
listen to the pronunciation of pilot
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} rehber
{i} öncü
(Askeri) kılavuz kaptan
(Havacılık) uçak kullananan kimse
deneme niteliğinde olan
pilotluk yapmak
{s} ayarlayıcı
{f} pilotluk yap

Valentina Tereshkova, Vostok 6'ya pilotluk yaptı ve uzayda ilk kadın oldu. - Valentina Tereshkova piloted Vostok 6 and became the first woman in space.

yol göstermek
kılavuzluk yapmak
{s} yedek
{f} kılavuzluk
pilot light şofbende dev
{i} kumanda düzeni
{f} (uçak) kullanmak
{f} uçak kullanmak
pilot engine kılavuz lokomotif
pilot,v.pilotluk yap: n.pilot
Naucrates ductor
{i} den. kılavuz, kılavuz kaptan
{s} deneme

Neil Armstrong astronot olmak için seçildiğinde deneme pilotuydu. - Neil Armstrong was a test pilot when he was chosen to be an astronaut.

{f} kılavuzluk etmek
{s} deney

Deneyimli pilotlara acil bir ihtiyaç vardır. - There is an urgent need for experienced pilots.

{i} TV deneme yayını
{s} kontrol

Pilot uçağı kontrol etmek için mücadele ediyordu. - The pilot was struggling to control the plane.

Pilot, kontrol kulesi ile olan iletişimi onarmaya çalışıyor. - The pilot is trying to restore communication with the control tower.

(Askeri) PİLOT: Eğitim ve tecrübe ile, bir uçağı havada sevk ve idare ehliyeti kazanmış bir şahıs
{i} den. dümenci
{f} kullanmak
pilot kaptan
(Bilgisayar) pilot sinyali
(Televizyon) deneme yayını
kullanmak (uçak)
pilot dalgası
pilot balloon
(Askeri) sondaj balonu
pilot chart
(Askeri) gözlem haritası
pilot chart
(Askeri) rasat haritası
pilot fish
pilot fish
(Gıda) malta palamudu balığı
pilot hole
kılavuz delik
pilot ladder
(Askeri,Denizbilim) şeytan çarmıhı
pilot light
ateşleme brülörü
pilot project
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öncü proje
pilot training
(Askeri) pilotaj eğitimi
pilot balloon
pilot balon
pilot balloon
kılavuz balon
pilot boat
kılavuz gemi
pilot boat
kılavuz motoru
pilot burner
kontrol alevi
pilot chart
kılavuz harita
pilot experiment
pilot deneyi
pilot fish
Malta palamudu
pilot lamp
kontrol lambası
pilot lamp
pilot lamba
pilot light
kontrol lambası
pilot light
kılavuz ışığı
pilot program
deneme program
pilot region
pilot bölge
pilot scheme
pilot joba
pilot school
deneme okulu
pilot's error
pilot hatası
Pilot Product
Öncül Ürün
pilot carrier
pilot taşıyıcı
pilot chute
kılavuz paraşüt
pilot electrode
pilot elektrotu
pilot engine
kılavuz lokomotif
pilot error
Pilotaj hatası
pilot light
pilot ışık
pilot practice
pilot uygulama
pilot print
pilot kopya, renk kılavuzu
pilot running
pilot koşum, pilot işletim
pilot tape
pilot bant
pilot whale
pilot balina
pilot ölçekli
pilot action
pilot müdahalesi
pilot action
pilot müdehalesi
pilot balloon
deney balonu
pilot balloon
(Askeri) SONDAJ BALONU: Değişik yüksekliklerdeki rüzgarın hızını ve istikametini öğrenmek maksadıyla bir hava rasadı tarafından uçurulan, hidrojenle doldurulmuş küçük bir balon
pilot baloon
(Meteoroloji) pilot balon
pilot bearing
(Otomotiv) pilot rulman
pilot bearing
(Otomotiv) pilot yatak
pilot boat
kılavuz tekne
pilot boat
(Askeri) kılavuz gemisi
pilot briefing
(Havacılık) pilota verilen brifing
pilot burner
kılavuz bek
pilot burner
ateşleme brülörü
pilot burner
pilot alev
pilot chart
(Askeri) GÖZLEM HARİTASI; RASAT HARİTASI: Belli başlı rüzgarları ve pilot için lüzumlu diğer hava bilgilerini gösteren küçük ölçekli bir hava haritası
pilot cloth
lacivert palto kumaşı
pilot drift
klâvuz galeri
pilot electrode
pilot elektrodu
pilot engine
kılavuz lokomotifi
pilot exciter
kılavuz uyarıcı
pilot film
deneme filmi
pilot fish
malta palamudu [zool.]
pilot flag
(Askeri) kılavuz sancağı
pilot fuel
kılavuz yakıt
pilot gallery
klâvuz galeri
pilot heading
(Madencilik) deneme galerisi
pilot heading
(Madencilik) kılavuz galerisi
pilot heading
(Madencilik) pilot galeri
pilot helmet
(Askeri) uçuş kaskı
pilot instructor
uçuş hocası
pilot instructor
pilot öğretmen
pilot jet
pilot alev
pilot light
(şofben, fırın v.b.'nde) pilot alevi, ateşleme brülörü
pilot light
pilot alev
pilot light
işaret lâmbası
pilot light
kılavuz bek
pilot line operation
(Askeri) NUMUNE İMALAT; ÖRNEK İMALAT: Bir askeri maddenin, imalindeki ustalığı devam ettirmek veya geliştirmek için asgari miktarda imali. Örnek imalat için seçilen maddeler, genel olarak, ya en mütekamil tipte veya imali bir defa durdurulduktan sonra yeniden başlaması zamana ihtiyaç gösteren ve o an için tedarik planı mevcut olmamakla beraber, ilerisi için bir plana ihtiyaç olacağı bilinen veya tahmin edilen maddelerdir. Buna, eskiden (limited procurement) denirdi
pilot line production
(Askeri) NUMUNE İMALAT; ÖRNEK İMALAT: Bak. "pilot line operation"
pilot line production types
(Askeri) NUMUNE İMALAT TİPLERİ; ÖRNEK İMALAT TİPLERİ: Bak. "pilot line operation"
pilot materials
(Askeri) ÖRNEK MALZEME: İleride esas imalata geçilmesini kolaylaştırmak üzere imalat usul ve işlemlerini prova, işleme ve deneme maksatları için gerekli ve özel imalat malzemesine benzetilerek hazırlanmış asgari miktarda özel malzeme, yarı tamamlanmış aksam, dövme ve döküm parçalar
pilot materials
(Askeri) örnek malzeme
pilot model
(Askeri) TECRÜBE MODELİ: Bir modelin, genel olarak elle yapılmış ilk teknik modeli. Bundan maksat, maddenin teknik yönden uygunluk derecesini tespit etmektir
pilot nail
kılavuz çivi
pilot navigator
(Askeri) seyrüseferci pilot
pilot navigator
(Askeri) SEYRÜSEFERCİ PİLOT: Tayyareyi hem seyrettiren, hem idare eden havacı
pilot night vision system
(Askeri) pilot gece görüş sistemi
pilot parachute
(Askeri) AÇMA PARAŞÜTÜ: Paraşüt açma halkası çekildiği zaman, paraşüt bohçasının içinden ana kubbeyi çıkaran küçük paraşüt. Açma paraşütü, esas paraşütün açılmasını kolaylaştırır ve emniyet altına alır
pilot parachute
pilot paraşüt
pilot parachute
yedek paraşüt
pilot parachute
(Askeri) rehber paraşütü
pilot parachute
(Askeri) açma paraşütü
pilot pin
(Sinema) tutucu diş
pilot plant
deneme kuruluşu
pilot plant
deneme amaçlı fabrika
pilot plant
deneme tesisi
pilot plant
(Nükleer Bilimler) pilot tesis
pilot plant
pilot işletme
pilot print
(Sinema) pilot kopya
pilot print
(Sinema) renk kılavuzu
pilot project
deneme projesi
pilot punch
kılavuz delik zımbası
pilot reamer
pilot genişletici
pilot receiver
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot alıcısı
pilot receiver
pilot  alicisi
pilot report
(Askeri) pilot raporu
pilot run
öncü geçiş
pilot running
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot koşum
pilot running
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot işletim
pilot shaft
kılavuz tünel
pilot shaft
(Otomotiv) pilot mil
pilot shaft
deneme tüneli
pilot shaft
kılavuz baca
pilot system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) örnek dizge
pilot system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot sistem
pilot tape
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot şerit
pilot test
(Dilbilim) deneme çalışması
pilot test
(Dilbilim) deneme sınavı
pilot tube
pilot tüpü
pilot tunnel
kılavuz tünel
pilot valve
kılavuz valf
pilot valve
kılavuz supabı
pilot valve
pilot valf
pilot wave
pilot dalga
pilot whale
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) kılavuz balina
pilot whale
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) karabalina
pilot wire
deney teli
pilot's compass
(Havacılık) pilot pusulası
pilot's information file
(Askeri) PİLOT TALİMAT ÖZETİ: Uçuşta emniyet ve maharet için esas olan teknik ve idari talimatın özeti
pilot's landing aid television
(Askeri) pilot iniş yardım monitörü
pilot's trace
(Askeri) PİLOT TATBİK KROKİSİ: Bir foto keşif uçağı pilotunun bir sorti esnasında veya sortiden hemen sonra haritadan çıkardığı kaba bir tatbik krokisi. Bu tatbik krokisi; düz uçuş istikametlerini, numara ve sıralarını, her düz uçuşta kullanılan fotoğraf makinesiyle birlikte gösterir
pilot’s error
(Askeri) pilotaj hatası
pilot’s licence
(Askeri) pilot lisansı
pilot’s trace
(Askeri) pilot tatbik krokisi
auto pilot
oto pilot
chief pilot
kaptan pilot
chief pilot
combat pilot
(Askeri) savaş pilotu
gyro pilot
(Askeri) cayro pilot
pilot light
gösterge ışığı
pilot light
pilot ışığı
air pilot
hava pilotu
air pilot
tenek pilotu
airline pilot
uçak pilotu
automatic pilot
otomatik pilot
captain pilot
kaptan pilot
chiet pilot
baş pilot
clutch shaft pilot bearing
debriyaj mili uç yatağı
co pilot
yardımcı pilot
gyro pilot
otomatik pilot
uzaktan kumandalı
senior pilot
kıdemli pilot
stunt pilot
usta pilot
test pilot
deneme pilotu

Neil Armstrong astronot olmak için seçildiğinde deneme pilotuydu. - Neil Armstrong was a test pilot when he was chosen to be an astronaut.

chief pilot
baş pilot
experimental, pilot
Pilot deney
front pilot (broaches)
(Mühendislik) on kılavuz
rehberlik yapma
student pilot
Öğrenci pilot
test pilot
deneme uçuşu pilotu
balloon pilot
(Askeri) BALON PİLOTU: Bir balonu sevk ve idare edebilecek ehliyetteki kimse
command pilot
(Askeri) komutan pilot
fighter interceptor pilot
(Askeri) avcı önleme pilotu
glider pilot
(Askeri) PLANÖR PİLOTLUĞU: Hava Kuvvetlerinde standart planör teçhizatını kullanabilen subay veya erlerin sınıf derecesi
gyro pilot
(Askeri) CAYRO PİLOT: Bak. "automatic pilot"
initial point; initial position; instructor pilot; Internet Protocol
(Askeri) ilk nokta; ilk durum; eğitmen pilot; Internet Protokolü
liaison pilot
(Askeri) ORDU İRTİBAT PİLOTU: Bak. "army aviation officer"
mechanical pilot
(Askeri) MEKANİK PİLOT: Bak. "automatic pilot"
parent indicator code; payment in cash; person identification code; pilot in com
(Askeri) ana gösterge kodu; nakit ödeme; kişi tanımlama kodu; uçağı idare eden pilot
pilot light
pilot alevi
{f} rehberlik yap: prep.rehberlik y
(Askeri) kılavuz seyri
{s} pilotsuz
robot pilot
otomatik pilot
second pilot
(Askeri) İKİNCİ PİLOT: Uçağı uçurmada birinci pilota yardımdan sorumlu ve ikinci pilot olarak vazife görme yetkisine sahip bir pilot
senior pilot
(Askeri) baş pilot
skilled pilot
(Askeri) tecrübeli pilot
sky pilot
sky pilot
transportation pilot
(Askeri) ulaştırma pilotu
Türkçe - Türkçe
Oto yarışlarında veya otobüslerde aracı kullanan kimse
Deneme niteliğinde olan
Bir hava taşıtını kullanmak ve yönetmekle görevli kimse
pilot bölge
Tarım, tıp, endüstri, eğitim gibi herhangi bir çalışma alanında, devletin ve halkın ortak çalışmasıyla kalkınma hareketini kolaylaştırmak ve örnek olmak için ayrılmış bölge
pilot kabini
Pilot köşkü
pilot köşkü
Uçakların ön tarafında pilot ile uçuş teknisyeninin bulunduğu uçağın yönetildiği özel bölüm, kokpit
İngilizce - İngilizce
A pilot light
To guide (a vessel) through coastal waters
A person who knows well the depths and currents of a harbor or coastal area, who is hired by a vessel to help navigate the harbor or coast
A person who steers a ship, a helmsman
Used to control or activate another device. (pilot light)
Used to indicate operation ("pilot lamp")
Made or used as a test or demonstration of capability. (pilot run, pilot plant)
To test or have a preliminary trial of (an idea, a new product, etc.)
A sample episode of a proposed TV series
A guide or escort through an unknown or dangerous area

So we mounted our horses, and put out for that town, under the direction of two friendly Creeks we had taken for pilots.

A cowcatcher
To control (an aircraft or watercraft)
A person who is in charge of the controls of an aircraft
A short plug at the end of a counterbore to guide the tool
{v} to conduct
{n} one who steers a ship
One who flies, or is qualified to fly, a balloon, an airship, or a flying machine
A pilot scheme or a pilot project is one which is used to test an idea before deciding whether to introduce it on a larger scale. The service is being expanded following the success of a pilot scheme
{s} experimental, comprising a test; tentative, empirical
A small test run of a system or production process to verify its acceptance and capabilities before going full-scale
1 A person who handles the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft from within the craft, and in so doing, guides or controls it in three-dimensional flight
a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor
a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors
The person who actually steers the ship A good Pilot is familiar with the waters they are navigating, and can avoid hidden dangers, such as snags and sandbars A Captain, on the other hand, has the foremost authority and responsibility of a vessel On smaller vessels the Captain and Pilot may be the same person, or have overlapping job functions
A person who is employed to steer a boat or ship through a river channel River pilots are very knowledgeable about a particular river or channel Bar pilots are very knowledgeable about a particular ocean entrance
Figuratively: A guide; a director of another through a difficult or unknown course
fly a plane
If a government minister pilots a new law or bill through parliament, he or she makes sure that it is introduced successfully. We are now piloting through Parliament a new strategy to tackle youth crime
A pilot is a person who steers a ship through a difficult stretch of water, for example the entrance to a harbour
A person who is qualified to assist the master of a ship to navigate when entering or leaving a port
One employed to steer a vessel; a helmsman; a steersman
Used to indicate operation ("pilot lamp")"
The front rider of a tandem, also called "captain" or "steersman"
A person whose office or occupation is to steer ships, particularly along a coast or into and out of a harbor
The heading or excavation of relatively small dimensions, first made in the driving of a larger tunnel
A pilot is a person who is trained to fly an aircraft. He spent seventeen years as an airline pilot. fighter pilots of the British Royal Air Force
someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight a person qualified to guide ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor
A person who likes planes but usually does not jump out of them
the introductory programming phase in ROBOLAB software It uses an easy click and choose interface in an existing template Pilot has four levels Level 1 is the easiest to use The Pilot phase does not use all of the capabilities of the RCX
A person who navigates a vessel Historically another name for Navigator, usually different from the Master or Captain Today a Pilot navigates the ship in specific bodies of water
Another name for a pioneer ball Often used to indicate a ball at your next hoop, whereas pioneer is used for a ball at your next-but-one hoop The differentiation is not made in this text
The process of testing a part of the final system as a gauge to determine the viability of the concept prior to implementing the entire system for full production It takes the concept out of the realm of theory, and provides empirical knowledge of what can reasonably be expected of the system when it is fully implemented
If a government or organization pilots a programme or a scheme, they test it, before deciding whether to introduce it on a larger scale. The trust is looking for 50 schools to pilot a programme aimed at teenage pupils preparing for work
A pilot or a pilot episode is a single television programme that is shown in order to find out whether a particular series of programmes is likely to be popular. A pilot episode of Nothing's Impossible has already been filmed. see also automatic pilot, test pilot
Pilots are sometimes made interchangeable
In a business, a test in small scale of a new business process or system In computer systems, a test before final acceptance of a new business system using a subset of data with engineered cases and documented results PINPersonal Identification Number Often used with debit or ATM cards
A person who aids the Master in ship navigation, usually in confined waters
Where research is conducted in advance of the actual study to assess the logistics of the study (i e the sample, methodology, question wording etc ) The aim is to highlight any areas of weakness which can then be eradicated in the actual study
an original model on which something is patterned
Specifically, a person duly qualified, and licensed by authority, to conduct vessels into and out of a port, or in certain waters, for a fixed rate of fees
Release strategy in which a module is put into production in a limited and very controlled environment; usually involves people, hardware, and software working together with the express intent of using the pilot period to learn what works and what does not work A pilot is usually run for a specific period of time; the results are documented and used as input to finalize the module before a larger deployment
a person qualified to operate the controls of an aircraft or spacecraft
A partial roll out of a Solution for the purpose of testing and validation
  A signal, usually a single frequency, transmitted over a communications system for supervisory, control, equalization, continuity, synchronization, or reference purposes (188)  Note: Sometimes it is necessary to employ several independent pilot frequencies   Most radio relay systems use radio or continuity pilots of their own but transmit also the pilot frequencies belonging to the carrier frequency multiplex system
small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
A large scale administration of an assessment, usually with several classes of students if not all students in a grade The purpose of the pilot is to detect any flaws in the assessment before the assessment is considered "done" and is fully implemented (See field test)
This is the process of refining the assessment procedures and developing the moderation processes for a syllabus within a restricted select group of schools
{f} fly a plane; navigate, steer; lead, guide, direct
To fly, or act as pilot of (an aircraft)
act as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan, direct, plot the path and position of the conveyance; "Is anyone volunteering to navigate during the trip?"; "Who was navigating the ship during the accident?"
{i} one who flies an aircraft; navigator; person who guides a vessel into or out of a harbor through difficult waters; trial episode on T.V.; something produced as an experiment before broader introduction; guide, leader; pilot light, small gas flame that stays lit continuously to provide ignition to a gas burner when it is turned on as in a stove or furnace
someone who is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight
A pretest or trial run of a program, evaluation instrument, or sampling procedure for the purpose of correcting any problems before it is implemented or used on a larger scale Topic areas: Accountability and Evaluation, Operations Management and Leadership
an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
1 n The person in control of an aircraft 2 The person who steers a ship; helmsman 3 Port official responsible for guiding ships into and out of the harbor 4 v To control a plane in flight or a ship in water 5 n See pilot program
An instrument for detecting the compass error
Independent navigational advisor at times of entering/leaving port, etc
If someone pilots an aircraft or ship, they act as its pilot. He piloted his own plane part of the way to Washington
The cowcatcher of a locomotive
Figuratively: To guide, as through dangers or difficulties
pilot balloon
A small unmanned balloon whose ascent is followed by a theodolite to obtain data for the computation of the speed and direction of winds in the upper air
pilot balloon observation
A method of winds-aloft observation, temperature, and relative humidity of the upper that is, the determination of wind speeds and air and to automatically transmit that directions in the atmosphere above a station. This is done by reading the elevation and azimuth angles of a theodolite (instrument) observation while visually tracking a pilot balloon. The ascension rate of the balloon is approximately determined by careful inflation to a given total lift. After release from the ground, periodic readings (usually at one-minute intervals) of elevation and azimuth angles of the balloon are recorded. These data are transferred to a winds-aloft plotting board, and wind speed and direction at selected levels are calculated by trigonometric methods
pilot fish
A marine fish, Naucrates ductor, that often follows large vessels and sharks
pilot hole
A narrow hole drilled or punched into a surface, to facilitate the insertion of a wider screw, nail, drill bit, or other boring tool

Nothing prevents splitting the wood as much as first driving a pilot hole, especially for hard wood.

pilot light
A small, persistent flame used to ignite gas
pilot lights
plural form of pilot light
pilot plant
A small-scale chemical engineering facility designed to research the full-scale production of a product
pilot project
An initial prototype where minor and major glitches have not been addressed
pilot whale
Either of two species of whale in the genus Globicephala, dark grey in colour
pilot whales
plural form of pilot whale
Alternative spelling of pilot hole
pilot error
Pilot error (sometimes called cockpit error) is a term used to describe the cause of an accident involving an airworthy aircraft where the pilot is considered to be principally or partially responsible. Pilot error can be defined as a mistake, oversight, lapse in judgement, or failure to exercise due diligence by an aircraft operator during the performance of his/her duties
An intermediate (medium-scale) bioprocessing step used to scale up from the laboratory to commercial production
Pilot's Night Vision Sensor
sensors in a pilot's cabin that produce pictures from heat waves, PNVS
pilot balloon
hot-air balloon filled with gas and used for observation and information gathering
pilot balloon
A small balloon used to determine wind velocity
pilot balloon
meteorological balloon used to observe air currents
pilot balloon
A small, unmanned balloon sent up to indicate the direction of air currents
pilot bit
a small bit that drills a first hole to guide a larger drill
pilot boat
a boat to carry pilots to and from large ships
pilot bread
pilot burner
{i} pilot light, small gas flame that stays lit continuously to provide ignition to a gas burner when it is turned on as in a stove or furnace
pilot burner
small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
pilot cell
A storage battery cell tested to determine the condition of the entire battery
pilot cloth
a thick blue cloth used to make overcoats and coats for sailors etc
pilot engine
a locomotive that precedes a train to check the track
pilot engine
A locomotive sent ahead of a train to check the track for safety and clearance
pilot experiment
a preliminary experiment whose outcome can lead to a more extensive experiment
pilot film
pilot program: a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors
pilot fish
A small slender marine fish (Naucrates ductor) that often swims in company with larger fishes, especially sharks and mantas. Widely distributed species (Naucrates ductor, family Carangidae) of carnivorous fish that inhabits warm and tropical open seas. It is slender and has a forked tail, a lengthwise keel on each side of the tail base, and a few small spines in front of the dorsal and anal fins. It may grow to 2 ft (60 cm) but is usually about 14 in. (35 cm) long. Five to seven distinctive vertical dark bands mark the bluish body. Pilot fishes follow sharks and ships, apparently to feed on parasites and leftover scraps. It was formerly thought that they were leading, or "piloting," the larger fishes to food
pilot flag
The flag hoisted at the fore by a vessel desiring a pilot, in the United States the union jack, in Great Britain the British union jack with a white border
pilot house
cabin on the deck of a ship from which a helmsman navigates
pilot ladder
(nautical) a hanging ladder of ropes or chains supporting wooden or metal rungs or steps
pilot lamp
A small electric lamp used to indicate that an electric circuit is energized. Also called pilot light
pilot lamp
A small incandescent telltale lamp on a dynamo or battery circuit to show approximately by its brightness the voltage of the current
pilot lamp
{i} electric indicator comprise of a light to indicate if power is on or a motor is operating
pilot light
A pilot light is a small gas flame in a cooker, stove, boiler, or fire. It burns all the time and lights the main large flame when the gas is turned fully on. a small gas flame that burns all the time and is used for lighting larger gas burners
pilot light
{i} pilot burner, small gas flame that stays lit continuously to provide ignition to a gas burner when it is turned on (as in a stove or furnace); pilot lamp
pilot light
The flame that ignites the main burner on a gas furnace
pilot light
small auxiliary gas burner that provides a flame to ignite a larger gas burner
pilot light
indicator consisting of a light to indicate whether power is on or a motor is in operation
pilot light
A small, continuous flame (in a hot water heater, boiler, or furnace) that ignites gas or oil burners when needed
pilot model
test model, model made to examine the feasibility of a product
pilot officer
In the British Royal Air Force, a pilot officer is someone who has the rank below Flying Officer. a middle rank in the Royal Air Force, or someone who has this rank
pilot officer
pilot who is a second lieutenant (Air Force)
pilot plant
experimental facility, trial plant
pilot program
a program exemplifying a contemplated series; intended to attract sponsors
pilot project
activity planned as a test or trial; "they funded a pilot project in six states
pilot report
A report of in-flight weather by an aircraft pilot or crew member Often referred to as a PIREP
pilot study
experimental use of a treatment in a small group of patients to learn if it will be effective and safe on a broad scale
pilot study
A smaller version of a study is carried out before the actual investigation is done Researchers use information gathered in pilot studies to refine or modify the research methodology for a study and to develop large-scale studies
pilot study
is a small study carried out before a large-scale study in order to try out a procedure or to test a principle
pilot study
A trial study carried out before a research design is finalised in order to assist in defining the research question or to test the feasibility, reliability and validity of the proposed study design
pilot study
A project that is done, to test the basic protocols and design to be used in a research study It is as this stage that the variables are refined to produce results that are meaningful
pilot study
Preliminary trial of an experimental procedure intended to reveal deficiencies and provide information on the behaviour likely to occur in the main study Pilot studies will pick up Ceiling and Floor Effects as well as things like, checking that questions and instructions are comprehensible as well as indicating the possible number of subjects to include in the full-blown study due to Individual Differences Where pilot studies do not lead to modification of materials or procedure, data can be directly incorporated into the main study, as long as an appropriate Sampling strategy has been used to select subjects
pilot valve
A small hand- operated valve to admit liquid to operate a valve difficult to turn by hand
pilot whale
Any of several large, usually black dolphins of the genus Globicephala, having an outward-curving globular forehead and noted for their occasional mass strandings. Also called blackfish, pothead whale. a small whale with black skin. Any of one to three species (genus Globicephala, family Delphinidae) of toothed whale found in all oceans except the Arctic and Antarctic, also called caa'ing whale for a roaring sound it makes when stranded. It is black, usually with a lighter splash on the throat and chest, and has a round, bulging forehead, a short beaklike snout, and slender, pointed flippers, and grows to 13-20 ft (4-6 m) long. Pilot whales live in large schools, sometimes hundreds or thousands, feeding mainly on squid. They have been kept in oceanariums and trained to perform
pilot whale
small dark-colored whale of the Atlantic coast of the United States; the largest male acts as pilot or leader for the school
pilot wheel
A wheel, usually with radial handles projecting from the rim, for traversing the saddle of a machine tool, esp
pilot wheel
an automatic machine tool, by hand
bush pilot
A pilot who flies small aircraft to and from remote locations, over expanses of relatively unpopulated territory

Last month, landed by a bush pilot on a glacier at 7,000 ft., the four began their long push—the kind of adventure that pales a plains dweller.

charter pilot
A pilot available for hire to fly, typically over short routes in light aircraft
fighter pilot
A pilot trained in using and assigned to pilot a fighter plane
Present participle of pilot
the form of navigation in which position is determined by relation to external reference points
sky pilot
A clergyman, especially a military chaplain or padre

Jack, I swear, I'm no sky-pilot, but a creep pad turns into a confession booth as soon as I squat in it – the chicks really run their mouths some spieling their life histories in my face.

Airline Transport Pilot Licence
(Havacılık) The Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL or ATP) is the highest level of aircraft pilot certification. Those certified as Airline Transport Pilots are authorized to act as pilot-in-command of an aircraft in air carrier service
A pilot
A pilot
automatic pilot
An automatic pilot or an autopilot is a device in an aircraft that automatically keeps it on a particular course
check out pilot
person whose job is to test the level of skill and ability of candidates who are applying for a pilot's license
The co-pilot of an aircraft is a pilot who assists the chief pilot. a pilot who shares the control of an aircraft with the main pilot
combat pilot
airplane pilot who fights in an action between two military forces
combat pilot
pilot of a fighter plane, one who flies airplanes during fighting
grounded pilot
pilot who is prevented from flying
past of pilot
the occupation of a pilot
the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to place
lacking a pilot; "a drone is a pilotless aircraft
Not having a pilot
{s} without a pilot, unpiloted
lacking a pilot; "a drone is a pilotless aircraft"
plural of pilot
sky pilot
one who flies aircraft; (Slang) term for a priest (especially used in the air force)
sky pilot
A person licensed as a pilot
test pilot
a pilot hired to fly experimental airplanes through maneuvers designed to test them
Türkçe - İngilizce
airplane pilot
(Denizcilik) (a) pilot
pilot (area, project)
airplane pilot, pilot
pilot bölge
pilot area
pilot bölge
development area
pilot bölgesi
(Ticaret) pilot region
pilot dalgası
pilot eğitimi
(Askeri) pilot training
pilot kaptan
pilot lambası
pilot lamp
pilot modeli
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot model
pilot proje
pilot scheme
pilot sinyali
(Bilgisayar) pilot
pilot ışığı
pilot light
pilot alev
pilot light
pilot alev
pilot jet
pilot alev
pilot burner
pilot alevi
pilot light
pilot alıcısı
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot receiver
pilot balon
(Meteoroloji) pilot baloon
pilot balon
pilot balloon
pilot balon gözlemi
(Meteoroloji) pilot balloon observation
pilot balon gözlemi
(Meteoroloji) pibal
pilot bant
pilot tape
pilot basınç pompası
charging pump
pilot bilgi dosyası
(Askeri) pilot’s information file
pilot dalga
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot wave
pilot deneyi
pilot experiment
pilot elektrodu
pilot electrode
pilot elektrotu
pilot electrode
pilot eğiticisi
link trainer
pilot fırlatma iskemlesi
(Havacılık) hot seat
pilot fırlatma koltuğu
hot seat
pilot galeri
(Madencilik) pilot heading
pilot gece görüş sistemi
(Askeri) pilot night vision system
pilot genişletici
pilot reamer
pilot hatası
pilot's error
pilot hava raporu
(Havacılık) pilot weather report
pilot inisiyatifi
(Havacılık) pilot’s discretion
pilot iniş yardım monitörü
(Askeri) pilot's landing aid television
pilot işletim
pilot running
pilot işletme
pilot plant
pilot kabini
pilot kabini

The badly burnt pilot was still in the cockpit. - Berbat bir şekilde yanmış pilot hâlâ pilot kabinindeydi.

pilot kazık
surveyor's stake
pilot kopya
pilot print
pilot koşum
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot running
pilot lamba
pilot lamp
pilot lisansı
(Askeri) pilot’s licence
pilot mahalli
pilot mahalli kanopisi
(Havacılık) cockpit canopy
pilot mahalli kapağı
(Havacılık) cockpit canopy
pilot mahalli lambası
(Havacılık) cockpit lamp
pilot mahalli örtüsü
(Havacılık) cockpit enclosure
pilot mahalli üst kapağı
(Havacılık) cockpit hood
pilot mil
(Otomotiv) pilot shaft
pilot model
pilot model
pilot müdahalesi
pilot action
pilot müdehalesi
pilot action
pilot olmak
to be as pissed as a newt
pilot olmak
as pissed as a newt
pilot olmak
be as pissed as a newt
pilot olmak
slang to get drunk, get soused
pilot paraşüt
pilot parachute
pilot pusulası
(Havacılık) pilot's compass
pilot raporu
pilot raporu
(Askeri) pilot report
pilot rulman
(Otomotiv) pilot bearing
pilot sistem
pilot system
pilot tatbik krokisi
(Askeri) pilot’s trace
pilot taşıyıcı
pilot carrier
pilot tüpü
pilot tube
pilot tüpü
gage tube
pilot tüpü
(Havacılık) impact tube
pilot valf
pilot valve
pilot valf pistonu
(Otomotiv) pilot valve plunger
pilot valf silindiri
(Otomotiv) pilot valve bushing
pilot yatak
(Otomotiv) pilot bearing
pilot yüzbaşı
flight lieutenant
pilot çalıştırma
pilot running
pilot öğretmen
pilot instructor
pilot ışık
pilot light
pilot şerit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pilot tape
birinci pilot
(Askeri) first pilot
ikinci pilot
(Askeri) second pilot
mekanik pilot
(Askeri) mechanical pilot
(Denizbilim) autopilot
otomatik pilot
(Havacılık) auto-pilot
pilot bölge
pilot region
alçaktan uçan pilot
beş düşman uçağı düşüren pilot
ilk nokta; ilk durum; eğitmen pilot; Internet Protokolü
(Askeri) initial point; initial position; instructor pilot; Internet Protocol
kaptan pilot
1. chief pilot. 2. driver of an intercity bus
komutan pilot
(Askeri) command pilot
kıdemli pilot
(Havacılık) senior pilot
otomatik pilot
robot pilot