the leader of a team's offense, he takes the snap from the center and either hands the ball to a running back to run with, passes it to a receiver or runs with it himself; he also communicates each play to his teammates
The backfield player who receives the ball from the center on most offensive plays The quarterback calls signals, throws forward passes, may run with the ball occasionally, and in general, directs the team's attack
An member of the offense The quarterback takes the snap from the center, then either passes, hands off, or runs with the ball The name derives from the fact that in an I formation the Quarterlback is half as far back as the Halfback, or a quarter the way back See Fullback and Halfback to further clarify
In American football, a quarterback is the player on the attacking team who begins each play and who decides which play to use
the position of the football player in the backfield who directs the offensive play of his team; "quarterback is the most important position on the team"
the leader of a team’s offense, he takes the snap from the center and either hands the ball to a running back to run with, passes it to a receiver or runs with it himself; he also communicates each play to his teammates