
listen to the pronunciation of packet
İngilizce - Türkçe

Yakında değerli bir paket alacaksınız. - Soon you are going to receive a valuable packet.

Babam mutlaka her gün dört şişe bira içerdi ve dört paket sigara içerdi. - My father used to drink 4 bottles of beer and smoke 4 packets of cigarettes every day without fail.

TCP/Ip Protocolunde dolayısıyla internette dökümanlar minik data paketçiklerine bölünerek gönderilir
{i} sorun
(Askeri) ÖZEL GÖREV GRUBU: Belirli bir görev yeri için benzeri şekilde eğitilmiş ve seçilmiş personel grubu
{i} ceza alma
belirli günlerde yola çıkan posta gemisi
{i} bir yığın para
{i} yaralanma
packet boat
posta gemisi
packet mode
paket anahtarlamalı işletim
packet mode
paket modu
packet switching
paket anahtarlama
Packet InterNet Groper
(Bilgisayar) (PİNG) İnternet Paketi Araştırıcısı
packet assembler
paket birleştirici, paket ayırıcı
packet boat
paket tekne
packet converter
paket dönüştürücü
packet disassembler
paket birleştirici, paket ayırıcı
packet mode
paket modu, paket anahtarlamali işletim
packet mode protocol
paket anahtarlamali işletim protokolü, paket mod protokolü
packet program
Paket program
packet sniffer
(Bilgisayar) Paket algılayıcısı, paket dinleyicisi
packet switching network
paket anahtarlamali ağ
packet system reliability
paket sistem güvenirliği
packet systems and transmission speed
paket sistemler ve gönderme hızı
packet transmission
paket gönderme
packet buffer
paket yastigi
packet delivery
Paket Dağıtımı
packet format
paket formati
packet header
paket basligi
packet internet gropper
(PING) Paket İnternet Yoklayıcısı
packet loss
Paket Kaybı
packet mode terminal
paket ucbirimi
packet network node
paket agi dugumu
packet penetrometer
cep penetrometresi
packet radio
paket radyo
packet sequencing
paket siralamasi
packet switching node; public switch network
(Askeri) paket anahtarlama düğüm noktası; PTT ağı
packet terminal
paket ucbirimi
packet tracing
Paket İzleme
pay packet
maaş zarfı
(Bilgisayar) paket

Babam mutlaka her gün dört şişe bira içerdi ve dört paket sigara içerdi. - My father used to drink 4 bottles of beer and smoke 4 packets of cigarettes every day without fail.

wrong packet
(Bilgisayar) yanlış paket
cost a packet
tuzluya mal olmak
discarded packet
boğulan paket
wage packet
vergin paketi
wage packet
vergin zarfı
a packet of
Bir paket

A packet of milk.

null packet
boş paket
call packet
cagri paketi
cost a packet
{k} (deyim) cok pahalliya mal olmak
discarded packet
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) bozulan paket
fast packet switching
hizli paket anahtarlama
first aid packet
(Askeri) HARP PAKETİ, İLK YARDIM PAKETİ: İçinde ilk yardım için kullanılacak sterilize sargı ve pansuman malzemesi bulunan, hava geçirmez küçük bir paket. Bu paket, muharebede subay ve erlerin üzerinde bulunur
food packet
(Askeri) KUMANYA: Mutfak ve 1 nci sınıf yeniden ikmal araçları bulunmadığı zaman, yiyecek maddesi olarak, önceden pişirilmiş ve paketlenmiş hazır gıda maddeleri. Kumanyada tam bir rasyon bulunmaz
food packet
(Askeri) Kumanya
ip packet size
(Bilgisayar) ip paket boyutu
letter packet
mektup paketi
lost packet time
Kayıp Paket Süresi
mission tasking packet
(Askeri) vazife görevlendirme paketi
name query request packet
Ad Sorgu İstek Paketi
name registration request packet
Ad Kayıt İstek Paketi
netbios broadcast packet handling
Netbios Yayım Paket İşlemesi
post packet
registered packet
taahhütlü paket
repeat packet
(Bilgisayar) yineleme paketi
sample packet
(Ticaret) eşantiyon paketi
sell smb. a packet
sperm packet
(Denizbilim) atmık paketi
wage packet
ücret paketi
wage packet
maaş zarfı
İngilizce - İngilizce
A small pack or package; a little bundle or parcel; as, a packet of letters, a packet of crisps, a packet of biscuits
To send in a packet or dispatch vessel
A small fragment of data as transmitted on some types of network, notably Ethernet networks
Originally, a vessel employed by government to convey dispatches or mails; hence, a vessel employed in conveying dispatches, mails, passengers, and goods, and having fixed days of sailing; a mail boat. Packet boat, ship, vessel
To make up into a packet or bundle
To ply with a packet or dispatch boat
A specimen envelope containing small, dried plants or containing parts of plants when attached to a larger sheet

With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get.

a bundle, as of letters
{n} a small pack, a parcel of letters, a vessel for despatches; in America, a coasting vessel for passengers
{v} to ply with a packet, put up in a bundle
A packet is a small container in which a quantity of something is sold. Packets are either small boxes made of thin cardboard, or bags or envelopes made of paper or plastic. Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet. a cigarette packet. = pack A packet of something is an amount of it contained in a packet. He had smoked half a packet of cigarettes = pack
A block of data carried by a network When one host sends a message to another, the message is broken into one or more packets, which are individually sent across the network
A block of data sent over the network transmitting the identities of the sending and receiving stations, error-control information, and message
A transmission unit of fixed maximum size that consists of binary information representing both data and a header containing an ID number, source and destination addresses, and error-control data A piece of information sent over a network
A packet is a basic communication data unit used when transmitting data from one computer to another Each packet contains a certain amount of data The maximum length of a packet depends on the communication medium As an example, in Ethernet networks the maximum length is 1500 bytes At each network model layer, the contents of the packet can be divided into two parts: the header part and the data part The header contains control information of the particular layer, the data part contains data belonging to the upper layer   TCP/IP TCP/IP is a common name for the networking protocols used for communication in the Internet (e g IP TCP, UDP, ICMP etc ) All protocols are packet based, i e all data sent through are divided into the small parts and sent across the network
A unit of data transmitted over a network A packet is of fixed size, and is routed between a source and a destination It contains binary information that represents both data and a header containing an ID number, source address, and destination address
The unit of data sent across a network "Packet" is a generic term used to describe units of data at all levels of the protocol stack, but it is most correctly used to describe application data units See datagram, frame
(computer science) a message or message fragment
A grouping of information that includes a header (which has information such as a destination address) and, in most cases, user data Back to Top
A packet is a small flat parcel. a packet of photographs
A chunk of information sent over a network Each packet contains the destination address, the sender's address, error-control information, and data It is a piece of a message that is transmitted over a packet-switching network Each packet is transmitted individually, once divided by the packet-switching network, and can even follow multiple routes to the destination Once all the packets arrive at the destination, they are put back together to get the original message One of the key features of all packets is they contain the destination address, in addition to the data In IP networks, packets are usually called datagrams
Any block of data sent over a network Each packet contains information about the sender and the receiver, and error-control information, in addition to the actual message Packets may be fixed- or variable- length, and they will be reassembled if necessary when they reach their destination
A packet is a standardized unit of data In network communications a packet generally consists of a "header" with identifying information and a "body" containing the data to be transmitted
A sub-unit of a data stream; a grouping of information that includes a header (containing information such as address destination) and, in most cases, user data
A unit of data sent across a network When a large block of data is to be sent over a network, it is broken up into several packets, sent, and the reassembled at the other end Packets often include checksum codes to detect transmission errors The exact layout of an individual packet is determined by the protocol being used
A small package of data TCP/IP breaks messages up into packets, and sends each packet independently to the message destination The protocol ensures that there is no error in transmission and that the entire message arrives
Computer Networks A small "parcel" of data collected together for transmission across a computer network The Internet is a so-termed "packet switching network", meaning that all data files transmitted across it are broken down into discrete packets, each of which is given a unique address for its journey across the network Frequently the packets of data that comprise a particular file travel different routes across the Internet, and arrive in a different order to that in which they were transmitted
A logical group of data A packet includes a header, which contains addressing and other control information, and the payload (user data) Data travelling through any network is broken up into packets
A unit of data sent across a network When a large block of data is to be sent over a network, it is broken up into a number of packets, sent, and then reassembled at the other end Packets often include checksum codes to detect transmission errors The exact layout of an individual packet is determined by the protocol being used
A specific number of bits of data sent over a link in a packet switched network A packet contains the data and control information needed for the successful delivery of the packet to the desired address The terms packet and frame are often used interchangeably
Originally, a vessel employed by government to convey dispatches or mails; hence, a vessel employed in conveying dispatches, mails, passengers, and goods, and having fixed days of sailing; a mail boat
The unit of data sent across a network "Packet" a generic term used to describe unit of data at all levels of the protocol stack, but it is most correctly used to describe application data units See also: protocol
A specially formatted group of bits containing data, address, and control information that is transmitted over a network as a collective unit Messages are usually broken down into a sequence of several transmitted packets, which are reconstructed for completeness at their destination Different systems use packets of varying sizes
Generic term for a bundle of data, organized in a specific way for transmission A packet consists in the data to be transmitted and certain control information, including the destination address
The unit of data sent across a packet switching network While some Internet literature use the term to refer specifically to data sent across a physical network, other literature views the Internet as a packet switching network and describes IP Datagrams as packets
A bundle of data transmitted across a network It contains the source address (where the packet has come from) the destination address (where it's going to) a packet identifier (what sort of packet it is) and the data being sent
a boat for carrying mail
{i} bundle; package; large amount of money (Slang); block of information that is transferred via a network and contains the sender's address and error correction information (Computers)
You can refer to a lot of money as a packet. It'll cost you a packet = fortune see also pay packet, wage packet
A chunk of information sent over a network Each packet contains the destination address, the sender's address, error-control information, and data
A small pack or package; a little bundle or parcel; as, a packet of letters
a collection of things wrapped or boxed together
a small package or bundle (computer science) a message or message fragment
a small package or bundle
A piece of a message transmitted over a packet-switching network See under packet switching One of the key features of a packet is that it contains the destination address in addition to the data In IP networks, packets are often called datagrams
A unit of transmission in data communications The TCP/IP protocol breaks large data files into smaller chunks for sending over a network so that less data will have to be re-transmitted if errors occur
packet sniffer
Software designed for checking packets of data transferred over the Internet
packet sniffers
plural form of packet sniffer
packet switching
a means of directing digitally encoded information in a communication network from its source to its destination, in which messages may be divided into smaller entities called packets, each of which travels independently through the network in paths based on moment to moment routing decisions made by the nodes through which they pass
packet sniffer
(Bilgisayar) A Packet Sniffer (also known as a network sniffer, network analyzer or protocol analyzer or, for particular types of networks, an Ethernet sniffer or wireless sniffer) is computer software or computer hardware that can intercept and log traffic passing over a digital network or part of a network
packet boat
a boat that carries letters, packages etc and usually passengers at regular times
packet boat
small boat that supplies a regular service for carrying passengers or freight on a fixed short route; mailboat, boat which conveys mail
packet boat
mailboat: a boat for carrying mail
packet monkey
{i} unskilled computer joker who attempts to imitate skilled hackers by downloading and using their programs; person who tries unauthorized access of the computers of others in order to obtain information from those computers or to do damage to the computers
packet of bills
bundle of paper money, stack of money
packet switching
communications network which divides transmissions into "packets" of information and send each "packet" separately over an open channel
packet switching
Packet-switching is a method of sending computer data on telephone lines which automatically divides the data into short pieces in order to send it and puts it together again when it is received. A method of data transmission in which small blocks of data are transmitted rapidly over a channel dedicated to the connection only for the duration of the packet's transmission
packet switching network
{i} wide area network in which the transferred information is divided into segments which are sent separately with the attachment of the destination computer's address
A network in which a separate path is established for each packet (datagram) transmitted in the network
A communications network that uses shared facilities to route data packets from and to different users Unlike a circuit-switched network, a packet-switched network does not set up dedicated circuits for each session
A form of network where the computers on it communicate by breaking messages up into packets of data that include information about the sender, receiver, number of packets, etc This allows all the computers to share the network by taking turns sending packets; computers that receive packets not addressed to them send them on to the correct computer Protocols like TCP/IP allow the packets making up a single message to be sent in any order, by various routes, to the recipient computer, where they are reassembled into the message
packet-switched network
{i} network that establishes temporary connection between two or more points in order to transmit data packets (Telecommunications)
a method of sending information stored on a computer, usually across the Internet. Long messages are broken into pieces and put together again when they are received
pay packet
Your pay packet is the envelope containing your wages, which your employer gives you at the end of every week
pay packet
(British) pay envelope, package containing employees' salary
pay packet
You can refer to someone's wages or salary as their pay packet
General Packet Radio Service
a packet oriented Mobile Data Service available to users of Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) and IS-136 mobile phones. It provides data rates from 56 up to 114 kbit/s
wave packet
a collection of waves, travelling together
wave packet
a probability wave
AT Attachment Packet Interface
(Computers) ATAPI, enhanced IDE standard for connecting disk drives to personal computers
Cellular Digital Packet Data
(Telecommunications) open-specification for two-way data packet transmissions via cellular communication channels (higher quality than modem connections using analog cellular channels), CDPD
Internetwork Packet Exchange
{i} (Computers) Novell NetWare protocol for delivering messages in datagram format, IPX
data packet
(Clickstream Intelligence Administrator's Guide) [definition #2] (Clickstream Intelligence User's Guide)
data packet
(Net8 Administrator's Guide; search in this book)
data packet
A unit of information transmitted as a whole from one device to another on a network
data packet
Format in which data is transmitted over a network The packet contains the data itself and information necessary to ensure the packet arrives intact at the intended destination
data packet
a unit of data sent over a network A packet includes a header, addressing information and the data itself A packet is treated as a single unit as it is sent from device to device
data packet
(Net Services Administrator's Guide) [definition #2] (Net Services Reference Guide)
data packet
One unit of information transmitted as a discrete entity from one node on the network to another More specifically, a packet is a transmission unit of a fixed maximum length that contains a header with the destination address, a set of data, and error control information (Ref: Dyson, Dictionary of Networking)
data packet
(Net Services Administrator's Guide)
data packet
Information about a vehicle or group of vehicles, or other non-voice data, transmitted via communication conduits (cellular, Internet, etc ) to the fleet management system computer
data packet
A packet used to transmit user data over a virtual circuit at the DTE/DCE interface
data packet
A block of data arranged in the form of a packet that contains a header which carries information about the content of the packet and the address in the network where the package is supposed to go The Internet operates with data packets all the time Internet Protocol is form of data packets ITFS two way systems will use data packets in IP mode
data packet
A means of transmitting serial data in an efficient package that includes an error-checking sequence
Postal Definition of a package with any one dimension not more than 600mm and a maximum of all 3 dimensions added together of 900mm
A piece of a message transmitted over a packet-switching network One of the key features of a packet is that it contains the destination address in addition to the data In IP networks, packets are often called datagrams (Added: 10/5/99)
Messages computers send to one another
information sent out by route in pieces
plural of , packet
Segments of data bundled together for efficient digital transmission
The data stream is responsible for providing the access card with all the information necessary to make an informed decision on whether or not to generate that key The hex code in the data stream is really just a series of something called packets A packet is a collection of hex code that when placed together results in a function, or "instruction" to the access card For example, when DirecTV wishes to set a Blackout for a Sporting Event, it sends the command within a packet in the data stream The access card processes the packet, and sets the Blackout accordingly By analyzing the various packets sent down, experts can express in plain English what exactly is going on In rare occasions, packet analysis can actually predict future actions of DirecTV, or at least be used to formulate predictions
data processed by protocols so it can be sent across a network
third-person singular of packet
Data is sent over the Internet in the form of limited-size "packets", each one tagged with "source" and "destination" network addresses Each packet is independently routed over the Internet When it takes many packets to make up a complete message, a protocol known as "TCP" is generally used TCP reassembles all packets in the correct order at the destination, and resends any which are missing or received incorrectly
Standard unit(s) of data sent across the Internet When sending or requesting data, it is broken up into packets which are routed back together again at the destination and are placed back in their original order
When data is transmitted through networks, it is often broken up into small ``packets'' (localized in time) rather than being sent as a continuous byte stream This allows multiple transmissions to share the same line, and also facilitates error detection
Means of dividing up and structuring information in a computer message for reliable Internet transmission to the correct address
Pieces of data divided up for transit Packets contain information about the computer that sent the data and where the data is going If a packet runs into a problem in transit, it can attempt to find another route When all the packets arrive at their destination, the recipient computer reassembles them
Small fragments of a file being transferred across the internet, each labelled with the destination address
postal packet
package that has been sent through the mail
sequenced packet exchange
A protocol by which two workstations or applications communicate across the network SPX uses NetWare IPX to deliver the messages, but SPX guarantees delivery of the messages and maintains the order of messages on the packet stream
sequenced packet exchange
A protocol by which two workstations or applications communicate across the network SPX uses IPX to deliver the messages, but SPX guarantees delivery of the messages and maintains the order of messages on the packet stream
sequenced packet exchange
Part of Novell's IPX/SPX protocol suite for sequenced data See also Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX)
sequenced packet exchange
A NetWare communications protocol that ensures reliable data delivery It uses IPX as its transport It is equivalent to TCP/IP's TCP
shop packet
(Ticaret) A printed set of documents generated for a specific production order that often includes the bill of material, routing, pick slip, work instructions, production and labor reporting tickets, move tickets and other support forms
wage packet
People's wages can be referred to as their wage packet. They work long hours in order to take home a fat wage packet
an envelope that contains your wages