
listen to the pronunciation of operation
İngilizce - Türkçe

operation teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

<span class="word-self">operationspan>

Tom'un işlemi hakkında birkaç sorum var. - I have a few questions about Tom's operation.

VISUACT çeşitli ortamları ve müşterilerimizin ihtiyaçlarını esnek şekilde destekler ve operasyonel işlemleri sunar. - VISUACT supports flexibly the varied environments and needs of our customers and offers a variety of operational procedures.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>

Doktorlar ikinci operasyonu uygulamayı reddettiler. - Doctors refused to perform a second operation.

Arama ve kurtarma operasyonları hemen başladı. - Search and rescue operations began immediately.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>

Ne olursa olsun, yarın ameliyat olacak. - For better or worse, she will have the operation tomorrow.

Ameliyat edilmeye karar verdi. - She decided to have the operation.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} işletme

ABD Tarım Bakanlığı çiftçilerin ve çiftlik sahiplerinin işletmelerini değişen iklime uyarlamalarına yardımcı olmak için yedi yeni bölgesel iklim merkezi kurdu. - The US Department of Agriculture established seven new “regional climate hubs” to help farmers and ranchers adapt their operations to a changing climate.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>

Denizaslanı Harekâtı, İngiltere'nin planlanan işgali için Alman kod adıydı. - Operation Sea Lion was the German code name for the planned invasion of Britain.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} harekât

Denizaslanı Harekâtı, İngiltere'nin planlanan işgali için Alman kod adıydı. - Operation Sea Lion was the German code name for the planned invasion of Britain.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} işleyiş
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(Bilgisayar) işleç
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(Kanun) meriyet
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(Bilgisayar) manevra mekanik anahtar
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
<span class="word-self">operationspan>

Plan faaliyete geçirildi. - The plan was put into operation.

İlk elektronik bilgisayarlar 1945 yılında faaliyete geçti. - The first electronic computers went into operation in 1945.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>

ABD Tarım Bakanlığı çiftçilerin ve çiftlik sahiplerinin işletmelerini değişen iklime uyarlamalarına yardımcı olmak için yedi yeni bölgesel iklim merkezi kurdu. - The US Department of Agriculture established seven new “regional climate hubs” to help farmers and ranchers adapt their operations to a changing climate.

Tom'un işlemi hakkında birkaç sorum var. - I have a few questions about Tom's operation.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>

Coimbra Üniversitesi 1290 yılında kurulmuştur. Avrupa'da ve dünyada sürekli çalışmakta olan en eski üniversitelerinden biridir. - The University of Coimbra was established in 1290. It is one of the oldest universities in continuous operation in the world.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
işleme tarzı
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} hüküm
<span class="word-self">operationspan>

Cinsiyet değiştirme işlemleri artık vergiden düşülebilir. - Sex change operations are now tax-deductible.

Belirli işlemler gerçekleşlmeyecek gibi görünüyor. - It seems that certain operations cannot take place.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} mak. işleme, çalışma
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} etkinlik
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} cerrahi müdahale
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} çalıştırma
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} tatbikat
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} (ticari/sınai bir kuruluşu) işletme, yönetme
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
alış veriş delicate operation tıb
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(Tıp) Bir ilacın spesifik etkisi
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
güç ve tehlikeli ameliyat
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} (borsada) alışveriş
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
çalışma tarzı
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(Tıp) Ameliyat, operasio, operasyon
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(Askeri) OPERASYON, AMELİYAT: Vücuttaki bir arızayı bertaraf etmek maksadıyla, bir operatör tarafından el veya cerrahi aletler vasıtasıyla yapılan tıbbi müdahale
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} yürürlük
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} kullanma
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
bir niceliğin değer veya şeklinde deeğişiklik yapma
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(Askeri) HAREKAT, HAREKETLER: Bak. "operation"
İngilizce - İngilizce

operation teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The method or practice by which actions are done
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The method by which a device performs its function

It is dangerous to look at the beam of a laser while it is in operation.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A planned undertaking

The Katrina relief operation was considered botched.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A business or organization

They run a multinational produce-supply operation.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a surgical procedure

She had an operation to remove her appendix.

<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a military campaign ()
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{n} a work, action, agency, effect
An <span class="word-self">operationspan>

Do I need the surgery? - Do I need an operation?

<span class="word-self">Operationspan>
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
If a system is in operation, it is being used. Until the rail links are in operation, passengers can only travel through the tunnel by coach
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The operation of an air switch is the method provided to perform its normal function, that of opening or closing
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
process or manner of functioning or operating; "the power of its engine determine its operation"; "the plane's operation in high winds"; "they compared the cooking performance of each oven"; "the jet's performance conformed to high standards"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A procedure that an object provides as a way to interact with it, possibly accessing its attributes Carried out when an object receives a corresponding request The set of all operations of an object collectively constitute the object's behavior An operation has both a signature and an implementation Synonyms: method (Smalltalk, Java), member function (C++)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The construct in an IDL interface that maps to a Java programming language method For example, an interface ball might support the operation bounce Operations may take parameters, return a result, or raise exceptions IDL operations can be oneway, in which case they cannot return results (return values or out arguments) or raise exceptions
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
the state of being in effect or being operative; "that rule is no longer in operation"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(mathematics) calculation by mathematical methods; "the problems at the end of the chapter demonstrated the mathematical processes involved in the derivation"; "they were learning the basic operations of arithmetic"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Any methodical action of the hand, or of the hand with instruments, on the human body, to produce a curative or remedial effect, as in amputation, etc
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a surgical procedure. (She had an operation to remove her appendix.)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign); "it was a joint operation of the navy and air force"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
That which is operated or accomplished; an effect brought about in accordance with a definite plan; as, military or naval operations
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work; "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
-in manufacturing an operation is a step in the manufacturing process In more general terms, an operation is the combination of a physical facility and the processes that occur within that facility
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
"her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A described task or group of tasks having a single coupon associated with its performance An operation is often unique to a plant station
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
the method by which a device performs its function. (It is dangerous to look at the beam of a laser while it is in operation.)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Operation commands perform a single function in the game every time the command is executed It does not use any parameters
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
running of model trains so they simulate the motions of a real railroad
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Something to be done; some transformation to be made upon quantities, the transformation being indicated either by rules or symbols
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
When a patient has an operation, a surgeon cuts open their body in order to remove, replace, or repair a diseased or damaged part. Charles was at the clinic recovering from an operation on his arm
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A procedure created by a system administrator to customize workflows For example, an operation called Purchase might automatically send a purchase request to user1 if the expense is less than $1,000 and to user2 if the expense is more than $1,000
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a planned activity involving many people performing various actions; "they organized a rescue operation"; "the biggest police operation in French history"; "running a restaurant is quite an operation"; "consolidate the companies various operations"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
the state of being in effect or being operative; "that rule is no longer in operation
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A function or a service that is provided by all the instances of a class (14)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
); "her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride" a process or series of acts especially of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular form of work; "the operations in building a house"; "certain machine tool operations" a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body; "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"; "he died while undergoing surgery" activity by a military or naval force (as a maneuver or campaign); "it was a joint operation of the navy and air force" a business especially one run on a large scale; "a large-scale farming operation"; "a multinational operation"; "they paid taxes on every stage of the operation"; "they had to consolidate their operations" (computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction); "it can perform millions of operations per second" process or manner of functioning or operating; "the power of its engine determine its operation"; "the plane's operation in high winds"; "they compared the cooking performance of each oven"; "the jet's performance conformed to high standards" the state of being in effect or being operative; "that rule is no longer in operation
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A business or company can be referred to as an operation. Thorn's electronics operation employs around 5,000 people The two parent groups now run their business as a single combined operation
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
the method or practice by which actions are done. (We run our operation from a storefront.)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
An operation is a highly organized activity that involves many people doing different things. The rescue operation began on Friday afternoon The soldiers were engaged in a military operation close to the Ugandan border. a big operation against the drugs trade
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A service that can be requested from an object to effect behavior An operation has a signature, which may restrict the actual parameters that are possible Synonym: operation [OMA]
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
If a machine or device is in operation, it is working. There are three ski lifts in operation
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a procedure for generating a value from one or more other values (the operands; the value for any particular operands is unique)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Effect produced; influence
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
When a rule, system, or plan comes into operation or you put it into operation, you begin to use it. The Financial Services Act came into operation four years ago Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A specific process or task that a Web service implements Much like Java methods, a Web service operation can define an arbitrary number of parameters and return values Operations are invoked by Web service consumers and executed by Web service providers
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Any physical action resulting in a change in the location, form or physical properties of a material, or any chemical action resulting in a change in the chemical composition or the chemical or physical properties of a material
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
An operation is a specification of a transformation or query that an object may be called to execute It has a name and a list of parameters [The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, pg 369]
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
In Rational Rose, an operation is congruous to a method of a business component Operations and methods hold the business logic to be processed upon application events, similar to functions They are published as part of the component's interface and therefore are available to foreign applications and components
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(psychology) the performance of some composite cognitive activity; an operation that affects mental contents; "the process of thinking"; "the cognitive operation of remembering"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A surgical procedure where they fix the problems that your body has
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The performance of the laser or laser system over the full range of its intended functions (normal operation) Compare maintenance and service
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a business especially one run on a large scale; "a large-scale farming operation"; "a multinational operation"; "they paid taxes on every stage of the operation"; "they had to consolidate their operations"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
An operation is an elementary action associated with one or more types It is either implicitly declared by the declaration of the type, or it is a subprogram that has a parameter or result of the type
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(n ) a computation involving one or two operands
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
the activity of operating something a machine or business etc
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A computation involving one or two operands
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The act or process of operating; agency; the exertion of power, physical, mechanical, or moral
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The IDL notion of a method is called an operation
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
{i} act of operating; working, performance, handling; venture, undertaking; series of actions, procedure (e.g. mathematical operations); campaign, series of activities to achieve a goal (e.g. military operations); surgery
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
A production step or activity with a defined start and stop time that may be composed of individual tasks but is not broken down into smaller increments in rate and capacity calculations Unlike designating material used on a bill of material, a product routing has flexibility in grouping or splitting individual operations based on the commonality of the resources and rates involved
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
(computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction); "it can perform millions of operations per second"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Means to: (a) navigate (b) steer (c) direct (d) manage, or (e) sail a vessel, or to (f) control, monitor, or maintain the vessel's main or auxiliary equipment or systems
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
something done with numbers -- " and the operation each word refers to " (24) opposite: the other of two things that together give the original case or all possibilities -- " by subtracting 75 (the opposite of adding) " (98)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a military campaign (w: Operation Desert Storm)
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
the activity of operating something (a machine or business etc ); "her smooth operation of the vehicle gave us a surprisingly comfortable ride"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Operations define the behavior of an entity Operations can be invoked and executed at any time recovery The recovery property applies to operations It indicates the operation should be invoked when the system coordinator recovers the engine
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
Refers to either addition, subtraction, multiplication or division which are called the four operations in mathematics or arithmetic
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
a medical procedure involving an incision with instruments; performed to repair damage or arrest disease in a living body; "they will schedule the operation as soon as an operating room is available"; "he died while undergoing surgery"
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
The method of working; mode of action
<span class="word-self">operationspan>
operations research operations management vector operations
financial transactions at a brokerage; having to do with the execution of trades and keeping customer records
plural of operation