
listen to the pronunciation of output
İngilizce - Türkçe
{i} üretim

Bu fabrikanın üretimi % 20 oranında artmıştır. - The output of this factory has increased by 20%.

Teknolojik yenilikler sayesinde, fabrikanın maksimum üretimi iki katına çıktı. - Thanks to technological innovations, maximum outputs of the factory have doubled.

{i} üretim; hâsıla; randıman, verim
(Tekstil) verim; çıktı Açıklama: Randıman; Doğal liflerde randıman,lifin temizliğinin,saflığının ve dolayısı ile de kalitesinin bir ölçüsüdür. Randıman temel olarak belli bir lif topluluğu içerisinde gerçek lif miktarının toplam kütleye oranı olarak tanımlanabilir
bilgisayardan alınan bilgi
(Ticaret) hasıla
(Ticaret) imal etmek
(Politika, Siyaset) üretilen mal
(Aydınlatma) çıkış büyüklüğü
(Aydınlatma) yanıt
(Dilbilim) çıkım

Bu fabrikanın randımanı %20'ye kadar arttı. - The output of this factory has increased by 20%.


Şirketin çıktı kayıtlarını dikkatlice inceledi. - She investigated the company's output record carefully.

Geçen yılın kömür çıktısı standardın gerisinde kaldı. - Last year's output of coal fell short of the standard.

{i} çıkış gücü
(Tıp) Vücuddan çıkarılan madde
{i} (Bilgisayar) çıkış, çıktı
çıktı, çıkış çıktı
{i} elek. çıkış
(isim) çıktı, çıkış gücü, verim, üretim, k.d.v. ödemeyi gerektiren mal
elektrik enerjisi
{i} k.d.v. ödemeyi gerektiren mal
(Ticaret) üretmek
(Tıp) debi
(Ticaret) sonuç
output area
çıkış alanı
output bin
(Bilgisayar) çıkış sepeti
output bin
(Bilgisayar) çıkış selesi
output bin
(Bilgisayar) çıkış kutusu
output buffer
(Bilgisayar) çıkış yastık belleği
output bus
(Bilgisayar,Denizbilim) çıkış veriyolu
output bytes
(Bilgisayar) çıkış baytı
output detail
(Bilgisayar) çıktı ayrıntıları
output enable
(Bilgisayar) çıkış etkin
output errors
(Bilgisayar) çıkış hataları
output format
(Bilgisayar) çıktı biçimi
output frames
(Bilgisayar) çıkış çerçeveleri
output gap
(Ticaret) çıktı açığı
output matrix
çıkış matrisi
output module
çıkış modülü
output node
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıkış düğümü
output port
(Bilgisayar,İnşaat) çıkış iskelesi
output power
(Askeri,Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) çıkış gücü
output queue
(Bilgisayar) çıkış kuyruğu
output range
(Bilgisayar) çıkış aralığı
output signal
output signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıkış sinyali
output size
(Bilgisayar) çıkış boyutu
output stage
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çıkış katı
output system
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıktı dizgesi
output to
(Bilgisayar) çıktı
output tube
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çıkış tüpü
output unit
çıkış birimi
output voltage
(Askeri) çıkış voltajı
output amplifier
çıkış yükselteci
output amplifier
çıkış amplifikatörü
output area
çıktı alanı
output block
çıktı öbeği
output bound
çıktı sınırlı
output buffer register
çıktı tampon yazmacı
output circuit
çıkış devresi
output data
çıkış bilgisi
output data
çıktı bilgileri
output data
çıkış verisi
output device
çıktı aygıtı
output file
dosya çıktısı
output impedance
çıkış çelisi
output impedance
çıkış empedansı
output limited
çıktı sınırlı
output media
çıktı ortamı
output program
program çıktısı
output register
çıktı yazmacı
output routine
çıktı yordamı
output shaft
çıkış mili
output signal
çıktı sinyali
output tube
çıkış lambası
output voltage
çıkış gerilimi
output amplifier
çıkış amplifikatörü, çıkış yükselteci
output capacitance
çıkış kapasitesi
output channel
çıktı kanalı, çıktı oluğu
output cost
üretim maliyeti
output design
çıktı tasarımı
output devices
(Bilgisayar) Çıkış birimleri/aygıtları
output element
çıkış elemanı
output feedback
çıkış feedback
output format specifications
çıktı biçimi spesifikasyonlari, çıktı biçimi belirtimleri
output gap
çıkış aralığı
output language
çıkış dil
output meter
çiktiölçer, çıkış gücünü ölçme aygıtı
output mode
çıktı kipi
output per shift
vardiya verimi
output process
çıkış süreci
output punch
çıktı delgisi
output ratio
çıkış oranı
output record
çıktı kaydı
output request
çıkış isteği
output routine generator
çıktı yordamı üreteci
output section
çıktı kesimi
output system
çıktı sistemi, çıktı dizgesi
output transformer
çıkış transformatörü
output tray
çıkış tepsisi
output tube
çıkış tüpü, çıkış lambası
Output card
(Tekstil) Çıkış kartı
Output module
(Tekstil) Çıkış mödülü
output bin full
(Bilgisayar) çıkış selesi dolu
output bin full
(Bilgisayar) çıkış sepeti dolu
output block
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıktı bloğu
output block
(Askeri) çıkan bilgi bloku
output block
(Elektrik, Elektronik) çıkış bloku
output block
(Askeri) ÇIKAN BİLGİ BLOKU: İç biriktirmenin çıkan bilgilere ayrılmış bir kısmı. Buna çıkan bilgi alanı (output area) veya çıkan bilgi faal biriktirme yeri (output working storage) da denir
output buffer
cikis yastik bellegi
output bus
cikis veriyolu
output cost
(Ticaret) çıktı maliyeti
output equipment
(Elektrik, Elektronik) çıkış donanımı
output equipment
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıktı ekipmanı
output equipment
(Askeri) ÇIKAN BİLGİ TEÇHİZATI: Bilgileri bir kompüter dışına aktarmaya yarayan teçhizat. Buna örnek olarak kart deliciler yazıcılar ve kıymetlendirme cihazları gösterilebilir. Bu cihazlar, merkezi işlem ünitesinin hemen yanında bulunabileceği gibi uzak bir yere de yerleştirilebilir
output equipment
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıktı donatısı
output equipment
(Askeri) çıkan bilgi teçhizatı
output file
Çıkış Dosyası
output gain
(Bilgisayar) çıkış artışı
output growth
(Ticaret) çıktı büyümesi
output impedance
cikis celisi
output lag
(Ticaret) çıktı gecikmesi
output load
(Denizbilim,Teknik) çıkış yükü
output market
(Ticaret) ürün piyasası
output matrix
cikis matrisi
output meter
output mode
Çıktı Modu
output node
cikis dugumu
output of a circuit
devrenin ciktisi
output order
(Bilgisayar) çıktı sırası
output pins
Çıkış İğneleri
output pins
(Bilgisayar) çıktı iğneleri
output port
cikis iskelesi
output power
cikis gucu
output program
çıkış programı,program çıktısı
output space
(Ticaret) çıktı alanı
output speed
çıkış hızı
output sum
(Bilgisayar) çıkış toplamı
output to rtf
(Bilgisayar) rtf için çıktı
output tray
Çıktı Tepsisi
output tray
çıkış kaseti
output unit
cikis birimi
output variable
cikis degiskeni
output work queue
çıktı denetim kuyruğu
audio output
(Bilgisayar) ses çıkışı
(Bilgisayar) giriş/çıkış g/ç
most efficient rate of output
(Ticaret) en etkin üretim oranı
peak output
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) en yüksek verim
printer output
(Bilgisayar) yazıcı çıktısı
rated output power
anma gücü
serial input/output
(Bilgisayar) seri giriş çıkış
serial input/output
(Bilgisayar) dizisel giriş çıkış
useful output power
yararlı çıkış gücü
absolute power output
mutlak güç çıktısı
actual output
gerçek güç
balanced output
dengeli çıkış
basic input/output system
temel giriş / çıkış sistemi
cardiac output
kalp debisi
closed loop output impedance
kapalı çevrim çıkış empedansı
computer output microfilm
bilgisayar çıktısı mikrofilm
factory output
fabrika randımanı
gross output
gayri safi üretim
hierarchical input process output
basamaklı girdi işlem çıktı
hierarchical input process output chart
basamaklı girdi işlem çıktı çizimi
hierarchical input processing output
hiyerarşik girdi işlem çıktı
horizontal output transformer
yatay çıkış transformatörü
information output
bilgi çıkışı
input and output control
girdi ve çıktı denetimi
input output buffer
giriş çıkış tamponu
input output channel
giriş çıkış kanalı
input output control
giriş çıkış denetimi
input output control system
giriş çıkış denetim sistemi
input output device
giriş çıkış aygıtı
input output interrupt
giriş çıkış kesmesi
input output interrupt indicator
giriş çıkış kesmesi göstergesi
input output library
giriş çıkış kitaplığı
input output limited
girdi çıktı sınırlamalı
input output port
giriş çıkış kapısı
input output processor
giriş çıkış işlemcisi
input output referencing
giriş çıkış referanslaması
input output register
giriş çıkış yazmacı
input output request word
giriş çıkış istem sözcüğü
input output routine
giriş çıkış yordamı
input output switching
giriş çıkış anahtarlaması
input output system
giriş çıkış sistemi
input output table
giriş çıkış tablosu
input output traffic control
girdi çıktı trafik denetimi
input output trunk
giriş çıkış anayolu
giriş / çıkış
input/output bound
giriş / çıkış sınırlı
input/output buffer
giriş / çıkış tamponu
input/output channel
giriş / çıkış kanalı
input/output control system
giriş / çıkış denetim sistemi
input/output controller
giriş / çıkış denetçisi
input/output device
giriş / çıkış aygıtı
input/output instruction
giriş / çıkış komutu
input/output port
giriş / çıkış kapısı
input/output processor
giriş / çıkış işlemcisi
input/output register
giriş / çıkış yazmacı
input/output status word
giriş / çıkış durum sözcüğü
input/output symbol
giriş / çıkış simgesi
internal output impedance
iç çıkış empedansı
internal output resistance
iç çıkış direnci
limited input output
sınırlı girdi çıktı
line output transformer
satır çıkış transformatörü
line output tube
satır çıkış tüpü
maximum output
maksimum randıman
maximum power output
maksimum güç çıkışı
maximum rated output
nominal güç
net domestic output
yurtiçi net hasıla
Türkçe - Türkçe
(Hukuk) Çıktı
Bilgisayar sonucu veya işlenmiş data
İngilizce - İngilizce
to send data out of a computer, as to an output device such as a monitor or printer

When I hit enter, it outputs a bunch of numbers.

to produce, create, or complete

We output 1400 units last year.

data sent out of the computer, as to output device such as a monitor or printer

a six page output.

production; quantity produced, created, or completed

The factory increased its output this year.

production of a certain amount
the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"
final product; the things produced
what is produced in a given time period
signal that comes out of an electronic system
data sent out of the computer, as to the screen, printer, or other device
data that has been processed into useful form, now called Information
Output is the end result of converting electronic art files into the prepress materials used for printing production Imagesetters output film negatives or film positives which are used to make printing plates Platesetters output the printing plates used on the press
A tangible, immediate, and intended product or consequence of an activity within USAID's manageable interest Examples of outputs include people fed, personnel trained, better technologies developed, and new construction Deliverables included in contracts will generally be considered outputs, as will tangible products and consequences of USAID grantees (Chapters 200-203)
{i} yield; product, manufacture; information sent out from a computer (Computers)
Any data that are generated by a process
The product or service provided The primary output reflects the principal mission of a unit cost activity Primary outputs are referred to as "A" goals in the DoD unit cost budget Other outputs reflect tasks performed that are identified as not necessary for the primary mission Outputs that consume resources at a significantly different rate than primary outputs can be identified as other outputs Other outputs may be expressed in several ways: on a cost per unit basis, on a reimbursable basis, up to the amount reimbursed, or up to a preset budget ceiling Other outputs are referred to as "B" goals in the DoD unit cost budget
The electrical signal measured at the output terminals which is produced by an applied input to a transducer
The amount of coal or ore put out from one or more mines, or the quantity of material produced by, or turned out from, one or more furnaces or mills, in a given time
The useful power or signal delivered by a circuit or device
(Ticaret) The result generated by a process than transforms an input
The place that the audio signal goes out of a piece of equipment Examples would be the speaker output from an amplifier or the tape output from a mixer
1 The process of displaying, printing, or storing information produced by a computer 2 The information produced by the computer, as a result of processing, that is sent to devices that display, print, or store it (Terms, Gr 3)
the product or results of a project, also referred to as deliverables (see also: Logical Framework Approach)
Information that comes out of the computer; for example, a picture on the screen, a printed page, sound coming from the speakers, files printed to disk or sent over a communications line
to send data to a monitor, printer, or other output device
Any form of data originating from a computer system, it can be displayed on screen, printed on paper, or in machine-readable form such as a disk or tape
Results of a report after it is run Output can be displayed on a screen, stored in a file, or printed on paper
(n ) The information produced by a command, program, or such, and sent elsewhere; for example, to the terminal, to a file, or to a line printer
refers to: neuron, output layer A value or a set of values (pattern), generated by the neurons of a neural net's output layer Used to calculate the current error value of the net see also: output layer, input, error, supervised learning
A broad term for describing any result, product, or service that a system produces Any good, service, or on-site use that is produced from forest and rangeland resources (e g , softwood sawtimber MBF; water yield, acre feet; primitive recreation use, reports, graphs, or data written out or shown on a screen by the computer The media may be paper, tape, disk, computer monitor, or may be an electronic signal (e g , to stop a system when a critical condition is reached )
The signal sent by a computer (for example, to an actuator) as a result of processing inputs it has received
The output of a computer or word processor is the information that it displays on a screen or prints on paper as a result of a particular program. You run the software, you look at the output, you make modifications. output outputting if a computer outputs information, it produces it
The number or value that comes out from a process For example, in a function machine, a number goes in, something is done to it, and the resulting number is the output (cf Functions as Processes or Rules Discussion)
to create or manufacture a specific amount; "the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running
The useful signal or power delivered by a circuit or device
That which is thrown out as products of the metabolic activity of the body; the egesta other than the fæces
Information produced by a computer or computer program
In electronic records, information transmitted from internal to external units of a computer, or to an outside medium See also INFORMATION SYSTEM, INPUT
The results of the operation of any system
Output is used to refer to the amount of something that a person or thing produces. Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial output for ten years
production of a certain amount what is produced in a given time period the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time); "production was up in the second quarter"
in terms of direction in an ultrasonic system, that direction away from the power source and toward the process
to create or manufacture a specific amount; "the computer is outputting the data from the job I'm running"
Computer generated information that is displayed on the screen, printed, written to disk or tape, or sent over a communications link to another computer
output device
Any device that formats and presents data in a form acceptable to a user; examples include printers and video displays
output devices
plural form of output device
output rating
The expression of the stated power available at the output terminals of a transmitter when connected to the normal load or its equivalent
output rating
Under specified ambient conditions, the expression of the power that can be delivered by a device over a long period of time without overheating
output feedback
In cryptography, output feedback (OFB) is a mode of operation for a block cipher. It has some similarities to the ciphertext feedback mode in that it permits encryption of differing block sizes, but has the key difference that the output of the encryption block function is the feedback (instead of the ciphertext)
output contract
a contract in which you promise to deliver your entire output to the other party who promises to accept it
output device
part of a computer from which processing results are put forth (e.g. monitor, printer, etc.)
output device
Device for sending information from the computer, such as a monitor or printer
output device
a device for outputing information and commands from a computer system
output device
a device, such as a monitor or printer, which reports information processed by a computer
output device
Any peripheral that allows a user to receive data from a computer, such as a monitor, printer, speakers or modem
output device
a device that receives information from the microprocessor The monitor is one example of an output device, the printer is another
output device
Any device which receives and displays or acts on data from a computer eg printer, VDU These display information but an electric motor could also be an output device Return to Main Menu
output device
Any peripheral device that takes computer data and transforms it into readable information (i e , printers, video screens, microfilm, etc )
output device
Equipment that accepts materials from the computer Contrasts with input device (pg 3)
output device
A device to which the computer writes data Often converts the data into a human readable form A printer is an output device
output device
Any peripheral device that accepts computer output E g monitor, modem, printer
output device
Any computer hardware that facilitates the interpretation of computer data Display monitors, speakers and printers are output devices
output device
A printer The term is most often used to describe a high-resolution imagesetter that is used to output desktop page layouts to film negatives
output device
A device, such as a printer, video display, or speaker, that presents data from a computer to a user
output device
Any device by which a computer transforms its information to the "outside world " In general, an output device is a machine that translates machine-readable data into human readable information Examples: video screens, printers, microform devices
output device
any equipment capable of projecting data or graphics such as a computer screen, television monitor, multimedia projector, etc
output device
hardware that allows your computer to communicate with you such as a monitor or printer
output device
A device whose purpose is to receive data from a computer system For example, a printer is an output device
output device
(ie, pc speaker) receives control events
output device
Any device that displays information from the computer
output device
A way to get information out of the computer Examples are monitors and printers
output device
Hardware that converts digital information into viewable, readable, or aural form, such as a printer, monitor, film recorder or video recorder
output device
A device used to take information out of a computer A computer usually has a monitor for output Other common output devices include a printer, a plotter and a disk unit
output device
Equipment designed to give you information Standard output devices are screens, printers, modems
output device
Output device takes information within your computer and presents it to you in a form that you can understand
output device
Equipment that translates processed information from the central processing unit into a form that can be understood
output file
(computer science) a computer file that contains data that are the output of a device or program
output meter
device which measures electric output
output program
a utility program that organizes the output of a computer
output program
program which is responsible for a computer's output activity (Computers)
output routine
a routine that controls an output device
output shaft
The shaft that is used to transmit rotational power to a driven device to be used for some process or purpose This output shaft can be the shaft of an electric motor, a speed reducer, or some other mechanical device used to transmit power to a driven piece of equipment
output shaft
Transmission shaft on which the out-put gears are mounted
output shaft
Transmission shaft on which the output gears are mounted
output shaft
The shaft of a speed reducer assembly that is connected to the load This may also be called the drive shaft or the slow speed shaft
output signal
signal that comes out of an electronic system
output unit
device which receives output from a computer (e.g. printer, monitor, etc.)
output-to-input ratio
the output power of a transducer divided by the input power
economic output
The productivity of a country or region measured by the value of goods and services produced

The economic output of all countries in the EU has increased considerably during the last three decades.

industrial output
What an industry produces, as a national total
Attributive form of industrial output, noun

industrial-output data.

input-output section
The part of the environment division of a COBOL program that specifies the symbolic names of external files accessed by the program
The flow of information to and from human users or other client systems
Simple past tense and past participle of outputt
Simple past tense and past participle of output
Present participle of outputt
Present participle of output
The products, services or practices that are produced by the function or the project
The direct products of program activities; immediate measures of what the program did
the completed service transactions or immediate results created by the program often defined as units of service (eg support hours delivered, referrals made, beds provided)
The direct effects of the project i e what Structural Funds are actually "purchasing" e g SMEs supported, hectares of land serviced
plural of output
Tangible products (including services) of a programme or project that are necessary to achieve its objectives Outputs relate to the completion (rather than the conduct) of activities and are the type of results over which managers have a high degree of influence Example: agricultural extension services provided to rice farmers See "Results"
quantity of units produced, services provided, and people served
The goods and services produced by agencies on behalf of government for external organisations or individuals
The goods and services, some of which are ongoing and others which are improvement initiatives, produced for users outside the Department
The products and services produced directly by a programme or activity Outputs are important, for example, in setting targets for staff to achieve and measuring performance, but do not in themselves indicate the extent to which progress has occurred toward achieving a programme's ultimate purpose Depending on their nature, outputs may or may not be easy to measure, for example, the number of hospital cases is easier to measure than the quality of advice on a policy issue submitted by a health official to the minister concerned
Value of goods produced and services rendered by the olive presses including own-account goods
Things and information which are the end result of an activity (product, reports, services, information, etc )
The goods and services produced by agencies for the government, external organisations or individuals Outputs include goods and services for other areas of government external to the agency
the outcomes of a production process
A generic term meaning various products or services that occur as a result of inputs being applied to a process (or processes) undertaken by an organisation or an individual
program activities and their direct products Usually outputs are measured in terms of the volume of work accomplished, for examples, the numbers of classes taught, counseling sessions conducted, educational materials distributed, and participants served Outputs have little inherent value in themselves They are important because they are intended to lead to a desired benefit for participants or target populations (United Way of America)
The tangible (easily measurable, practical), immediate and intended results to be produced through sound management of the agreed inputs Examples of outputs include goods, services or infrastructure produced by a project and meant to help realise its purpose These may also include changes, resulting from the intervention, that are needed to achieve the outcomes at the purpose level
Products, materials, services, or information provided to customers (internal or external)
Products, services, or information supplied to meet customer needs
The direct products and services produced through internal program activities As an example, the amount of work done within the organization (such as number of calls answered)
A folder in the Program Manager window containing the output file from a simulation
Usually a simulator will have `official' outputs which are designed in, but it is important not to forget the `unofficial' ones, such as simulator run time The usual format for official outputs is a vector of quantities, often with space and time attributes A more subtle class of simulators produce output that is a probabilistic description of some vector of quantities These simulators are hard to write: the distributional aspects of the ouputs arise from inputs which are themselves probabilistic [JCR, 18 04 00]
are the products or services produced by Defence
Products, materials, services or information provided to customers (internal or external), from a process
Specific products, goods or services delivered as a result of the input
The goods and services produced by agencies on behalf of government for external organisations or individuals Outputs include goods and services produced for other areas of government external to the agency