pipe teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
- To decorate with piping
- A vertical conduit through the Earth's crust below a volcano, through which magma has passed; often filled with volcanic breccia
- To play music on a pipe instrument, such as a bagpipe
- A type of pasta, similar to macaroni
- To lead or conduct as if by pipes, especially by wired transmission
- To shout loudly
Ar-cher! Ja-cob! Johnny piped after her, pivoting round on his heel.
- The character |
- A data backbone, or broadband Internet access
A fat pipe is a high-bandwidth connection.
- One of the goalposts of the goal
- To directly feed (the output of one program) as input to another program by use of the pipe character
- To convey or transport (something) by means of pipes
- A wind instrument making a whistling sound. (see pan pipes, bagpipe, boatswain's pipe)
- An anonymous satire or essay, insulting and frequently libelous, written on a piece of paper and left somewhere public where it could be found and thus spread, to embarrass the author's enemies
1818: yet, it is much to be hoped, that from his example pipe-making will in future be reposed solely in the hands of Mr. William Cluer of the Brickfield Hill. — Sydney Gazette, 26 September 1818, on William Bland convicted of libelling Governor Macquarie in a pipe (William Cluer was an earthenware pipe manufacturer). Quoted in More Pig Bites Baby! Stories from Australia's First Newspaper, volume 2, ed. Micahel Connor, Duffy and Snellgrove, 2004, ISBN 1-876631-91-0.
- A hollow stem with bowl at one end used for smoking, especially a tobacco pipe but also including various other forms such as a water pipe
- To signal or order by a note pattern on a bosun's pipe
- A mechanism that enables one program to communicate with another by sending its output to the other as input
- To dab away moisture from
Our chimney was a square hole in the roof: it was but a little part of the smoke that found its way out, and the rest eddied about the house, and kept us coughing and piping the eye.
- An English measure of capacity for liquids, containing 126 wine gallons; half a tun
- To decorate (a cake) using a pastry bag, a flexible bag from which icing is forced through a small nozzle to make various designs
This means a quantity of runouts can be made in advance, allowing more time to flat ice and pipe the cake.
- To install or configure with pipes
- A rigid tube that transports water, steam, or other fluid, as used in plumbing and numerous other applications
- A hollow tube used to produce sound, such as an organ pipe
- Decorative edging stitched to the hems or seams of an object made of fabric (clothing, hats, pillows, curtains, etc.); often a contrasting color
- {v} to play on a pipe, play, cry, whine, moan
- {n} a tube, musical instrument, a hogshead
- A small bowl with a hollow steam, used in smoking tobacco, and, sometimes, other substances
- A data backbone, or broadband Internet access (e.g., a "fat pipe" refers to a high-bandwidth connection)
- An English measure of capacity for liquids, containing 126 wine gallons; half a ton
- The | character used to redirect the output of one command so that it becomes the input of another command
- The key or sound of the voice
- {f} convey a fluid through pipes, transport a liquid through pipes; make a high-pitched sound, make a shrill sound
- To emit or have a shrill sound like that of a pipe; to whistle
- To extrude food though a pastry bag to garnish or decorate May be used for mashed potatoes or other vegetables, whipped cream, cake frosting, etc
- {i} tube; tube used for smoking tobacco; windpipe, trachea; flute; whistle; whistling sound, toot; character which instructs an operating system to direct output of one program to the input of another program (Computers)
- play on a pipe; "pipe a tune"
- A hollow stem with bowl at one end used for smoking (see also water pipe or bong)
- to utter in the shrill tone of a pipe
- The peeping whistle, call, or note of a bird
- Anglo-Saxon pip, a pipe or flute Put that into your pipe and smoke it Digest that, if you can An expression used by one who has given an adversary a severe rebuke The allusion is to the pipes of peace and war smoked by the American Indians Put your pipe out Spoil your piping or singing; make you sing another tune, or in another key Take your shine out has a similar force As you pipe, I must dance I must accommodate myself to your wishes To pipe your eye To snivel; to cry
- An anonymous satire or essay, insulting and frequently libelous, written on a piece of paper and left somewhere public where it could be found and thus spread, to embarrass the authors enemies
- If liquid or gas is piped somewhere, it is transferred from one place to another through a pipe. The heated gas is piped through a coil surrounded by water The villagers piped in drinking water from the reservoir Most of the houses in the capital don't have piped water. see also piping, piping hot. peace pipe sacred pipe Dutchman's pipe Indian pipe Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument
- A defect that arises during the solidification of steel in the ingot mould As steel contracts on solidification a central cavity forms in the upper portion of the ingot, if this is not completely removed before rolling into bars a central defect known as "pipe" results The risk of piping is considerably reduced on continuously cast steel due to molten steel being available to fill any shrinkage cavity
- To call, convey orders, etc
- An operating system feature that redirects a stream of data-typically the output from a command-into another command that can process or massage it before directing to its own output interface
- A roll formerly used in the English exchequer, otherwise called the Great Roll, on which were taken down the accounts of debts to the king; so called because put together like a pipe
- To become hollow in the process of solodifying; said of an ingot, as of steel
- A tubular cavity projecting down from the surface into karst rocks Often filled with earth etc Karst - Depression Features of Ref JJ
- In UNIX, a "first-in, first-out" (FIFO) interprocess communication channel, typically used to pass the standard output of one command into the standard input of another command running simultaneously Sometimes, processes may open their own pipes to other commands they start
- A passageway for the air in speaking and breathing; the windpipe, or one of its divisions
- trim with piping; "pipe the skirt"
- To direct data so that the output from one process becomes the input to another process The standard output of one command can be connected to the standard input of another with the pipe operator (|) Two commands connected in this way constitute a pipeline IBM
- A boatswain's whistle, used to call the crew to their duties; also, the sound of it
- A vertical conduit through the Earths crust below a volcano, through which magma has passed; often filled with volcanic breccia
- (1) (n ) The software connection between two programs (2) (n ) The UNIX® operator (|) that makes the output of one command or program into the input of another (3) (v ) To make the output of one command or program into the input of another
- The bagpipe; as, the pipes of Lucknow
- A hollow cylinder of metal used for the conveyance of water or gas or used as a structural column which comes in sizes of standard, extra strong and double-extra strong
- The ASCII character at position 124 (decimal), 7C (hex), 01111100 (binary): " | "
- Any long tube or hollow body of wood, metal, earthenware, or the like: especially, one used as a conductor of water, steam, gas, etc
- A special kind of exhaust which allows the most power to be developed by the KT-100 It is connected to the cylinder via the flex Since this is the least restrictive kind of exhaust, it is used in the fastest classes of 2-cycle racing
- a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc
- a tube with a small bowl at one end; used for smoking tobacco
- The heart of home plumbing systems is pipe, whether for supply or waste drainage Waste piping is always larger than water pipes, which tend to be smaller than 1" in dimension Normal inventory consists of four kinds of pipesteel, plastic, copper and soil Sizes for Wrought Iron & Steel Pipe Nominal Size in Inches Outside Diameter in Inches Inside Diameter in Inches No of Threads Per Inch 1/4 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 0 540 0 675 0 840 1 050 1 315 1 660 1 900 2 375 2 875 0 364 0 493 0 622 0 824 1 049 1 380 1 610 2 067 2 468 18 18 14 14 11-1/2 11-1/2 11-1/2 11-1/2 8
- A pipe is a simple musical instrument in the shape of a tube with holes in it. You play a pipe by blowing into it while covering and uncovering the holes with your fingers
- To perform, as a tune, by playing on a pipe, flute, fife, etc
- as used in this book, pipe generally refers to the bandwidth of the connection in use between a workstation and the Internet (or the server on the other end of the connection, actually)
- A portion of memory that can be used by one process to pass information along to another
- A pipe is a long, round, hollow object, usually made of metal or plastic, through which a liquid or gas can flow. They had accidentally damaged a gas pipe while drilling
- An elongated body or vein of ore
- A pipe is an object which is used for smoking tobacco. You put the tobacco into the cup-shaped part at the end of the pipe, light it, and breathe in the smoke through a narrow tube
- The central cavity formed by contraction in metal, especially ingots, during solidification The defect in wrought or cast products resulting from such a cavity An extrusion defect due to the oxidized surface of the billet flowing toward the center of the rod at the back end A tubular metal product, cast or wrought
- pipe bomb
- an improvised explosive device consisting of blasting powder encased in a metal pipe to increase the blast effect
- pipe bombs
- plural form of pipe bomb
- pipe cleaner
- A piece of flexible wire in which tufted fabric is twisted and which is used to clean out the stem of a tobacco pipe or other narrow tube
- pipe cleaners
- plural form of pipe cleaner
- pipe down
- To be quiet; to refrain from being noisy
Pipe down kids, I'm trying to work.
- pipe dream
- A plan, desire, or idea that will not likely work; a near impossibility
I think his plan to become a professional athlete is a pipe dream and he should stay in school.
- pipe dreams
- plural form of pipe dream
- pipe organ
- The largest of all musical instruments, played from an organ console which produces its sound by sending air through whistles and/or reeds called organ pipes, by direct mechanical action, or modernly, electrically
- pipe organs
- plural form of pipe organ
- pipe tong
- A tool that uses scissors action to exert pressure on a pipe or other cylindrical object in order to lift or handle the object. Normally used with a crane or other power equipment
- pipe tong
- A hand tool consisting of a lever that ends in a toothed surface and an attached chain or strap. In use, the pipe is squeezed between the chain and the teeth, thus gripping the pipe. This version is used more for threading pipe sections together
- pipe tongs
- plural form of pipe tong
- pipe up
- To being singing or playing musical notes on a pipe or similar wind instrument
But presently the gray dawn stole over the world, the birds piped up, then the sun rose and poured light and comfort all around.
- pipe up
- To speak up, especially in a robust, assertive manner
You seem to have a lot to say, remarked Silver, spitting far into the air. Pipe up and let me hear it, or lay to..
- pipe up
- To call, awaken, or summon, as with a musical instrument
Yet beyond turning my blood cold for a moment, it gave me little trouble, for evil tales have hung about the church; and though I did not set much store by the old yarns of Blackbeard piping up his crew, yet I thought strange things might well go on among the graves at night. And so I never budged, nor stirred hand or foot to save a fellow-creature in his agony.
- pipe up
- To begin to blow more vigorously
Once, for ten minutes, the sun shone at midday, and ten minutes afterward a new gale was piping up.
- pipe wrench
- An adjustable wrench (British spanner) with a toothed jaw for gripping pipe, frequently used by a plumber or pipe fitter, to loosen and tighten pipes with threaded connections
- pipe wrenches
- plural form of pipe wrench
- pipe-opener
- A device for putting a hole in a pipe
- pipe-opener
- A device or mechanism for clearing obstructions in a pipe
- pipe-opener
- An example that serves as an introduction
There is just no way to experience these pieces by looking from the outside, or in photos or on video: the initial view of them from the balcony above the Arcelor gallery is impressively dramatic, yet it's the merest pipe-opener to what unfolds close up and at floor level.
- pipe-opener
- A brisk walk or other aerobic exercise; a constitutional
- pipe-opener
- A practice event; a warm-up
I would rather have the horse fit by the week-end preceding the three-day event and then, apart from a good sharp two-furlong pipe-opener after the dressage test before cross-country day, only do slow but interesting work, if necessary for long periods if the horse has an excitable temperament.
- pipe-rack
- (Havacılık) A rack for holding tobacco pipes
- pipe bomb
- a small homemade bomb usually contained in a metal pipe
- pipe bomb
- A pipe bomb is a small bomb in a narrow tube made by someone such as a terrorist. An explosive device contained in a metal pipe
- pipe branch
- small junction in a pipe system where the pipe breaks off into smaller pipes
- pipe clay
- A plastic, unctuous clay of a grayish white color, used in making tobacco pipes and various kinds of earthenware, in scouring cloth, and in cleansing soldiers' equipments
- pipe clay
- A fine white clay used in making tobacco pipes and pottery and in whitening leather
- pipe cleaner
- A pipe cleaner is a piece of wire covered with a soft substance which is used to clean a tobacco pipe. A pliant, tufted, narrow rod used for cleaning the stem of a tobacco pipe. a length of wire covered with soft material, used to clean the inside of a tobacco pipe
- pipe cleaner
- cleaning implement consisting of a flexible tufted wire that is used to clean a pipe stem
- pipe cutter
- a hand tool for cutting pipe
- pipe down
- become quiet or quieter; "The audience fell silent when the speaker entered"
- pipe down
- lower the tone, lower the sound level
- pipe dream
- a fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe); "I have this pipe dream about being emperor of the universe
- pipe dream
- A pipe dream is a hope or plan that you have which you know will never really happen. You could waste your whole life on a pipe-dream. A fantastic notion or vain hope
- pipe dream
- fantasy, illusion, dream that will never come true
- pipe fitter
- One that installs and repairs piping systems. someone who puts in and repairs pipes for water, gas etc
- pipe fitting
- fitting consisting of threaded pieces of pipe for joining pipes together
- pipe in
- bring in through pipes; "We have to pip in oil"
- pipe in
- bring in through pipes; "Music was piped into the offices
- pipe layer
- A politician who works in secret; in this sense, usually written as one word
- pipe layer
- One who lays conducting pipes in the ground, as for water, gas, etc
- pipe laying
- The laying of conducting pipes underground, as for water, gas, etc
- pipe laying
- The act or method of making combinations for personal advantage secretly or slyly; in this sense, usually written as one word
- pipe line
- line of pipes that carry oil
- pipe line
- A line of pipe with pumping machinery and apparatus for conveying liquids, esp
- pipe line
- petroleum, between distant points
- pipe major
- the chief piper in a band of bagpipes
- pipe of peace
- pipe smoked together by a group to symbolize their peaceful intentions toward one another (especially referring to a ceremonial pipe in the Native American Indian tradition)
- pipe of peace
- a peace pipe
- pipe one's eyes
- shed tears, water in the eyes, have tears flow from the eyes
- pipe organ
- an organ
- pipe rack
- a rack for holding a smoker's pipes
- pipe smoker
- a smoker who uses a pipe
- pipe system
- plumbing, structure of pipes
- pipe up
- raise one's voice; begin singing; begin to play music
- pipe up
- begin to play or sing
- pipe up
- utter a shrill cry
- pipe vine
- A deciduous woody vine (Aristolochia durior) of the eastern United States, having greenish, brown-mottled flowers shaped like a curved pipe. Also called Dutchman's pipe
- pipe vise
- a clamp for holding pipe that is to be cut or threaded
- pipe wrench
- A wrench with two serrated jaws, one adjustable, for gripping and turning pipe
- pipe wrench
- adjustable wrench for gripping and turning a pipe; has two serrated jaws that are adjusted to grip the pipe
- pipe wrench
- tool used for gripping or turning pipes
- pipe-clay
- whiten or clean with pipe-clay; "pipe-clay leather
- pipe-like
- resembling a pipe, similar to a pipe
- pitch pipe
- A device much like a harmonica, used to supply a sought pitch
- pitch pipe
- a small pipe sounding a tone of standard frequency; used to establish the starting pitch for unaccompanied singing
- pitch pipe
- A small pipe that, when sounded, gives the initial pitch for a piece of music or the standard pitch for tuning an instrument
- anonymous pipe
- A simplex FIFO communication channel that may be used for one-way interprocess communication
- boatswain's pipe
- a whistle, previously used by boatswain's mates to pipe orders throughout a ship; now used for the ceremonial piping onboard of visiting dignitaries
- churchwarden pipe
- a tobacco pipe with a long, curved stem
- crack pipe
- Any pipe used for smoking crack cocaine
- crack-pipe
- An object (usually made of glass) used for smoking crack cocaine, a cheap type of cocaine, usually in rock form
- drainage pipe
- conduit for the removal of water or waste water
- dutchman's pipe
- night blooming cereus, Epiphyllum oxypetalum
- dutchman's pipe
- Plants of the genus Aristolochia
- dutchman's pipe
- yellow bird's-nest or pinesap, Monotropa hypopitys
- exhaust pipe
- For internal combustion engines, the pipe that vents waste gases from the engine
- food pipe
- The esophagus/oesophagus
- half-pipe
- A structure used to perform tricks, approximately semicircular in cross-section, resembling the bottom half of a cylinder laying down
- lay the pipe
- To have penetrative sex with a woman
- lead-pipe cinch
- A cinch; something very easy
- named pipe
- An extension to the anonymous pipe concept on Unix and Unix-like systems, used for interprocess communication
- organ pipe
- An organ pipe cactus
- organ pipe
- A tuned metal or wooden tube connected mechanically or electrically to an organ console
- organ pipe cacti
- plural form of organ pipe cactus
- organ pipe cactus
- A cactus (family Cactaceae), Stenocereus thurberi, widespread in Mexico, but in the United States, found only at , so named because of its resemblance to organ pipes
- organ pipe cactuses
- plural form of organ pipe cactus
- peace pipe
- a pipe smoked in certain Native American cultures that symbolizes peace among those who smoke it, and among whom it is passed around from person to person
- pipes
- One's vocal capacity, as if one's lungs were composed of pipe-works
- pipes
- plural form of pipe
- pipes
- A single pipe organ
- pipes
- Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pipe
- piping
- Piped icing on a cake
- piping
- A system of pipes that compose a structure
- piping
- Present participle of pipe
- piping
- The sound of musical pipes
- piping
- An ornamentation on pastry edges and seams
- piping
- An act of making music or noise with pipes
- piping
- An ornamentation on the edges of a garment
- put that in your pipe and smoke it
- Used after stating something surprising or undesired, to emphasize its truth. Also used after refuting an argument. Sometimes an adjective is inserted before pipe
There's plenty of room for improvement in it, I don't deny; but it's my belief, Snap, if you was to try to do some of the improvement, you'd find you'd such a lot to do in your own self that you'd begin to doubt whether you was quite a proper judge about other folk's badness. Put that in your pipe, old boy, and smoke it. Good night, Snap; we'll be going now, sir, if it's convenient..
- quail pipe
- A device used to imitate the sound of quails
- quail-pipe
- A woman's tongue
- quail-pipe
- Of or relating to a quail pipe
- quail-pipe
- Alternative spelling of quail pipe
- quarter-pipe
- A structure used to perform tricks, approximately half the size of a half-pipe
- soil pipe
- A pipe that carries off liquid wastes from a toilet
- stick that in your pipe and smoke it
- Alternative form of put that in your pipe and smoke it
- stopped pipe
- A pipe organ tube with a uniform diameter, one closed end and one open end. A stopped pipe makes the same note as an open pipe of the same length
- tobacco pipe
- A small, hand-held device consisting in its simplest form of a bowl and stem; used for inhaling the smoke of burning tobacco
- twire-pipe
- A pipe through which the blast is delivered to the interior of a blast furnace, or to the fire of a forge; a tuyere
- uilleann pipe
- Singular of uilleann pipes, (normally used in plural)
- waste pipe
- a pipe that carries off liquid waste; a drain or drainpipe
- water pipe
- A pipe that is a conduit for water; an essential element of plumbing
- water pipe
- A device for smoking, such as a hookah or bong, in which the smoke is drawn through a container of water before inhaling
- piping
- {a} weak, feeble, hot
- piping
- {n} a playing on a pipe, a whining noise
- piping
- {a} quite, very
- piped
- past of pipe
- piped
- Formed with a pipe; having pipe or pipes; tubular
- pipes
- breasts
- pipes
- third-person singular of pipe
- pipes
- plural of pipe
- pipes
- a wind instrument; the player blows air into a bag and squeezes it out through pipes
- pipes
- Ones vocal capacity, as if ones lungs were composed of pipe-works
- piping
- Playing on a musical pipe
- piping
- (n) A specialized engineering field for the design of fluid and gas-carrying piping systems for process plants and other industrial and commercial structures
- piping
- Peaceful; favorable to, or characterized by, the music of the pipe rather than of the drum and fife
- piping
- To dab away moisture
- piping
- The act of playing on a pipe; the shrill noted of birds, etc
- piping
- a long tube made of metal or plastic that is used to carry water or oil or gas etc
- piping
- playing a pipe or the bagpipes a thin strip of covered cord used to edge hems resembling the music of a pipe; "the piping voices of children" (used of heat) extremely; "the casserole was piping hot
- piping
- Subsurface tunnels or pipelike cavities are formed by water moving through the soil
- piping
- Pipes, collectively; as, the piping of a house
- piping
- {i} hoses, tubing; system of pipes, plumbing; whistling, chirping; cord-like trimming sewn along the edges of seams
- piping
- High-pitched
- piping
- a process of subsurface erosion in which surface runoff flows along the outside of a culvert and with sufficient hydraulic gradient erodes and carries away soil around the culvert
- piping
- The erosion of embankment or foundation material (soil) due to leakage The action of water passing through or under an embankment dam and carrying with it to the surface at the downstream face some of the finer material The progressive removal of soil particles from a mass by percolating water leading to the development of channels The progressive development of internal erosion by seepage, appearing downstream as a hole discharging water The process of conveying erodible embankment or foundation materials through a continuous, open "pipe" which is able to maintain a self-supported roof The pipe normally begins at an unprotected exit and works it's way upstream (up gradient) along an erodible flow path until the reservoir is reached The filter buttresses will be installed at all four dams as an improvement for preventing piping
- piping
- A feature that allows the output of a program as it is displayed on the screen to be used as input to another program without reentering the data on the keyboard
- piping
- Icing decorations like dotted swiss, basketweave, latticework, and shells Icing comes out of a pastry bag fitted with different tips to create these different looks, which can range from simple polka dots to a layered weave that you'd swear is a wicker basket
- piping
- Emitting a high, shrill sound
- piping
- playing a pipe or the bagpipes
- piping
- (used of heat) extremely; "the casserole was piping hot
- piping
- resembling the music of a pipe; "the piping voices of children"
- piping
- Moving water forms subsurface tunnels or pipelike cavities in the soil Profile, soil A vertical section of the soil extending through all its horizons and into the parent material
- piping
- playing a pipe or the bagpipes a thin strip of covered cord used to edge hems resembling the music of a pipe; "the piping voices of children"
- piping
- a thin strip of covered cord used to edge hems
- piping
- (used of heat) extremely; "the casserole was piping hot"
- piping
- Simmering; boiling; sizzling; hissing; from the sound of boiling fluids