
listen to the pronunciation of part
İngilizce - Türkçe

Anne pastayı üç parçaya böldü. - Mother divided the cake into three parts.

Matematik, yarın kalkarsan ve evrenin gittiğini keşfedersen yapmaya devam edebileceğin, bilimin bir parçasıdır. - Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.


Teklifin diğer kısımlarını tartıştılar. - They debated other parts of the proposal.

Onun bazı kısımları üzerinde anlaşamadı. - They could not agree on some parts of it.


Her iki taraf savaşa karşı çıktı. - Both parties opposed war.

Polis onu suçun bir taraftarı olarak görüyordu. - The police regarded him as a party to the crime.


Bu yol deprem sonucu kısmen yıkıldı. - This road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.

Kısmen sizinle aynı fikirdeyim. - I partly agree with you.


Çocuğunuzun doğumundan sonra işinizi yarım gün yapmalısınız. - After the birth of your child, you should make your work part-time.

Matematik, yarın kalkarsan ve evrenin gittiğini keşfedersen yapmaya devam edebileceğin, bilimin bir parçasıdır. - Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.

{i} saç ayrımı
kısımlara ayırmak
(Ticaret) kısmı

Tom günün daha iyi bir kısmı boyunca rapor üzerinde çalıştı. - Tom worked on the report for the better part of the day.

Dağın üst kısmı karla kaplıdır. - The upper part of the mountain is covered with snow.

bir yanıyla

Topluma yardımcı olmak için görevimi yapmaya çalışıyorum. - I try to do my part to help the community.

Görevimi yapmayı planlıyorum. - I plan on doing my part.


Japonca öğrenmenin zor yanı nedir? - What is the hard part of learning Japanese?

Yandaki ev biraz gürültülü. Onların parti yapıp yapmadıklarını merak ediyorum. - The house next door is a bit loud. I wonder if they're throwing a party.

{f} ayır

Ölüm bizi ayırana kadar iyi ve kötü günde seni seveceğim. - I will love you for better for worse till death us do part.

Tom parti için üç yüz dolarlık bütçe ayırdı. - Tom budgeted three hundred dollars for the party.


Ondan ayrılmak zorunda olduğu gün sonunda geldi. - The day came at last when he had to part from her.

O, evinden ayrılmak istemedi. - He didn't want to part with his house.


Tom'un kısmi-zamanlı işi pizza teslimatıydı. - Tom's part-time job is delivering pizzas.

Onun işi sadece kısmi bir başarıydı. - His business was only a partial success.


Son bölümü ayrıntılı olarak açıklar mısın? - Will you explain the last part in detail?

Bestenin bu bölümünün biraz gerçek beceriye ihtiyacı var.Bunun piyanoda nasıl çalınacağını öğrenmek uzun zamanımı aldı. - This part of the tune needs some real skill. It took me ages to learn how to play it on the piano.


Vücudunuzun başka herhangi bir yerinde ağrı hissediyor musunuz? - Do you feel pain in any other part of your body?

Özellikle aç hissetmiyorum. - I'm not feeling particularly hungry.


Oluklu kaşıklar geleneksel pelin ayininde belirli bir role sahiptir.Onlar bir adet küp şekeri soğuk suyla bardaklarının içine eritmek için küp şekeri bardağın üstünde tutmak için kullanılır. - Slotted spoons have a particular role in the traditional absinthe ritual. They are used to hold a sugar cube over a glass as one dissolves it into her drink with cold water.

TV günlük yaşamda önemli bir rol oynar. - TV plays an important part in everyday life.


Tom, Mary ve John Partinin maliyetini paylaştılar. - Tom, Mary and John shared the cost of the party.

Bizim sorunlarımız ortaklık ile ele alınmalıdır; ilerleme paylaşılmalıdır. - Our problems must be dealt with through partnership; progress must be shared.

{f} parçalanmak, ayrılmak; bölünmek
{f} tarakla ayırmak
(ial) parça (lı), kısmi
{i} katkı. z. kısmen
kısım,v.ayır: n.parça
(Askeri) PARÇA: Normal olarak daha fazla parçalara ayrılmayan, bir montaj veya tali montajın bir parçasını oluşturan bir madde
part ayrıl/ayır
{i} yedek parça

Yedek parçaları birer birer inceledi. - He examined the spare parts one by one.

Tom bir araba fabrikasında yedek parça yapıyor. - Tom is making spare parts in a car factory.

{f} kopmak
{k} participle, particular
{i} kesim

Şehrin batı kesiminde yaşar. - He lives in the western part of town.

Hokkaido Japonya'nın kuzey kesiminde yer almaktadır. - Hokkaido is in the northern part of Japan.

{f} parçalamak, ayırmak; bölmek
{i} katkı

Partiye gelen herkes yiyecek ve içeceğe kendi katkılarını getirmeliler. - Everyone coming to the party must bring their own contribution to the food and drink.

{i} ayrım
{f} elden çıkarmak

Tom parayı elden çıkarmak için zaman kaybetmedi. - Tom lost no time in parting with the money.

O borca batmıştı ve evini elden çıkarmak zorundaydı. - He was deep in debt and had to part with his house.

{i} fragman
(Tıp) Bakınız: Pars

Partiye davet edilmedik. - We were not invited to the party.

O, partiye geç geldi. - He appeared at the party late.


Bir hırsızlar çetesi bu semtte çalışır. - A gang of thieves works these parts.


Bu yol deprem sonucu kısmen yıkıldı. - This road was partly destroyed in consequence of the earthquake.

Kısmen sizinle aynı fikirdeyim. - I partly agree with you.

part time job
Ek iş
part company with
arkadaşlığı kesmek
part list
parça listesi
part of
(Sigorta) bir bölümü

Tom Boston'un ilginç bir bölümünde yaşadı. - Tom lived in an interesting part of Boston.

Fransızca Kanada'nın bir bölümünde konuşulur. - French is spoken in a part of Canada.

part of

Ama bütün resim bu değil. Tatoeba sadece açık, işbirlikçi, çok dilli cümleler sözlüğü değildir. O, yapmak istediğimiz bir ekosistemin parçasıdır. - But that's not the whole picture. Tatoeba is not just an open, collaborative, multilingual dictionary of sentences. It's part of an ecosystem that we want to build.

Ölüm hayatın tamamlayıcı bir parçasıdır. - Death is an integral part of life.

part time
(Ticaret) yarım gün çalışma
part time
yarı zamanlı

Diğerleri gönüllü iş yaparken bazıları yarı zamanlı çalışmaya devam eder. - Some continue to work part time, while others do volunteer work.

Tom yarı zamanlı çalışarak yaklaşık ayda 300 dolar kazanır. - Tom earns about $300 a month working part time.

part time job
Yarı zamanlı iş
part company
part company
part no
parça numarası
part of speech
sözcük türü
part owner

Bu restoranın hissedarıyım. - I'm part owner of this restaurant.

part sb's hair
burnunun dibine girmek
part time
belli bir süre boyunca
part timer
belirli bir süre çalışan kişi
part with
part with
-den ayrılmak
yarım günlük

Yarım günlük bir işim var. - I have a part-time job.

part-time work
aralı iş
part-time work
süreksiz iş
part 7
bölüm 7
part by part
kısmının bir parçası
part company with
part drawing
parça resmi
part number
Parça numarası
part of body
vücudun (bir) kısmı
part of speech
sözcük türü, sözbölügü
part of the hindbrain (anatomy)
ardbeyin (anatomi parçası)
part of the world
dünyasının bir parçası
part and parcel
önemli bir parçası
part and parcel
temel kısım
part and parcel
(deyim) bir seyin bir kismi
part company
(Fiili Deyim ) arkadaşlığı kesmek , birbirinden ayrılmak
part company
with ile ilişkisini kesmek
part company with
-den ayrılmak
part friends
dost ayrılmak
part from

Ondan ayrılmak zorunda olduğu gün sonunda geldi. - The day came at last when he had to part from her.

part from
-den ayrılmak
part id
(Bilgisayar) parçanın numarası
part label
(Bilgisayar) parça etiketi
part name
(Bilgisayar) parçanın adı
part number
(Askeri) PARÇA NUMARASI: Malzemelerin muayyen bir parçasını veya maddesini tanımlamak üzere planlayan bir kişi, bir imalatçı veya satıcı tarafından verilen numaraların, harflerin ve sembollerin bir bileşkesi
part object
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kısmi nesne
part of
(Askeri) parçası/bölümü
part payment
(Ticaret) kısmi ödeme
part payment
(Ticaret) kısmen ödeme
part payment
(Kanun) kısmen tediye
part program
(Askeri) KISMİ PROGRAM: Sivil ikmal programından bir kısmının münferit bir bölümüne ait ikmal maddeleri (veya hizmetler) in dağıtımını, sevkini, kontrolünü ve bu hususta verilecek raporların şeklini belirten rapor
part replaced
değiştirilen parça
part time
{s} yarım günlük
part time
{s} part time
part timer
yarım gün çalışan kimse
part timer
part time çalışan kimse
part timer
iş saatleri az olan görevli
part title
(Bilgisayar) parça konu başlığı
part with

Niçin ayrılmak istediğine dair fikrim yok. - I have no idea why you want to part with that.

O, evinden ayrılmak istemedi. - He didn't want to part with his house.

part with
(Fiili Deyim ) ayrılmak , vazgeçmek , elden çıkarmak , vermek
part with
-i bırakmak
part with
elden çıkarmak

Bunu elden çıkarmak istediğinden emin misin? - Are you sure you want to part with that?

O kürk ceketini elden çıkarmak zorundaydı. - She had to part with her fur coat.

{i} bölge

Bu çiçek Hokkaido'nun farklı bölgelerinde bulunur. - This flower is found in different parts of Hokkaido.

Okyanusun bazı bölgelerinde, kril popülasyonları yüzde 80'in üzerinde düştü. - In some parts of the ocean, krill populations have dropped by over 80 percent.

(zarf) kısmen
(Askeri) PARÇALAR: Bir malzeme kaleminin başlıca unsurları, aksamı veya tali komple parçaları. Parçalar; yıpranmış, hasara uğramış, kaybolmuş veya tahrip edilmiş unsurları değiştirmek suretiyle malzemeyi sağlam bir duruma getirmek için yedekte bulundurulurlar
take part
{i} parçalar

Bir bütün parçalardan oluşur. - A whole is made up of parts.

Yedek parçaları birer birer inceledi. - He examined the spare parts one after another.

{i} yetenek
for my part
bana kalırsa

Bana kalırsa, umurumda değil. - I, for my part, don't care.

Bana kalırsa benim itirazım yok. - For my part, I have no objection.

{i} saçı ayırma çizgisi
spare part
(Askeri) YEDEK PARÇA: Bak. "repair part"
take part in
-e katılmak, -e iştirak etmek
taking part
yer alma
{i} semt

Bir hırsızlar çetesi bu semtte çalışır. - A gang of thieves works these parts.

act a part
rol almak
all part of life's rich pageant
(deyim) bu da hayatın bir cilvesi
as part of
as part of
be a part of
parçası olmak
ejection part
(Avcılık) boş kovan atma boşluğu
for the most part
having an inside part
intrinsic part
(Askeri) ana parça
middle part
missing part
kayıp parça
on the one part
bir yandan
bir ölçüde
tam olmayan
(Bilgisayar) parça

Tom bir araba fabrikasında yedek parça yapıyor. - Tom is making spare parts in a car factory.

Tom pastayı üç eşit parçaya böldü. - Tom divided the pie into three equal parts.

piece part
(Askeri) küçük parça
real part
(Matematik) gerçel parça
real part
gerçek kismi
side part
(Tekstil) yan kısım
take part in
(Ticaret) iştirak etmek
take part in
-e katılmak
the better part of
(deyim) yarısından fazla
upper part
üst kısım
upper part
whole to part training
(Askeri) yukarıdan aşağı eğitim
wrong part
yanlış parça
{f} ayır
taksim edici
{f} ayır
bir dereceye kadar
the part
part time
part time
hemen hemen dibine kadar ayrılmış ölmü
{s} ayrılırken yapılan
{s} bölen
partina shotParthian shot
{i} veda
{i} ölme
kötü dilinim
veda etme
ayrılma yeri
{i} ayırma çizgisi
ayıran sey
{s} ayrılık

Boşanma genellikle acı bir ayrılıktır. - Divorce is generally a painful parting.

{s} ayıran
Türkçe - Türkçe
Buğday yığını
Otuz bağ ot yığını
bakınız: parttaym
İngilizce - İngilizce
A distinct element or component

The parts of a chainsaw include the chain, engine, and handle.

In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar, a unit of time equivalent to 3⅓ seconds
To leave
To divide in two

I run the canoe into a deep dent in the bank that I knowed about; I had to part the willow branches to get in; and when I made fast nobody could a seen the canoe from the outside.

A fraction of a whole; a portion

Hepaticology, outside the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, still lies deep in the shadow cast by that ultimate closet taxonomist, Franz Stephani—a ghost whose shadow falls over us all.

Share, especially of a profit

I want my part of the bounty.

Fractional, partial

Fred was part owner of the car.

The melody played or sung by a particular instrument, voice, or group of instruments or voices, within a polyphonic piece

The first violin part in this concerto is very challenging.

Partly, partially, fractionally
partially composed of

We cannot make a plodding and sensible community—a Holland or a Pennsylvania—out of a national personality which, whether by harsh circumstance or native tendency, is now part genius, part fanatic, and part hard-headed materialist.”.

To cut hair with a parting
The dividing line formed by combing the hair in different directions

The part of his hair was slightly to the left.

To divide up; to share

He left three sonnes, his famous progeny, / Borne of faire Inogene of Italy; / Mongst whom he parted his imperiall state .

Duty; responsibility

to do one’s part.

A section of land; an area of a country or other territory; a region

the Faery knight / Besought that Damzell suffer him depart, / And yield him readie passage to that other part.

3.5 centiliters of one ingredient in a mixed drink
To be divided in two or separated
A section of a document

Please turn to Part I, Chapter 2.

A group inside a larger group
A unit of relative proportion in a mixture

The mixture comprises one part sodium hydroxide and ten parts water.

To leave (an IRC channel)
Position or role (especially in a play)

We all have a part to play.

{n} a portion, member, party, space, conduct
{v} to share, divide, separate, go away, quit
{a} in part, in some measure
1 One of the subordinate units into which an item has been divided by the author, publisher, or manufacturer In the case of printed monographs, generally synonymous with volume; it is distinguished from a fascicle by being a component unit rather than a temporary division of a work 2 As used in the physical description area, "part" designates bibliographic units intended to be bound several to a volume
A part is NOT a fixed amount It refers to the relative amount of an ingredient For example, if a recipe calls for 1 part A and 2 parts B, then the final drink should have twice as much B as it does A You can make the drink as big as you want!
{f} divide, separate; be divided; apportion, allocate
A single piece not subject to disassembly without destruction or impairment of use, such as resistors, transistors, relays, or gears Level 7, the lowest level, in the system hierarchy
Part is a particular type of CAD model describing a single part It will usually be build from features and represented as a unique solid
or "they resisted every effort on his part"; one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
To separate by a process of extraction, elimination, or secretion; as, to part gold from silver
An active or passive device used in an electronic system Less frequently, a "part" may refer to other members of an electronic system such as a printed circuit board Synonomous with "component" and "device "
Individual numbered file which represents a completed LEGO-style part The collection of official parts make up the LDraw org Parts Library Parts reside in the PARTS subdirectory of the LDRAW folder upon extraction of ldraw027 exe
One piece, or two or more pieces joined together, which cannot be disassembled without destruction or loss of design use
assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group; "he wanted his share in cash"
3.5 cl of one ingredient in a mixed drink
A material item that has been purchased or fabricated from raw material and is normally not handled as part of an assembly [CMSG]
so far as concerns the actor specified; "it requires vigilance on our part"
any one of a number of individual efforts in a common endeavor; "I am proud of my contribution to the team's success"; "they all did their share of the work"
the payload formed in the cavity
come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
A 'part' of our personality, usually unconscious, which often has human attributes, which is responsible for maintaining a certain set of internal representations
so far as concerns the actor specified; "it requires vigilance on our part" or "they resisted every effort on his part"
A particular character in a drama or a play; an assumed personification; also, the language, actions, and influence of a character or an actor in a play; or, figuratively, in real life
something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together" a line where the hair is parted; "his part was right in the middle" so far as concerns the actor specified; "it requires vigilance on our part" or "they resisted every effort on his part"; one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division" the melody carried by a particular voice or instrument in polyphonic music; "he tried to sing the tenor part" a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite" something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach
That which belongs to one, or which is assumed by one, or which falls to one, in a division or apportionment; share; portion; lot; interest; concern; duty; office
something determined in relation to something that includes it; "he wanted to feel a part of something bigger than himself"; "I read a portion of the manuscript"; "the smaller component is hard to reach
A piece of a composition usually for one instrument When a part is recorded it becomes a track in a composition Back
go one's own away; move apart; "The friends separated after the party"
A fraction of a whole; a component
a line where the hair is parted; "his part was right in the middle"
Hence: To hold apart; to stand between; to intervene betwixt, as combatants
One of the opposing parties or sides in a conflict or a controversy; a faction
A constituent portion of a living or spiritual whole; a member; an organ; an essential element
An equal constituent portion; one of several or many like quantities, numbers, etc
partly, somewhat; partially, in part, not wholly
To separate or disunite; to cause to go apart; to remove from contact or contiguity; to sunder
vicinity, region
One of the often indefinite or unequal subdivisions into which something is or is regarded as divided and which together constitute the whole
something less than the whole of a human artifact; "the rear part of the house"; "glue the two parts together"
whether actually separate or not; a piece; a fragment; a fraction; a division; a member; a constituent
A Part exists in a Performance or Song/Pattern Mix There are 4 Parts in Performance and 16 Parts in a Song or Pattern mix ( even more Parts are available if you add PLG boards) A Part is basically a Voice plus the parameters to make it work in a multi -timbral context These include effects routing (which Part gets it's Insert effect), effects sends, synth offsets like filter cutoff, resonance, FEG and AEG envelopes and output routing
an actor's portrayal of someone in a play; "she played the part of Desdemona"
To divide into shares; to divide and distribute; to allot; to apportion; to share
See To act a part, under Act
A segment of the sequence
a portion of a natural object; "they analyzed the river into three parts"; "he needed a piece of granite"
part and parcel
An integral or essential piece; that which must be done or accepted as part of something else

Argument structure is thus considered to be part and parcel of the information associated with lexical, syntactically atomic verbs.

part company
to separate; go their own way

The pair parted company and Stephen rejoined Mr Bloom who, with his practised eye, was not without perceiving that he had succumbed to the blandiloquence of the other parasite. Alluding to the encounter he said, laughingly, Stephen, that is:.

part company
To end a relationship
part of speech
The function a word or phrase performs in a sentence or phrase
part with
To willingly let go of; to give up; to relinquish

I really love this new stereo system but I'm not willing to part with the cash to buy it.

Attributive form of part of speech, noun
Alternative spelling of part song
for, during, or involving less than the normal time for some activity
part-time bowler
a batsman who has limited bowling ability; asked to bowl under special circumstances
part-time bowlers
plural form of part-time bowler
someone who is employed, or does something, part-time
a part-time bowler
parties of the first part
plural form of party of the first part
parties of the second part
plural form of party of the second part
party of the first part
The first party named in a contract, generally the party agreeing to perform a duty thereunder
party of the first part
The party to a legal dispute who first raised a complaint in a court
party of the second part
The party to a legal dispute against whom a complaint was initially raised in a court
party of the second part
The second party named in a contract, generally the party to whom a duty is initially owed, and who is obligated to perform in response to the performance of that initial duty
part performance
(Tıp, İlaç) a doctrine which provides an exception to the Statute of Frauds requirement that a contract be in writing by treating partial performance and the acceptance of it by the other party as evidence of an enforceable contract
part performance
(Tıp, İlaç) partial performance of a contract, promise, or obligation
part 1
When you are describing people's thoughts or actions, you can say for her part or for my part, for example, to introduce what a particular person thinks or does. For my part, I feel elated and close to tears
part 1
For the most part means mostly or usually. Professors, for the most part, are firmly committed to teaching, not research. = by and large
part 1
You can use part when you are talking about the proportions of substances in a mixture. For example, if you are told to use five parts water to one part paint, the mixture should contain five times as much water as paint. Use turpentine and linseed oil, three parts to two
part 1
Please look at category
part 1
A part of something is one of the pieces, sections, or elements that it consists of. I like that part of Cape Town Respect is a very important part of any relationship
part 1
If you say that something happened for the best part or the better part of a period of time, you mean that it happened for most of that time. He had been in Israel for the best part of twenty-four hours = most of
part 1
If something or someone is part of a group or organization, they belong to it or are included in it. I was a part of the team and wanted to remain a part of the team
part 1
section 1, first section
part 1
part and parcel: see parcel
part 1
A part in a play or film is one of the roles in it which an actor or actress can perform. Alf Sjoberg offered her a large part in the play he was directing He was just right for the part. = role
part 1
You use in part to indicate that something exists or happens to some extent but not completely. The levels of blood glucose depend in part on what you eat and when you eat = partly
part 1
If you say that something is part one thing, part another, you mean that it is to some extent the first thing and to some extent the second thing. The television producer today has to be part news person, part educator = half
part 1
to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword
part 1
A part for a machine or vehicle is one of the smaller pieces that is used to make it. spare parts for military equipment = component
part 1
Part of something is some of it. It was a very severe accident and he lost part of his foot Mum and he were able to walk part of the way together
part 1
If something or someone plays a large or important part in an event or situation, they are very involved in it and have an important effect on what happens. These days work plays an important part in a single woman's life
part 1
Your part in something that happens is your involvement in it. If only he could conceal his part in the accident = involvement
part 1
If you take part in an activity, you do it together with other people. Thousands of students have taken part in demonstrations
part 1
If you talk about a feeling or action on someone's part, you are referring to something that they feel or do. There is no need for any further instructions on my part
part 1
The part in someone's hair is the line running from the front to the back of their head where their hair lies in different directions. see also private parts
part 10
tenth chapter, section #10
part 2
When two people part, or if one person parts from another, they leave each other. He gave me the envelope and we parted He has confirmed he is parting from his Swedish-born wife Eva
part 2
to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword
part 2
If things that are next to each other part or if you part them, they move in opposite directions, so that there is a space between them. Her lips parted as if she were about to take a deep breath He crossed to the window of the sitting-room and parted the curtains. = open
part 2
If you part your hair in the middle or at one side, you make it lie in two different directions so that there is a straight line running from the front of your head to the back. Picking up a brush, Joanna parted her hair His hair was slicked back and neatly parted
part 2
to part company: see company see also parting
part 2
section 2, second section
part 2
If you are parted from someone you love, you are prevented from being with them. I don't believe Lotte and I will ever be parted A stay in hospital may be the first time a child is ever parted from its parents. = separated
part 2
Please look at category
part 3
third part, third segment
part 4
fourth chapter, section #4
part 5
fifth chapter, section #5
part 6
sixth chapter, section #6
part 7
chapter 7, 7th segment
part 8
chapter 8, 8th segment
part 9
chapter 9, 9th segment
part and parcel
important or required aspect
part and parcel of
inseparable part of -, vital part of -
part company
separate, say goodbye, leave
part company with
go away from, leave
part exchange
If you give an old item in part exchange for something you are buying, the seller accepts the old item as part of the payment, so you do not have to give them as much money. Electrical retailers will often take away old appliances if you buy a new one, sometimes in part-exchange. a way of buying a new car, television etc in which you give your old car, television etc as part of the payment American Equivalent: trade in
part friends
separate amicably, say goodbye in a friendly manner
part music
vocal music for several voices in independent parts (usually performed without accompaniment)
part number
The name or number associated with your printed circuit board We use your part number throughout the entire order process for your convenience PCBexpress refers to your order TN: #####
part number
This is the unique identifier that Crucial assigns to every memory module
part number
Part number of current supplier or prime manufacturer A part number can be up to 16 characters long It may include special characters, such as, dashes, slashes, and blanks Note some parts lists, such as the historical RPOW Sep 1996 data, have these special characters removed Also, different manufacturers may use the same part number Specify, the manufacturer code to get a unique part number In a query you can specify a wildcard % symbol in the part number field
part number
an identifying mark for each component that is used in manufacturing
part number
The set of characters, normally alphanumeric, that identifies a specific manufactured or purchased item and is used in all database, order, inventory and other functions
part number
A number, up to 21 positions, other than an activity stock number, used to identify an item of production or, either by itself or in conjunction with other reference numbers, to identify an item of supply This is also referred to as a reference number
part number
-See Item number
part number
means any manufacturer's/maker's number that uniquely identifies the product/resource
part number
The identification number for each part
part number
LDraw parts are named by numbers Most often, the official LEGO part number is used if it is known (they are usually printed on the underside of a brick) When an offical LEGO part number is not known, an arbitrary number is chosen
part of speech
A part of speech is a particular grammatical class of word, for example noun, adjective, or verb. parts of speech one of the types into which words are divided in grammar according to their use, such as noun, verb, or adjective
part of speech
one of the traditional categories of words intended to reflect their functions in a grammatical context
part performance
incomplete execution of an action, unsatisfactory implementation
part period balancing
(Ticaret) (PPB) A lot size technique that uses look ahead and look back functions to consider additional periods in modifying an initial calculation based on least total cost
part the booty
share the spoils, divide up the loot
part time
{s} not full time, less than the usual or full time; involving less than regular or standard hours
part time
less than 12 credit hours attempted in first term for students entering in Fall or Spring, less than 9 credit hours attempted for students entering in the Summer
part time
Working less than 30 hours per week
part time
(Registration) If your Jurisdiction has no Part Time officers please put a 0 in the box
part time
Dividing time and focus among various pursuits or sources of income
part time
= TSF (Total Support Fraction) less than 1 000
part time employee
worker who does not work a full week
part way
Part way means part of the way or partly. Local authorities will run out of money part way through the financial year She was on the hillside, part way up It might go part way to repaying the debt
part with
give up
part with
If you part with something that is valuable or that you would prefer to keep, you give it or sell it to someone else. Buyers might require further assurances before parting with their cash
Part- combines with adjectives, nouns, and verbs to mean partly but not completely. part-baked breads and rolls Some associations provide homes to buy or part-buy
a person who owns something in common with others
singing with three or more voice parts
a song that consists of several voice parts, usually singing without a piano etc
Student load aggregated for all courses being undertaken by the student in the reference year is less than 0 75
Civil servants working fewer than 37 hours a week (36 hours in London), excluding meal breaks
You must be regularly scheduled to work between 20 and 39 hours a week, to be considered a part-time employee
students taking fewer than 12 semester hours of classes
Regular pattern of work each week (ie days and hours do not vary)
students include those studying part-time, on block release, during the evenings only, full-time for less than 18 weeks in the academic year or those employing other modes of study, that is, students writing up theses or on sabbatical (except where they have been tabulated separately)
any service furnished for a service period of less than one-month
If you register for less than 12 credit hours, you're considered a part-time student Tuition is paid on a per-credit-hour basis and you can't live on campus
A student who is registered for the minimum number of courses or credits to qualify as part-time
A student registered for less than the required full-time load
involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity; "part-time employees"; "a part-time job
involving less than the standard or customary time for an activity; "part-time employees"; "a part-time job"
The adverb is also spelled part time. If someone is a part-time worker or has a part-time job, they work for only part of each day or week. Many businesses are cutting back by employing lower-paid part-time workers I'm part-time. I work three days a week. full-time Part-time is also an adverb. I want to work part-time. someone who has a part-time job works for only part of each day or week
Less than than forty hours per week of work or less than the equivalent of a full-time faculty member
A student who is registered for the minimum number of courses or units to qualify as part-time
for less than the standard number of hours; "he works part-time"
Part-time employment is defined as work which is regularly scheduled with the same employer on a steady basis Part-time employees normally have set schedules that either do not vary, or change very little on a week to week basis
For service credit calculation, a member who does not meet the criteria of full-time or a full-time teacher working less than 120 contract days
A student who is registered for 11 or fewer credit hours in the Fall and Spring terms or 3 or fewer credit hours in the Summer terms
Only part-time freshmen, defined as enrolled for fewer than 12 credit hours in the cohort Fall term, are included in the base cohort
part-time employees
workers who do not work a full week
part-time job
period of work for less than the usual time
someone who works less than the customary or standard time
A part-timer is a person who works part-time. Customer service departments are often staffed by part-timers
partition off part of a room
subdivide a room into smaller parts
bit part
A minor role, generally not assigned a name
body part
Vehicle part of the body
body part
any part of an organism such as an organ or extremity
discretion is the better part of valour
It is often wiser to refrain from seemingly brave speech or action

The better part of valour is discretion; in the which better part, I have saved my life.

for the most part
mostly; in general; usually

She talked about her kids, for the most part.

imaginary part
Of a complex number a + bi, the value b
in part
Partly; to an extent
look the part
To appear suitable for a particular kind of work, position or role

We were going to cast him in our new movie but unfortunately he didn't look the part.

looked the part
Simple past tense and past participle of look the part
looking the part
Present participle of look the part
looks the part
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of look the part
moving part
In a piece of machinery with multiple parts, a part that is powered to move
nonmoving part
In a piece of machinery with multiple parts, a part that is not powered to move
Simple past tense and past participle of part
Present participle of part
vicinity, region

We intend being at Leamington before long, unless some change in the weather should make our stay in these parts more tolerable.

The male genitals
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of part
intellectual ability or learning

He was a man of great parts but little virtue.

plural form of part
real part
Of a complex number a + bi, the value a
shining part
An exemplary attribute

We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul. — Ralph Waldo Emerson, The Over Soul, 1841.

spare part
A component of any manufactured goods, kept in reserve to replace one that fails; a spare
standing part
The section of rope between the standing end and a knot being made
take part
To share or partake

They had cake and ice cream, but he did not take part.

take part
To participate or join

He declined to take part in the meeting because he did not feel he had anything to add.

til death do us part
A common phrase said between the bride and the groom at a Christian wedding, indicating togetherness and commitment
working part
The section of rope between the working end and a knot being made
take part
participate, be a part of
{n} qualities, faculties, districts, regions
past of part
having a margin incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes
Türkçe - İngilizce

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    whole, connect, join, arrive, come


    /ˈpärt/ /ˈpɑːrt/


    [ pärt ] (noun.) before 12th century. From Middle English part from Old French part from Latin partem, accusative of pars (“piece, portion, share, side, party, faction, role, character, lot, fate, task, lesson, part, member”). Akin to portio (“a portion, part”), parare (“to make ready, prepare”). Displaced Middle English del, dele "part" (from Old English dǣl "part, distribution"), Middle English dale "part, portion" (from Old English dāl "portion"), Middle English sliver "part, portion" (from Middle English sliven "to cut, cleave" from Old English (tō)slīfan "to split").


    parts, parting, parted


    ... about how do we reduce the violence generally. Part of it is seeing if we can get an assault ...
    ... MR. ROMNEY: I sure do. Well, in part, it comes, again, from my experience. I was in New Hampshire. ...