(Askeri) (NUCLEAR WEAPONS) ÇOĞALTMA, SAHİP OLMA (NÜKLEER SİLAHLAR): Bir ülkenin nükleer silahlara sahip olduktan veya nükleer silahların kullanımını belirleme hakkını haiz olduktan sonra, bunları nükleer bir taarruz şeklinde diğer bir ülkeye potansiyel olarak fırlatabileceği süreç, yöntem
growth by the rapid multiplication of parts a rapid increase in number (especially a rapid increase in the number of deadly weapons); "the proliferation of nuclear weapons
The production of numerous zooids by budding, especially when buds arise from other buds in succession
The spread of nuclear weapons to countries without them and their development within countries which have them (see also Non-Proliferation Treaty)
The rapid spreading of something This could apply to nuclear knowledge as well as nuclear materials
A small plantlet will occasionally form on the scape This is called a proliferation and can be rooted to form a plant (clone) identical to the mother plant
Proliferation or reconstruction is when new granulation tissue is formed to replace lost volume Epithelial cells grow around the wound, or in islets, to form a new protective covering
The spread of WMD Horizontal proliferation refers to the spread of WMD to states that have not previously possessed them Vertical proliferation refers to an increase in the amount or devastating capacity of any currently existing WMD arsenals within a state
(Politika Siyaset) Nuclear proliferation is a term now used to describe the spread of nuclear weapons, fissile material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information, to nations which are not recognized as "nuclear weapon States" by the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also known as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty or NPT
Non-proliferation is the limiting of the production and spread of something such as nuclear or chemical weapons. the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. the limiting of the number of nuclear or chemical weapons in the world, especially by stopping countries that do not yet have them from developing them
the prevention of something increasing or spreading (especially the prevention of an increase in the number of countries possessing nuclear weapons); "they protested that the nonproliferation treaty was just a plot to maintain the hegemony of those who already had nuclear weapons"; "nuclear disarmament and nonproliferation are closely related goals"
If things proliferate, they increase in number very quickly. Computerized data bases are proliferating fast + proliferation pro·lif·era·tion the proliferation of nuclear weapons Smoking triggers off cell proliferation. if something proliferates, it increases quickly and spreads to many different places (proliferation)