
listen to the pronunciation of rédhibitoire
Fransızca - Türkçe
Fransızca - İngilizce
Spars or timbers set up as a support against the side of a building
that cripples or disables or incapacitates; "a crippling injury"
that cripples or disables or incapacitates; "a crippling injury
{i} sturdy pole or timbers built as support against the side of a building
If you say that an action, policy, or situation has a crippling effect on something, you mean it has a very serious, harmful effect. The high cost of capital has a crippling effect on many small American high-tech firms
That cripples
present participle of cripple
A crippling illness or disability is one that severely damages your health or your body. Arthritis and rheumatism are prominent crippling diseases