Playas are shallow, short-lived lakes that form where water drains into basins with no outlet to the sea and quickly evaporates Playas are common features in arid (desert) regions and are among the flattest landforms in the world
a term used in the southwestern U S for a dry, barren area in the lowest part of an undrained desert basin, underlain by clay, silt, or sand, and commonly by soluble salts It may be marked by an ephemeral lake
The flat area at the lowest part of an undrained desert basin, generally devoid of vegetation A 2-D basic feature
An ephemerally flooded, vegetatively barren area on a basin floor that is veneered with fine-textured sediment and acts as a temporary or as the final sink for drainage water See also miscellaneous areas
player a man who is good at meeting women and persuading them to have sex with him. or pan or flat or dry lake Flat-bottomed depression that is periodically covered by water. Playas occur in interior desert basins and adjacent to coasts in arid and semiarid regions. The water that periodically covers the playa slowly filters into the groundwater system or evaporates into the atmosphere, causing the deposition of salt, sand, and mud along the bottom and around the edges of the depression. tidal flat Pan p'o Pan American Sports Games Pan American World Airways Inc. Pan Am Pan Gu Pan African movement Pan American Highway Pan American Union Pan Arabism Pan Germanism Pan Slavism Pan Turkism Tin Pan Alley
A beach; a strand; in the plains and deserts of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona, a broad, level spot, on which subsequently becomes dry by evaporation
the flat floored bottom of an undrained desert basin that becomes at times a shallow lake
A term used primarily in the southwestern United States to describe a dry, vegetation-free, flat area at the lowest part of an undrained desert basin, underlain by stratified clay, silt, or sand, and commonly by soluble salts They are occasionally covered by shallow lakes in the wettest parts of the year Pleistocene A name given to the geologic time period between about 1 6 million years and 10,000 years before the present The Pleistocene is the earlier (older) epoch of the Quaternary period; it is followed by the Holocene