
listen to the pronunciation of out
İngilizce - Türkçe

Ne zaman çıkış yapmalıyız. - When should we check out?

Birkaç hafta sonra, doktorlar Cleveland'a sert kauçuktan yeni bir çene çıkışı yaptı. - After a few weeks, doctors made Cleveland a new jaw out of hard rubber.

{f} dışarı çıkarmak

Tom yarın gece Mary'yi dışarı çıkarmak istiyor. - Tom wants to take Mary out tomorrow night.

Tom, köpeğini dışarı çıkarmak için kapıyı açtı. - Tom opened the door to let his dog out.

{i} çıkar yol

Bir çıkar yol bulmam lâzım. - I need to find a way out.

Bu duruma başka bir çıkar yol bulmamız şart. - It is imperative that we find another way out of this situation.

{i} çizgi dışı
{i} çözüm

Sanırım bir şeyin çözümünü bulabiliriz. - I think we can work something out.

Bir çözüm bulmaya çalışıyorum. - I'm trying to figure out a solution.

{f} kovmak

Onu kovmaktan başka seçeneğim yoktu. - I had no choice but to throw him out.

{e} daha iyi

Belki içerde kalsam daha iyi olur. Hava böyleyken kim dışarı çıkmak ister? - Maybe it would be better if I were to just stay inside. Who wants to go out when the weather's like this?

Bazı insanlar senin için evde yemenin dışarıda yemekten daha iyi olduğunu düşünüyor. - Some people think eating at home is better for you than eating out.

{s} dış

Televizyon seyretmek yerine, dışarıya çıkıp biraz temiz hava al. - Go out and breathe some fresh air instead of watching TV.

Dışarıya çıkamam çünkü çok ödevim var. - I can't go out because I have a lot of homework.

{i} kurtuluş

Bu kısır döngüden kurtuluş görülmüyor. - There seems to be no way out of this vicious circle.

{f} çıkarmak

Tom arabasını kardan kazıp çıkarmak zorunda kaldı. - Tom had to dig his car out of the snow.

Tom yedek lastiği çıkarmak için bagajı açtı. - Tom opened the boot to take out the spare wheel.

{f} nakavt etmek
{s} dışarıdaki

Lütfen çöpünü dışarıdaki çöp kutularına koy. - Please put your waste in the bins outside.

Tom dışarıdaki insanların sesini duyabildi. - Tom could hear the sound of people outside.

{i} aut
{f} dışarı atmak

Eşyaları dışarı atmak zordur. - It's hard to throw things out.

Sami, Leyla'yı dışarı atmak istedi. - Sami wanted to kick Layla out.

{i} atlanmış sözcük
-den öteye

Ben bayılmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to pass out.

O, yürüyüşten önce hiçbir şey yememişti, bayılmak üzereydi. - Because he hadn't eaten anything before the hike, he was about to pass out.

meydana çıkmak

Şimdi çalışmaktan başka çarem yok sanırım. - I guess I have no choice but to work out now.

Çaresine bakmanı istiyorum. - I want you to figure that out.

uzakta olan
ortaya çıkmak
kendini belli etmek
-den dışarıya

Ev dahili ve harici temizlendi. - The house was cleaned inside and out.

dışta yer alan

Baba, dışarıya çıkıp oyun oynayabilir miyim? - Daddy, may I go out and play?

Ben dışarıya giderken yanımda bir şemsiye alırım. - I take an umbrella with me when I go out.


Televizyon seyretmek yerine, dışarıya çıkıp biraz temiz hava al. - Go out and breathe some fresh air instead of watching TV.

Bu öğleden sonra dışarıya çıkacağım. - I'm going to go out this afternoon.


Bu başka bir olasılığı tamamıyla dışlamaz. - This doesn't entirely rule out another possibility.


Kazananın adını bağırarak söyledi. - He called out the name of the winner.

O, bağırarak yardım istedi. - He called out for help.


Beladan uzak kalmaya çalışın. - Try to stay out of trouble.

Gıdaları bakterilerden uzak tutmalıyız. - We need to keep bacteria out of food.

(tahmin/hesap/vb.) yanlış

Sen bütünüyle onları dehşete düşürdün. - You totally freaked them out.

Ben bütünüyle aşırı heyecanlanmıştım. - I totally freaked out.

modası geçmiş

Onun elbiselerinin modası geçmiştir. - His clothes are out of fashion.

Senin eteğin modası geçmiş. - Your skirt is out of fashion.

(ışık/ateş/vb.) sönmüş
yüksek sesle

Haksızlığa karşı yüksek sesle konuşmalısın. - You must speak out against injustice.

Tom yüksek sesle güldü. - Tom laughed out loud.


Kim gelirse gelsin, ona dışarıda olduğumu söyle. - Whoever comes, tell him I'm out.

Dışarıda hava çok soğuk, ceketsiz üşüteceksin. - It is very cold outside. You'll catch a cold without a coat.


O, genç adamı aklından çıkarmaya çalıştı ama bu olanaksızdı. - She tried to put the young man out of her mind, but it was impossible.

Ne yazık ki yapmamı istediğin şey olanaksız. - I'm afraid what you're asking me to do is out of the question.

(Askeri) büyük boy kargo (outsize cargo)
yeni çıkmış

Fırından yeni çıkmış ekmeğin kokusunu seviyorum. - I like the smell of bread just out of the oven.

açığa çık

İtalyanca konuşmada pek iyi değilim, ama bunun açığa çıkmasını istemiyorum. - I'm not very good at speaking Italian but I don't want it to get out into the open.

Artık sır açığa çıktı. - Now the secret is out.

outbid outdrink
sesli olarak
{s} muhalefet
{s} uzaktaki
out dışarı
{e} fazla

Fiyat düşündüğümden daha da fazla düştü. - The price turned out to be lower than I thought.

Yurt dışında olsam ve param bitse, ben daha fazla istemek için ailemi ararım. - If I were abroad and I ran out of money, I would call my parents to ask for more.


Mazeretlerin tükendi. - You're out of excuses.

Tom'un mazereti kontrol edildi. - Tom's alibi checked out.

{e} büyük

O Pablo ile evleneceğini açıkça ilan ettiğinde, neredeyse büyük annesine kalp krizi geçirtecekti , halasının gözlerini yuvasından fırlattıracaktı fakat küçük kız kardeşi gururla baktı. - When he openly declared he would marry Pablo, he almost gave his grandmother a heart attack and made his aunt's eyes burst out of their sockets; however, his little sister beamed with pride.

Dikkat et! Orada büyük bir çukur var. - Watch out! There's a big hole there.

açığa çıkmış

Benim ayakkabılar yıpranmış. - My shoes are worn out.

Onun elbiseleri yıpranmış. - His clothes are worn out.

{e} aşkın

Allah aşkına beni buradan çıkarın. - For God's sake, get me out of here!


Tom yüksek sesle güldü. - Tom laughed out loud.

Cambridge Üniversitesi'nde öğrenim zorluğu çok yüksek olmasına rağmen, çok sayıda öğrencinin hâlâ dışarı çıkmak ve eğlenmek için zamanı var. - Although the pressure of studying at the University of Cambridge is very high, many students still have time to go out and have fun.

pratiğini yitirmiş
{e} daha çok

Daha çok antrenman yapmalıydım. - I should've worked out more.

Onlar hakkında daha çok şey öğrenelim. - Let's find out more about them.


Benzininiz kalmamış gibi görünüyorsunuz. - You seem to be out of gas.

Çantanı çaldım çünkü param kalmamıştı. - I stole your bag because I ran out of money.

Xout tamamen/dışarı
{ü} defol

En iyisi buradan defol. - You'd better get out of here.

Defol! Ve sakın bana bir daha dokunma! - Get out! And don't ever touch me again!


Yoldan uzakta bulunan annesi ile birlikte, Duke şirketinden zimmetine para geçirme planına devam edebildi. - With his mother out of the way, Duke was able to proceed with his plan to embezzle the money from the company.

Lütfen doğrudan güneş ışığından uzakta, serin ve kuru bir yerde saklayın. - Please store in a cool and dry place, out of direct sunlight.

out of

Yurt dışında seyahat söz konusu değil. - Traveling abroad is out of the question.

Biz kitabın dışında bir şey bırakmadık. - We have left nothing out of our book.

out of order

Seni arayamadım; telefon bozuktu. - I couldn't call you; the telephone was out of order.

Çamaşır makinesi bozuk. - The washing machine is out of order.

out of order

Bu hizmet geçici olarak arızalı. - This service is temporarily out of order.

Bu asansör arızalıdır. - This elevator is out of order.

hand out
weed out

İstenmeyen adayları ayıklamak için kullandığınız ölçütler nelerdir? - What are the criteria you use to weed out undesirable candidates?

carry out
yerine getirmek

Sözlerinizi yerine getirmek için elinizden gelenin en iyisini yapmalısınız. - You should do your best to carry out your promises.

wear out
cop out
yan çizmek
get out

Tom bir süre kasabanın dışına çıkmak istediğini söyledi. - Tom said he wanted to get out of town for a while.

Tom öğleden sonra sadece evden çıkmak zorunda olduğuna karar verdi. - In the early afternoon, Tom decided that he just had to get out of the house.

go out

Dışarı çıkmaktansa evde kalmayı tercih ederim. - I would rather stay at home than go out.

Dün dışarı çıkmak zorunda kaldım. - I was obliged to go out yesterday.

put out

Yangını söndürmek için birlikte çalıştılar. - They worked together to put out the fire.

Ateşi söndürmek istiyorum. - I want to put out the fire.

take out

Çöpü çıkarmak için Tom'un sırası. - It's Tom's turn to take out the garbage.

Çöpü çıkarmak için kimin sırası? - Whose turn is it to take out the garbage?

go out for a walk
yürüyüşe çıkmak
reach out
zaman aşımı
fade out
smooth out
stick out
çıkıntı yapmak
stretch out
worn out
worn out

Tom, tamamen bitkin olduğunu söyledi. - Tom said he was all worn out.

Bütün gün çalıştıktan sonra bitkin olmalısın. - You must be worn out after working all day.

shout out
wear out
find out
carry out

Askerler onların emirlerini uygulamak zorundadır. - Soldiers must carry out their orders.

Planı uygulamak zordu. - It was difficult to carry out the plan.

find out
carry out
find out

Hâlâ Tom hakkında öğrenmek zorundayım. - I still have to find out about Tom.

Sadece ne olduğunu öğrenmek istiyorum. - I just want to find out what happened.

find out
ortaya çıkarmak
out of
out of
den dolayı
out of

Sizi oradan çıkaracağız. - We're going to get you out of there.

Sizin fikirleriniz tamamen çağ dışıdır. - Your ideas are all out of date.

out of
-den dışarı
out-of vehicle time
Otobüs duragına yada tren istasyonuna gitmek ve otobüs vfeya treni beklemek için yürüyerek yada taşıt içinde seyahat edilerek harcanan zaman

Average out-of-vehicle transit travel time in minutes during peak and non-peak periods.

out and out
{s} tamamen
out of

Bu makine bozuk. Lütfen daha sonra tekrar deneyiniz. - This machine is out of order. Please try again later.

Tom senin dengin değil. - Tom is out of your league.

out of
den dışarı
out of

Tom onu bir adalet duygusundan yoksun olarak yaptı. - Tom did it out of a sense of justice.

out of

Umutsuzluktan dolayı o plana vardık fakat kitap iyi sattı. - We arrived at that plan out of pure desperation, but the book sold well.

Yüzmede iyi olmadığımdan dolayı, boyumu aşan yerlerde yüzmekten kaçınırım. - As I'm not good at swimming, I avoid swimming out of my depth.

out of

Şimdi birkaç aydır yeni gelişmeler hakkında bilgim yok. - I've been out of touch with things for several months now.

Yataktan çıkmadan önce günün geriye kalanında ne yapacağım hakkında düşünerek biraz zaman harcarım. - Before I get out of bed, I spend a little time thinking about what I'll be doing the rest of the day.

out of
1. -den (Yeri değişen birinin/bir nesnenin çıkış yerini bildirir.): Take your hands out of your pockets! Ellerini ceplerinden çıkar! 2
out of bounds
aut [spor.]
out of one's mind
out of print
baskısı tükenmiş

Kitabın bir kopyasını almak istiyorum ama baskısı tükenmiş. - I want to buy a copy of the book, but it is out of print.

out of spite
nispet için
out of the blue
(Fiili Deyim ) hiç beklenmedik bir anda , ansızın , damdan düşer gibi
out of the woods
tehlikeden uzak
out of work

1897'de binlerce kişi işsizdi. - By 1897, thousands of people were out of work.

Üç milyon kişi işsizdi. - Three million people were out of work.

out of work
out and out
{s} başlıbaşına
out and out
{s} su katılmadık
out fit
(Avcılık) teçhizat
out for the count
out of
out of

Enflasyon kontrolün dışına çıkıyor. - Inflation is getting out of control.

Tom bu ayın sonunda kasabanın dışına taşınıyor. - Tom is moving out of town at the end of this month.

out of
-den dolayı
out of
-den yapılmış
out of
-den uzak
out of

Tavan arasından dışarı çıkma. - Don't come out of the attic.

out of
-den çıkma
out of
-in dışında
out of 100
100 üzerinden
out of balance
out of blue
out of condition
(Konuşma Dili) kötü durumda
out of control
kontrolden çıkmış

Tom kontrolden çıkmış, biliyorsun. - Tom is out of control, you know.

İsyan tamamen kontrolden çıkmıştı. - The riot was completely out of control.

out of control
çığrından çıkmış
out of control
out of date
out of date
süresi dolmak
out of date
günü geçmiş
out of date
eski moda
out of date

Açıkça konuşmak gerekirse, senin düşünce biçimin demode. - Frankly speaking, your way of thinking is out of date.

Bu eski kitap oldukça demode. - This old book is quite out of date.

out of date
modası geçmiş

Bu ayakkabıların modası geçmiş. - Those shoes are out of date.

Bu arabanın modası geçmiş. - This car is out of date.

out of debt
out of deference to
-e uyarak
out of deference to
out of deference to
e uyarak
out of deference to
e riayeten
out of hand
out of hand
(Konuşma Dili) kontrolsüz
out of hand
(Konuşma Dili) denetimsiz
out of hand
kontrolden çıkmış
out of hand
çığırından çıkmış
out of his senses
out of his senses
aklı başından gitmiş
out of luck
şanssız olmak
out of one's mind
(Konuşma Dili) kafası karışık
out of one's mind
(Konuşma Dili) küfelik
out of one's mind
kafadan kontak olmak
out of order
out of order
out of order
işlev görmez
out of order
out of order
out of order
düzeni bozuk
out of order tone
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) hizmet dışı sinyali
out of pain
out of pity
out of pocket
out of pocket
cepten çıkmış
out of question
out of question
out of reach
out of reach
out of reach
out of regard for
in hatırı için
out of regard for
hatırı için
out of regard to
out of regard to
hatırı için
out of regard to
e riayeten
out of respect for
hatırı için
out of respect to
yüzü suyu hürmetine
out of stock
(Ticaret) bitmiş
out of stock
mevcudu tükenmiş
out of the question
münakaşaya değmez
out of the question
out of the question
out of the question
out of thin air
out of time
(Ticaret) vadesi geçmiş
out of time
out of time
tempoya aykırı
out of time
zaman kalmadı
out of town
out of trim
out of turn
sıra beklemeden
out of turn
sırası gelmeden
out of use
out of work
out to lunch
(deyim) üşütük
out to lunch
(deyim) çatlak
out to lunch
(deyim) aklı başında olmayan
out to lunch
(deyim) kafasız
out to lunch
(Bilgisayar) yemeğe çıktım
out to lunch
(deyim) çıldırmış
out to lunch
(deyim) ahmak
out to lunch
(deyim) kaçık
out to lunch
öğle yemeğinde
out to lunch
(deyim) kalın kafalı
out with it!
Out with you
Çık dışarı!
out and out
out and out
out basket
giden sepeti
out building
ek bina
out cold
out cold
özünü kaybetmiş
out for
-in peşinde
out of agenda
gündem dışı
İngilizce - İngilizce
Away from the inside or the centre

The magician pulled the rabbit out of the hat.

To reveal (a person) as having a certain secret
Away from; at a distance

Keep out!.

A state in which a member of the batting team is removed from play due to the application of various rules of the game such as striking out, hitting a fly ball which is caught by the fielding team before bouncing, etc
Away from home or one's usual place, or not indoors

Leave a message with my secretary if I'm out when you call.

To reveal (a person) to be secretly homosexual
Of a batter or batsman, having caused an out called on himself while batting under various rules of the game
A dismissal; a state in which a member of the batting team finishes his turn at bat, due to the application of various rules of the game such as hit wicket, wherein the bowler has hit the batter's wicket with the ball
Used to intensify or emphasize

The place was all decked out for the holidays.

Away from the center
A card which can make a hand a winner
Away from the inside

He threw it out the door.

Openly acknowledging one's homosexuality
A means of exit, escape, reprieve, etc

They wrote the law to give those organizations an out.

Of a player, disqualified from playing further by some action of a member of the opposing team (such as being stumped in cricket)
Into a state of non-operation; into non-existence

Put the fire out.

{v} to drive away, to deprive, begone
{a} abroad, not at home, from, in an error
Away; abroad; off; from home, or from a certain, or a usual, place; not in; not in a particular, or a usual, place; as, the proprietor is out, his team was taken out
An 'out' was ten chains When counting out long lines, the chain carriers would put a stake at the end of a chain, move the chain and put a stake at the end, and so on until they ran "out" of ten stakes
A black square on the grid that denotes a space that is not part of a word It is used to separate words on the grid
(baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball; "you only get 3 outs per inning" be made known; be disclosed or revealed; "The truth will out" reveal somebody else's homosexuality; "This actor was outed last week" outer or outlying; "the out islands" no longer fashionable; "that style is out these days" outside of an enclosed space; "she is out" outward from a reference point; "he kicked his legs out" away from home; "they went out last night
outside or external; "the out surface of a ship's hull"
directed outward or serving to direct something outward; "the out doorway"; "the out basket"
{s} exterior, external; wanting, lacking; directed away from; absent; retired from play (Baseball); out of bounds (Sports); extinguished; not in use, unfashionable; incorrect; unconscious
In its original and strict sense, out means from the interior of something; beyond the limits or boundary of somethings; in a position or relation which is exterior to something; opposed to in or into
of a fire; being out or having grown cold; "threw his extinct cigarette into the stream"; "the fire is out"
actual of figurative; hence, not in concealment, constraint, etc
Used in the context of general equities (1) No longer obligated to an order, as it has already been canceled: (2) advertised on Autex
A place or space outside of something; a nook or corner; an angle projecting outward; an open space; chiefly used in the phrase ins and outs; as, the ins and outs of a question
Beyond the bounds of what is true, reasonable, correct, proper, common, etc
no longer fashionable; "that style is out these days"
knocked unconscious by a heavy blow
in error or mistake; in a wrong or incorrect position or opinion; in a state of disagreement, opposition, etc
To give out; to dispose of; to sell
not worth considering as a possibility; "a picnic is out because of the weather"
outward from a reference point; "he kicked his legs out"
outside of an enclosed space; "she is out"
A card that will make your hand win Normally heard in the plural Example: "Any spade will make my flush, so I have nine outs "
To come out with; to make known
reveal somebody else's homosexuality; "This actor was outed last week"
An out is a card that will improve your hand, usually one that you think will make it a winner In hold'em, an open-ended straight draw has eight outs (the four cards of each rank that will complete the straight) But it may be only six outs if there are two suited cards on the table and someone else is drawing for the flush With all that money in the pot and fifteen outs, it seemed like a good idea to call the raise Except that I was drawing dead on both the flush and the straight
Used in the context of general equities (1) No longer obligated to an order, as it has already been cancelled: (2) advertised on Autex
Write to the template
to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality; "This actor outed last year"
is an output parameter to the stored procedure
Descriptive of a shot that lands outside the playing area, wide and/or long
Class name associated with IC-CAP Outputs
To come or go out; to get out or away; to become public
(see Out of, below); or, if not expressed, it is implied; as, he is out; or, he is out of the house, office, business, etc
To declare a person to be a homosexual, especially one who is reluctant for this information to be made public
A word or words omitted by the compositor in setting up copy; an omission
Self-admission of same-sex preference Disclosing same-sex preference to others Also see: closeted, coming out
as, the sun shines out; he laughed out, to be out at the elbows; the secret has leaked out, or is out; the disease broke out on his face; the book is out
away from home; "they went out last night
be made known; be disclosed or revealed; "The truth will out"
Expressing impatience, anger, a desire to be rid of; with the force of command; go out; begone; away; off
outer or outlying; "the out islands"
Output file
Verenglish | adronato
To cause to be out; to eject; to expel
CRS Departure date, as from a hotel
in, or into, a state of freedom, openness, disclosure, publicity, etc
(baseball) a failure by a batter or runner to reach a base safely in baseball; "you only get 3 outs per inning"
Beyond the limit of existence, continuance, or supply; to the end; completely; hence, in, or into, a condition of extinction, exhaustion, completion; as, the fuel, or the fire, has burned out
Openly acknowledging ones homosexuality
Where your roommate always is when one of the 35 clubs she belongs to calls with a very important message
To declare a personal secret belonging to another person
When flying an object upwards towards the roof Submitted by Piers from London, UK
The something may be expressed after of, from, etc
out and about
Traveling; out; moving

He carried a cellular phone so that friends could reach him when he was out and about.

out ball
A chance to clear the ball to an attacking teammate, or such an attacker; a target man
out like a light
Asleep or unconscious, particularly if this has occurred suddenly and the sleep is deep

Once she received anesthesia, she was out like a light.

out loud
Using the voice; not silently; aloud

Can you say red leather, yellow leather out loud several times, without a mistake?.

out of
Without; no longer in possession of; not having more; divested of

Once out of the farm the approach of poverty would be sure.

out of
Having emerged from

The cat is out of the bag.

out of
From the inside to the outside of

The audience came out of the theater.

out of
In a group of

Out of the entire class, only Cynthia completed the work.

out of
With the motivation of

I give money to charity out of pity.

out of
Beyond the range or limits of

He forgot to put the food out of reach of the dog.

out of
Not part of

This is out of my area of expertise.

out of
Not in a customary or desired state

This train will be going out of service at the next station.

out of all proportion
Alternative form of out of proportion
out of bounds
beyond the bounds of civility or morality; extremely unreasonable

You were out of bounds to call him a criminal.

out of bounds
prohibited to enter

You can play wherever you want, but remember that the cemetery is out of bounds.

out of bounds
A sideline marking the edge of a playing field or court
out of bounds
Outside the area of play; beyond the sideline of a playing field or court

The ball went out of bounds.

out of breath
breathing with difficulty

We were all out of breath when we got to the summit.

out of business
No longer in business or service; defunct
out of character
Inconsistent with one's personality, disposition, or usual expected behaviour

The burst of anger was out of character for the normally placid boy.

out of character
Not acting; not "on"; behaving within one's natural personality rather than that of a character, or taking actions entirely outside the fictional context

Susan asked the GM, out of character, whether she was able to sense magic in the room.

out of character
Away from the mindset, personality, or behavior assumed for a role that an actor is rehearsing or performing, or that a player is playing

The comedian stepped out of character to mug directly to the audience.

out of character
In a manner inconsistent with one's usual and expected personality or behavior
out of character
Not in character; not successfully performing within the mindset of a given character in a theatrical performance. See also break character, drop character

I was out of character for most of the first act because those people in the third row wouldn't stop chatting.

out of commission
Not operational or not functioning properly

A traffic light was out of commission, leaving motorists to sort their way through an occasionally busy intersection.

out of condition
Not fit. Not healthy enough to do any hard, physical work or sport
out of condition
If you don't keep doing excercise in summer, you will find you are out of condition when the new season starts
out of context
Without context that is needed for understanding the original meaning

They took his statements out of context and made him sound like an extremist.

out of control
Of a situation, or machine that is not under control

The economy is out of control and is headed for a crash.

out of control
Of a person, when one is not in control of one's actions

When he heard the news he went crazy. He was completely out of control.

out of date
Too old to be used; not current; invalid; outmoded

I can't eat this salad, it's out of date.

out of date
Not conforming to the current fashion or style; old-fashioned

The dresses she wears are quite out of date.

out of doors
Not inside any building

The cat was out of doors, seemingly enjoying the sun.

out of fashion
unfashionable, not in fashion
out of fix
Wrong, broken, nonfunctional
out of gas
: lacking fuel

The lawnmower was out of gas so he decided to let the grass grow.

out of gas
Tired; lacking energy or motivation

After twelve hours straight at the office, he was about out of gas and decided to go home and rest.

out of hand
Without thought or consideration

He dismissed the idea out of hand.

out of hand
Not under control

Clean things as you go so that the mess does not get out of hand.

out of hand

He bad to open wyde his brazen gate, / Which long time had bene shut, and out of hond / Proclaymed ioy and peace through all his state .

out of harm's way
Out of danger; no longer in a combat situation
out of house and home
In a manner that deprives one of dwelling or some aspect thereof

Many amphibians are being heated out of house and home.

out of it
Disoriented; not thinking clearly

Having the flu all week left me pretty well out of it.

out of it
out of it
Not participating in some trend or group

When my old friends turned up, my wife felt quite out of it.

out of joint

I fell over and put my shoulder out of joint.

out of joint

The time is out of joint.

out of joint
Inappropriate; disordered
out of kilter
Disturbed; out of order; not working or adjusted properly

I stayed up late to watch a movie, and my entire sleeping schedule has been out of kilter ever since.

out of line
Inappropriate or unsuitable, especially by reason of being unmannerly or indelicate

I hope my comments yesterday were not out of line.

out of luck
experiencing a temporary misfortune

You're out of luck, the train has just left.

out of nowhere
In an unexpected or inexplicable manner of arrival or occurrence

Mr Pickering's 'Hi!' came out of nowhere and hit him like a torpedo.

out of one's depth
To be in a situation which one is poorly prepared or unprepared to handle

The team's first game was against the league champions; they were out of their depth and knew it.

out of one's depth
To be in water so deep that one cannot stand up and a may be at risk of drowning. http: //www.yourdictionary.com/idioms/out-of-one-s-depth
out of one's league
In a situation in which one is mismatched with one or more others, whose accomplishments, preparedness, or other characteristics are on a significantly higher or lower level than one's own

He has an unwitting instructor in his cocky, bullying co-worker and pal, Kent (Pablo Schreiber), a slimeball whose knockout wife, Carly (Piper Perabo), is way out of his league.

out of one's league
exceeding one's competence level

Most U.S. authors trying to depict European sophistication seem indefinably out of their league, like children sashaying around in grown-up shoes.

out of one's league
too good or too expensive for one's level
out of one's mind
temporarily mentally unstable

When you didn't phone home, we were out of our minds with worry.

out of one's mind
insane; crazy

You're out of that mind if you think you can jump that far.

out of one's way
Used to order someone to give one clear passage

Out of my way!.

out of one's way
Not in the direct route that one would normally use

I gave him a lift, even though his house was a little out of my way.

out of order
Out of normal sequence

You've got my index cards out of order again.

out of order
Not functioning properly

The lift is always out of order.

out of order
Inappropriate or unsuitable

I suppose my remarks about his wife were out of order.

out of phase
out of synchronization
out of phase
not in phase
out of place
Not in the proper situation or arrangement, or inappropriate for the circumstances

Amongst all those horsey people I felt quite out of place.

out of pocket
Lacking funds, or suffering a loss

After three races he was £10 out of pocket.

out of pocket
Of or pertaining to the spending of cash rather than using credit

I had lots of out-of-pocket expenses.

out of practice
Diminished in proficiency, especially in exercising a skill, due to disuse or a lack of recent experience

I don't think I can play a tune on the piano anymore; I'm completely out of practice.

out of print
Not available from the publisher (of a printed work, especially a book)
out of proportion
Not in a proper or pleasing relation to other things, especially in terms of size

I only said that she wasn't as young as she used to be, and her response was out of proportion.

out of service
Not available for use

The sign that said the elevator was temporarily out of service had been there for months.

out of shape
physically unfit
out of sight
out of sight
Superb, excellent

How was the party? Out of sight, man!.

out of sight
Not accessible to view

Jack's really mad at you. You better stay out of sight for a few days.

out of sight
Very expensive
out of sight, out of mind
When something is not nearby, it is forgotten about
out of sorts
Irritable or somewhat unwell, with vague medical symptoms

My lads,” said he, “we’ve had a hot day and are all tired and out of sorts.”.

out of stock
Temporarily unavailable for sale

Sorry, there's been a run on gribbets and we're out of stock.

out of the blue
unexpectedly; without warning or preparation

I really can't understand how something like this could simply pop up out of the blue.

out of the box
Outside the box; unconventional(ly): outside the limits of conventional thinking

She: You’re not trying to think out of the box!.

out of the box
Immediate(ly), without intervention from the customer

This software has to work out of the box, without any fancy installation.

out of the chute
At the start, immediately
out of the corner of one's eye
With suspicion

When he said he would pay her back next week, she looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

out of the corner of one's eye
Sideways, obliquely, askance

I caught sight of him out of the corner of my eye.

out of the frying pan and into the fire
Alternative form of out of the frying pan, into the fire
out of the frying pan into the fire
Alternative form of out of the frying pan, into the fire
out of the frying pan, into the fire
From an already bad situation to a worse one
out of the loop
Not informed up to date; current; not kept part of the discussion

After three weeks off, he felt a bit out of the loop when he returned to work.

out of the mouths of babes
The greatest wisdom comes from children, who are not afraid or weary of the world and its pressures
out of the ordinary
unusual or exceptional, especially for the better (often used in the negative)

The food was expensive, and nothing out of the ordinary.

out of the question
impossible to even contemplate

Redesigning the database at this stage is out of the question.

out of the running
No longer in competition

When it was revealed he shielded a friend from prosecution when he was the district attorney, he was out of the running for a judicial appointment.

out of the way
taken care of

Now that the main problems are out of the way, we can start working on the details.

out of the way
not obstructing or hindering; not in the way

Please move your bike out of the way.

out of the way
improper or offensive
out of the way
unusual or out of the ordinary
out of the way
remote or secluded

I know this out-of-the-way hotel where we could stay.

out of the woods
Out of peril; likely to recover or prevail over trouble; finished with the worst or most threatening part of a problem or illness

The patient is feeling a little better, but she's not out of the woods yet.

out of thin air
from non-existent, unknown or hidden resources

They don't seem to want to work to earn a living. They think they can make money out of thin air.

out of this world
exceptionally high quality; wonderful; marvellous

You must try the chef's special, it's just out of this world.

out of touch
no longer conversant with facts; not aware or realistic

Did his answer strike you as out of touch with reality?.

out of touch
no longer maintaining contact or communications

I had been out of touch with my old friend for a long time when she called.

out of town
Away from home; out of one's hometown
out of town
Away from home
out of town
From a different place; strange, foreign, new

When the out-of-town respondents reported their own feelings about New York City, the result was still more favorable.

out of towners
plural form of out of towner
out of true
Not properly aligned; out of alignment
out of tune
not in agreement, especially in musical pitch

The violins go out of tune in damp weather.

out of view
hidden, not visible
out of wedlock
of parents not legally married

Some children were born out of wedlock.

out of whack
Wrong, broken; specifically:

banged up left knee is out of whack.

out of work
unemployed, or having nothing to do
out on one's ear
fired, dismissed or thrown out, especially for some wrongdoing or otherwise with disgrace

If you are late one more time, you shall be out on your ear.

out on the tiles
Out for a night on the town
out the wazoo
out the ass; excessive or excessively; too much

I planted a few seeds and had radishes out the wazoo within a month.

out the window
Into the class of things obsolete, superseded, or irrelevant
out the window
Made obsolete; altered drastically as a result of situational change
out the ying yang
In abundance; in much greater quantity than is necessary or than is desired

Texas has bluebonnets out the ying yang this time of year.

out there
crazy; nutty; loony

I like the ideas Melissa came up with but Brad's ideas were just out there.

out to get someone
deliberately causing another person problems

The supervisor keeps telling me off. He’s out to get me.

out to lunch
Away eating lunch or for a midday break; especially, away from work or a job

She's out to lunch right now, but you may leave her a note.

out to lunch
clueless, inattentive or careless

After he drove with his turn signal on for five miles, I was pretty sure he was out to lunch.

Greater than, beyond


Surpassing, exceeding


Toward the outside of, away from


Surpass even A in the well known characteristics of A

Those who today are trying to out-Zola Zola or to undertake the scatological education of Lady Chatterley are, in effect, scrawling on their grandparents' lavatory walls. (, Time).

External to, on the outside of




Complete, utter

I'm sure most of the people in this room will share the same view, but even as an out-and-out atheist one can't help noticing that the role of a god has had an enormously profound impact on human history over many, many centuries.

Out-of-band communication or out-of-band identity verification involves a program or authentication system's challenge and response to a user via a method other than the primary means of accessing the software. For example, a web application might request verification of a user's identity by sending that user an IM, rather than by presenting a web form for username and password entry
Out-of-band signaling describes signals that are sent between two parties or two devices that are sent via a path or method different from that of the primary communication between the two parties or devices
In firearms and artillery, a condition in which a live round is at least partially in the firing chamber and capable of being fired, but is not properly secured by the usual mechanism of that particular weapon
Perceived as if from an position external to one's body; as if one's mind had separated from the body
out-of-body experience
An experience where one feels outside of one’s body
out-of-body experiences
plural form of out-of-body experience
beyond designated limits
Not in the context necessary to show original meaning
Without resorting to formal legal action

To avoid the negative publicity, we arrived at an out-of-court settlement.

Alternative form of out of date

The Rabbit could not claim to be a model of anything, for he didn’t know that real rabbits existed; he thought they were all stuffed with sawdust like himself, and he understood that sawdust was quite out-of-date and should never be mentioned in modern circles.

Alternative spelling of out of order
Alternative spelling of out of pocket
No longer offered for sale by a publisher; no longer on the firsthand market

I'm sorry, but that book has been out-of-print for twenty years.

Not working, not functioning, broken; currently unavailable

No one much likes it when something—an empty cab, an out-of-service subway train, summer—goes by without stopping.

Of, pertaining to, or originating in another state

out-of-state plates.

Referring to a perspective or view from the real world, in contrast to a perspective from within the fictional world

An out-of-universe perspective of the Narnia series might classify a hag as a witch, though author C. S. Lewis excludes them from this category within the stories.

Alternative spelling of out of whack
A ball that curves away from the goal
Türkçe - İngilizce
{f} whip
{f} bail
out of the ordinary