
listen to the pronunciation of patoloji
Türkçe - İngilizce

Fascism is a social pathology to be eradicated at all costs. - Faşizm her ne pahasına olursa olsun ortadan kaldırılacak toplumsal bir patolojidir.

the study of disease, focusing on causes, development and progress of disease, and how the body is affected
study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences
The study and diagnosis of diseases based on changes in tissue, blood, urine, cells and body fluids
the study of diseases
Any deviation from a healthy or normal condition; abnormality
1 The study of disease, its essential nature, cause, and development; and the structural and functional changes it produces 2 A condition which which might lead to sickness, disability or death No pathologies have been discovered which are strongly associated with subsequent SIDS deaths
the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases any deviation from a healthy or normal condition
study of the nature of disease, especially how a pathogen produces disease by altering host physiology
The science that deals with all aspects of disease
any deviation from a healthy or normal condition
Pathology is the study of the way diseases and illnesses develop. the study of the causes and effects of illnesses (pathologia, from pathos ( PATHOS)). Medical specialty dealing with causes of disease and structural and functional changes in abnormal conditions. As autopsies, initially prohibited for religious reasons, became more accepted in the late Middle Ages, people learned more about the causes of death. In 1761 Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682-1771) published the first book to locate disease in individual organs. In the mid-19th century the humoral theories of infection were replaced first by cell-based theories (see Rudolf Virchow) and then by the bacteriologic theories of Robert Koch and Louis Pasteur. Today pathologists work mostly in the laboratory and consult with a patient's physician after examining specimens including surgically removed body parts, blood and other fluids, urine, feces, and discharges. Culturing of infectious organisms, staining, fibre-optic endoscopy, and electron microscopy have greatly expanded the information available to the pathologist
The study of the nature of disease and its resulting structural and functional changes
The study and interpretation of changes in organs, tissues, cells, and alterations in the body chemistry that aids in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
The branch of medicine concerned with the examination of diseased tissues
The study of disease states
The branch of medicine concerned with the study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences
The condition of an organ, tissue, or fluid produced by disease
The study of disease
The conditions and processes of disease
the scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences
klinik patoloji
(Tıp) clinical pathology
cinsel patoloji
(Kanun) sexual pathology
Türkçe - Türkçe
Patoloji, hastalık (Yunanca pathos) çalışması ve bilimi (Yunanca logos) kelimelerinin birleşmesi ile oluşmuş hastalıklar bilimi anlamına gelen bir sözcüktür. Ayrıca belirli bir bozukluğun tipik özellikleriyle birlikte bütününe patoloji denilebilir. Patoloji (hastalıkbilim) özellikle altta yatan hastalıkla ilgili hücrelerdeki, dokulardaki ve organlardaki yapısal ve işlevsel değişikliklerin tanınması, araştırılması ve incelenmesiyle ilgilenir. Patoloji alanında uzman olan kişilere patolog veya patoloji uzmanı denmektedir
Hastalıklar bilimi