püskürtmeli dağıtım, tarımda suyun püskürtülmesi suretiyle dağılımı

listen to the pronunciation of püskürtmeli dağıtım, tarımda suyun püskürtülmesi suretiyle dağılımı
Türkçe - İngilizce
(Tarım) blow off
to pass gas; to break wind
to shirk or disregard (a duty or person)

We've both been blowing off Peter all day: he's really boring.

To shoot something with a gun, causing it to come disconnected

Her leg was blown off by a landmine.

To vent, usually, to reduce pressure in a container

The radioactivity was released when they blew off steam from the containment vessel.

come off due to an explosion or other strong force
{f} shed a duty responsibility (e.g.: "Tom blew off work for two days")
püskürtmeli dağıtım, tarımda suyun püskürtülmesi suretiyle dağılımı


    püs·kürt·me·li da·ğı·tım, ta·rım·da su·yun püs·kür·tül·me·si su·re·tiy·le da·ğı·lı·mı