The abbreviation stands for parts per million It is a common unit of concentration of gases or vapor in air For example, 1 ppm of a gas means that 1 unit of gas is present for every 1 million units of air
Parts per million The parts by weight of a chemical or mineral per million parts of water
Parts per million, or milligrams per liter (mg/L) Imagine a room 10 feet wide, 10 feet long, and 10 feet high could hold about one million ice cubes If one of those ice cubes were blue, it would represent one part per million Español
Parts per million is the concentration of a gas or vapor in air-parts (by volume) of the gas or vapor in a million parts of air; also the concentration of a particulate in a liquid or solid
Parts per million; the number of parts of a given contaminant in a million parts of air
is an acronym for Parts Per Million One commonly used reference scale in methane gas leak detection is the number of parts per million of methane molecules in a given air sample
Parts per million One part per million corresponds to 1 second in 11 5 days Also the same as milligrams per liter (mg/L)