
listen to the pronunciation of personate
İngilizce - Türkçe
bir karakteri canlandırmak
bir şahsı oynamak
{f} kendini başka türlü göstermek
{f} canlandırmak
{f} rolünü oynamak
{f} karakterize etmek
{f} tavrı takınmak
{f} kişileştirmek

Kilo almak, kişisel gelişimin en kolay metodudur. - Weight increase is the easiest method for personal development.

Japonya'ya gitmek istemeyi tercih etmemin sebebi onların çalışkan ve dürüst kişilikleridir. - The reason I prefer to go to Japan is that the people in Japan are hardworking and have honest personalities.

{i} şahıs

Tom kötü bir şahıs değil. - Tom isn't a bad person.

Hiçbir şey bir şahıs olmak kadar zor değil. - Nothing is as difficult as becoming a person.

{i} tip

Tom kesinlikle sözünden dönecek bir insan tipi gibi görünmüyor. - Tom certainly doesn't seem like the kind of person that would back down.

Tom her zaman gülümseyen bir tiptir. - Tom is the type of person who always smiles.

{i} birey

Din çok bireyseldir. Neredeyse herkesin gerçekten kendi dini vardır. Dindeki bütünlük bir kurnazlıktır. - Religion is very personal. Practically everyone has really his own religion. Collectivity in religion is an artifice.

Yalnızca her birey ona karşı harekete geçmeye karar verirse, AIDS durdurulabilir. - AIDS can be stopped only if every person decides to take action against it.


Cümleler kelimelere içerik getirir. Cümlelerin kişilikleri vardır. Onlar komik, akıllı, aptal, anlayışlı, dokunaklı, incitici olabilirler. - Sentences bring context to the words. Sentences have personalities. They can be funny, smart, silly, insightful, touching, hurtful.

Arabada bir kişilik yer vardı. - There was room for one person in the car.


Genç bir adam seni dışarıda bekliyor. - A young person is waiting for you outside.

Donald Trump ünlü bir iş adamıdır. - Donald Trump is a famous business person.


Duygulu bir kimseyim, bilirsin. - I am a sensitive person, you know.

Kimse paranın çoğunu katkıda bulunan kişinin Tom olduğunu bilmiyordu. - Nobody knew that Tom was the person who contributed most of the money.


Bir insanın kalbi, yaklaşık olarak yumruğuyla aynı boyuttadır. - A person's heart is approximately the same size as their fist.

Ben dürüst bir insanım. - I am an honest person.


O oraya bizzat gitti. - He went there in person.

Ben sadece bizzat öldürdüğüm ve parçaladığım hayvanlardan et yerim. - I only eat meat from animals that I have personally killed and butchered.

{i} dilb. şahıs
{i} karakter [tiy.]
adam kişi
in person şahsen
{i} zat
kanuni hakları ve vecibeleri olan şahıs veya grup
{i} beden
{i} vücut

Vücut kitle endeksi 25 ile 29 arasında olan bir kişi kilolu olarak düşünülmektedir. - A person with a BMI of 25 to 29 is considered overweight.

Ebola vücut sıvıları yoluyla insandan insana yayılır. - Ebola spreads from person to person through bodily fluids.

birinci şahıs

Jose kendini kötü karakterli bir kişi olarak gösterdi. - José showed himself to be a person of bad character.

Adın karakterini etkiliyor. - Your name affects your personality.

{i} taklit etme
{i} kendini başka türlü tanıtma
{i} sahte isim kullanma
{i} karakteri canlandırma
İngilizce - İngilizce
to portray a character (as in a play); to act
to attribute personal characteristics to something; to personify
to fraudulently portray another person; to impersonate
{v} to represent, counterfeit, feign
{a} masked, labiate with the lips closed
To assume the character of; to represent by a fictitious appearance; to act the part of; hence, to counterfeit; to feign; as, he tried to personate his brother; a personated devotion
To celebrate loudly; to extol; to praise
{f} play a role, represent; imitate, impersonate; personify, invest with personality
attribute human qualities to something; "The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous"
To personify; to typify; to describe
To play or assume a character
To set forth in an unreal character; to disguise; to mask
Having the throat of a bilabiate corolla nearly closed by a projection of the base of the lower lip; masked, as in the flower of the snapdragon
pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions; "She posed as the Czar's daughter"
A human being; an individual

THE favourable reception the Orrery has met with from Perſons of the firſt diſtinƈtion, and from Gentlemen and Ladies in general, has induced me to add to it ſeveral new improvements in order to give it a degree of Perfeƈtion; and diſtinguiſh it from others ; which by Piracy, or Imitation, may be introduced to the Public.

Any individual or formal organization with standing before the courts

By common law a corporation or a trust is legally a person.

The physical body of a specific human being

Meanwhile, the dazed Sullivan, dressed like a bum with no identification on his person, is arrested and put to work on a brutal Southern chain gang. — New York Times, 2004.

A linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom he is speaking. See grammatical person
A specific human being

Where is the person?.

Someone who likes or knows (the specified thing)
The act of voting in an election by impersonating someone else
{n} a man or woman, the shape of a body
{n} a counterfeiting another person
Persons is used as the plural of person in formal, legal, and technical writing. removal of the right of accused persons to remain silent
Means and includes an individual, firm, public or private corporation, association, partnership, political subdivision, municipality, or government agency
An individual or corporation
A shoot or bud of a plant; a polyp or zooid of the compound Hydrozoa Anthozoa, etc
Any natural person, corporation, association, partnership, receiver, trustee, guardian, executor, administrator, and a fiduciary or representative of any kind
A human being or an organization (or a device under the control of a human being or organization) capable of signing or verifying a message, either legally or as a matter of fact (A synonym of ENTITY )
a human being; "there was too much for one person to do" a person's body (usually including their clothing); "a weapon was hidden on his person" a grammatical category of pronouns and verb forms; "stop talking about yourself in the third person
In legal meaning, a "person" may be an individual, a corporation, or some other entity created according to law The Model Solicitations Act (1986), defines "person" as "an individual, corporation, association, partnership, trust, foundation or any other entity however styled "
The usual word for `more than one person' is people. The form persons is used as the plural in formal or legal language
means an individual, partnership, corporation, trust or estate, or a body that is a society, union, club, association, commission or other organization of any kind
Individuals and partnerships composed solely of individuals, corporations organized under the Laws of any of the United States or corporations subject to the jurisdiction of the Interstate Commerce Commission or the Public Service Commission
A character or part, as in a play; a specific kind or manifestation of individual character, whether in real life, or in literary or dramatic representation; an assumed character
If someone says, for example,`I'm an outdoor person' or `I'm not a coffee person', they are saying whether or not they like that particular activity or thing. I am not a country person at all. I prefer the cities
"Person" includes any person, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, or company
If you talk about someone as a person, you are considering them from the point of view of their real nature. Robin didn't feel good about herself as a person
A parson; the parish priest
a natural person, corporation, company, partnership, or association (per WAC 208-660-010) a natural person, corporation, company, limited liability corporation, partnership, or association (per RCW 19 146 010)
a grammatical category of pronouns and verb forms; "stop talking about yourself in the third person"
In grammar, we use the term first person when referring to `I' and `we', second person when referring to `you', and third person when referring to `he', `she', `it', `they', and all other noun groups. Person is also used like this when referring to the verb forms that go with these pronouns and noun groups. see also first person, second person, third person
Among Trinitarians, one of the three subdivisions of the Godhead (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost); an hypostasis
A natural person, partnership, joint stock company, corporation, unincorporated association or society, or the state and any agency thereof, or any county, municipality, or political subdivision, or any other corporation of any character whatsoever
A living, self-conscious being, as distinct from an animal or a thing; a moral agent; a human being; a man, woman, or child
The bodily form of a human being; body; outward appearance; as, of comely person
The modern definition of the word "person" may mislead us into thinking that the trinity is a collection of three separate gods But the Latin "persona" means "the mask that an actor uses " So, in a sense, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit of the Trinity are three "masks" that the one transcendent God uses
a grammatical category of pronouns and verb forms; "stop talking about yourself in the third person
As used in the Export Control Regulations, this can mean a natural person as well as a corporation, business association, partnership, society, trust, or any other entity, organization or group, including governmental entities
a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
Specific human being
An individual, corporation, partnership, association, trust, government or other entity
also, an individual, in the narrowest sense, among the higher animals
Your person is your body. The suspect had refused to give any details of his identity and had carried no documents on his person
(am) means an individual, corporation, company, association, partnership, State agency, municipality including a county, or Federal agency
You can use in the person of when mentioning the name of someone you have just referred to in a more general or indirect way. We had a knowledgeable guide in the person of George Adams
Any individual, receiver, trustee, guardian, personal representative, fiduciary, or representative of any kind, and any partnership, association, corporation or other entity Person includes the federal government, the State, and any other public or private entity (3)
If you do something in person, you do it yourself rather than letting someone else do it for you. She went to New York to receive the award in person
Within the context of the Act, a "person" means a "legal person," which includes an individual, a corporation, or any other entity
To represent as a person; to personify; to impersonate
a segment of discourse that pertains to the speaker (first person), to the one spoken to (second person), or the one spoken of (third person) The singular prounouns in English that are first person, second person, and third person are respectively "I", "you", and any of "he", "she", or "it" -- although it may seem weird for "it" to have a person associated with it (namely, third)
The physical body of a specified individual
Person(s), both plural and singular, as the case demands, include individuals, partnerships, corporations, companies, societies, and associations
If you meet, hear, or see someone in person, you are in the same place as them, rather than, for example, speaking to them on the telephone, writing to them, or seeing them on television. It was the first time she had seen him in person
A human being spoken of indefinitely; one; a man; as, any person present
A person is a man, woman, or child. At least one person died and several others were injured Everyone knows he's the only person who can do the job The amount of sleep we need varies from person to person
means any natural individual, firm, trust, estate, partnership, association, joint stock company, joint adventure, corporation, limited liability company, or a receiver, trustee, guardian, or other representative appointed by order of any court, or any city, town, county or other political subdivision in this State Whenever used in prescribing and imposing a fine or imprisonment or both, the term "person" as applied to partnerships and associations shall mean the partners or members thereof, as applied to limited liability companies the term "person" means managers, members, agents, or employees of the limited liability company, and as applied to corporations the term "person" shall mean the officers, agents, or employees thereof who are responsible for any violation of the Motor Fuel Tax Law
Any individual or legal entity, including an individual corporation, partnership, association, state, municipality, political subdivision of a state, Indian tribe, and any agency, department, or instrumentality of the United States, and any officer, agent, or employee thereof
an individual, corporation, governmental agency, municipality, trust, estate, partnership, association, two or more individuals having joint or common interest, or other legal entity
Any individual, firm, partnership, joint adventure, corporation, estate, or trust, or any group or combination acting as a unit, but not a governmental unit, and the plural as well as the singular number
One of three relations or conditions (that of speaking, that of being spoken to, and that of being spoken of) pertaining to a noun or a pronoun, and thence also to the verb of which it may be the subject
{i} human being; individual human; body of a human
An entity defined by USDA as being eligible to receive federal farm program benefits, subject to annual payment limitation constraints A "person" may be an individual farmer, an individual member of a joint operation, a corporation, a joint stock company, an association, a limited partnership, a trust, an estate, or a charitable organization A husband and wife are considered one person for payment limitation purposes A joint operation is not a person; neither is a cooperative association of producers that markets commodities for producers
Any individual, corporation, partnership, trust, association, or other business or non-profit organization, or any Federal, municipal, or regional governmental, intergovernmental or other entity that is not an gency
Human being; individual
a person's body (usually including their clothing); "a weapon was hidden on his person"
means any individual, partnership, firm, joint stock company, corporation, association, trust, estate, or other legal entity

You had better go in person. - You'd better go in person.

You are the last person I expected to see here. - You're the last person I expected to see here.

The act of personating, or conterfeiting the person or character of another
{i} playing of a role; imitation, impersonation, mimicry