(Askeri) KABA AYAR TERTİBATI: Belirli tipteki nişangahlar üzerinde bulunan ve kaba ayarları yapmaya yarayan ayarlama tertibatı. İnce ayar, tabura denilen bir tertibat vasıtasıyla yapılır
İngilizce - İngilizce
plateaus teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
If something such as an activity, process, or cost plateaus or plateaus out, it reaches a stage where there is no further change or development. Evelyn's career is accelerating, and mine is plateauing out a bit The shares plateaued at 153p. if something plateaus, it reaches and then stays at a particular level. Extensive area of flat upland, usually bounded by an escarpment on all sides but sometimes enclosed by mountains. Plateaus are extensive, and together with enclosed basins they cover about 45% of the Earth's land surface. The essential criteria for a plateau are low relative relief and some altitude. Low relief distinguishes plateaus from mountains, although their origin may be similar. Plateaus, being high, often create their own local climate; the topography of plateaus and their surroundings often produce arid and semiarid conditions. High Plateau Cumberland Plateau oceanic plateau submarine plateau Ozark Plateau Plateau Indian
(1) (Geographical) an elevated plain, tableland or flat-topped region of considerable extent (2) (Oceanographical) an ELEVATION from the bottom of the OCEAN with a more or less flat top and steep sides
A period of time, at least 2 to 4 weeks, whereby a Bandster maintains, instead of losing weight It is common for post-ops 4-10 weeks out to experience a plateau before getting their first fill Many Bandsters take a plateau at any point as a sign that they need to get another fill Some people feel that bodies tend to plateau at weights they had previously maintained for some period of time in the past, but this is only been shown through anecdotal evidence at this point
If you say that an activity or process has reached a plateau, you mean that it has reached a stage where there is no further change or development. The US heroin market now appears to have reached a plateau
A leveling off period that some people hit when trying to become fit, usually because the body is not being challenged anymore at the current intensity of exercise A re-evaluation is needed, in terms of exercise and nutrition Usually one needs to increase activity intensity to overcome a plateau
Normal phase in which the body holds on to weight, the scale doesn't budge downward (and may actually move up a pound or so), in order to readjust Most people lose inches during this phase May hit at any time and last for a varying period of time Some people have reported plateaus of a month when they are a few weeks out of surgery They do pass