
listen to the pronunciation of physik
Almanca - Türkçe
{fü'zi: k} e fizik
[die] fizik

Fizik öğretmenim kalıbının adamı değilmiş. - Mein Physiklehrer ist anders, als man seinem Äußeren nach vermuten würde.

Fizik öğretmenim bana hata yaptı. - Meine Physiklehrerin hat mir Unrecht getan.

İngilizce - Türkçe

physik teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı


Atom bombası, 20. yüzyılın fizik ürünüdür. - The atomic bomb is the offspring of 20th century physics.

O, üniversitede fizik alanında uzmanlaşmaya karar verdi. - He decided to specialize in physics at college.

(isim) fizik
Almanca - İngilizce

I don't like math, much less physics. - Ich mag Mathe nicht, noch weniger Physik.

My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes. - Meinem Physiklehrer ist es egal, wenn ich den Unterricht schwänze.

Of or pertaining to the physical aspects of a phenomena or a system, especially those studied in physics

The physics of car crashes would not let Tom Cruise walk away like that.

The branch of science concerned with the study of properties and interactions of space, time, matter and energy

Newtonian physics was extended by Einstein to explain the effects of travelling near the speed of light; quantum physics extends it to account for the behaviour of atoms.

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of physic
{n} natural philosophy, divinity
the science that treats of the phenomena associated with matter and energy
Physics are the mathematical calculations designed to create realism that mimics the real world in graphically-intensive applications like PC games, animation and simulation such as car crashes
Funderstanding Roller Coaster This simulator is designed for students who want to design their own thrilling coaster and educators who want to use a cool activity to simulate the application of physics by using an exciting interactive tool and access to a wonderful reference source Physics Central - Buckyball webguide best of the web Amazing resources for Physics The Particle Adventure - (Physics) interactive tour and links Explore the world of fundamental particles and forces and then investigate the experimental evidence and techniques Check these cool, interactive Physics sites from Physics Central
The study of how objects (from the very tiny to the very big) behave
The scientific study of matter and energy and how they interact
Study of matter and energy and their relationships
Physics is the scientific study of forces such as heat, light, sound, pressure, gravity, and electricity, and the way that they affect objects. the laws of physics. experiments in particle physics. the science concerned with the study of physical objects and substances, and of natural forces such as light, heat, and movement (physica, from , from physikos , from physis ). Science that deals with the structure of matter and the interactions between the fundamental constituents of the observable universe. Long called natural philosophy (from the Greek physikos), physics is concerned with all aspects of nature, covering the behaviour of objects under the action of given forces and the nature and origin of gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear force fields. The goal of physics is to formulate comprehensive principles that bring together and explain all discernible phenomena. See also aerodynamics; astrophysics; atomic physics; biophysics; mechanics; nuclear physics; particle physics; quantum mechanics; solid-state physics; statistical mechanics. atomic physics mathematical physics nuclear physics particle physics high energy physics solid state physics
The science dealing with matter and energy and their interaction
the science that deals with energy and matter, and studies the way in which things are moved and work is done
Materials Fabrication SEEDS, MZI SQUIDS, QBITs
Quantification and measurement of physical things in order to describe relationships or laws between them
{i} study of the laws of nature, study of the characteristics of matter and energy
The science of the properties and interactions of matter and energy
– the science dealing with the properties, changes, interactions, etc of matter and energy
the study of properties of the Universe via measuring experiments
Physik der Beziehungen Sonne-Erde
solar-terrestrial physics
Physik der Hydrosphäre
Physik der Hydrosphäre
hydrosphere physics
Physik der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Sonne und Erde
solar terrestrial physics
Physik der festen Erde
solid earth physics
Physik der festen Erde
physics of the solid Earth
Physik der oberen Atmosphäre
upper atmosphere physics
Physik der oberen Atmosphäre
Physik der unteren Atmosphäre
Physik der unteren Atmosphäre
lower atmospheric physics
Physik und Chemie betreffend
Nobelpreis für Physik
Nobel Prize in Physics
in Physik durchkommen
to get a pass in physics
solarterrestrische Physik
solar terrestrial physics
verwandte Fachgebiete wie Physik und Chemie
cognate subjects such as physics and chemistry
zwei Stunden Physik pro Woche
two periods of physics per week
zwei Wochenstunden Physik
two periods of physics per week