
listen to the pronunciation of or
İngilizce - Türkçe
ya da
conj. veya
(Askeri) harekat hazrlılığı; diğer rütbe(ler) (astsubay, erbaş ve erler) (NATO) (operational readiness; other rank(s) (NATO))
{i} altın sarısı
(isim) altın sarısı
bağ. veya, ya da, yahut; yoksa: one or two bir veya iki. Are you joking, or have you really taken offense? Şaka mı söylüyorsun, yoksa
(bağlaç) veya, ya da, yahut, yoksa
bağlaç yahut

Birini tanıyorum da ötekini değil. - I know one of them but not the other.

Birinin çözümü, ötekinin çözümünü kanıtlayabilir. - The solution of one may prove to be the solution of the other.


Her şahıs tek başına veya başkalarıyla birlikte mal ve mülk sahibi olma hakkına sahiptir. - Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

Akıllı insanlar başkalarının hatalarıyla kendi hatalarını düzeltirler. - By other's faults wise men correct their own.

or else
aksi halde

Kauçuk botları giyin, aksi halde ayağınızı ıslatırsınız! - Put the rubber boots on, or else you will get your feet wet!

or else
aksi takdirde
or else
(deyim) yoksa (ne yaparsın)
or else

Bana paranı ver yoksa seni döverim. - Give me your money or else I'll beat you up.

Bana dürüst olsan iyi olur, yoksa anneme söyleyeceğim. - You better be honest with me, or else I'll tell our mother.

başka suretle
or else
or so

Neden altı civarında uğramıyorsun? - Why don't you come over around six or so?

Orada yirmi civarında insan vardı. - There were twenty or so people there.

or so

Yaklaşık yirmi dakika içinde döneceğim. - I'll be back in twenty minutes or so.

Sen onu yaklaşık bin yene alabilirsin. - You can buy it for a thousand yen or so.

or so

Bir haftaya kadar iyileşeceksin. - You will get well in a week or so.

Son treni kaçırırsak ne yapacağız? Sabaha kadar bir internet kafede ya da başka bir yerde beklemeye ne dersin? - What will we do if we miss the last train? How about waiting until morning at an internet café or somewhere else?

or so
veya şöyle

Onun iki kedisi var. Biri beyaz ve diğeri siyah. - She has two cats. One is white and the other one is black.

Bizim iki kedimiz var, biri beyaz, diğeri siyahtır. - We have two cats; one is white, and the other is black.


Tom'dan başkasının bunu almayı istemesi pek olası değil. - It's unlikely that anyone other than Tom would be interested in buying this.

Top şimdi başkasında. - Now the shoe is on the other foot.

or to
baska türlü
or else
yoksa: Go now or else you'll miss the train. Şimdi git, yoksa treni kaçıracaksın
or else
or so

Aptal ya da falan olduğumu düşünüyor musun? - Do you think I'm stupid or something?

Bir pizza falan sipariş edebiliriz. - We could order a pizza or something.

or so
kadar, civarında, yaklaşık: It's twenty miles or so from here. Buradan yirmi mil kadar uzakta
or so
öyle bir şey
or so
{s} başka, diğer, öbür. zam. başkası, diğeri, öbürü
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) lacan
{s} geçen

O, geçen gün yeni bir ev satın aldı. - She bought a new house the other day.

Geçen gün kameramı kaybettim. - I lost my camera the other day.

every other day gün aşırı
başka kimse

Tom'tan başka kimsenin onu yaptığını hiç görmedim. - I've never seen anyone other than Tom do that.

başka birisi
some day or other günün birinde
bir gün

Prenses ve İrlandalı birbirini tanıyordu ve evlilerdi ve bir yıl bir gün süren büyük bir düğün yapmışlardı. - The Princess and the Irishman recognised each other, and were married, and had a great wedding that lasted for a year and a day.

Berberler binlerce yıldır yaşıyor ve başkaları bir gün bile hayatta kalamadı. - The Berbers have lived for thousands of years where others could not survive even one day.

(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) başkası sartre
bundan başka

Bundan başka boyutlarda var mı? - Do you have this in other sizes?

Bundan başka herhangi bir şey yapma. - Don't do anything other than this.

Türkçe - Türkçe
İngilizce - İngilizce
The binary operator inclusive or, true if one at least one of two inputs is true. In infix notation, it has values
Inclusive or; either one proposition or the other is true or both
Operations research
Orissa, a state of India
A logical gate to implement inclusive or
Olympic Record
Connects at least two words, phrases, clauses, etc. that each could make a sentence true. In English, this is the "inclusive or." The "exclusive or" is "either...or"

The sporophyte foot is also characteristic: it is very broad and more or less lenticular or disciform, as broad or broader than the calyptra stalk , and is sessile on the calyptra base.

Of gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms
Before; ere

Sey ye never so, seyde Sir Bors, for many tymys or this she hath bene wroth with you, and aftir that she was the firste that repented hit..

Counts the elements before and after as two possibilities
Early (on)
Earlier, previously
{n} gold in heraldry
{c} either
A lexical symbol to implement inclusive or in a computer language
operating room
Oregon, a state of the United States of America
{i} male or female name (Hebrew)
allows you to include another search criteria in the search, but only one criteria must be present in the Case Details for it to appear in the Hitlist
Or is commonly used metaphor for the Divine energy that generates and sustains the universe Ma'or, Ziv, He'arah
You use or to give another alternative, when the first alternative is introduced by `either' or `whether'. Items like bread, milk and meat were either unavailable or could be obtained only on the black market Either you can talk to him, or I will I don't know whether people will buy it or not
You use or to introduce something which is evidence for the truth of a statement you have just made. He must have thought Jane was worth it or he wouldn't have wasted time on her, I suppose. = otherwise
a logical operator that produces a true result if either or both of its operands are true, and a false result otherwise
In general -or is appended to words of Latin, and - er to those of English, origin
ou oou over sobre sòbre right à direita a diereita
a room in a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; "great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic"
You use or no between two occurrences of the same noun in order to say that whether something is true or not makes no difference to a situation. The next day, rain or no rain, it was business as usual
A connector/term used in searching databases which indicates that for two statements/rules/criteria all records satisfying either one statement/rule criterion or both statements; rules/criteria should be selected (DB, Gr 5)
[Heraldry; French gold] gold colored and represented in engraving by a white surface covered with small dots
Yellow or gold color, represented in drawing or engraving by small dots
You use or to introduce a comment which corrects or modifies what you have just said. The man was a fool, he thought, or at least incompetent There was nothing more he wanted, or so he thought
Operational Requirement
Evaluates args (which must be integral values) until an arg is true and then returns false false is returned if all args are false
A Boolean operator that broadens a search by incorporating synonyms or alternate terms For example, doctors or nurses would retrieve everything that mentions doctors in addition to everything that mentions nurses See also operators
Odds ratio
The logical operator that combines two conditions when either one or both of the conditions can be true to retrieve a record
A logical operator that requires that if one of the relational operators it connects is true, or if both are true the whole statement will evaluate as true Only if both of the relational operators are false, will the statement evaluate as false
abbr Operator Recall
It corresponds to either
a state in northwestern United States on the Pacific
A noun suffix denoting an act; a state or quality; as in error, fervor, pallor, candor, etc
a reserved word used as a binary Boolean operator and in select statements 3 1, 3 4, A 1
It often connects a series of words or propositions, presenting a choice of either; as, he may study law, or medicine, or divinity, or he may enter into trade
this operator is used to combine search terms as well, but will display results with only one of the terms rather than two or three
A noun suffix denoting an agent or doer; as in auditor, one who hears; donor, one who gives; obligor, elevator
If you say that someone should do something or something unpleasant will happen, you are warning them that if they do not do it, the unpleasant thing will happen. She had to have the operation, or she would die. = otherwise
Ere; before; sooner than
finger ork empty;  ~ kanning to empty, to vacate oRe(k) there oRekâ(n) up to there oResk there oReskâ(n) up to there oskâ(n) up to then ost expectation, hope;  ~ kanning to hope, to cherish a hope; to relay (on smb ), to confide (in smb ); to depend (on smb ) oxa(s) (also oxa(da)r) so much; so many a (â) b c d D e f g gh h i (î) j k l m n o p r s Back to Main page
It is correlative to - ee
The gold or yellow tincture on a coat of arms
You use or between two numbers to indicate that you are giving an approximate amount. Everyone benefited from limiting their intake of tea to just three or four cups a day Normally he asked questions, and had a humorous remark or two
You use or to link two or more alternatives. `Tea or coffee?' John asked He said he would try to write or call as soon as he reached the Canary Islands Students are asked to take another course in English, or science, or mathematics
1 The logical operator which has the property that A or B is true if either A is true or B is true
or else: see else or other: see other or so: see so or something: see something. A logical operator that returns a true value if one or both operators are true. Gold, represented in heraldic engraving by a white field sprinkled with small dots. the written abbreviation of Oregon
conj. connecting two alternatives; indicating the result in the case of failure to do the preceding action; restating or clarifying the first item mentioned
The OR command allows several conditions to cause a transfer to the same output For example, OR is used to produce activation from either the left lever or right lever to produce a reinforcement Denoted by "!" and is always placed between two activated stimuli (e g , #R^RightLever ! #R^LeftLever: )
Office of Research
A Boolean Operator OR is a word used between words to find documents containing either of the words For example: clinton or gore See also Boolean Logic, And,Not
emphasis You use or no or or not to emphasize that a particular thing makes no difference to what is going to happen. Chairman or no, if I want to stop the project, I can The first difficulty is that, old-fashioned or not, it is very good
between two terms indicates that either term would be acceptable This is usually good to use with closely synonymous terms, e g , cat OR feline
Logical union of two sets of values. There are two forms, an exclusive or and an inclusive or
You may ride either to London or to Windsor
the other of two things -- " either from right to left or from left to right " (78)
Organic reagents that are suitable for research applications
A Boolean operation which yields 1 if any of its operands is a 1
A particle that marks an alternative; as, you may read or may write, that is, you may do one of the things at your pleasure, but not both
Oregon, as used in case citations

And if that I had nat had my prevy thoughtis to returne to youre love agayne as I do, I had sene as grete mysteryes as ever saw my sonne Sir Galahad other Percivale, other Sir Bors.

I wonder whether life exists on other planets. - I wonder whether or not life exists on other planets.

The poor man is independent of other people, and only has to answer to his needs. The rich man is independent of his needs, but has to answer to other people. - A man who is poor, but independent of other people, is only dominated by his needs. A man who is rich, but dependent, is subordinate to another person, or to several.

or else
otherwise or as an alternative
or else
no matter what (implies an unspecified threat)
or so
Roughly, approximately

It was about half full or so.

or else
or else
in place of, or as an alternative to; "Felix became a herpetologist instead"; "alternatively we could buy a used car"
or so
approximately, thereabout, more or less, give or take
or so
(of quantities) imprecise but fairly close to correct; "lasted approximately an hour"; "in just about a minute"; "he's about 30 years old"; "I've had about all I can stand"; "we meet about once a month"; "some forty people came"; "weighs around a hundred pounds"; "roughly $3,000"; "holds 3 gallons, more or less"; "20 or so people were at the party"