orig. Philip John Baker born Nov. 1, 1889, London, Eng. died Oct. 8, 1982, London British statesman and advocate of disarmament. He worked for the League of Nations secretariat (1919-22) and taught international relations at the University of London (1924-29). He served in the House of Commons (1929-31, 1936-70) and in ministerial posts (1945-61). He helped draft the UN charter, and he campaigned widely for peace through multilateral disarmament. An Olympic runner in 1912, 1920, and 1924, he later served as president of UNESCO's International Council on Sport and Physical Recreation (1960-82). In 1959 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace
philip john noel-baker baron noel-baker of the city of derby
Phil-ip John No·el-Ba·ker bar-on No·el-Ba·ker of the Ci-ty of der-by