
listen to the pronunciation of per
İngilizce - Türkçe
{e} başına, her bir ... için: two per person kişi başına iki tane
(Askeri) personel (personnel)

Her şahsın dinlenmeye, eğlenmeye, bilhassa çalışma müddetinin makul surette sınırlandırılmasına ve muayyen devrelerde ücretli tatillere hakkı vardır. - Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

Her insan farklı bir yol izlesede, hedeflerimiz aynıdır. - Although each person follows a different path, our destinations are the same.

her bir ... için
(Havacılık) her bir için
her biri için

Büyük annem başına buyruk birisidir. - My grandma is a very independent person.

Bu tur kişi başına ne kadar? - How much is this tour per person?


Tom, olaylara daima olumsuz tarafından bakan çok kötümser bir insan. - Tom's a very pessimistic person and always sees the negative side of any situation.

Shiritori oyunu senden önceki kişi tarafından konuşulan kelimenin son sesinin alınmasıyla ve sonra bir sonraki kişinin o sesle başlayan bir kelime aramasıyla oynanır. - The game of shiritori is played by taking the final sound of the word spoken by the person before you, and then the next person looks for a word that begins with that sound.

{e} aracılığı ile
{e} gereğince

Genç bir adam seni dışarıda bekliyor. - A young person is waiting for you outside.

Tom dün ön ehliyetini aldı, bu yüzden araba sürmeyi pratik yapmak için babası ile birlikte dışarıda. - Tom got his learner's permit yesterday, so he's out with his father practicing driving.


Ben tamamen normalim. - I'm perfectly normal.

Tom şu anki aylığından tamamen memnun. - Tom is perfectly satisfied with his current salary.

(Tıp) Vasıtası (yolu) ile

Mary mükemmel şekilde manikürlü tırnaklarını saçının içinden geçirdi. - Mary ran her perfectly manicured nails through her hair.

{e} göre

Bu görevi başka bir kişiye vermelisin. - You should give this task to some other person.

Benim kişisel bakış açıma göre onun fikri doğrudur. - From my personal point of view, his opinion is right.


Kollarımızdaki pazularımızdan çok daha fazlasına sahibiz,Per. - We've got a lot more than just biceps in our arms, Per.

Kişisel bilgisayarlar çok kullanışlıdır. - Personal computers are very useful.

{e} nazaran
(Havacılık) e göre
-e göre
(Kimya,Tıp) per
Per cent mille
Yüz binde bir
per capita gdp
(Bilim, İlim) Kişi başına düşen milli gelir
per mil
Binde bir
per mill
Binde bir
per mille
Binde bir
per thousand
Binde bir
per se
(sey') kendi başına, aslında, haddi zatında
per annum
(Latin) senevi
per capita
(Ticaret) adam başına
per centage
per day

Günlük en az sekiz saat uyumam gerektiğini biliyorum ama genellikle daha az uyuyorum. - I know that I should sleep for at least eight hours per day, however usually I sleep less.

per day
gün başına
per diem
(Ticaret) günlük olarak
per diem
(Latin) gün başına
per hour

Tom Mary'ye su aygırlarının saatte yaklaşık 30 kilometrelik bir hızla koşabileceğini düşündüğünü söyledi. - Tom told Mary that he thought a hippopotamus could run at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour.

Uçak saatte beş yüz kilometre hızla uçar. - The airplane flies at a speed of five hundred kilometers per hour.

per line
(Bilgisayar) her satır
per mensem
(Ticaret) aylık
per month

Onun maaşı aylık 250,000 yendir. - His salary is 250,000 yen per month.

Onun maaşı aylık 250.000 yen. - His salary is 250 thousand yen per month.

per os
(Tıp) ağızdan
per page
(Bilgisayar) her sayfa
per pro
(Ticaret) vekaleten imzaya yetkili
per procuration
per se
(Latin) müstakil olarak
per se
kendi başına
per se
haddi zatında
per se
(Latin) başlı başına
per second
(Bilgisayar) saniyede

Modern bilgisayarlar saniyede on üzeri dokuz (10^9) işlem yapıyor. - Modern computers carry out ten to the ninth power (10^9) operations per second.

Işık hızı saniyede yaklaşık 186.000 mildir. - The velocity of light is about 186,000 miles per second.

per user
(Bilgisayar) kullanıcı başına
per annum
per annum
per annum
per anum
per anum
per capita
kişi başına (düşen)
per capita consumption
kişi başına tüketim
per capita income
kişi başına gelir
per capita quota
kişi başına düşen pay
per cent

Tom oyların sadece yüzde birini aldı. - Tom received only one per cent of the vote.

Almanya'da KDV yüzde 19'dur. - The VAT in Germany is 19 per cent.

per centile
per chance
per contra
(edat) diğer taraftan
per diem
per diem
per head
adam başı
per head
kişi başı
per hour
her sögen
per incuriam
ihmalkârlık yüzünden
per mensem
per mille
per oral
per os
per post
per procuration
per quod
per rectum
per se
per a month
bir aylık
per capita
Kişi başına

Japon halkının kişi başına düşen pirinç tüketimi yaklaşık elli yıl önce olanın yarısı. - The per capita consumption of rice of Japanese people is about half of what it was fifty years ago.

per capita income
(Ekonomi) Kişi başına düşen gelir
per case
vaka başına
per cent of
yüzde başına
per diem
per mil
mil başına
per procuration
namına, vekâleten
per return
dönüş başına
per square foot
kare başına ayak
per steamer
gemi başına
per week

Ben hizmetlerim için haftalık 2.000 dolarlık sabit bir ücret talep ediyorum. - I charge a flat fee of 2,000 dollars per weekend for my services.

per your request
talebiniz/isteğiniz üzerine. - "All set per your request." - "İsteğiniz üzere herşey tamamdır."
per your request
İsteğiniz başına
başı diem
per annum
(än'ım) yıllık, her yıl için; yılda
per annum session
yıllık olağan toplantı
per anum
(Tıp) Anus (makat) yolu ile
per capita
(käp'ıtı) kişi başına
per capita premium
(Sigorta) kişi başına ödenecek prim
per capita real income
kişi başına reel gelir
per cavus
(Tıp) per cavus
per cent transmission
(Nükleer Bilimler) yüzde geçirgenlik
per centum
per chlorate
(Kimya) per klorat
per contra
per contra
karşı taraftaki
per contra
per curriam
(Ticaret) mahkemece
per day
per diem
günlük ücret
per excavatus
(Tıp) per excavatus
per hour
saat başına

Okinawa'daki asgari ücret saat başına 642 yendir. - The minimum wage in Okinawa is 642 yen per hour.

Saat başına ne kadar ücret alıyorsunuz? - How much do you charge per hour?

per kilometer
kilometre başına
per machine
(Bilgisayar) makine başına
per mensem
her ay
per minute
dakika başına
per month
per month
per mov avg
(Bilgisayar) hareketli ortalama başına
per os
(Tıp) Ağız yolu ile, ağızdan peroral
per piece
parça başına
per primam intentionem
(Tıp) İltihaplanmaksızın iyileşme şeklinde (yara kapanması hakkında)
per primam intentionem
(Tıp) Bir yaranın iki dudağının asgari bir granülasoyn dokusu ile yapışıp iyileşmesi
per pro
per pro
(fiil)kâleten, namına, adına
per pro
per procurationem
per procurationem
(fiil)kâleten, namına, adına
per procurationem
per saltum
(Tıp) Bir sıçrayışta, bir defadan
per saltum
(Tıp) Bir hamlede bir atılımda
per se violations
(Ticaret) firmalar arasında
per secundam intentionem
(Tıp) İltihaplanmayı takiben iz bırakarak iyileşme şeklinde (Yara kapanması hakkında)
per secundan intentionem
(Tıp) Bir yaranın iki dudağının ancak granülasyon dokusunun aracılığı ile kaynayıp iyileşmesi
per side
(Bilgisayar) her bir tarafta
per stirpes
(Kanun) tabakalara göre
per vaginam
(Tıp) Vagina yoluyla, vagina aracılığıyla
per week

Haftada ne kadar kazanıyorsun? - How much do you earn per week?

Bu, haftada iki defadan fazla olur. - This happens more than two times per week.

per week
per year
yıl başına
per diem
per annum
her yıl için
per annum
(Politika, Siyaset) her yıl yapılan
per annum
(Ticaret) yıl başına
per capita
(Ticaret) insan başına
per diem
her günkü
per diem
(Ticaret) her gün
per hour
saat ücreti
per os
(Tıp) per os
per se
per unit
birim başına
per week
her hafta
per diem
(di'yım) günlük; günde
per diem
per hour
İngilizce - İngilizce
protein efficiency ratio
in accordance with

I parked my car at the curb per your request.

used in expressing ratios of units

beats per minute.

via (the), by (the), through (the)

The medication is to be administered per orum.

for each

Admission is £10 per person.

nIII: permission (categorical); permitted, allowed
Packed Encoding Rules
Public Expenditure Review
Post Execution Reporting System - American Stock Exchange equities trading system
You use per to express rates and ratios. For example, if something costs £50 per year, you must pay £50 each year for it. If a vehicle is travelling at 40 miles per hour, it travels 40 miles each hour. Social Security refused to pay her more than £17 per week Buses and trains use much less fuel per person than cars. per head: see head
Through; by means of; through the agency of; by; for; for each; as, per annum; per capita, by heads, or according to individuals; per curiam, by the court; per se, by itself, of itself
Per is also sometimes used with English words
In equity research, the price-earnings ratio is calculated from the current market price divided by the (estimated) profit per share The PER is a measure for assessing the past and future earning power of a 'public limited company' and is used to compare different companies
A prefix used to signify through, throughout, by, for, or as an intensive as perhaps, by hap or chance; perennial, that lasts throughout the year; perforce, through or by force; perfoliate, perforate; perspicuous, evident throughout or very evident; perplex, literally, to entangle very much
[Latin for]
If something happens as per a particular plan or suggestion, it happens in the way planned or suggested. When they reach here they complain that they are not being paid as per the agreement
for one -- " buy some grapes at $1 89 per kilogram " (218)

The teacher said: What is necessary for success, above all, is perseverance. - The teacher said: Above all, what is necessary for success is perseverance.

You're the very person I've been looking for. - You are the very person I have been looking for.

Originally, denoting that the element to the name of which it is prefixed in the respective compounds exercised its highest valence; now, only that the element has a higher valence than in other similar compounds; thus, barium peroxide is the highest oxide of barium; while nitrogen and manganese peroxides, so-called, are not the highest oxides of those elements
— the genetic abbreviation for the gene named period, which was the first clock gene to be discovered
via (the), by (the), through (the) (followed by Latin name for an orifice)
Incident or Retainer
{e} for each; by means of, via; through
per accidens
By chance; by reason of an accidental, incidental or non-essential circumstance; contingently; indirectly
per alia
By others; through others. Said about a proposition held to be true because it follows from other true propositions. Compare per se

If humans are mortal, and Socrates is a human, then per alia Socrates is mortal.

per annum
in, or for each year
per annum
per anum
via the anus
per capita
shared equally among all individuals
per capita
equally among all individuals
per capita
per person
per cent.
per centum ("by the hundred")
per contra
in contrast, on the contrary
per curiam
an opinion delivered by an entire court rather than a single judge
per diem
a daily allowable limit for expendables
per diem
a daily stipend
per impossibile
As is impossible

If, per impossibile, large economic inequalities did not threaten political, legal, and social equality, they would be much less objectionable.

per mille
A part or other object per thousand

Three per mille.

per nasum
via the nose
per nocte
At night
per orem
Alternative form of per os. via the mouth; orally
per orum
Alternative form of per orem. per os; via the mouth; orally
per pro
per procurationem; by the agency of (used when signing a letter in place of someone else)
per procurationem
on behalf of (someone who does not sign themselves)
per procurationem
by the agency of, especially when signing a letter in place of someone else
per se
By itself; without consideration of extraneous factors

The law makes drunk driving illegal per se.

per se
As a matter of law
per se
As such; as one would expect from the name

Well, that's not correct per se, but the situation is something like that.

per stirpes
A method of distributing an estate to the descendants of a deceased legatee in which the estate is divided equally among the branches of a family, without regard to differing numbers of people in different branches
Denoting the sense "by" or "per", as in perchance or perhaps
Forming nouns and adjectives denoting the maximum proportion of one element in a compound, as in peroxide.Or A prefix added to the name of an element in a polyatomic ion denote the number of that element (usually four)
In verbs: denoting the sense "thoroughly", as in perfect
In verbs: denoting the sense "to destruction", as in pervert
In verbs: denoting the sense "through", as in perforate
In adjectives and adverbs: denoting the sense "extremely", as in perfervid
Per cent mille
One one-thousandth of a percent, milli-percent
per mill
Per thousand
per capita gdp
(Bilim, İlim) A measure of the total output of a country that takes the gross domestic product (GDP) and divides it by the number of people in the country
per curiam
(Kanun) By the court as a whole rather than by a single justice and usually without extended discussion. "a per curiam decision"
per diem
A per diem is an amount of money that someone is given to cover their daily expenses while they are working.: "He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses."
per se
This is a Latin phrase meaning "by itself," or innately.A per se matter is one that is alone and not connected to another matter.intrinsically: with respect to its inherent nature; "this statement is interesting per se"
per annum
yearly or annually
per annum
By the year or yearly e g , mortgage calls for a balloon payment to be made each year
per annum
A particular amount per annum means that amount each year. a fee of £35 per annum Kenya's population is growing at 4.1 per cent per annum. p.a. for each year
per capita
A way of distributing your estate so that your surviving descendents will share equally, regardless of their generation
per capita
The death proceeds of a contract or policy are divided equally among the living beneficiaries For example if three beneficiaries are named but one is no longer living, the remaining to will each receive 1/2 of the proceeds For contrast see per stirpes
per capita
per person; "among the states Connecticut has a high per capita income"
per capita
per person; "we are spending $5,000 per capita annually for education in this district"
per capita
Latin for "by heads " A measurement that is presented in terms of units per person, as opposed to a total or aggregate figure
per capita
Calculated by dividing latest population estimates into gross sales Population data is from the State Demographics Center at Minnesota Planning
per capita
A term used in the distribution of property which requires the distribution to be split among the number of individuals to share and share alike; opposite of per stirpes; for example, if a trust (or will) specifies that the trust estate is to be divided between Joe and Trudi, per capita and if Joe predeceases the grantor (or testator), then Trudi will receive the entire estate
per capita
Per person; generally used in expressions of water use, gallons per capita per day (gpcd) Point-of-Use Water Treatment: Refers to devices used in the home or office on a specific tap to provide additional drinking water treatment Point-of-Entry Water Treatment: Refers to devices used in the home where water pipes enter to provide additional treatment of drinking water used throughout the home
per capita
– Per person
per capita
(1) By head or by individual; (2) to share equally
per capita
- "Individually " When all heirs entitled to a portion of an intestate decedent's estate are related to the deceased in the same degree of relationship (same generation ascendants or descendants), each receives an identical portion, all sharing equally Also, a distribution of property based on giving equal shares to all those entitled to the intestate's estate
per capita
per person; generally used in expressions of water use, gallons per capita per day (gpcd)
per capita
For each person
per capita
The fee paid to the National organization for each hound competing
per capita
per person; "we are spending $5,000 per capita annually for education in this district
per capita
Per person, by or for each individual
per capita
Literally "by heads " Distribution among survivors by persons on a share-and-share-alike basis The term is often used in beneficiary designations Contrast with Per Stirpes (LI)
per capita
For each head of population
per capita income
the total national income divided by the number of people in the nation
per capita income
income per person
per cent
You use per cent to talk about amounts. For example, if an amount is 10 per cent of a larger amount, it is equal to 10 hundredths of the larger amount. 20 to 40 per cent of the voters are undecided We aim to increase sales by 10 per cent Per cent is also an adjective. There has been a ten per cent increase in the number of new students arriving at polytechnics this year. Per cent is also an adverb. its prediction that house prices will fall 5 per cent over the year
per centum
a proportion multiplied by 100
per contra
on the contrary; however, on the other hand
per curiam
(Latin: "by the court ") An opinion which expresses the decision in the case but which does not identify the judge who wrote it
per curiam
Decision by an appellate court, without a written opinion, that refuses to re- view the decision of a lower court; amounts to a reaffirmation of the lower court's opinion
per diem
(literally: per day) Daily living expense money rendered legislators and personnel
per diem
A charge made by one transportation line against another for the use of its equipment The charge is based on a fixed rate per day
per diem
{s} calculated on a daily basis; daily; paid by the day
per diem
Daily allowance which may be paid to staff when they are absent from home, and from the work place, on University business at the discretion of the Head of the financial unit
per diem
1 Lat by the day 2 A sum of money paid or given to an employee to cover daily expenses 3 In the cruise industry, the daily cost of a cruise to the passenger
per diem
one every day; "we'll save 100 man-hours per diem
per diem
average prices of daily business travel expenses, including hotel, meals, and miscellaneous items
per diem
- Literally "for the day " The pocket money each person has per day for meals, local transportation, etc which are not covered by an expense account or reimbursable Usually the per diem in CEE/fSU countries is 25 USD to 65 USD, depending upon the funding organization and country
per diem
Literally, per day; daily expense money paid to legislators
per diem
one every day; "we'll save 100 man-hours per diem"
per diem
A sum of money allowed to government and business travelers by their employers to cover their food and lodging expenses
per diem
The amount that will be paid for hospital services on a daily basis, regardless of actual charges Per diem rates are often used in conjunction with hospital contracts with managed care plans
per diem
amount of business expenses a person can claim each day without those expenses being taxed as income; commonly applied to meals
per diem
(Latin) by the day; per day
per diem
a daily allowance paid to personnel working on a project to cover normal costs of living while away from home, specifically meals and lodging
per mille
Per Thousand The Premium Rate for some types of group insurance is quoted per £1000 of benefit
per se
by itself; considering nothing but itself
per se
Of itself; taken alone; unconnected with other matters
per se
By or of itself; for example, slander per se, where the words spoken are obviously defamatory and the injured party is not required to prove damage to his character
per se
of itself, in itself
nIII: permission (categorical); permitted, allowed
Packed Encoding Rules
Post Execution Reporting System - American Stock Exchange equities trading system
— the genetic abbreviation for the gene named period, which was the first clock gene to be discovered
In equity research, the price-earnings ratio is calculated from the current market price divided by the (estimated) profit per share The PER is a measure for assessing the past and future earning power of a 'public limited company' and is used to compare different companies
Per Cent
Per person
per capita
per annum
yearly, per 12-month period, each year
per annum
by the year
per annum
by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received); "he earned $100,000 per annum"; "we issue six volumes per annum
per annum
by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received); "he earned $100,000 per annum"; "we issue six volumes per annum"
per capita
according to the number of people
per capita
This means per person For example, per capita household debt tells how much debt each person would owe if the total of all household debt were divided equally among everyone
per capita
The per capita amount of something is the total amount of it in a country or area divided by the number of people in that country or area. They have the world's largest per capita income Per capita is also an adverb. Ethiopia has almost the lowest oil consumption per capita in the world. used to describe the average amount of something in a particular place, calculated according to the number of people who live there
per capita
A distribution made equally to the number of persons receiving property See Per Stirpes
per capita
Literally, by the person In life insurance, for reasons of distributing proceeds to beneficiaries, per capita means designated individual share in the proceeds on an individual basis (For insurance, if three primary beneficiaries are designated, each will receive one-third; should one die, the two remaining will each receive one-half ) (For contrast, see: per stirpes )
per capita
Literally "by head " Distribution among survivors by persons on a share-and-share-alike basis The term is often used in beneficiary designations Contrast with Per Stirpes
per cent
percentage; hundredths
per diem
The daily allowance for meals and incidental expenses, i e , gratuities, laundry, and newspapers
per diem
Per diem is an allowance for lodging (not designated), and meals The per diem rates are established annually for travelers on official Government business A map detailing the allotted amounts by state, then city is located at: http: //policyworks gov/org/main/mt/homepage/mtt/perdiem/perd02d html
per diem
The amount that the University reimburses meal, incidental and lodging expense while an employee is on O-CONUS travel for University business All O-CONUS travel, as defined in Policy TR06, is to be reimbursed on a per-diem basis, not on an actual basis All O-CONUS per diem rates can be found in Appendix 10
per diem
(literally: per day) Daily living expense payment made to legislators when a house is in session
per diem
A specific amount paid by a sponsor organization to an artist or artist ensemble for lodging and meal expenses while they carry out a project outside their community of residence Per diem amounts may be included as eligible fees in a grant application, and must be specifically agreed to between the artist/artist ensemble and the sponsor organization
per diem
For the day": an allowance made to legislators for travel expenses when on legislative business
per diem
Charge made by a transportation line against another for the use of its cars based on a fixed rate per day
per diem
an allowance or amount of so much by the day
per diem
"For the day: " an allowance made to legislators for travel expenses when on Legislative business
per diem
Instead of using actual expenses for some travel costs, a per diem allowance established by the IRS may be used The per diem allowance for lodging may not be used by self-employed individuals
per diem
An allowance for daily expenses
per diem
The allowable amount covering meals and lodging while in travel status
per diem
A per diem is an amount of money that someone is given to cover their daily expenses while they are working. He received a per diem allowance to cover his travel expenses
per diem
A basis of compensation for services, from day to day
per diem
{i} amount of money given or paid to an employee to cover daily expenses; (in the cruise business) daily cost of a cruise to the traveler
per diem
The allowance for meals and incidental travel related expenses
per diem
By the day; an allowance or amount of so much per day Generally, as used in connection with compensation, wages or salary, means pay for a day’s service
per diem
By the day; substantively chiefly U
per diem
per se
Per se means `by itself' or `in itself', and is used when you are talking about the qualities of one thing considered on its own, rather than in connection with other things. The authors' argument is not with the free market per se but with the western society in which it works. used to say that something is being considered alone, not with other connected things
per se
with respect to its inherent nature; "this statement is interesting per se"
per se
By self; legal work for oneself without benefit of counsel [Top of Page]
per se
Lat By himself or itself; in itself; taken alone; inherently; in isolation; unconnected with other matters
Light blue; grayish blue; a term applied to different shades at different periods
The statewide retirement system to which nonfaculty of the university contribute
A cloth of sky-blue color
Public Employees' Retirement System On January 1, 1961, the Alaska legislature established the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) to attract and retain qualified people into public service employment The PERS offers a variety of benefits to its members and their survivors These benefits, when combined with other income, are designed to provide members with financial security during their retirement years For more information read the Public Employees' Retirement System Information Handbook
Public Employees' Retirement System State law requires that classified employees, their employer, and the state contribute to this retirement fund

You're the last person I expected to see here. - You are the last person I expected to see here.

You cannot judge a person if you don't know him well. - You can't judge a person if you don't know him well.

(Public Employees' Retirement System) -- An acronym sometimes used in place of CalPERS (California Public Employees' Retirement System)
Washington State Public Employees’ Retirement Systems
- The State of Oregon Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) is the retirement program for about 95 percent of state and local government employees in Oregon
Public Employees Retirement System
International Astronomical Union abbreviation for Perseus See constellation
The Public Employee Retirement System, a State program utilized primarily for non-academic employees
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Bilgisayar) ths
(Kimya,Tıp) per
(Bilgisayar) thur

This camera is the one that Tom bought last Thursday. - Bu, Tom'un geçen Perşembe aldığı kameradır.

Mother has been sick since last Thursday. - Anne geçen Perşembeden beri hastadır.

(Bilgisayar) thu

Tom hopes to get the results by Thursday. - Tom Perşembeye kadar sonuçları almayı umuyor.

Mother has been sick since last Thursday. - Anne geçen Perşembeden beri hastadır.

per os
(Tıp) per os
per cavus
(Tıp) per cavus
per klorat
(Kimya) per chlorate
per rektal
(Tıp) perrectum
per annum
{k} pa