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A Jewish festival (also known as Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks) seven weeks after the feast of Firstfruits or Yom Habikkurim, originally a harvest festival but, since the destruction of the Temple, also commemorating the anniversary of the giving of the Ten Commandments to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai
Christian festival (also known as Whitsun or Whitsunday), which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles (see above definition)
The particular (Jewish) Pentecost 49 days (inclusive) after the resurrection of Jesus on the (Jewish) Day of First Fruits, when (in Christian teaching) the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles with miraculous effects including the ability to explain the Gospel intelligibly in languages they did not know; or a similar occasion since
Pentecost is a Christian festival that takes place on the seventh Sunday after Easter and celebrates the sending of the Holy Spirit to the first followers of Christ
Pentecost is a Jewish festival that takes place 50 days after Passover and celebrates the harvest. (from Greek pentecoste, "fiftieth day") Christian festival commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Jesus, occurring on the Jewish Pentecost, after Jesus' death, resurrection, and ascension. The disciples began to speak in the many languages of the people assembled there, a sign that the disciples should spread the Christian message throughout the world. Jewish Pentecost was a thanksgiving feast for the first fruits of the wheat harvest and was associated with remembrance of God's gift of the Law to Moses on Mount Sinai. Christian Pentecost is celebrated on the Sunday concluding the 50-day period following Easter. It is also the name of the Jewish celebration of Shavuot ("Festival of Weeks")
the day (50 days after Easter) when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles The story is Acts 2: 1 - 3: 21 (BCP pp 175 176, 227 228)
By the Jews it was generally regarded as commemorative of the gift of the law on the fiftieth day after the departure from Egypt
(Judaism) Jewish holy day celebrated on the sixth of Sivan to celebrate Moses receiving the Ten Commandments
Fifty days after Easter, celebrating the coming of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, Mary and those with them, and the beginning of the Church
(1) Also known as the Feast of Weeks (Exod 34: 22; Deut 16: 10), the Feast of Harvest (Exod 23: 16), and the Day of the First Fruits (Num 28: 26), Pentecost was a one-day celebration held fifty days after Passover at the juncture of May and June (2) The occasion of the outpouring of Holy Spirit on early Christians assembled in Jerusalem (Acts 2: 1-41), regarded as the spiritual baptism of the church
The fiftieth day after Passover For Christians, the day in which the Holy Spirit descended upon Christ's followers whom he commanded to wait "for the gift my Father promised" (Acts 1: 4) The birth of the Church
seventh Sunday after Easter; commemorates the emanation of the Holy Spirit to the apostles; a quarter day in Scotland
A solemn festival of the Jews; so called because celebrated on the fiftieth day (seven weeks) after the second day of the Passover (which fell on the sixteenth of the Jewish month Nisan); hence called, also, the Feast of Weeks
In Christianity, a holy day celebrated 49 days after Easter Sunday It recalls the visitation of the Holy Spirit to 120 Christians 50 days after Jesus' resurrection They spoke in tongues This is usually regarded as the date of the birth of the Christian church
The Festival Sunday that comes fifty days after Easter in which we commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the twelve Disciples after Christ's Resurrection (Acts 2) Pentecost is traditionally seen as the birthday of the church, and is also the beginning of the longest season in the church - the season after Pentecost The season after Pentecost runs from the day of Pentecost to the first Sunday in Advent
A festival of the Roman Catholic and other churches in commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles; which occurred on the day of Pentecost; called also Whitsunday
The festival when the disciples received the Holy Spirit Often thought of as the birth of the church
From the Greek word meaning 50 It is the 50th day after Passover On this occasion the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of tongues of fire above the head of the disciples after the death of Christ
(Gr "fiftieth Day") A feast celebrated fifty days after Easter commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit onto the disciples of Christ It is considered to be the birthday of Christianity
Celebrated by the church for the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles of Christ, in the lodgings they were sharing with Christ's mother Mary and other followers, about fifty days after Easter (Acts 2: 1-4) In the Jewish tradition, Pentecost was another name for the Feast of Weeks or the Feast of Harvest, which took place 50 days after Passover By that time the crops planted in the spring would have begun to produce their "first fruits," upon which the people feasted