
listen to the pronunciation of plagiarisms
İngilizce - Türkçe

plagiarisms teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

{i} intihal

Bu sömestr iki öğrenciyi intihalden dolayı bıraktım. - This semester I failed two students for plagiarism.

Kaynak belirtilmemişse, bir alıntı bir intihalden başka bir alıntı değildir. - If the source is not specified, a quote is not a quote but plagiarism.

eser hırsızlık
eser hırsızlığı

Dürüst konuşmak gerekirse bunun bir eser hırsızlığı olduğuna inanmıyorum. - Honestly, I don't believe it is a matter of plagiarism.

(Tıp) yağmalama
(Kanun) fikir eseri çalma
bilgi hırsızlığı
(Tıp) plejirizm
Sahibi olan bir eser ve saireyi kısmen ya da tamamen sahipli olunduğunu bile bile kullanma
İngilizce - İngilizce
plural of plagiarism
The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person's ideas, text, or other creative work, and presenting it as one's own, especially without permission

Though plagiarism in and of itself is not illegal, it is usually frowned upon; and many cases of plagiarism involve illegal copyright violation.

Text or other work resulting from this act

The novel contained many instances of plagiarism; in fact, some entire passages were lifted verbatim from other novelists' work.

the stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own
{n} a theft, especially in books
Plagiarism is defined in dictionaries as the "wrongful appropriation," "close imitation," or "purloining and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions," and the representation of them as one's own original work, but the notion remains problematic with nebulous boundaries. The modern concept of plagiarism as immoral and originality as an ideal emerged in Europe only in the 18th century, particularly with the Romantic movement, while in the previous centuries authors and artists were encouraged to "copy the masters as closely as possible" and avoid "unnecessary invention."
Copying the work of another writer or composer and then passing the results off as original work In most colleges and universities, professors impose penalties on students who plagiarize the works of others To avoid plagiarism, it is wise to paraphrase or quote and then cite the original source in a footnote or endnote
The act or practice of plagiarizing
To appropriate the writings, graphic representations or ideas of another person and represent them as one's own, (that is, without proper attribution) Plagiarism is a form of intellectual property violation
Plagiarism is the practice of using or copying someone else's idea or work and pretending that you thought of it or created it. Now he's in real trouble. He's accused of plagiarism. + plagiarist plagiarists pla·gia·rist Colleagues call Oates an unlikely plagiarist
the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own
Stealing the ideas of others and presenting them as your own
the unethical practice of taking and using the work and/or ideas of someone else, and claiming them as one's own
An academic malpractice Plagiarism is the use of the ideas, words or findings of others without acknowledging them as such To plagiarise is to give the impression that the student has written, thought or discovered something that he or she has in fact borrowed from someone else without acknowledging this in an appropriate manner
The act of taking someone else's ideas, words, or writing, and attempting to pass them off as your own Severe penalties are attached to plagiarism
Copying someone else's work and then passing it off as one's own
a copying of someones ideas, text or other creative work and claiming it as ones own
To use the ideas/words of another person as one's own without crediting the source
quoting from or using the work of another author in your work without acknowledging that you have done so
Presenting another's works, words, or ideas as one's own
To steal and present the ideas or words of another as one=s own, to use material without crediting its source, to present a new and original idea or product derived from an exiting source Plagiarism is a serious act of academic dishonesty
Using the work (or part of it) of another person and claiming it as your own
the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work
The process of copying the work of another without proper citation (i e claiming ownership of someone else's work) Not only is plagiarism unethical, but it is also illegal
{i} use of another person's written work without acknowledging the source; unauthorized use of patented or copyrighted materials
taking or copying someone's words or ideas and presenting them as if they were your own
* To appropriate the writings, graphic representations or ideas of another person and represent them as one's own, (that is, without proper attribution) Plagiarism is a form of intellectual property violation
According to The American Heritage College Dictionary, the definition of 'plagiarism' is "to use and pass off as one's own (the ideas or writings of another)" and "to appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas from (another) "
Using another person's work without giving credit
an act of plagiarizing, or something plagiarized
a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work
To use someone else's words or ideas and claim them as your own Plagiarism is a serious academic offense and could result in a failing grade or dismissal from the University
The B C Academic Catalog defines plagiarism as the "…deliberate act of taking the words, ideas, data, illustrative material, or statements of someone else, without full and proper acknowledgement, and presenting them as one's own " (34)
You owe it to yourself to educate yourself about plagiarism; what it is and how to avoid it UMD takes this subject very seriously (see this page from the catalog,) and you should too For further discussion, try the Purdue OWL and the Hamilton College site
That which plagiarized
Using another author's ideas or words without proper documentation; representing someone else's creative work (ideas, words, images, etc ) as one's own, whether intentional or not
The act of taking and using another person's thoughts, writings, or inventions as one's own
"The act of appropriating the literary composition of another, or parts, or passages of his [or her] writing of ideas, or the language of the same, and passing them off as the product of one's own mind " (Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition) Also consult the Writing Handbook for further information on plagiarism
Failure to give the source of a quotation or paraphrase in which the language, thoughts, or ideas of another person are used as one's own (Unit 8> Giving Credit Where Credit is Due)
Knowing or unknowing use of exact words or phrases from a source in your own work Placing a footnote after the exact words does not remove the plagiarism, but putting quotation marks around all of the quoted words does