(Askeri) PREZİDYO: Yeni kurulmuş ve tahkim edilmiş askeri bir mevki veya garnizon; yabancı topraklarda kurulan ve tahkim edilen bir müstemleke garnizonu. Örneğin (presidio of San Fransisco) gibi
presidio teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
A garrisoned place, especially one that is or was, at one time, under Spanish control
While De Anza was exploring the Bay of San Francisco, seeking a site for the presidio, the American colonists on the eastern seaboard, three thousand miles away, were celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
A place of defense; a fortress; a garrison; a fortress; a garrison or guardhouse
a fortress established in the southwestern United States by the Spanish in order to protect their missions and other holdings; "Tucson was first settled as a walled presidio