Packet Ensemble Protocol This is a data modulation protocol for 9600 bps modems developed by Telebit Not all 9600 bps modems can communicate with one another at 9600 bps For example, PEP is incompatible with the CCITT V 32 standard and with U S Robotics' HST (High Speed Transfer) protocol However, most modems can "step down" to the highest protocol they have in common, which is usually at least 2400 bps
Acronym for Personal Equity Plan, a tax free investment plan Income and capital gains are tax free Since 6 April 1999, the PEP has been replaced by Individual Savings Accounts
Personal equity plan This is a tax-free way to own shares or unit trusts Depending on the lender, you can use PEPs to repay an interest-only mortgage New PEP's and ups to existing PEP's are no longer allowed
The Premier Education Program is a program of discounts for high-volume purchasing of Macromedia software, upgrades, subscriptions, technical support, and training sold to colleges, universities, and K-12 school districts in the U S Each Macromedia product is given a point value The total number of points of your initial order determines the discount you receive: the greater the size of the order, the greater the discount level These programs offer the greatest discounts available for Macromedia products In addition to the discount offered for the initial purchase, the same level of discount is available for reorders during a two-year period following the initial order
Pre-Employment Project - Phase of the HRMS Project to develop an electronic job center on the World Wide Web This will provide on-line job applications, postings, matching jobs to applicants and policies and procedures
Personal Equity Plan Introduced in 1987 by the then Chancellor Nigel Lawson, over 3 million people in the UK invested in a PEP before they were replaced by ISAs in April 1999 Although you can no longer open invest in a new PEP you can still transfer your existing PEPs
Pep is liveliness and energy. Many say that, given a choice, they would opt for a holiday to put the pep back in their lives. To bring energy or liveliness to; invigorate: The good news pepped him up. pep up to make something or someone more active or interesting. physical energy
Acronym for Pole-Equator-Pole, a PAGES sponsored inter-American paleoenvironmental research program focuses on the dynamics of transequatorial atmospheric and ocean linkages