
listen to the pronunciation of order
İngilizce - Türkçe

Ne ısmarlamak istiyorsunuz,beyler? - What do you wish to order, gentlemen?

Ismarlamak için kim hazır? - Who's ready to order?

sipariş etmek

Şeyleri düzine ile sipariş etmek daha ucuzdur. - It's cheaper to order things by the dozen.

Bir pizza sipariş etmek istiyorum. - I'd like to order a pizza.

{f} sipariş vermek

Sipariş vermek için hazır mısınız? - Are you ready to order?

Garson, sipariş vermek istiyorum. - Waiter, I'd like to order.


Tom'a bir şey yapmasını emretmek zorunda değildim. - I never had to order Tom to do anything.

{i} emir

Askerler emirleri izlemeliler. - Soldiers must follow orders.

Ben onun emirlerine uymak zorundayım. - I have to obey his orders.


Siparişinizi alabilir miyim, lütfen? - May I have your order, please?

Onun siparişi pastırma ve yumurtadır. - Bacon and eggs is his order.


Her şey düzenli görünüyor. - Everything looks in order.

Tom her şeyin düzenli olduğunu düşündü. - Tom thought everything was in order.

{i} sıra

Temel etiketleri sırayla öğrenelim. - Let's learn the basic tags in order.

Biletler başvuru sırasına göre ayrılacak. - Tickets will be allotted in order of application.

{f} düzenle

O, odasını düzenledi. - He put his room in order.

O, odasını düzenledi. - She put her room in order.

{i} tarikat

Tom bir tarikata üyeydi. - Tom belonged to a religious order.

{f} emir vermek

Başkan emir vermek için toplantıyı aradı. - The chairman called the meeting to order.

Sana asla hiç emir vermek istemiyorum. - I never give you any orders.


Komutayı almam emredildi. - I've been ordered to take charge.

Benim komutanın emirlerini görmezden gelemiyorum. - I can't ignore my commanding officer's orders.

{i} şeref rütbesi
{i} usul

Tebrikler kesinlikle usulüne uygun. - Congratulations are definitely in order.

{i} ödeme emri
{i} dizi
(Biyoloji,Gıda) takım

Yarışa katılmak için yeni bir takım kuruldu. - A new team was formed in order to take part in the race.

Tom bütün takımlarını sipariş üzerine yaptırdı. - Tom had all of his suits made to order.

{f} tavsiye etmek (doktor)
{i} nişan
{i} mezhep
{i} tertip
{f} düzenlemek

Biz sorunları çözmek ve bilgiyi düzenlemek için bilgisayarlar kullanırız. - We use computers to solve problems and to put information in order.

Gitmeden önce kitaplarımı düzenlemek için vaktim yok. - I have no time to put my books in order before I go.

{i} rütbe
{i} sınıf

Onlar onu mesele çıkarmak için sınıfta olmakla suçladılar. - They accused him of being in the classroom in order to cause trouble.

Çocuklara sınıfta yüksek sesle konuşmamalarını emretti. - He ordered the boys not to shout in the classroom.

{i} paso
{i} çalışır durum

Sami'nin SUV'u mükemmel çalışır durumda. - Sami's SUV is in perfect working order.

{f} sıraya koymak
{i} basamak
{i} tabaka
{i} asayiş
{f} sipariş et

John kitabı Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'ndeki yayıncıya sipariş etti. - John ordered the book from the publisher in the United States.

Bir sandviç sipariş etmek istiyorum. - I would like to order a sandwich.

{i} yöntem

Veri açığının üstesinden gelmek için, basit bir yöntem geliştirdim. - In order to overcome the data gap, I developed a simple methodology.

{f} söylemek
düzenini sağlamak

Onun odası her zaman düzensizdir. - His room is always out of order.

Uçağın kontrolleri düzensizdi. - The controls of the plane were out of order.

(Kanun) hükmetmek
(Matematik) bölük
(Bilgisayar) sırala

İsimler alfabetik olarak sıralanmıştır. - The names are in alphabetical order.

Tüm isimler alfabetik olarak sıralanmıştır. - All the names are listed in alphabetical order.


İngiltere krallarından biri, halktan biriyle evlenmek için tahttan çekildi. - One of England's kings abdicated the throne in order to marry a commoner.

Dünyayı daha iyi bir yer hâline getirmek için birlikte çalışmamız gerek. - We need to work together in order to make the world a better place.

(Bilgisayar) sırası

Bu, şeylerin mantık sırasını ters çevirmedir. - That's reversing the logical order of things.

Yeni ürün, kurulum sırasında herhangi bir sorun çıkmasın diye bu hafta iki kez kontrol edildi. - This new product has been checked twice this week in order to avoid any problem during the installation.

(Biyokimya) düzel

Onları düzeltmek için cümleleri benimsiyor musun? - Have you been adopting sentences in order to correct them?

Kitaplarınızı düzeltin. - Put your books in order.


Onu Boston'dan posta havalesi ile aldım. - I got it mail order from Boston.


Sami'nin SUV'u mükemmel çalışır durumda. - Sami's SUV is in perfect working order.

Odasını her zaman iyi durumda tutar. - She always keeps her room in good order.


Onu ısmarlamamı ister misiniz? - Would you like me to order it?

Tom ne ısmarlayıp ısmarlamayacağına karar veremiyor. - Tom can't decide what to order.


Bilişimsel dil bilimi eğitimi yapmak için çeşitli dilleri bilmek gerekli, ancak, insan bilgisayarların kullanımı da bilmelidir. - In order to study computational linguistics it's necessary to know various languages, however, one also has to be familiar with the use of computers.

Gelişmeleri takip etmek için üç çeşit gazete okurum. - I read three kind of newspapers in order to keep abreast with the times.


Hanako babası görmek için Hokkaido'dan tüm yolu geldi. - Hanako came all the way from Hokkaido in order to see her father.

O gelinceye kadar her şey yolundaydı. - Everything was in order until he came.


Ben İspanya'dayken bu tür müzik dinledim. O çok hızlıydı ve onun hayranları onunla dans etmek için esrar içtiler. - When I was in Spain, I listened to this kind of music. It was very fast and its fans smoked pot in order to dance to it.

Şu anda bu tür tüm kazaklar bitti. Onları Tokyo'daki ana mağazadan sipariş edeceğiz. - All sweaters of this type are out of stock now. We'll order them from the main store in Tokyo.

(n) sipariş
{i} cins, çeşit
(Mukavele) talep, sipariş; düzenleme; emir
ord düzenle/ısmarla/emret
{i} hane
(Tıp) Biyolojide sınıfın altında ve ailenin üstünde bulunan kısım; alt sınıf

Taro, Londra'dan bazı İngilizce konuşma ders kitapları ısmarladı. - Taro ordered some English conversation textbooks from London.

Sana biraz tatlı ısmarladım. - I've ordered you some dessert.

(Tıp) Sistematik tasnif
order around emir yağdırmak
in order

Her şeyin sırayla olduğunu bulacağından eminim. - I'm sure you'll find everything is in order.

Öğrenciler sırayla cevap verdi. - The students answered in order.

out of order

Seni arayamadım; telefon bozuktu. - I couldn't call you; the telephone was out of order.

Telefon şu anda bozuk. - The telephone is now out of order.

money order
out of order

Bu hizmet geçici olarak arızalı. - This service is temporarily out of order.

Bu asansör arızalıdır. - This elevator is out of order.

order #
(Bilgisayar) sipariş no
order by
(Bilgisayar) sıralama öğesi
order here
(Bilgisayar) siparişi burada verin
order id
(Bilgisayar) sipariş no
order notify
(Ticaret) sipariş ihbarı
order of
(Ticaret) emrine
order tea
çay söylemek
order time
(Askeri) sipariş süresi
order at magnitude
büyüklük kertesi
order bill
emre yazılı tahvil
order book
sipariş defteri
order by merging
birleştirmelerle düzenleme
order cheque
emre yazılı çek
order form
sipariş listesi
order form
sipariş formu

Sipariş formunuzu ekledim. - I have enclosed your order form.

order instrument
emre yazılı senet
order no
sipariş no
order of jumping
atlayış sırası
order of kinghthood
şeref rütbesi
order of payment
ödeme emri
order of precedence
kıdem sırası
order of reaction
reaksiyon sırası
order of the day
günlük emir
order of the day
ordu emri
order slip
sipariş bülteni
order statistic
sıra istatistiği
order again, give a new order to
için tekrar yeni bir düzen vermek
order around
düzen etrafında
order backlog
sipariş birikim
order code processor
komut kodu işlemcisi
order confirmation
sipariş onayı
order discharging judgement
Bir nevi borçtan kurtarma kararı, American Mahkemelerinde verilen karar
order for
sipariş için
order item
Sipariş kaleminin
order maker
sipariş potansiyeli ortaya çıkaran
order nisi
Sipariş olmazsa
order of reaction
reaksiyon sırası, tepkime sırası
order of tenses (grammar)
zamanlar sırasına (dilbilgisi)
order placement
sipariş verme
order processing
sipariş işleme
order qualifiers
sipariş almada yeterlilik karakteristikleri
order quantity
sipariş miktarı
order receipt
sipariş alındığı
order received
sipariş aldı
order sb. off the field
sipariş sb. alan dışı
order ship time
yollamaya zaman
order size
sipariş boyutu
order soon
hemen sipariş et
order structure
buyruk yapısı, komut yapısı
order thoughts
Düşünceleri düzene koymak
order winners
üstünlük karakteristikler
order with
sipariş ile
sipariş alan görevli
{s} düzgün
emir eri
{s} ısmarlama
{i} sipariş

Kataloglardan sipariş verme evden ayrılmanızı gerektirmeden size zaman para kazandırır. - Ordering from catalogs saves you time and money without requiring you to leave the house.

Bir biftek sipariş ediyorum. Aynısını yapmanı öneririm. - I'm ordering a steak. I suggest you do the same.

ord düzenle/ısmarla/emret
derli toplu
sipariş etme

Bir içki daha sipariş etmeyi düşünüyorum. - I'm thinking about ordering another drink.

{f} sipariş ver

Kataloglardan sipariş verme evden ayrılmanızı gerektirmeden size zaman para kazandırır. - Ordering from catalogs saves you time and money without requiring you to leave the house.


Otobüs durağında,insanlar düzgün bir şekilde sırada beklediler.Filhakika otobüs durur durmaz sıra bozuldu. - At the bus stop, people waited in orderly lines, but as soon as the bus pulled up, the line broke up.

be order
Sipariş olmak
order by
-göre sıralama
ısmarlama, ısmarlanmış
(Bilgisayar) sipariş adedi
sipariş vererek
the order

Sipariş çok geç geldi. - The order came too late.

Siparişi iptal ettim. - I canceled the order.

electronic order of battle; enemy order of battle
(Askeri) elektronik muharebe düzeni; düşman muharebe düzeni
order book
order in
girmesini söylemek
order of magnitude
mertebe hesabıyla
sipariş sahibi
{i} düzenlilik
{s} kurallı
{s} derli toplu
{s} tertipli
emir çavuşu
{s} sistemli
(Askeri) POSTA, EMİR ERİ: Daha çok haber ve emirleri taşıyan veya mutat günlük işleri yapmak suretiyle bir subaya yardım eden er
(isim) emir eri
{i} hastane hademesi
technical standard order; telecommunications service order
(Askeri) teknik standart emri; telekomünikasyon hizmet emri
İngilizce - İngilizce
A decoration, awarded by a government, a dynastic house, or a religious body to an individual, usually for distinguished service to a nation or to humanity
To issue a command
A rank in the classification of organisms, below class and above family; a taxon at that rank

Magnolias belong to the order Magnoliales.

A group of religious adherents, especially monks or nuns, set apart within their religion by adherence to a particular rule or set of principles; as, the Jesuit Order
To request some product or service
A request for some product or service
The number of vertices in a graph
A partially ordered set
A society of knights; as, the Order of the Garter, the Order of the Bath
Arrangement, disposition, sequence
The highest exponent appearing in a polynomial
A command
To set in (a good) order (2)
The relation on a partially ordered set that determines that it in fact a partically ordered set
The overall power of the rate law of a chemical reaction, expressed as a polynomial function of concentrations of reactants and products
a power of polynomial function in an electronic circuit’s block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc
The sequence in which a side’s batsmen bat; the batting order
The state of being well arranged
The cardinality, or number of elements in a set or related structure
To set in (any) order (1)
); "I gave the waiter my order" (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict" established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order" place in a certain order; "order these files" bring order to or into; "Order these files" make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage" give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed" issue commands or orders for
{v} to bid, tell, direct, regulate, set apart
{n} a command, method, rule, rank, class
a request for food or refreshment as served in a restaurant or bar etc
a request for food or refreshment (as served in a restaurant or bar etc ); "I gave the waiter my order"
A direction of the adjudicating body on some matter
To give orders; to issue commands
Right arrangement; a normal, correct, or fit condition; as, the house is in order; the machinery is out of order
An ecclesiastical grade or rank, as of deacon, priest, or bishop; the office of the Christian ministry; often used in the plural; as, to take orders, or to take holy orders, that is, to enter some grade of the ministry
To give an order for; to secure by an order; as, to order a carriage; to order groceries
Of intellectual notions or ideas, like the topics of a discource
In the context of sensemaking, order refers to an organization or structure of information For example, an order might be an organization of elements into disjoint or overlapping classes, arrangement into a taxonomy, an organization in terms of objects and attributes, organization in terms of a table, or a precedence relation The term order is more general than the term ordering See also structuring
putting in order; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list" (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude" a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities; "IBM received an order for a hundred computers" a body of rules followed by an assembly (often plural) a command given by a superior (e
{i} arrangement; instruction; command; request for something; religious group; brotherhood, fraternity; particular social club; (Biology) main taxonomic category which ranking is under class and above family
a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge); "a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there"
a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London" a request for food or refreshment (as served in a restaurant or bar etc
Hence: A commission to purchase, sell, or supply goods; a direction, in writing, to pay money, to furnish supplies, to admit to a building, a place of entertainment, or the like; as, orders for blankets are large
give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed"
To put in order; to reduce to a methodical arrangement; to arrange in a series, or with reference to an end
putting in order; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"
Temporary in nature and used for many purposes: setting up investigative committees ( as distinguished from commissions), changes in rules and other parliamentary uses Formal motion in writing
A body of persons having some common honorary distinction or rule of obligation; esp
A request to deliver specified quantities of goods or to render specific services Order line Each line on a customer's purchase order An order line always contains one Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) only, but the number may vary
A command; a mandate; a precept; a direction
To give an order to; to command; as, to order troops to advance
A number of things or persons arranged in a fixed or suitable place, or relative position; a rank; a row; a grade; especially, a rank or class in society; a group or division of men in the same social or other position; also, a distinct character, kind, or sort; as, the higher or lower orders of society; talent of a high order
arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events, etc ; "arrange my schedule"; "set up one's life"; "I put these memories with those of bygone times"
An instruction to purchase or sell an option, first transmitted to a broker office, and then submitted to the exchange floor for execution
A negotiable document Surrender of the original property endorsed is required by transportation lines upon delivery of the freight, in accordance with its terms
correct or proper actions or conduct in meetings of a house or committee a decision of the Senate or the House of Representatives by which the houses direct their committees, members, officers and their own actions
Instruction to a broker/dealer to buy, sell, deliver, or receive securities or commodities that commits the issuer of the "order" to the terms specified See: indication, inquiry, bid wanted, offer wanted
Regular arrangement; any methodical or established succession or harmonious relation; method; system Of material things, like the books in a library
established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order"
a condition of regular or proper arrangement; "he put his desk in order"; "the machine is now in working order"
a body of rules followed by an assembly (often plural) a command given by a superior (e
(usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy; "theologians still disagree over whether `bishop' should or should not be a separate order"
In biology, a category that's part of the scientific system for grouping together related plants, animals and other organisms (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) Order is the category that ranks below a class and above a family
a military or law enforcement officer that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
Hence, to regulate; to dispose; to direct; to rule
a formal association of people with similar interests; "he joined a golf club"; "they formed a small lunch society"; "men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today"
place in a certain order; "order these files"
a number of vertices in a graph
a document that requires the discharger to take specific action with an associated deadline It is authorized by statute, binding on the recipient, and directly enforceable by prosecution
bring order to or into; "Order these files"
a power of polynomial function in an electronic circuit's block, such as a filter, an amplifier, etc
A direction to carry out an action that has already been agreed to by the House Orders can be addressed to committees, or individual Members, or officials of the House When the House commands, it is by an "order," but fact, principles, and the Members' own opinions and purposes are expressed in the form of resolutions
a body of religious persons or aggregate of convents living under a common rule; as, the Order of the Bath; the Franciscan order
Good arrangement; opposite to chaos
"I gave the waiter my order"
A mandate or command given by a governmental authority, as in a court order or an executive order (e g , DOE order) An executive order also may be called a "directive "
Order of Australia
An order of chivalry established for the purpose of according recognition to Australian citizens and other persons for outstanding achievement
Order of Friars Minor
The Franciscans, a religious order of mendicant friars
order of knighthood
An order which (at least mainly) consists of members who receive and/or most have the knighthood, hence constitutes an honorific brotherhood (in modern times often open to both genders, in rare cases a sisterhood) of knights (and/or, as female equivalent, dames). The hierarchical structure, purpose, activities (in many cases rare and mainly ceremonious), titles and insignia vary widely
order of magnitude
The class of scale or magnitude of any amount, where each class contains values of a fixed ratio (most often 10) to the class preceding it. For example, something that is 2 orders of magnitude larger is 100 times larger, something that is 3 orders of magnitude larger is 1000 times larger, and something that is 6 orders of magnitude larger is a milliion times larger, because 10^2 = 100, 10^3 = 1000, and 10^6 = a million
order of operations
The sequence in which the various operations in a mathematical expression are to be evaluated
order of precedence
A ranking of items by a chosen attribute, especially: a sequential hierarchy of nominal importance of people in royal courts and in governments
order of succession
A formula or algorithm that determines who inherits an office upon the death, resignation, or removal of its current occupant
order of the day
the business to be done by a body (such as a legislature) on a particular day; an agenda
order of the day
the most significant aspect of something

White tie and tails are the order of the day.

order out
to call a place of service and order food, or whatever you may want, delivered to the location in which you are
order tree
A set that is the union of subsets (called segments), each of which is totally ordered, such that the segments fit together a certain way
order trees
plural form of order tree
In some Commonwealth parliamentary systems, a legally-enforceable decree by the executive branch of a government

Ontario's ninth statutory holiday was approved with an order-in-council. . . . The document needs only to have two cabinet signatures.

order in council
(British) A sovereign's order on an administrative matter, given on the advice of the Privy Council
order of magnitude
A class in a system of classification determined by size, typically in powers of ten
order of magnitude
(pl. orders of magnitude) An estimate of size or magnitude expressed as a power of ten: "Earth's mass is of the order of magnitude of 1022 tons; that of the sun is 1027 tons."
order of magnitude
A range of values between a designated lower value and an upper value ten times as large: "The masses of Earth and the sun differ by five orders of magnitude."
An estimate of size or magnitude expressed as a power of ten: "Earth's mass is of the order of magnitude of 1022 tons; that of the sun is 1027 tons."
A range of values between a designated lower value and an upper value ten times as large: "The masses of Earth and the sun differ by five orders of magnitude."
That may be ordered (obtained by an order, or put in sequence)
A person who orders, or who places an order
Arrangement in a sequence

She gave the students' performances a rank ordering.

Present participle of order
According to good order or practice; appropriately, in a well-behaved way
Neat and tidy; possessing order

He has always kept an 'orderly kitchen, nothing out of place for longer than it is in use.

Peaceful; well-behaved

An orderly gathering of citizens stood on the corner awaiting the bus.

Methodical or systematic

We live in an orderly universe; rules govern both the movements of the planets and the binding of the molecules.

In order; in a particular order or succession; with a suitable arrangement

And in the Tombe which is an arch made of mats, they lay them orderly.

{n} one who orders, one who regulates
{a} regular, methodical
{a} regularly
{n} priesthood, state of the clergy
order of magnitude
Size or quantity
An order
order book
book where orders for products are recorded
order book
When you talk about the state of a company's order book or order books, you are talking about how many orders for their goods the company has. He has a full order book for his boat-building yard on the Thames. a record of how many goods or services a company has been asked to provide, which shows how successful it is financially
order book
A listing of open (unshipped) customer orders, normally time-phased and valued at actual individual order prices, that may include margin and profitability analysis
order book
When the underwriter refers to how well orders are building for an IPO or a secondary deal, he means the book or listing of buy orders from investors The book for a deal can be many times oversubscribed In fact, an oversubscribed deal is desired by both underwriters and investors, because it means that there will be an initial pop in the stock when it begins trading and subsequent aftermarket orders
order book
a printed copy of the order of the day
order book
a book in which customers' orders are entered; usually makes multiple copies of the order
order by
An optional clause used in a SQL SELECT statement to specify the order in which the results of a query are to be fetched
order by
The lause in the SQL SELECT statement that lists the columns to sort the output The modifiers ASC and DESC are used to specify ascending and descending sort orders
order by
a phrase used in several SQL commands that determines the order in which data is presented in a query, form or report The user lists the attribute(s) to be used in the sort
order form
a form to use when placing an order
order form
Designed to contain your customer's ordering information and is returned in a reply envelope
order form
(please print legibly)
order form
The electronic form that includes fields for all data relevant to an order
order form
The information we need to process an order
order form
blank questionnaire which is filled in to order a product
order form
Misc Equip Sold Equipment
order form
Printed form on which a customer can provide a name and address to initiate an order by mail
order of magnitude
a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude"
order of magnitude
The difference in two values measured by their logarithms The quantity 100 (log=2 0) is an order of magnitude larger than the quantity 10 (log=1 0)
order of magnitude
a range of values between a designated lower value and an upper value ten times as large
order of magnitude
A numerical approximation to the nearest power of ten
order of magnitude
Two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other Each increase of one power of 10 is an increase in magnitude of 1 For example, 106 is 4 orders of magnitude above 102
order of magnitude
Ten times
order of magnitude
order of size
order of magnitude
the typical magnitude of a quantity to the nearest integral power of 10
order of magnitude
a number assigned to the ratio of two quantities; two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other; the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10
order of magnitude
estimates of the values of appropriate quantities, usually made to the nearest power of ten
Capable of being ordered; tractable
past of order
{s} well-arranged, neat; commanded, required
having a systematic arrangement; especially having elements succeeding in order according to rule; "an ordered sequence"
An ordered society or system is well-organized and has a clear structure. An objective set of rules which we all agree to accept is necessary for any ordered society. chaotic. well arranged or controlled
marked by system or regularity or discipline; "a quiet ordered house"; "an orderly universe"; "a well regulated life
an organizer who puts things in order; "Aristotle was a great orderer of ideas" someone who places an order to buy
someone who places an order to buy
an organizer who puts things in order; "Aristotle was a great orderer of ideas"
One who puts in order, arranges, methodizes, or regulates
{i} one who orders; one who gives directions; one who organizes
One who gives orders
How to Order, Shipping an Payment details etc
This matching rule specifies the ordering of all possible values of the syntax The application can then determine if a stored attribute value is greater than or equal to or less than or equal to a presented value
logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements; "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation"
is the process of putting objects or events into a linear format There are two kinds of ordering, serration and sequencing Serration is organizing objects along a continuum­from rough to smooth, dim to light, sharp to dull, light to heavy, soft to loud, and so on
Disposition; distribution; management
{i} making of an official request for purchase; commanding; arranging
positioning of host and substitution ions in an ordered, repetitious pattern rather than in a random arrangement
the way in which something is arranged, or the act of arranging something
putting in order; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"
logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements; "we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation
Making an agreement for later pick up or delivery
A precedence relation over members of a set, that is, a relation that indicates which members come before others Mathematically, orderings are acyclic and usually transitive Thus, if A comes before B and B comes before C, then (by transitivity) A comes before C Orderings are often used in constructing outlines, narratives, and teaching sequences For example, topics in a textbook are typically arranged in an order so that a reader will first cover the prerequisites for a topics before encountering the topic itself See also partial ordering and complete ordering
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the quality of appreciating method and system
{i} quality of being in order; neatness, tidiness; good behavior
a condition of regular or proper arrangement; "he put his desk in order"; "the machine is now in working order"
The state or quality of being orderly
regular, proper and systematic arrangement
the quality of appreciating method and system a condition of regular or proper arrangement; "he put his desk in order"; "the machine is now in working order
marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts; "a logical argument"; "the orderly presentation"
marked by system or regularity or discipline; "a quiet ordered house"; "an orderly universe"; "a well regulated life"
Performed in good or established order; well-regulated
marked by or adhering to method or system; "a clean orderly man"; "an orderly mind"; "an orderly desk
A hospital attendant given a variety of non-medical duties
An orderly is a person who works in a hospital and does jobs that do not require special medical training
a male hospital attendant who has general non-medical duties
A soldier who carries out minor tasks for a superior officer
marked by or adhering to method or system; "a clean orderly man"; "an orderly mind"; "an orderly desk"
Observant of order, authority, or rule; hence, obedient; quiet; peaceable; not unruly; as, orderly children; an orderly community
Being on duty; keeping order; conveying orders
If something is done in an orderly fashion or manner, it is done in a well-organized and controlled way. The organizers guided them in orderly fashion out of the building Despite the violence that preceded the elections, reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful. chaotic
not haphazard; "a series of orderly actions at regular hours"
{s} neat, tidy, organized; well-behaved; methodical
{i} soldier who attends to an officer; hospital attendant
According to due order; regularly; methodically; duly
devoid of violence or disruption; "an orderly crowd confronted the president"
a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer; "the orderly laid out the general's uniform"
a male hospital attendant who has general non-medical duties a soldier who serves as an attendant to a superior officer; "the orderly laid out the general's uniform"
Conformed to order; in order; regular; as, an orderly course or plan
A noncommissioned officer or soldier who attends a superior officer to carry his orders, or to render other service
A street sweeper
Having or with order
according to custom or rule or natural law
Something that is orderly is neat or arranged in a neat way. Their vehicles were parked in orderly rows. + orderliness or·der·li·ness A balance is achieved in the painting between orderliness and unpredictability
Hexadecimal codes in 3270 data streams which direct the control unit's actions
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Holy Orders, the Sacrament that makes one a deacon, priest, or bishop, received in "apostolic succession" through a line of bishops going back to the Apostles and ultimately to Our Lord Himself The term "Orders" is used variously to refer to the state of "being in Orders," and to designate the various ranks of the clergy including the non-Sacramental grades of tonsure, porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte, and Subdeacon Tonsure is not properly an Order; porter, lector, exorcist, and acolyte are called Minor Orders; subdeacon, deacon, priest, and bishop are the Major Orders Only bishops can confer Holy Orders; some simple priests including abbots and certain prelates can confer the Minor Orders on their subjects
{i} formal written instructions to report to military duty at a specific time and place
a) with respect to the monastic or regular life, groups of communities following the same rule or under a common administrative and spiritual structure b) with respect to the Christian ministry, the various grades consisting of the major orders - bishop, priest, deacon, sub-deacon - and the minor orders - acolyte, exorcist, reader, doorkeeper
Authorization to place a schedule
In Orders or in Holy Orders Belonging to the clerical order or rank To take Orders To become a clergy-man The word “order” means not only a mandate, but also an official rank, and in the Catholic Church, a “rule” of life, as Ordo albus (white friars or Augustines), Ordo niger (black friars or Dominicans) In “Holy Orders” is in the plural number, because in the Protestant Church there are three ranks of clergymen - deacons, priests, and bishops In the Catholic Church there are four major orders and four minor ones According to Du Cange, the Ordines majores are Subdeaconatus, Deaconatus, Presbyteratus, and Episcopalis (Subdeacon, Deacon, Priest, and Bishop)
Buy or sell a given number of shares
Term referring to standardized ornamental types of columns, based on ancient Greek and Roman architecture The three Greek orders are the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian The five Roman orders are the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite
In regard to securities, it is a client's instruction to a broker to buy or sell a security There are many types of order qualifiers that stipulate such things as the amount of time in which to leave an order in and at what price to execute an order
An order is a written document signed by a judge, either after hearing or by agreement of the parties It is binding on the parties to the suit who must obey its terms An order can be temporary or final
the properties used to differentiate among orders are those that reflect the type and degree of dominant soil-forming processes that took place All orders end with "-sol," for example: Entisol
To arrange or command to come to a specified place or decision
third-person singular of order
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OrderID CustomerID Amount 4021 12 $842 21 8532 12 $582 20 8192 49 $12 43
Shall mean Delhi Electricity Control Orders, 1959, as amended from time to time and the provisions made thereunder
plural of order