Тебе решать, покупать или нет.
- It is up to you whether to buy it or not.
Я буду судить, более это важно или нет.
- I will judge whether it is superior or not.
Depende de ti decidir si vamos allí o no.
- It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.
Me es indiferente si Fred vino a la fiesta o no.
- It makes no difference to me whether Fred came to the party or not.
Ich werde es sowieso machen, ob du damit einverstanden bist oder nicht.
- Whether you agree or not, I’m going to do it.
Egal ob es Ihnen gefällt oder nicht, das müssen Sie tun.
- Whether you like it or not, you'll have to do it.
Notre succès dépend de si vous nous aidez ou non.
- Our success depends upon whether you will help us or not.
Que cela te plaise ou non, il faudra que tu le fasses.
- Whether you like it or not, you'll have to do it.
Ge moet Engels leren, of ge wilt of niet.
- You must learn English whether you like it or not.
Ik weet of hij wel of niet een vijand is.
- I know whether or not he is an enemy.
Możesz wierzyć lub nie, ale ona ma trójkę dzieci.
- Believe it or not, she has three children.
Gotów lub nie, oto jestem.
- Ready or not, here I come.
A questão é se ela virá ou não.
- The point is whether she will come or not.
Não faz diferença para mim se ele vem ou não.
- It makes no difference to me whether he comes or not.
Onpa naimisissa tai ei, katumaan joutuu kuitenkin.
- Whether you get married or not, you'll regret it either way.
Jeg ved ikke om han kommer eller ej.
- I don't know whether he will come or not.
Det er usikkert om han kommer eller ej.
- It is uncertain whether he is coming or not.
Fare i miei compiti di inglese o non fare i miei compiti di inglese e collaborare a Tatoeba, questo è il problema.
- Do my English homework or not do my English homework and contribute to Tatoeba, that is the question.
Essere o non essere, quello è il dilemma.
- To be or not to be, that is the question.
... It's not going to solve all our problems. ...
... I want to do that in industries, not just in Detroit, but all across the country and ...