
listen to the pronunciation of protective
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} koruyucu

İnsana da aşırı sıcaklıklara karşı koruyucu cihazlar verilmektedir. - Man, too, has been given protective devices against extreme temperatures.

Tom Mary'le ilgili çok koruyucu. - Tom is very protective of Mary.

{s} koruma
{s} sahip çıkan
himaye edici
protectivelyhimaye edercesine
himaye temayülü
muhafaza edici
{f} korumak

Tom kendini korumak zorunda. - Tom has to protect himself.

Tom Mary'yi korumak için elinden geleni yaptı. - Tom did his best to protect Mary.

protective film
Koruyucu film
protective caps
protective devices
(Otomotiv) koruyucu cihazlar
protective equipment
(Çevre) koruyucu teçhizat
protective equipment
koruyucu ekipman
protective equipment
koruyucu donanım
protective glass
protective gloves
iş eldiveni
protective gloves
koruyucu eldiven
protective security
(Askeri) koruyucu güvenlik
protective shield
koruyucu kalkan
protective agent
önleyici şey
protective atmosphere
koruyucu atmosfer
protective clothes
koruyucu iş elbisesi
protective coating
koruyucu örtü
protective colloid
koruyucu koloit
protective colour
koruyucu renk
protective covering
koruyucu kap
protective custody
koruyucu gözaltı
protective duty
koruma vergini
protective effect
koruyucu etki
protective embankment
protective filter
koruyucu filtre
protective garment
koruyucu elbise
protective layer
koruyucu tabaka
protective measures
koruyucu önlemler
protective tariff
koruyucu vergi
protective actions
korumaya yönelik eylemler
protective conveyance
koruyucu feragatname
protective custody
(Kanun) İhtiyadi olarak gözetim altında bulundurulma
protective head mask
koruyucu kafa maskı
protective leader
koruyucu lider, koruyucu kılavuz
protective pocket
Koruyucu muhafaza
Protective cap
(Tekstil) Koruyucu kapak
protective action
(Çevre) koruyucu faaliyet
protective action
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu eylem
protective action decision
(Çevre) yukarıdaki kararın verilmesi
protective action guide
(Çevre) koruyucu tedbir dozu
protective action zone
(Biyoloji) koruyucu eylem bölgesi
protective agent
önleyici araç
protective agent
önleyici madde
protective agent
önleyici etmen
protective antigen
(Tıp) koruyucu antijen
protective apron
koruyucu kaplamalı yer
protective apron
(Askeri) KİMYASAL MADDELERDEN KORUMA ÖNLÜĞÜ: Sıvı harp gazları ve diğer aşındırıcı kimya harbi maddelerine karşı ek koruma vasıtası olarak giyilen lastik önlük
protective apron
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu önlük
protective barrier
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu engel
protective barrier
(Çevre) koruyucu bariyer
protective blanket
koruyucu örtü
protective boot
(Çevre) koruyucu ayakkabı
protective canvas sheet
koruyucu kanaviçe örtü
protective cap
koruyucu şapka
protective capsule
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu kapsül
protective case
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) evcik
protective casing
koruyucu kaplama
protective cathod
koruyucu katod
protective cloth
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu giysi
protective clothe
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu giysi
protective clothing
(Askeri) KORUYUCU ELBİSE: Kişileri, fiziksel çevredeki tehlikeli çalışma ortamındaki veya düşman faaliyetlerindeki yüksek derecedeki değişikliğin neden olduğu tehlikeye karşı korumak amacıyla tasarlanmış, üretilmiş ve uyarlanmış elbise
protective coat
koruyucu tabaka
protective coating
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu kaplama
protective coating of painting
koruyucu boya tabakası
protective coloration
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) renkteşlik
protective concealment
(Askeri) KORUYUCU GİZLEME; KAMUFLAJ: Düşmanı yanlış kola sevk etmek veya aldatmak için bir yer, eşya veya şahsın hal ve durumunu değiştirme. Koruyucu gizleme ile binaların, askeri teçhizat ve kıtaların mevcudiyeti, mahiyeti veya mevkii gizlenebilir. Buna, genel olarak, (camouflage) denir
protective concealment
(Askeri) koruyucu gizleme
protective concealment
(Askeri) koruyucu kamuflaj
protective concrete
(İnşaat) koruma betonu
protective covenants
(Ticaret) koruyucu hükümler
protective cover
(Askeri) KİMYASAL MADDELERDEN KORUMA ÖRTÜSÜ: Bir şahıs ile toksik kimyasal veya biyolojik harp maddesi püskürtme kaynağı arasına konulan ve şahıs ile kaynağın temasını kesen bir madde veya eşya
protective covering
(Askeri,Teknik) koruyucu örtü
protective custody
ihtiyati tutuklama
protective customs duty
(Ticaret) hami gümrük vergisi
protective customs duty
(Ticaret) korumacı gümrük vergisi
protective device
koruyucu mekanizma
protective duty
(Ticaret) koruma ücreti
protective effect
(Ticaret) koruma etkisi (tarifelerin)
protective finish
(Tekstil) koruyucu apre
protective fire
(Askeri) koruma ateşi
protective fire
(Askeri) HİMAYE ATEŞİ; KORUMA ATEŞİ: Destek silahları tarafından açılan ve düşmanın dost kuvvetlere karşı ateş ve hareketini önlemek için düşmana tevcih edilen ateş. Bak. "fire"
protective fire
(Askeri) himaye ateşi
protective glove
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu eldiven
protective goggles
koruyucu gözlük
protective helmet
koruyucu kask
protective housing
koruyucu kovan
protective layer
koruyucu kaplama
protective leader
(Sinema) koruyucu lider
protective leader
(Sinema) koruyucu kılavuz
protective mask
(Askeri) (FIELD) KORUYUCU MASKE (SAHRA): Süzgeç elemanları kendinden veya takılı vaziyette bir başlık ve bir mahfazadan ibaret şahsi koruma teçhizatı. Maske; takanı, toksik harp gazlarının perdeleme sislerinin biyolojik harp maddelerinin ve radyoaktif toz zerrelerinin, solunum yolu ile vücuda girmesine karşı korur. Buna eskiden (gas mask) denirdi
protective material
(Nükleer Bilimler) koruyucu malzeme
protective measure
(Çevre) koruyucu tedbir
protective measures
(Ticaret) muhafaza tedbirleri
protective minefield
(Askeri) koruyucu mayın tarlası
protective minefield
(Askeri) KORUYUCU MAYIN TARLASI: 1. Kara mayın harbinde, bir birliğin mahalli yakın korunmasına yardımcı olarak kullanılan bir mayın tarlası. 2. Deniz mayın harbinde, limanları, demirleme yerlerini, sahilleri ve kıyı ulaştırmasını korumak maksadıyla dost karasularında tesis edilen mayın tarlası
protective ointment
(Askeri) KORUYUCU MERHEM: Yakıcı gaz bulaşmasından korunmak; kendisini mahdut şekilde, teçhizatı derhal bulaşıcı maddelerden temizlemek üzere, münferit er tarafından kullanılan merhem
protective ointment kit
(Çevre) koruyucu merhem takımı
protective power
(Ticaret) koruma gücü
protective relay
koruyucu röle
protective response
koruyucu karşı koyma
protective right
koruyucu hak
protective screen
koruyucu kafes
protective security
(Askeri) KORUYUCU GÜVENLİK, EMNİYET: Komutanlığın bütün kademelerinde güvenliği sağlamak ve sürdürmek amacıyla oluşturulan ve sürdürülen organize haldeki savunma önlemleri sistemi. Ayrıca bakınız: " physical security", "security"
protective sound
(Dilbilim) koruma sesi
protective structure
muhafaza yapısı
protective tariff
(Ticaret) koruyucu tarife
protective wear
(Tekstil) koruyucu giysi
protective wire
(Askeri) KORUYUCU TEL ENGELİ: Düşmanın baskın veya taarruzuna engel olmak veya ilerlemesini durdurmak ya da yavaşlatmak için kullanılan tel engel
protective wire
(Askeri) koruyucu tel engeli
protective works
koruyucu işler
preventive protective action
(Çevre) önleyici koruyucu tedbir
iltimas etmek

Ana ve çocuk özel ihtimam ve yardım görmek hakkını haizdir. Bütün çocuklar, evlilik içinde veya dışında doğsunlar, aynı sosyal korunmadan faydalanırlar. - Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and assistance. All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

Herkesin menfaatlerinin korunması için sendikalar kurmaya ve bunlara katılmaya hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.

himaye eden
{f} muhafaza etmek
{f} himaye etmek
{f} sahip çıkmak
vikaye etmek
yabancı mallara yüksek gümrük koymak suretiyle yerli malları korumak
(Bilgisayar) koruma

O, çevreyi koruma hakkında taktire şayan bir konuşma yaptı. - He made an admirable speech about protecting the environment.

İnsan ailesini korumak zorundadır. - One has to protect his family.

kanat açmak
{f} savunmak
muhafaza altına almak
protective clothing
(Askeri,Teknik) koruyucu elbise
protective clothing
(Çevre) koruyucu
(Çevre) siperleme
urgent protective action
(Çevre) acil korunma eylemi
yabancı mala yüksek gümrük koyarak yerli malı korumak
{f} koru
{i} korunaklı
plant protective
bitki koruyucu
koruyup kollamak
Kendini koruyan
wearing protective mail
koruyucu posta giyiyor
adopt protective coloration
(Askeri) Araziye uymak ( renk olarak)
adult protective services
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) erişkin koruma servisleri
characters per second; collective protective shelter
(Askeri) karakter/saniye; toplu korunma sığınağı
chemical biological protective shelter
(Askeri) kimyasal-biyolojik korunma sığınağı
collective protective measure
(Politika, Siyaset) kolektif koruyucu önlem
final protective fire
(Askeri) TEVKİF ATEŞİ: Düşman hücumunu, her türlü görüş şartları altında, muharebe mevzii üzerinde durdurmak için hazırlanmış planlı savunma ateşleri. Muharebe sahasının hemen önüne yapılan havan ve topçu barajları ve makineli tüfeklerin tevkif ateşlerinden ibaret, birinci derecede öncelik dereceli ve önceden kararlaştırılmış ateş engeli. Ayrıca bakınız: "fire"
final protective fire
(Askeri) (FPT) Taarruz ateşi, tevkif ateşi
final protective fire
(Askeri) tevkif ateş
final protective line
(Askeri) TEVKİF ATEŞİ HATTI: Bir savunma mevziinde mevcut bütün silahlardan yapılacak makaslama ateşleri "interlocking fires" ile düşman hücumunu durdurmak üzere seçilmiş hat. Tevkif ateş hattı mevziin cephesine paralel olduğu gibi eğimli de olabilir
flank protective fire
(Askeri) yan koruma ateşi
flank protective fire
(Askeri) YAN KORUMA ATEŞİ: Bir yanı özellikle, açık bir yanı korumak maksadıyla açılan ateş
frost protective
frost protective
impermeable protective clothing
(Askeri) GAZ GEÇİRMEZ ELBİSE: Fiziksel şekildeki toksik kimyasal maddelerin geçmesine engel olacak malzemeden yapılmış giyecek. Bu elbise, vücudu havasız bıraktığı için, ancak kısa süreler giyilebilir. Bak. "protective clothing"
individual protective clothing; industrial plant equipment
(Askeri) bireysel koruyucu giysi; sanayii fabrikaları teçhizatı
motor protective switch
(Tekstil) motor koruma şalterı
over protective
aşırı koruyucu
over protective
aşırı sahip çıkan
permeable protective clothing
(Askeri) GEÇİRİMLİ KORUYUCU GAZ ELBİSESİ: Yakıcı gazların buhar ve zerrelerine karşı nötrleştirme ile temin için, bazı kimya maddeleriyle emprenge edilmiş özel elbise
personal protective equipment
(Askeri) kişisel koruyucu teçhizat
personal protective equipment
(Avrupa Birliği) kişisel korunma ekipmanları
pigment for protective
alın boyası
pigment for protective
cephe boyası
pigment for protective
yüz boyası
respiratory protective device
(Çevre) solunum koruyucu cihaz
İngilizce - İngilizce
Something that protects
Serving, intended or wishing to protect
A condom
{a} defensive, sheltering, covering
intended or adapted to afford protection of some kind; "a protective covering"; "the use of protective masks and equipment"; "protective coatings"; "kept the drunken sailor in protective custody"; "animals with protective coloring"; "protective tariffs"
{s} defensive; guarding, preserving; designed to defend; of protection, pertaining to defense
If someone is protective towards you, they look after you and show a strong desire to keep you safe. He is very protective towards his mother + protectively pro·tec·tive·ly Simon drove me to the airport and protectively told me to look after myself. + protectiveness pro·tec·tive·ness What she felt now was protectiveness towards her brothers, her sister and her new baby
Protective means designed or intended to protect something or someone from harm. Protective gloves reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin Protective measures are necessary if the city's monuments are to be preserved
showing a care; "a caring mother"
Affording protection; sheltering; defensive
(usually followed by `of') solicitously caring or mindful; "protective of his reputation"
protective custody
(Kanun) A safe place, sometimes prison, where someone is kept by the police for their own safety
protective barrier
obstacle that is designed to provide protection; protective fence
protective cape
impermeable cloak worn by soldiers that protects them against chemical weapons
protective coating
thin layer which protects an object's surface (i.e. lacquer, etc.)
protective coloration
coloration making an organism less visible or attractive to predators
protective coloration
coloration which serves as a defense
protective coloring
colors on the bodies of animals which camouflage them from their enemies; colors used for camouflage
protective covering
tough natural covering of some organisms a covering that is intend to protect from damage or injury; "they had no protection from the fallout"; "wax provided protection for the floors
protective custody
imprisonment of a person for his protection
protective custody
If a witness in a court case is being held in protective custody, they are being kept in prison in order to prevent them from being harmed. They might be doing me a good turn if they took me into protective custody. a situation in which the police make you stay somewhere to protect you from people who could harm you in/into protective custody
protective duty
tax imposed in order to protect local businesses
protective fence
security barrier, system of obstacles built to protect against intrusion by terrorists
protective fold
a flap of tissue that protects what it covers
protective garment
clothing that is intended to protect the wearer from injury
protective tariff
a tariff imposed to protect domestic firms from import competition
protective tariff
additional tax levied by the government on foreign imports in order to encourage the purchase of locally made products
protective transaction
transaction performed by a person in order to protect himself against losses resulting from fluctuations in market prices (usually buying and selling options and future goods)
(usually followed by `of') solicitously caring or mindful; "protective of his reputation
{v} to defend, shield, cover from harm
American Protective Association
Secret anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant society formed in Iowa in 1887. Its membership, consisting mainly of farmers who feared the growth and political power of immigrant-populated cities, rose to more than two million in the 1890s. Membership dwindled after the election of 1896 and the return of agricultural prosperity in the Midwest. By 1911 the society had disappeared
Schutzstaffel Protective Echelon
German in full Schutzstaffel ("Protective Echelon") Paramilitary corps of the Nazi Party. Founded in 1925 by Adolf Hitler as a personal bodyguard, it was directed from 1929 by Heinrich Himmler, who enlarged its membership from fewer than 300 to more than 250,000. Wearing black uniforms and special insignia (lightning-like runic S's, death's-head badges, and silver daggers), the SS considered itself superior to the SA, whom they purged on Hitler's orders in 1934. The corps was divided into the General SS (Allgemeine-SS), which dealt with police matters and included the Gestapo, and the Armed SS (Waffen-SS), which included the concentration-camp guards and the 39 regiments in World War II that served as elite combat troops. SS men were schooled in racial hatred and absolute obedience to Hitler. They carried out massive executions of political opponents, Roma (Gypsies), Jews, communists, partisans, and Russian prisoners. In 1946 the SS was declared a criminal organization at the Nürnberg trials
american protective association
american protective association
commonly to A
american protective association
A secret organization in the United States, formed in Iowa in 1887, ostensibly for the protection of American institutions by keeping Roman Catholics out of public office
federal protective service
an agency in the General Services Administration that is a security organization to provide a safe environment where Federal agencies can conduct their business
If an insurance policy protects you against an event such as death, injury, fire, or theft, the insurance company will give you or your family money if that event happens. Many manufacturers have policies to protect themselves against blackmailers
shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage; "Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain"
To keep safe; to defend; to guard; to prevent harm coming to
(1) To keep your hand or a chip on your cards This prevents them from being fouled by a discarded hand, or accidentally mucked by the dealer (2) To invest more money in a pot so blind money that you've already put in isn't "wasted " Example: "He'll always protect his blinds, no matter how bad his cards are "
To protect someone or something means to prevent them from being harmed or damaged. So, what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease? The government is committed to protecting the interests of tenants
To cover or shield from danger or injury; to defend; to guard; to preserve in safety; as, a father protects his children
to defend against harm or danger
{f} defend, save from harm; watch over, guard
To protect a hand is to bet so as to reduce the chances of anyone outdrawing you (by getting them to fold) A hand that needs protection is one that is almost certainly best, but that is vulnerable to being outdrawn Large pots make it difficult to protect hands, since players will be willing to chase more long shots The structure of a game has a large impact on how easy it is to protect a hand, as do the personalities of the players at the table It's easiest to protect a hand in no-limit play, where you can potentially make it as expensive as you like for someone to draw To protect your cards is to place a chip or some other small object (players often have particular artifacts they like to use) on top of them so that they don't accidentally get mucked by the dealer, mixed with another player's discards, or otherwise become dead when you'd like to play them
data and information
(1) (B) (verb) balance
shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage; "Weatherbeater protects your roof from the rain" use tariffs to favor domestic industry
To guarantee a customer an execution at a certain price (the "protect price") The customer has the option of accepting the execution or refusing it
use tariffs to favor domestic industry
To induce folding in order to prevent another player from outdrawing you is protecting your hand This is done by betting and raising so that someone on a draw will fold rather than call to see if their cards come off A protectable hand is one that is almost always the best, but is vulnerable to being outdrawn It's easiest to protect a hand in no-limit play, where you can potentially make it as expensive as you like for someone to draw To protect your cards is to put a chip or some other artifact on them so the dealer does not muck them
in a protective manner, defensively
In a protective manner
in a protective manner; "he bent protectively over the woman
{i} quality of offering protection, defensiveness
The quality or state of being protective
The quality of being protective
a feeling of protective affection
Türkçe - İngilizce

protective teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

Mucosal Protective Drugs
(Tıp) Mukoz koruyucu,Mide iç çeperini asitlerden koruyan ilaçlar. Örneğin; sucralfate(Carafate), misoprostol(Cytotec), antasidler (Mylanta ve Maalox), ve bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol)