bag- small cloth bag filled with pipe clay, chalk, charcoal, graphite powder or the like Tapped over the holes created by pouncing to transfer drawing onto finish surface with neat, black, dotted lines
If someone pounces on something such as a mistake, they quickly draw attention to it, usually in order to gain an advantage for themselves or to prove that they are right. The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes
If someone pounces on you, they come up towards you suddenly and take hold of you. He pounced on the photographer, beat him up and smashed his camera Fraud squad officers had bugged the phone and were ready to pounce
When an animal or bird pounces on something, it jumps on it and holds it, in order to kill it. like a tiger pouncing on its prey Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced. To ornament (metal, for example) by perforating from the back with a pointed implement. to suddenly move forward and attack someone or something, after waiting to attack them (pounce (15-19 centuries), probably from puncheon (14-20 centuries), from poinchon)
A substance like chalk, ash, powdered bone, bread crumbs, or pumice is rubbed into a writing surface in order to improve it Pounce can reduce greasiness, raise the nap, and whiten parchment The term is also used for a post-medieval technique employed in the transfer of an image by reproducing a dotted outline on a sheet beneath