Bu fabrika, otomobil parçaları üretmektedir.
- This factory manufactures automobile parts.
Müzik, hayatımın önemli bir parçasıdır.
- Music is an important part of my life.
Onun bazı kısımları üzerinde anlaşamadı.
- They could not agree on some parts of it.
Tayland'da ülkenin bazı kısımları pirinç yetiştirmek için şimdiden aşırı kuru hale geldi.
- In Thailand it has already become too dry to grow rice in some parts of the country.
Üçüncü bir taraf olarak pozisyon almaya niyetliyim.
- I intend to take my position as a third party.
Parti Mac tarafından organize edildi.
- The party was organized by Mac.
Kısmen sizinle aynı fikirdeyim.
- I partly agree with you.
Japonya'nın dış yardımları yurttaki ekonomik yavaşlamadan dolayı kısmen azalıyor.
- Japan's foreign aid is decreasing in part because of an economic slowdown at home.
Çocuğunuzun doğumundan sonra işinizi yarım gün yapmalısınız.
- After the birth of your child, you should make your work part-time.
Yarın akşam bir partimiz var.
- We have a party tomorrow evening.
Tom Boston'un o kısmında asla bulunmadı.
- Tom had never been in that part of Boston before.
Başlangıç işin en önemli kısmıdır.
- The beginning is the most important part of the work.
Görevimi yapmayı planlıyorum.
- I plan on doing my part.
Tom zaten görevini yaptı.
- Tom has already done his part.
Partide Jack ve Mary'nin yanındaki kimdi?
- Who was at the party beside Jack and Mary?
Japonca öğrenmenin zor yanı nedir?
- What is the hard part of learning Japanese?
Tom parti için üç yüz dolarlık bütçe ayırdı.
- Tom budgeted three hundred dollars for the party.
İş ortakları olarak on yıl sonra, yollarını ayırmaya karar verdiler.
- After ten years as business partners, they decided to part ways.
O, evinden ayrılmak zorunda kaldı.
- He had to part with his house.
O, evinden ayrılmak istemedi.
- He didn't want to part with his house.
Onun işi sadece kısmi bir başarıydı.
- His business was only a partial success.
Ben tam ödemeyi kısmi ödemeye tercih ederim.
- I prefer payment in full to payment in part.
Güneş tutulmaları tam ya da bölümlü olabilir.
- Lunar eclipses can be total or partial.
İngilizcede dilin sekiz ana bölümü vardır:isim,fiil,sıfat,zarf,zamir,edat,bağlaç ve son olarak ünlem.
- In English there are eight main parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and finally interjection.
Tom'un partisinde biraz rahatsız hissettim.
- I felt a bit uncomfortable at Tom's party.
Susie iyi hissetmediği için oyuna katılamadı.
- Susie was unable to take part in the game because she wasn't feeling well.
Şans hayatınızda önemli bir rol oynar.
- Luck plays an important part in your life.
Tom bir denizci rolü oynadı.
- Tom acted the part of a sailor.
Tom, Mary ve John Partinin maliyetini paylaştılar.
- Tom, Mary and John shared the cost of the party.
Bizim sorunlarımız ortaklık ile ele alınmalıdır; ilerleme paylaşılmalıdır.
- Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared.
Tom bir araba fabrikasında yedek parça yapıyor.
- Tom is making spare parts in a car factory.
Bu araba için yedek parça alamam.
- I can not buy spare parts for this car.
Şehrin batı kesiminde yaşar.
- He lives in the western part of town.
Hokkaido Japonya'nın kuzey kesiminde yer almaktadır.
- Hokkaido is in the northern part of Japan.
Partiye gelen herkes yiyecek ve içeceğe kendi katkılarını getirmeliler.
- Everyone coming to the party must bring their own contribution to the food and drink.
Tom parayı elden çıkarmak için zaman kaybetmedi.
- Tom lost no time in parting with the money.
O kürk ceketini elden çıkarmak zorundaydı.
- She had to part with her fur coat.
O, parti için giyindi.
- She dressed up for the party.
O, partiye geç geldi.
- He appeared at the party late.
Bir hırsızlar çetesi bu semtte çalışır.
- A gang of thieves works these parts.
Bu yol deprem sonucu kısmen yıkıldı.
- This road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.
Onun ölümü kısmen benim hatamdı.
- His death was partly my fault.
O, gelirinin önemli bir bölümünü gıdaya harcıyor.
- She spends a major part of her income on food.
Fransızca Kanada'nın bir bölümünde konuşulur.
- French is spoken in a part of Canada.
Adanın her parçası incelendi.
- Every part of the island has been explored.
Matematik, yarın kalkarsan ve evrenin gittiğini keşfedersen yapmaya devam edebileceğin, bilimin bir parçasıdır.
- Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.
Yarı zamanlı çalışmak zorunda kalabilirim.
- I may have to work part time.
Tom yarı zamanlı çalışarak yaklaşık ayda 300 dolar kazanır.
- Tom earns about $300 a month working part time.
Bu restoranın hissedarıyım.
- I'm part owner of this restaurant.
Yarım günlük bir işim var.
- I have a part-time job.
Ondan ayrılmak zorunda olduğu gün sonunda geldi.
- The day came at last when he had to part from her.
O, evinden ayrılmak zorunda kaldı.
- He had to part with his house.
O evlendiği için, o sekreterinden ayrılmak zorunda kaldı.
- He had to part with his secretary because she got married.
Onun mücevher kutusunu elden çıkarmak zorunda kaldı.
- She had to part with her jewelry box.
O kürk ceketini elden çıkarmak zorundaydı.
- She had to part with her fur coat.
Okyanusun bazı bölgelerinde, kril popülasyonları yüzde 80'in üzerinde düştü.
- In some parts of the ocean, krill populations have dropped by over 80 percent.
Fransızca Fransa'nın yanı sıra İtalya bölgelerinde konuşulur.
- French is spoken in parts of Italy as well as in France.
Bu fabrika, otomobil parçaları üretmektedir.
- This factory manufactures automobile parts.
Yedek parçaları birer birer inceledi.
- He examined the spare parts one after another.
Bana kalırsa, umurumda değil.
- I, for my part, don't care.
Bana kalırsa benim itirazım yok.
- For my part, I have no objection.
Bir hırsızlar çetesi bu semtte çalışır.
- A gang of thieves works these parts.
Bu fabrika, otomobil parçaları üretmektedir.
- This factory manufactures automobile parts.
Annem pastayı üç parçaya böldü.
- Mother divided the cake into three parts.
Boşanma genellikle acı bir ayrılıktır.
- Divorce is generally a painful parting.
The parts of a chainsaw include the chain, engine, and handle.
I run the canoe into a deep dent in the bank that I knowed about; I had to part the willow branches to get in; and when I made fast nobody could a seen the canoe from the outside.
Hepaticology, outside the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, still lies deep in the shadow cast by that ultimate closet taxonomist, Franz Stephani—a ghost whose shadow falls over us all.
I want my part of the bounty.
Fred was part owner of the car.
The first violin part in this concerto is very challenging.
We cannot make a plodding and sensible community—a Holland or a Pennsylvania—out of a national personality which, whether by harsh circumstance or native tendency, is now part genius, part fanatic, and part hard-headed materialist.”.
The part of his hair was slightly to the left.
He left three sonnes, his famous progeny, / Borne of faire Inogene of Italy; / Mongst whom he parted his imperiall state .
to do one’s part.
the Faery knight / Besought that Damzell suffer him depart, / And yield him readie passage to that other part.
Please turn to Part I, Chapter 2.
The mixture comprises one part sodium hydroxide and ten parts water.
We all have a part to play.
Argument structure is thus considered to be part and parcel of the information associated with lexical, syntactically atomic verbs.
The pair parted company and Stephen rejoined Mr Bloom who, with his practised eye, was not without perceiving that he had succumbed to the blandiloquence of the other parasite. Alluding to the encounter he said, laughingly, Stephen, that is:.
I really love this new stereo system but I'm not willing to part with the cash to buy it.
The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part, I have saved my life.
She talked about her kids, for the most part.
We were going to cast him in our new movie but unfortunately he didn't look the part.
We intend being at Leamington before long, unless some change in the weather should make our stay in these parts more tolerable.
He was a man of great parts but little virtue.
We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul. — Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Over Soul, 1841.
They had cake and ice cream, but he did not take part.
He declined to take part in the meeting because he did not feel he had anything to add.
... is rolling out as part of our Honeycomb 3.1 update, that Mike mentioned earlier. That ...
... as part of that. ...