(Askeri) HARİTA İLAVE BİLGİLERİ: Bir harita veya şema üzerinde bulunanlara ilave olarak, önemli veya özel bilgileri göstermek üzere basılan veya eklenen bilgiler
A printing technique in which all overlapping inks print and transparent inks blend to form a new color Also, term for printing a correction or additional information on a previously printed piece in order to salvage a job
The printing of additional or revised information onto a finished map (the map originally having been printed at an earlier time) If the overprint is revised information, it is usually printed in a distinctive colour, such as purple
Additional printing on a note or stamp that was not part of the original design Overprinting may be applied by an authority different from the original issuer The coin equivalent is an overstrike (or a counterstrike) Unofficial overprints are merely graffiti, qv See also: surcharge, for a very specific kind of overprint
An inscription placed on the face of a stamp after production to adapt it to a different purpose For example, stamps overprinted with a 'G' were used by the government (more information on Overprinted Official Stamps)
{i} act of printing another color or additional material on a surface that has already been printed; printing of an excessive amount; postage stamp which has been overprinted with additional information
A term used to describe the characteristic of an overlapping foreground element allowing a background element to print in the same area Overprint is the opposite of knockout The overprint function is activated on an element by element basis in illustration software and can be selectively applied to the line and/or the fill of the object
vb The process of printing an element of one color over one of another color without removing, or knocking out, the material underneath Compare knockout (definition 1)
On a press sheet color bar, overprints are color patches were two process inks have been printed, one atop the other Checking the density of these patches allows press operators determine trap value The term Overprint also applies to any object printed on top of other colors
The opposite of knockout, describing an element whose ink adds to (overprints) the ink(s) of any background objects Overprinting strokes are the preferred method of creating spreads in PostScript drawing programs