Pelota is a game that is played in Spain, America, and the Philippines, in which the players hit a ball against a wall using a long basket tied to their wrist. (Spanish: "little ball") Any of several games in which players take turns, using a glove or implement, hitting a rubber ball either directly at one another or off a wall. The latter version is related to handball and jai alai, which are played by two or four players on one-, two-, or three-walled courts using gloves, rackets, or bats. In Spain and elsewhere, pelota is a professional sport on which spectators wager
A Basque, Spanish, and Spanish-American game played in a court, in which a ball is struck with a wickerwork racket
[ p&-'lO-t& ] (noun.) 1844. Spanish, from Old French pelote little ball; more at PELLET.