old testament teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
The first major part of the Christian Bible, covering events before the coming of Christ, corresponding roughly to the Jewish Tanakh. Usually subdivided into the categories of law, history, poetry (or wisdom books) and prophecy
first of the two main sections of the Christian Bible (comprised of the 5 books of Moses, the Prophets and the Hagiographa); Hebrew Bible (comprised of the 5 books of Moses, the Prophets and the Hagiographa)
The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible. It deals especially with the relationship between God and the Jewish people. the first part of the Christian Bible containing ancient Hebrew writings about the time before the birth of Christ New Testament. Sacred scriptures of Judaism and, with the New Testament, of Christianity. Written almost entirely in the Hebrew language between 1200 and 100 BC, the Old Testament (also called the Hebrew Bible or Tanakh) is an account of God's dealings with the Hebrews as his chosen people. In the Hebrew Bible, the first six books tell how the Israelites became a people and settled in the Promised Land, the following seven books describe the development of Israel's monarchy and the messages of the prophets, and the last 11 books contain poetry, theology, and some additional historical works. Christians divided some of the original Hebrew books into two or more parts, specifically, Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles (two parts each), Ezra-Nehemiah (two separate books), and the Minor Prophets (12 separate books). The content of the Old Testament varies according to religious tradition, the Jewish, Roman Catholic, and Protestant canons all differing from each other as to which books they include. See also Apocrypha, Bible
the collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people; the first half of the Christian Bible
That part of the Bible which includes History from the Creation of the world, to the rebuilding of Jerusalem From Genesis to Malachi
term denoting the collection of Canonical Books which the Christian Church shares with the Synagogue Traditionally it is divided into three parts, viz , the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings (Cross, The Oxford Dictionary Of The Christian Church)
the books of the Bible describing events that occurred before the birth of Christ; the part of the Bible shared with the Jewish faith
the first part of the Christian Bible, corresponding to the Hebrew Bible, that recounts the alleged creation of the world, a partisan version the history of ancient Israel, Psalms and various xenophobic books which purport to be prophecy of the downfall of the enemies of Israel
Old Testament is the Christian term for the Jewish scriptures Testament is the Latin word for will, as in last will and testament; it translates the Greek word diatheke, which means covenant We use the word testament because God’s covenant, like a will, is unilateral The term comes from 2 Corinthians 3: 14, where Paul refers to the Hebrew scriptures as the old covenant In the first century—and in the preceding centuries—there were two canons of scripture among the Jews
The Christian name for the Jewish Bible, that is, for the revelation that predates Jesus Christ The term "testament" means something that testifies or witnesses to something; in this case the scriptures attest to God's relationship with Israel The shape and number of books in the Christian Old Testament differ somewhat from the Jewish canon
[ 'Old; for sense 9 usually ] (adjective.) before 12th century. Middle English, from Old English eald; akin to Old High German alt old, Latin alere to nourish, alescere to grow, altus high, deep.