drop
yorgunluktan bayılacak halde
ready to drop
ayakta duracak hali kalmamış
ready to erect
montaja hazır
ready to finish
(Bilgisayar) bitirmeye hazır
ready to load date
(Askeri) yüklemeye hazır tarih
ready to sail
(Askeri) yola hazır (gemi)
ready to start
Başlamaya hazr
ready to use media
(Tıp) kullanıma hazır besiyeri
ready to use product
(Tıp) kullanıma hazır ürün
ready to use wet mortar
(İnşaat) hazır yaş harç
ready to use wet plaster
(İnşaat) hazır yaş sıva
ready tor sewing
(Tekstil) dikime hazır
ready wit
(deyim) hazircevap
receiver ready
(Bilgisayar) alıcı hazır değil

Tanınmış diplomat komiteye kolayca katıldı. - The noted diplomat readily participated in the committee.

Silahlara Amerikalılar tarafından kolayca erişilebilir. - Guns are readily accessible to Americans.

seve seve

Tom teklifi seve seve kabul etti. - Tom readily accepted the offer.

Seve seve ricamı dinledi. - She readily listened to my request.


Tom hatalarını isteyerek kabul eder. - Tom readily admits his mistakes.

can atma
device ready
(Bilgisayar) aygıt hazır
got ready
canı gönülden
hemen anında
seem ready
hazır görünmek
a ready pen
iyi yazı yazma yeteneği
buy for ready money
peşin satın almak
combat ready
savaşa hazır
get ready

Yolculuk için derhal hazırlan. - Get ready for the trip at once.

Tom iş için hazırlanmak zorunda. - Tom has to get ready for work.

get ready
got ready
make ready
hazır hale getir
güçlük çekmeden
rough and ready
basit ve rahatsız
rough and ready
kaba saba
a ready tongue
Hazır cevap kimse
al ready
al hazır
all ready
tüm hazır
be ready

Yakında hazır olacak. - It will be ready soon.

Saat sekizde iş için hazır olacağım. - At eight o'clock I will be ready for work.

be ready to
hazır olmak
being ready
hazır olmak
camera ready
kamera hazır
kamera hazır
get ready
got ready
have a ready tongue
hazır bir dil var
have ready sale
hazır satış var
is dinner/lunch ready
yemek hazır mi
not ready
hazır değil
quite ready
oldukça hazır
Hazır bulunuşluk
rough and ready
kaba ve hazır
Gösterime hazır, defilede sunuma hazır

Then print your favorites and easily transform plain t-shirts, jumpers, bibs, and more into runway-ready fashion.

temeli atılmaya hazır

More and more, hospitals are stopping or postponing shovel-ready projects that would not only improve community healthcare, but also increase jobs and support the local economy, according to a new survey from the American Hospital Association.

show up ready to work
kadar çalışmaya hazır göstermek
willing to hear, ready to consider
duymak, dikkate almak hazır istekli
Individual Ready Reserve; integrated readiness report
(Askeri) Tek Er Hazır Kıta; birleştirilmiş hazırlıklılık raporu
at the ready
(deyim) kullanilmaya hazir
at the ready
hazır durumda
at the ready
atışa hazır
be ready
hazırlıklı olmak
combat ready
(Askeri) harbe hazır
combat ready aircraft
(Askeri) HARBE HAZIR UÇAK: Yakıt doldurulmuş ve silahlandırılmış, harbe hazır mürettebatı mevcut olan muharebe yetenekli uçak
hold ready
hazır tutmak
i'm ready to order now
sipariş vermek için hazırım
limited combat ready
(Askeri) kısmen harbe hazır
make ready
hazır etmek
make ready for
(bir şey için) hazırlamak
not operationally ready, maintenance
(Askeri) HAREKATA HAZIR OLMAMA DURUMU, BAKIM: Bir harekat birliğinin malik olduğu bir sistem veya teçhizata ait bir maddenin bakım çalışmasının teşkilat ve/veya orta düzey bakımının getirilmesinin zorunlu olması nedeniyle harekata hazır olmadığını gösteren bir durum aynı zamanda NORM olarak anılmaktadır
not operationally ready, supply
(Askeri) ikmal sebebiyle harekata hazır olmayan
not operationally ready, supply
(Askeri) HAREKAT HAZIR OLMAMA DURUMU, İKMAL: Bir harekat birliğinin malik olduğu bir sistem veya teçhizata ait bir maddenin; gerekli ikmal maddelerin çalışma mahallinde mevcut kılınıncaya kadar ne harekata hazır olabileceğini ne de onu harekata hazır getirecek bakım çalışmasının yapılabileceğini gösteren bir durum. Aynı zamanda NORS olarak anılmaktadır
operationally ready
(Askeri) HAREKAT İÇİN HAZIR: 1. Bir birlik, gemi veya silah sistemi için kullanıldığında: Belirli görev ve işlevler için teşkil edilmiş veya tasarlanmış birlik, gemi veya sistemlerinin bu görev ve işlevleri yerine getirmek için hazır olduğunu belirtir. 2. Personel için kullanıldığında: Verilen görev veya işlevleri yerine getirecek nitelikte ve mevcut olan personeli belirtir. 3. Teçhizat için kullanıldığında: belirli işlevler için tasarlanmış teçhizatın bu işlevleri yerine getirecek durumda ve mevcut olduğunu belirtir. Ayrıca bakınız: "equipment operationally ready"
rapid reaction force; Ready Reserve Fleet; Ready Reserve Force
(Askeri) çevik mukabele kuvveti; Hazır İhtiyat Filosu; Hazır İhtiyat Kuvveti
can atarak
(Mukavele) kolaylıkla
{i} çabukluk
{i} istek
(Askeri) HAZIRLIKLILIK: Bak. "military capability"
{i} hızlılık
hazır olma/çabukluk/istek
rough and ready
rough and ready
kaba saba ama içten
rough and ready
yasak savar
rough and ready
(deyim) pratik,ise yarar;asagi yukari
stand ready receive orders
el pençe divan durmak
suspended ready
(Bilgisayar) geçici hazır
the ready
the ready
hazır para
the ready
peşin para
x fonts ready for adding
x yazıtipleri eklenmeye hazır
İngilizce - İngilizce
To make prepared for action
Liable at any moment

The seed is ready to sprout.

Prepared for immediate action or use

The troops are ready for battle.

Inclined; apt to happen
in a state of preparedness for any given purpose or occasion
(The) An elliptical expression for ready-money Goldsmith says, “AEs in presenti perfectum format” (“Ready-money makes a man perfect”) (Eton Latin Grammar ) “Lord Strut was not very flush in the `ready ”'- Dr Arbuthnot Ready-to-Halt A pilgrim that journeyed to the Celestial city on crutches He joined the party under the charge of Mr Greatheart, but “when he was sent for” he threw away his crutches, and, lo! a chariot bore him into Paradise (Bunyan: Pilgrim's Progress, part ii )
mentally disposed; "he was ready to believe her"
(of especially money) immediately available; "he seems to have ample ready money"; "a ready source of cash"
apprehending and responding with speed and sensitivity; "a quick mind"; "a ready wit"
{a} readily
{a} prepared, willing, near
In a state of preparation for immediate action; so as to need no delay
Ready money is in the form of notes and coins rather than cheques or credit cards, and so it can be used immediately. I'm afraid I don't have enough ready cash
A control state of one track of a multitrack tape recorder where the track will go into record when the record function of the tape recorder is activated
Not slow or hesitating; quick in action or perception of any kind; dexterous; prompt; easy; expert; as, a ready apprehension; ready wit; a ready writer or workman
If someone is ready, they are properly prepared for something. If something is ready, it has been properly prepared and is now able to be used. It took her a long time to get ready for church Are you ready to board, Mr. Daly? Tomorrow he would tell his pilot to get the aircraft ready
poised for action; "their guns were at the ready"
Prepared for what one is about to do or experience; equipped or supplied with what is needed for some act or event; prepared for immediate movement or action; as, the troops are ready to march; ready for the journey
{f} prepare, make ready, get set
Character sets action by an opponent to trigger his won action (i e , readying to fire a bow at a Wizard whenever he casts a spell); acts in same phase as action is triggered; new phase becomes character's Initiative; if action is never triggered, character may choose a new action at his next normal turn
You use ready to describe things that are able to be used very quickly and easily. Why does German industry enjoy such a ready supply of well-trained and well-motivated workers?
completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress; "get ready"; "she is ready to resign"; "the bridge is ready to collapse"; "I am ready to work"; "ready for action"; "ready for use"; "the soup will be ready in a minute"; "ready to learn to read"
A ready minion is a minion that is controlled and not in torpor A tapped minion can still be 'ready'
Resets CCD controller to READY status
prepare for eating by applying heat; "Cook me dinner, please"; "can you make me an omelette?"; "fix breakfast for the guests, please"
Offering itself at once; at hand; opportune; convenient; near; easy
Prepared in mind or disposition; not reluctant; willing; free; inclined; disposed
A word of command, or a position, in the manual of arms, at which the piece is cocked and held in position to execute promptly the next command, which is, aim
brought into readiness; "dinner is ready"
To be ready to do something means to be about to do it or likely to do it. She looked ready to cry
(adj ) aXU, ahtsoo
Ready combines with past participles to indicate that something has already been done, and that therefore you do not have to do it yourself. You can buy ready-printed forms for wills at stationery shops
A task occupies this state when it is available to be given control of the CPU
When you ready something, you prepare it for a particular purpose. John's soldiers were readying themselves for the final assault
{ü} get set!, prepare yourself! (command)
To dispose in order
Fitted or arranged for immediate use; causing no delay for lack of being prepared or furnished
mentally disposed; "he was ready to believe her
On the point; about; on the brink; near; with a following infinitive
{s} prepared, set; eager, willing; quick, fast
Ready money; cash; commonly with the; as, he was well supplied with the ready
If you are ready for something or ready to do something, you have enough experience to do it or you are old enough and sensible enough to do it. She says she's not ready for marriage You'll have no trouble getting him into a normal school when you feel he's ready to go
If you are ready to do something, you are willing to do it. They were ready to die for their beliefs = willing
If you have something at the ready, you have it in a position where it can be quickly and easily used. Soldiers came charging through the forest, guns at the ready. readied readying readies to make something or someone ready for something = prepare ready sb/sth for sth
poised for action; "their guns were at the ready" brought into readiness; "dinner is ready" completely prepared or in condition for immediate action or use or progress; "get ready"; "she is ready to resign"; "the bridge is ready to collapse"; "I am ready to work"; "ready for action"; "ready for use"; "the soup will be ready in a minute"; "ready to learn to read" mentally disposed; "he was ready to believe her
If you are ready for something, you need it or want it. I don't know about you, but I'm ready for bed
make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc; "Get the children ready for school!"; "prepare for war"; "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"
ready about
used by the helm announcing to the crew that (s)he is ready to change tack
ready meal
A prepackaged, fresh or frozen meal that only requires heating (often in a microwave) before being served, sometimes in its own packaging
ready meals
plural form of ready meal
ready money
Money held ready for payment, or actually paid, at the time of a transaction
ready moneys
plural form of ready money
ready monies
plural form of ready money
ready reckoner
A computer program which calculates values; an on-line calculator
ready reckoner
A printed book or table containing pre-calculated values, often multiples of given amounts
ready reckoners
plural form of ready reckoner
ready room
A room on an aircraft carrier where on-duty pilots are stationed while not flying their aircraft

sleeping late, playing acey-deucey and cards, fogging the ready rooms with tobacco smoke,.

ready salted
Seasoned with salt but no other flavouring
ready up
to prepare for use, to get ready
ready, aim, fire!
A sequence of commands used to order soldiers to carefully fire their weapons
ready, set, go!
An expression used to tell people, for example racers, to go
ready, steady, go
Phrase said to start a race
Made or prepared in advance of need
An everyday object designated as art
Describing apparel that does not need any tailoring (for example hemming) before it can be worn
ready room
A room in which pilots or astronauts are briefed and await orders
ready about
Last warning given by a helmsman before tacking and turning the bow into the wind, notifying the crew that the boom and sail will cross the boat
ready about
An expression used to indicate that the boat is about to tack
ready about
Last warning from the helmsman when he is going to turn the boat onto another tack
ready about
Command from the helmsman to the crew in preparation for coming about Equivalent command preparatory to jibing is stand-by to jibe
ready cash
money that is easily accessible
ready cash
money in the form of cash that is readily available; "his wife was always a good source of ready cash"; "he paid cold cash for the TV set
ready meal
Ready meals are complete meals that are sold in shops. They are already prepared and you need only heat them before eating them. a meal that has already been cooked and is sold ready to eat
ready money
cash, money that is readily available
ready to eat
ready to be served, able to be eaten without any further preparation
ready to make concessions
ready to give up, prepared to make sacrifices
ready to step in
prepared to enter, prepared to begin (a position)
(of especially money) immediately available; "he seems to have ample ready money"; "a ready source of cash
Ready-made means extremely convenient or useful for a particular purpose. Those wishing to study urban development have a ready-made example on their doorstep. Everyday object selected and designated as art. The name was coined by Marcel Duchamp, whose first ready-mades included a snow shovel that he picked up on a snowy day in New York, and a wheel mounted on a stool (1913). They represented a protest against the excessive importance attached to works of art. Duchamp's anti-aesthetic gestures made him one of the leading Dadaists of his day, and his ready-made concept, though widely regarded for decades as an insult to art, was adapted by such later artists as Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, and Jasper Johns
item that is ready to use at the time of purchase or receipt; everyday object displayed as a work of art
If something that you buy is ready-made, you can use it immediately, because the work you would normally have to do has already been done. We rely quite a bit on ready-made meals -- they are so convenient
repeated regularly without thought or originality; "ready-made phrases"
commercially produced; not homemade; "ready-made clothes"
made for purchase and immediate use
made for purchase and immediate use commercially produced; not homemade; "ready-made clothes
ready-made clothing
mass-produced clothing, clothing that is made in advance and not according to size or order
a commercial preparation containing most of the ingredients for a dish
clothing that is mass produced and can be bought "off the rack
Ready-to-wear clothes are made in standard sizes so that they fit most people, rather than being made specially for a particular person. In 1978 he launched his first major ready-to-wear collection for the Austin Reed stores. = off-the-peg. ready-to-wear clothes are made in standard sizes, not made specially to fit one person
at the ready
Ready; in a state of preparation or waiting; in position or anticipation

The soldiers held their rifles at the ready and listened for the enemy.

camera ready
Art or "hard copy" (a document or graphic art) that requires no additional work to be done to it before copies of it can be reproduced. It is commonly used in situations where separate documents will be compiled into a single compilation, such as compiling technical publications into a conference handout
A sheet of paper on which overlays are pasted for printing
The process of preparing such sheets
Cash, especially bank notes (from ready money)
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ready
Without impediment, easily

readily achievable.

rough and ready
crude or unpolished, but still fit for use; good enough

The plan is a bit rough and ready in places, but I think it'll still work.

crude but effective
Ready for immediate commencement of excavation and construction

With an eye to the imminent federal budget, Toronto business and civic leaders are set today to name $4.8-billion in shovel-ready projects that would stimulate the flagging local economy.

without objection or reluctance
{a} with speed, without delay, easily
{a} quick
{n} a being ready, state of preparation, freedom from obstruction, willingness, will
Data Set Ready
signal of a modem (DCE) to the computer (DTE) that it is ready to send information, DSR
at the ready(p)
ready for immediate use; "soldiers with guns at the ready"; "students with pens and notebooks at the ready
be ready
be prepared for, be on alert
a television that is cable-ready is able to receive cable television signals directly without needing any special equipment
(about a graphic or document) ready to be printed, ready to be reproduced, ready to be photographed and photoengraved onto a printing plate (Printing)
have a ready tongue
have a quick tongue, be quick to reply
make ready
make ready
The operations involved in preparing a printing machine to run
prepared before sale and ready to be cooked
put into in a state available for use
{i} (UK Slang) money, cash
without much difficulty; "these snakes can be identified readily
in a punctual manner; "he did his homework promptly"
Without delay or objection; without reluctance; willingly; cheerfully
You also use readily to say that something can be done or obtained quickly and easily. For example, if you say that something can be readily understood, you mean that people can understand it quickly and easily. The components are readily available in hardware shops = easily
with pleasure, willingly, eagerly
Without unwillingness or hesitation; Showing readiness
without much difficulty; "these snakes can be identified readily"
If you do something readily, you do it in a way which shows that you are very willing to do it. I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and she readily agreed
In a ready manner; quickly; promptly
physical, mental and emotional preparedness for a learning activity
The degree to which UMass is prepared to convert to the PeopleSoft system his includes user knowledge and skill readiness, technical readiness, and business-oriented readiness
Readiness links preparedness to relief An assessment of readiness reflects the current capacity and capabilities of the organization s involved in relief activities (Landesman definition)
term which denotes that a negotiating party is adequately prepared to enter treaty negotiations The readiness of each party -- Canada, the Province, and the First Nation -- is assessed by the BCTC in the second phase of the six-stage process
If you do something in readiness for a future event, you do it so that you are prepared for that event. Security tightened in the capital in readiness for the president's arrival
the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action); "putting them in readiness"; "their preparation was more than adequate
The attributes and status of a weapon system's availability and capability to begin military operations (See Sustainability )
The ability and willingness to perform group activities
{i} preparedness, willingness; promptness, quickness
the state or degree of being ready
Preparedness to complete a learning task
prompt willingness; "readiness to continue discussions"
the readiness of forces to be committed to operations within a specified time is dependent on the availability and proficiency of personnel, equipment, facilities and consumables
a natural effortlessness; "they conversed with great facility"; "a happy readiness of conversation"--Jane Austen
If someone is very willing to do something, you can talk about their readiness to do it. their readiness to co-operate with the new US envoy
Phase of preparations to deal with an accident or incident
prompt willingness; "readiness to continue discussions" the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action); "putting them in readiness"; "their preparation was more than adequate
The state or quality of being ready; preparation; promptness; aptitude; willingness
Report cards
Acquisition of skills considered prerequisite for academic learning
Preparedness to learn based on biological maturation and experience with concepts and materials
(psychology) a temporary readiness to respond in a particular way; "the subjects' set led them to solve problems the familiar way and to overlook the simpler solution"; "his instructions deliberately gave them the wrong set"
the activity of putting or setting in order in advance of some act or purpose; "preparations for the ceremony had begun"
rough and ready
A rough and ready solution or method is one that is rather simple and not very exact because it has been thought of or done in a hurry. Here is a rough and ready measurement
crude but effective for the purpose at hand
Türkçe - İngilizce

ready teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

kapılı bacalı complete, finished, ready
for use (house, apartment)