
listen to the pronunciation of passive
İngilizce - Türkçe

Nasıl o kadar pasif olabilirsin? Neden misilleme yapmıyorsun? - How can you be so passive? Why don't you retaliate?

Televizyon izlemek pasif bir faaliyettir. - Watching TV is a passive activity.


Onun edilgen bir karakteri var. - He has a passive character.

O edilgen çatı değil. - That's not the passive voice.

(Ticaret) hareketsiz
edilgen fiil
dış etkiler karşısında hareketsiz kalan
{s} faizsiz
{i} edilgen çatı

O edilgen çatı değil. - That's not the passive voice.

O edilgen çatı değil. - That is not the passive voice.

(Askeri) PASİF: Gözetlemede, keşfedilebilecek düzeyde hiç bir enerji yaymayan faaliyet veya teçhizat için kullanılan bir sıfat
(Tıp) Kendiliğinden bir iş yapmak yeteneğinde olmayan, hareketsiz, faaliyet göstermeyen, atıl, pasif
passive commerceihraç mallarını yabancı gemilerle nakletmek
faaliyeti olmayan
(isim) edilgen çatı
{s} dilb. edilgen
{s} dingin
passive aggression
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif saldırganlık
passive bond
(Ticaret) faizsiz tahvil
passive defence
(Askeri) pasif savunma
passive euthanasia
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif ötanazi
passive fishing
(Denizbilim) pasif balıkçılık
passive four terminal network
(Bilgisayar) pasif iki kapılı devre
passive immunity
(Tıp,Teknik) pasif bağışıklık
passive immunization
(Tıp) pasif immünizasyon
passive menace
(Bilgisayar) pasif tehdit
passive network
(Bilgisayar) pasif devre
passive protection
(Askeri) pasif korunma
passive reflector
(Bilgisayar) pasif yansıtıcı
passive resistance
eylemsiz direniş
passive resistance
pasif mukavemet
passive smoker
pasif içicilik
passive smoker
pasif içici
passive smoking
pasif içicilik
passive smoking
pasif içici
passive threat
(Bilgisayar) pasif tehdit
passive gerund
edilgen ulaç
passive immunity
edilgin bağışıklık
passive participle
edilgen ortaç
passive resistance
pasif direniş
passive resistance
pasif direnç
passive verb
edilgen fiil
passive verb
edilgen eylem
passive voice

O edilgen çatı değil. - That is not the passive voice.

O edilgen çatı değil. - That's not the passive voice.

passive voice
edilgen çatı

O edilgen çatı değil. - That is not the passive voice.

O edilgen çatı değil. - That's not the passive voice.

passive volcano
sönmüş yanardağ
passive component
pasif öge, edilgen öge
passive gerund
edilgen isim+fiil
passive metal
pasif metal
passive participle
edilgen sıfat+fiil, edilgen geçmiş zaman ortaçı
passive personality principle
(Kanun) Mağdura göre şahsilik prensibi

A Turkish citizen was arrested in US according to passive personality principle.

passive radar
pasif radar
passive sentence
(Dilbilim) Edilgen cümle
passive smoker
Pasif içici: yanındaki sigara içicinin dumanına istemeden maruz kalan ve sağlığını tehlikeye atılan kimse
passive smoking
pasif sigara
passive solar architecture
pasif solar mimari
passive air defense
(Askeri) pasif hava savunması
passive air defensive
(Askeri) PASİF HAVA SAVUNMASI: Düşman hava taarruzlarının tesirini azaltmak maksadıyla aktif savunma dışında alınmış bütün tedbirler. Bu tedbirler; örtme, gizleme, kamuflaj, dağılma ve koruyucu inşaatı içermektedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defense" (Not: NATO, kendi tanımında "deception" kelimesini kullanmaktadır)
passive air defensive
(Askeri) pasif hava savunması
passive analysis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif analiz
passive arming
(Otomotiv) pasif önlemler
passive avoidance learning
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif kaçınmalı öğrenme
passive ballistic missile defense
(Askeri) PASİF BALİSTİK FÜZE SAVUNMASI: Balistik füzelerle yapılan düşman taarruz tesirlerini asgari hadde indirmek için, aktif savunma dışında alınmış bütün tedbirler. Bu tedbirler; örtme, gizleme, kamuflaj, dağılma ve koruyucu inşaatı içine alır. Bak. "air defense"
passive behavior
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif davranış
passive behaviour
pasif davranış
passive block
(Spor) pasif blok
passive circuit
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) edilgin devre
passive commerce
(Ticaret) pasif ticaret
passive communication countermeasures
(Askeri) PASİF HABERLEŞME KARŞI TEDBİRLERİ: Düşman, muhtemel düşman veya diğer yabancı haber gönderme vasıtalarının mevcudiyetini, kaynağını ve özelliklerini tespit, bu arada, dinlenen muhabere bilgilerini toplama ve teknik analizden geçirme maksadıyla yapılan araştırma. Pasif haberleşme karşı tedbirleri; muhabere istihbaratının, esas itibarıyla, aktif haberleşme karşı tedbirlerine bilgi ve istihbarat desteği temin maksadı güden bir sınıfıdır
passive communications satellite
(Askeri) PASİF MUHABERE UYDUSU: Bak. "communications satellite"
passive component
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) pasif öğe
passive component
(Nükleer Bilimler) pasif bileşen
passive consumerism
edilgen tüketicilik
passive defence
(Askeri) PASİF SAVUNMA: İnsiyatifi ele geçirmek gibi bir düşünce gütmeden, düşman taarruzlarının sebep olabileceği hasar ihtimalini azaltmak ve hasar tesirini asgari düzeye indirmek üzere alınan tedbirler
passive defence plan
(Askeri) pasif savunma planı
passive diffusion
(Tıp) pasif difüzyon
passive dosimetry
(Tıp) pasif dozimetri
passive earth pressure
pasif toprak basıncı
passive earth pressure
(Çevre) pasif yer basıncı
passive earth pressure
(Askeri) edilgen toprak basıncı
passive element
edilgen oge
passive exercise
(Askeri) YARDIMLI EGZERSİZ: Hastanın bir öğretmen veya mekanik aletler yardımıyla belirli hareketleri yapması suretiyle uygulanan tıbbi egzersiz. Bak. "exercise"
passive exercise
(Askeri) yardımlı tıbbi egzersiz
passive failure
pasif kırılma
passive fault detection
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) edilgen hata belirleme
passive fault detection
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pasif hata belirleme
passive four terminal network
edilgen (pasif) iki kapili devre
passive gear
(Denizbilim) pasif araç
passive guidance
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) edilgen güdüm
passive guidance
edilgen (pasif) gudum
passive guidance
(Bilgisayar) pasif güdüm
passive hemagglutination assay
(Tıp) pasif hemaglütinasyon testi
passive homing guidance
(Askeri) pasif hedef güdümü
passive homing guidance
(Askeri) pasif hedefle güdüm
passive homing guidance
(Askeri) PASİF HEDEFLE GÜDÜM; PASİF HEDEF GÜDÜMÜ: Füze içindeki alıcının, hedeften çıkan radyasyonlardan faydalandığı bir hedefle güdüm sistemi. Ayrıca bakınız: "guidance"
passive influence
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif etki
passive investment management
(Ticaret) pasif yatırım yönetimi
passive keyless entry
pasif anahtarsız giriş
passive language knowledge
(Dilbilim) edilgen dil bilgisi
passive learning
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif öğrenme
passive measures
(Askeri) Pasif korunma tedbirleri
passive menace
edilgen (pasif) tehdit
passive method
(Askeri) (OF CONSTRUCTION) PASİF İNŞAAT METODU: Bir yapının bulunduğu yerde veya civarında, donmuş toprak ısı derecesinin aynı tutulduğu inşaat usulü
passive method of construction
(Askeri) pasif inşaat metodu
passive mine
(Askeri) pasif mayın
passive mine
(Askeri) PASİF MAYIN: 1. Mukabil mayınlamaya karşı koyma cihazının ateşleme mekanizmasının çalışmaya başlamasını önlemek üzere çalıştırılmış olduğu bir mayın. Mayın, nispeten kısa bir zaman için genellikle pasif kalacaktır. 2. Aktif bir mayının tersine, bir hedefin mevcudiyetini keşfedecek bir sinyal çıkarmayan bir mayın. Ayrıca bakınız: "active mine"
passive network
edilgen (pasif) devre
passive optical component
pasif optik bileşen
passive population
(Politika, Siyaset) pasif halk
passive protection
(Askeri) PASİF KORUNMA: Bak. "passive defense"
passive quadripole
(Elektrik, Elektronik) dört kutuplu alıcı
passive rankine pressure
pasif rankine basıncı
passive rankine state
pasif rankine durumu
passive rankine state
pasif rankine hali
passive rankine zone
pasif rankine zonu
passive redundancy
yedek artiklik
passive reflector
edilgen (pasif) yansitici
passive role
passive role
passive safety systems
(Otomotiv) pasif güvenlik sistemleri
passive satellite
(Askeri,Teknik) pasif uydu
passive satellite
(Askeri) PASİF UYDU: Ya kontrol altında bulunduğu veya sahip olduğu ışın verici cihazlardan herhangi biri çalışmadığı için bilgi vermeyen uydu. Böyle bir uydu bazen "dark satellite", "silent satellite" veya "uncooperative satellite" terimleriyle ifade edilir
passive satellite
yansıtıcı uydu
passive satellite defence
(Askeri) pasif uydu savunması
passive satellite defense
(Askeri) PASİF UYDU SAVUNMASI: Arz yörüngesindeki düşman araçlarının, kendilerine verilmiş görevleri yerine getirme imkan ve kabiliyetlerini asgari hadde indirmek üzere aktif savunma dışında alınmış bütün savunma tedbirleri. Bu savunma, örtü, gizleme, kamuflaj, dağılma, koruyucu inşaat, planlanmış hareket ve sahte tesisleri içine alır. Ayrıca bakınız: "active satellite defense" ve "satellite defense"
passive soil pressure
pasif zemin basıncı
passive station
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) pasif istasyon
passive station
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) edilgen istasyon
passive surface of sliding
pasif kayma yüzeyi
passive therapy
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) pasif terapi
passive threat
edilgen pasif tehdit
passive thrust of earth
zeminin pasif itkisi
passive trade balance
(Ticaret) pasif dış ticaret bilançosu
passive transducer
edilgen (pasif) donusturucu
passive transducer
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) edilgen dönüştürücü
passive transducer
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) pasif dönüştürücü
passive transport
(Biyokimya) edilgen taşınım
passive transport
(Biyoloji) pasif taşınma
passive transport
(Denizbilim) edilgin taşınım
passive vocabulary
(Dilbilim) edilgen sözcük bilgisi
passive vocabulary
(Dilbilim) edilgen sözvarlığı
passive workforce
(Ticaret) pasif işgücü
{s} tepkisiz

Sami temel olarak tepkisizdi. - Sami was basically unresponsive.

mount passive resistance
pasif direniş sergilemek
pasif olarak
coefficient of passive earth pressure
pasif toprak basıncı katsayısı
maintain a passive attitude
(Ticaret) pasif bir tavır takınmak
z. pasif olarak
{i} pasiflik
{i} dirençsizlik
{i} dinginlik
(Tıp) Hareketsizlik, durgunluk, dış uyarılara ilgisiz kalma hali
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) edilginlik
{i} dirençsizlik
{s} ihtiyacı karşılamayan
{s} tepki göstermeyen
ihtiyacı karşlamayan
İngilizce - İngilizce
Taking no action

He remained passive during the protest.

Being inactive and submissive in a relationship, especially in a sexual one
Being in the passive voice
A form of a verb that is in the passive voice
Not participating in management
Being subjected to an action without producing a reaction
The passive voice of verbs
{a} submissive, meek, not opposing
{s} submissive, unresisting, compliant, docile; indifferent, apathetic
An electronic circuit composed of passive elements, such as resistors, inductors, or capacitors, without any active elements, such as vacuum tubes or transistors generally resulting in a signal loss
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb; "`The ball was thrown by the boy' uses the passive voice"; "`The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive"
Remaining neutral or submissive during an event
Inactive; inert; not showing strong affinity; as, red phosphorus is comparatively passive
The type of circuitry that does <I>not<P> require external power, but rather uses only basic circuit elements such as capacitors, inductors, and resistors (e g , We used two capacitors and one inductor to make a 6 dB/octave passive crossover for our midrange speakers )
Not requiring an external source of power; containing resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc , but no tubes or transistors; provides no amplification
Designating certain morbid conditions, as hemorrhage or dropsy, characterized by relaxation of the vessels and tissues, with deficient vitality and lack of reaction in the affected tissues
asserting that the person or thing represented by the grammatical subject is subjected to or affected by the action represented by the verb In the last sentence, the subject "person or thing" is acted upon by the verbs "subject" and "affect", so the sentence is in the passive voice In the last sentence, the subject "subject" is acted upon by the verb "act", so the sentence is also in the passive voice (Repeat last sentence ad infinitum )
disapproval If you describe someone as passive, you mean that they do not take action but instead let things happen to them. His passive attitude made things easier for me active + passively pas·sive·ly He sat there passively, content to wait for his father to make the opening move. + passivity pas·sivi·ty the passivity of the public under the military occupation
Containing no power sources to augment output power, e g , passive electrical network, passive reflector (as in the Echo satellite) Applied to a device that draws all its power from the input signal Compare active
{i} (Grammar) verb form used to show that the subject is being acted upon (rather than performing an action)
(of a defensive play) not risking tricks but not tending to promote any immediately
refers to a move that merely guards, wards off threats, or marks time, as opposed to an active attacking or counterattacking move
In grammar, the passive or the passive voice is formed using `be' and the past participle of a verb. The subject of a passive clause does not perform the action expressed by the verb but is affected by it. For example, in `He's been murdered', the verb is in the passive. Compare active. the passive the passive form of a verb, for example 'was destroyed' in the sentence 'The building was destroyed during the war.' active
A characteristic condition of stainless steels which impedes normal corrosion tendencies to the point where the metal remains virtually un-attacked hence passive to its environment
A passive audio device is one which does not use amplification circuits By nature of design, passive devices do cause a loss in power (insertion loss) Because they do not contain amplifiers, and are "cut-only" or "subtractive" in operation, passive devices tend to not add noise or distortion to a signal (although noise may be added in compensating for insertion loss) Typical passive devices include direct boxes, splitters, equalizers and crossovers
Not active, but acted upon; suffering or receiving impressions or influences; as, they were passive spectators, not actors in the scene
speakers or sub-woofers that react to an amplified signal from a separate amplifier They contain no amplification themselves Active speakers and sub-woofers have built-in amplification and require only a Line Level input signal from a source component or amplifier
peacefully resistant in response to injustice; "passive resistance"
unresisting, submissive, complacent
a component that doesn't need a power source to function Examples of passive components are: resistors, capacitors, inductors, transformers, etc Also used to refer to guitar pickups that don't have built-in preamps, and don't require batteries to operate
When the subject of a sentence has an action done to them
adj Passive protection has no special action like a cam, it is merely wedged into a crack and functions only one way
Income or loss from business activities in which a person does not materially participate, such as a limited partnership
Receiving or enduring without either active sympathy or active resistance; without emotion or excitement; patient; not opposing; unresisting; as, passive obedience; passive submission
peacefully resistant in response to injustice; "passive resistance
lacking in energy or will; "Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself"- George Meredith
Lacking any active devices or active circuitry
A passive activity involves watching, looking at, or listening to things rather than doing things. They want less passive ways of filling their time. active
lacking in energy or will; "Much benevolence of the passive order may be traced to a disinclination to inflict pain upon oneself"- George Meredith expressing thatthe subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb; "academics seem to favor passive sentences"
expressing thatthe subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb; "academics seem to favor passive sentences"
Passive is a style of play that is characterized by reluctance to bet and raise This does not always mean tight A typical loose-passive player will call with almost anything, but raise only with very powerful hands (see calling station) A passive table is one with many passive players, so that, for example, few hands are raised pre-flop
Something that is not active, but rather is acted upon
Passive resistance involves showing opposition to the people in power in your country by not co-operating with them and protesting in non-violent ways. They made it clear that they would only exercise passive resistance in the event of a military takeover. active
A style of play that is characterized by reluctance to bet and raise
passive armour
Shielding that is chemically inert (unlike reactive armour) and does not require electricity or active sensors to operate. It is usually made of metal, ceramic, or in some cases, composite materials
passive armours
plural form of passive armour
passive investor
An investor in a business who by agreement or otherwise can not take an active role in the management of the business

He wanted to be a simple passive investor, but when the majority owner died and her widower made a mess of it, he had to take over.

passive matrices
plural form of passive matrix
passive matrix
A form of liquid crystal display in which the pixels must maintain their state without active driving circuitry until they are next refreshed, contrasted with active matrix
passive radar
A receive-only radar that uses ambient radio signals for search, tracking, surveillance, identification, guidance and mapping
passive smoking
The inhalation of tobacco smoke by a non-smoker due to proximity to smokers
passive vocabulary
The words and phrases, collectively, that someone understands in speech and writing but does not commonly use
passive voice
The form of a transitive verb in which its subject receives the action

Many languages, including English, use auxiliary verbs in constructing the passive voice.

passive voice
Any construction that obscures the agent of an action, or the agency of said agent
Showing passive, sometimes obstructionist resistance to following authoritative instructions in interpersonal or occupational situations
Attributive form of passive voice, noun

Your many long passive-voice passages are hard to read.

Passive intellect
(Felsefe) Passive intellect is a term used in philosophy to refer to the material aspect of the intellect (nous), in accordance with the theory of hylomorphism
passive dependent personality
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) A character disorder marked by a behavioral pattern characterized by a lack of self-confidence, indecisiveness, and a tendency to cling to and seek support from others
passive solar gain
Solar gain (also known as solar heat gain or passive solar gain) refers to the increase in temperature in a space, object or structure that results from solar radiation. The amount of solar gain increases with the strength of the sun, and with the ability of any intervening material to transmit or resist the radiation
passive-mediated transport
Facilitated diffusion (also known as facilitated transport or passive-mediated transport) is a process of passive transport (as opposed to active transport), with this passive transport aided by integral membrane proteins. Facilitated diffusion is the spontaneous passage of molecules or ions across a biological membrane passing through specific transmembrane integral proteins. The facilitated diffusion may occur either across biological membranes or through aqueous compartments of an organism
passive air defense
air defense by the use of deception or dispersion or protective construction
passive balance
commercial deficit, difference in the scope of import versus export
passive balloon
One unprovided with motive power
passive debt
debt "on paper", debt that is not actively being paid or increased
passive defence
defense using non-violent methods
passive defense officer
officer in charge of preventing and extinguishing fires on a military base
passive euthanasia
{i} (Medicine) withdrawing or preventing unusual means used to prolong life
passive flight
Flight, such as gliding and soaring, accomplished without the use of motive power
passive franchise
right to be chosen, right to be elected
passive immunity
Immunity acquired by the transfer of antibodies from another individual, as through injection or placental transfer to a fetus.passive immunization n
passive immunity
an impermanent form of acquired immunity in which antibodies against a disease are acquired naturally (as through the placenta to an unborn child) or artificially (as by injection of antiserum)
passive matrix display
a type of LCD screen used for some portable computers; parallel wires run both vertically and horizontally and pixels are turned on when the wires intersecting at that pixel are both energized; "passive matrix displays are generally inferior to active matrix displays
passive obedience
obedience characterized by a lack of oppositional activity
passive participation
non-active participation, apathy, watching from the sidelines
passive participle
participle that shows the subject as receiver of the action (Grammar)
passive resistance
Resistance by nonviolent methods to a government, an occupying power, or specific laws, as refusing to comply, demonstrating in protest, or fasting.passive resister n. a way of protesting against something or opposing a government without using violence
passive resistance
peaceful resistance to a government by fasting or refusing to cooperate
passive resistance
nonviolent opposition to a government (especially by peaceful demonstrations, or noncooperation, etc.)
passive restraint
An automatic safety device, such as an air bag, in a motor vehicle that protects a person during a crash
passive restraint
inactive expression of protest, quiet objection
passive role
role of observer, being one who is not directly involved
passive smoker
non-smoker who involuntarily breathes in the tobacco smoke of a smoker near him thereby endangering his own health
passive smoking
involuntarily breathing in the tobacco smoke of a smoker in the vicinity and thereby endangering one's health
passive smoking
Passive smoking involves breathing in the smoke from other people's cigarettes because you happen to be near them. the dangers of passive smoking. The involuntary inhalation of tobacco smoke by a person, especially a nonsmoker, who occupies an area with smokers or a smoker. Also called passive inhalation. the act of breathing in smoke that is in the air around you when someone else is smoking cigarettes
passive source
an informant who is not assigned to obtain specific intelligence but who routinely passes on whatever information he or she has
passive transfer
The transfer of skin-sensitizing antibodies from the blood of an allergic individual to that of a nonallergic individual in order to test the sensitized area for an allergic reaction to specific allergens
passive transport
The movement of a chemical substance across a cell membrane without expenditure of energy by the cell, as in diffusion
passive transport
transport of a substance across a cell membrane by diffusion; expenditure of energy is not required
passive trust
a trust in which the trustee performs no active duties
passive vaccination
serum vaccination
passive verb form
(Grammar) verb form in which the action is occurring to the subject (instead of the subject performing the action)
passive voice
(See Active voice) Editions of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association before the Fifth edition advocated use of the passive voice in APA format papers so as to de-emphasize the author The Fifth edition, however, states that "Verbs are vigorous, direct communicators Use the active rather than the passive voice" (p 42) Some professors may not be aware of this change
passive voice
The subject of the sentence receives the action The passive voice is often overused, leaving writing to seem lifeless When possible, focus on using active voice (Example: The books were grabbed by the boy on his way out the door ) See also, Active Voice
passive voice
mode of expression in which the subject receives the action instead of performing it Ex : The ball was thrown by the boy
passive voice
the voice used to indicate that the grammatical subject of the verb is the recipient (not the source) of the action denoted by the verb; "`The ball was thrown by the boy' uses the passive voice"; "`The ball was thrown' is an abbreviated passive
passive voice
The passive construction is inherently wordy and vague, e g , It has been decided that rather than, I decided; or scientific reports have been shown to rather than, using scientific reports Jones showed that Passives hide the doer of the action Passives can be buck passers Passives also signal that the writer may be writing habitually or in a stream of thought without conscious control of the action The author may not know the structure of the writing Use the passive only when the object of the action is more important than the subject or producer of the action, and then carefully Don't confuse the passive voice with the past tense, e g , the passive forms of I sang the song and I was singing the song are the song was sung and the song was being sung Avoid the latter
passive voice
voice which is not active in grammar, passive form of a transitive verb (Grammar)
passive voice
Sentence structure where the subject is being acted upon by something else, as opposed to active voice where the subject is doing the acting For example, "The players were chosen by the coach" (passive voice); "The coach chose his players" (active voice)
passive voice
Passive voice means the action described by the verb is done to the subject For example, the following sentence illustrates the passive voice: The ball was hit over the fence by Kyle
passive voice
a sentence style in which the action is performed on the subject Usually inferior to the active voice unless specifically called for Active Voice example: The lightning struck the tree Passive Voice example: The tree was struck by lightning See for more information: 11 Rules of Writing Rule 10 Guide to Grammar and Style Passive vs Active Voice
In the passive voice; having a passive construction

Statements phrased in an active voice, with a few outcome-oriented goals, improve school performance more than those stated passively with either multiple goals or goals focused on processes or behaviors.

In an acquiescent manner; resignedly or submissively

They were not waving at him but sat passively as if waiting to hear if what he had to say would be derogatory to their previous relationship.

In a passive manner; without conscious or self-directed action

Due to this pressure aortic and pulmonary valves are opened passively and due to relaxation blood is sucked from the venae cavae into the atrium.

perfect passive participle
A part of speech present in some languages (e.g. Latin) but absent in English, providing a sense of something having happened (e.g. 'having been educated')
perfect passive participles
plural form of perfect passive participle
{a} submissively, humbly
{n} submission, a power of suffering
{n} submission, a power of suffering
in a passive manner; "he listened passively
in a passive manner, inactively
in a passive or acquiescent manner; resignedly or submissively
in a passive manner; "he listened passively"
As a passive verb; in the passive voice
In a passive manner; inertly; unresistingly
The condition of being passive; passivity
The quality or state of being passive; unresisting submission
{i} passive attitude, submissiveness, state of not reacting to outside stimulus
{i} passive attitude, submissiveness, state of not reacting to outside stimulus
The state of being passive
the trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative
Acted upon rather than acting or causing action
The tendency of a body to remain in a given state, either of motion or rest, till disturbed by another body; inertia
A lack of initiative
submission to others or to outside influences
The quality or condition of any substance which has no inclination to chemical activity; inactivity
Passiveness; opposed to activity
The property of some metals to become abnormally inactive towards certain reagents
Decrease in the corrosion rate of a metal in solution resulting from the formation of a thin and generally non-visible protective film of metal corrosion products [back] [top]
the trait of remaining inactive; a lack of initiative submission to others or to outside influences
remain passive
stayed passive, did not get involved
Türkçe - İngilizce

passive teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

rast gelinmek impersonal passive
1. to meet by chance, chance upon (someone). 2. to come across, meet with, encounter, find