
listen to the pronunciation of officer
İngilizce - Türkçe

Görevli memur arkasından yaşlı bir adamın geldiğini hissetti. - The police officer on duty sensed an elderly man coming up behind him.

O bir polis memuru oldu. - He became a police officer.


Donanma subayları beyaz üniformalar giyer. - Officers of the navy wear white uniforms.

Onlar subay olmuşlardı. - They had become officers.

(Askeri) SUBAY: Silahlı kuvvetlerin herhangi birinde subaylık veya astsubaylık niteliğini haiz şahıs. Ayrıca bakınız: "commissioned officer"
sakçı memuru

Tom baş uyum görevlisi. - Tom is the chief compliance officer.

Görevli memur arkasından yaşlı bir adamın geldiğini hissetti. - The police officer on duty sensed an elderly man coming up behind him.

nöbetçi subay
officer of the day o günün komutanı
filo komutanı
health officer sağlık memuru
subaylarını atamak komuta etmek
petty offi
subayları atamak
{i} polis memuru

Noktada on polis memuru vardı. - There were ten police officers on the spot.

Polis memuru düdüğünü çaldı. - The police officer blew his whistle.

{i} makam sahibi
subayları atamak (gemi)
idare etmek
komuta etmek
police officer
polis memuru

Polis memuru düdüğünü çaldı. - The police officer blew his whistle.

Bir polis memuru onunla konuşuyor. - A police officer is talking to her.

officer of the day
nöbetçi subay
officer (NATO)
(Askeri) subay (NATO)
officer advanced training
(Askeri) SUBAY TEKAMÜL EĞİTİMİ: Şahısların karargah seviyesi Hava Kuvvetleri uzmanlıklarında nitelik kazanmalarını temin için gösterilen resmi eğitim. Bu eğitimi tamamlayanlara, giriş seviyesindeki münasip Hava Kuvvetleri uzmanlık kodu verilir
officer basic technical training
(Askeri) SUBAY TEMEL TEKNİK EĞİTİMİ: Giriş seviyesinde tek bir işletme veya teknik Hava Kuvvetleri uzmanlık kodu verilmesini sağlayan resmi eğitim
officer cadet
askeri öğrenci
officer cadet
harp okulu öğrencisi
officer candidate
subay adayı
officer candidate
(Askeri) YEDEK SUBAY ADAYI: ABD Ordusunda, kısa bir eğitim gördükten sonra subaylığa nasbe dilen kimse. Bu terim; dört yıl eğitim gördükten sonra subay olan subay adayı (cadet) ile karıştırılmamalıdır
officer candidate
subay namzedi
officer candidate school
(Askeri) YEDEK SUBAY ADAY OKULU: Orduya mensup astsubay ve gedikli subay (warrant officer) ların, subay yetiştirilmek üzere, kısa bir süre eğitime tabi tutuldukları okul. Ordudaki sınıflardan çoğunun bir veya birden çok yedek subay aday okulu vardır. Ayrıca bakınız: "service school"
officer conducting the exercise
(Askeri) tatbikat icra eden subay
officer conducting the exercise
(Askeri) TATBİKATI İDARE EDEN SUBAY, HAREKAT MÜDÜRÜ: Tatbikatın, kendisine verilen bir kısmında hem turuncu hem mavi durumlarını sevk ve idare eden sorumlu subay. Gerekli ek talimatları yayınlar. Bu subay, ayrıca, bir tatbikat komutanı da olabilir
officer conducting the serial
(Askeri) TAHKİKAT SERİLERİNİ İDARE EDEN SUBAY: Belirli bir tatbikat serisinde tahsis edilmiş kuvvetler üzerinde taktik kontrol uygulamak üzere tayin edilmiş subay
officer corps
subaylar kolu
officer down
polis yaralandı
officer down
memur vuruldu
officer in charge
(Askeri) SORUMLU SUBAY: Belirli bir görevden sorumlu olan herhangi bir subay için kullanılan bir terim
officer in charge
(Askeri) görevli subay
officer in charge of construction; operational intelligence coordination center
(Askeri) inşaat işleriyle görevli subay; harekat istihbarat koordinasyon merkezi
officer in charge; Marine inspection
(Askeri) görevli subay; Deniz Piyade Teşkilatı denetlemesi
officer in tactical command
(Askeri) TAKTİK KOMUTAN: Denizcilikte komutayı üstlenebilme yetkisi olan kıdemli subay veya bu subayın taktik komutayı devrettiği subay
officer in tactical command; over the counter
(Askeri) taktik komutanlık subayı; sayacın üstünde
officer lateral training
(Askeri) SUBAY MUADİL GÖREV EĞİTİMİ: Subaylara; bir meslek sahasında muadil görevlerde çalışma niteliği vermek veya halen bulundukları meslek bünyesinde bir değişiklikten önce geçici bir tedbir alarak ya da muadil bir görev için geçici bir personel desteği sağlamak üzere, giriş seviyesinde bir Hava Kuvvetleri Kodu tahsisine imkan veren resmi eğitim
officer master file
(Askeri) subay ana dosyası
officer of the day
(Askeri) GARNİZON NÖBETÇİ AMİRİ: Bir askeri mevki, kamp veya garnizonda doğrudan doğruya komutana vekalet eden subay; belirli bir gün için nöbet hizmetlerinin yerine getirilmesi, emirlerin alınması, ordu mallarının korunması, yönetmeliklere uygun şekilde denetlemeler yapılması, tutukluların muhafazası vesaire gibi hizmetlerden sorumlu olan subay
officer of the day
nöbetçi amir
officer of the day
(isim)betçi subay, nöbetçi amir
officer of the deck
(Askeri) güverte subayı
officer of the guard
(Askeri) NİZAM KARAKOL SUBAYI: Bir askeri mevki, kamp veya garnizon nöbetçilerinin öğretim, disiplin ve nöbet vazifelerini yapışlarından ve bunlara gerekli talimatın verilmesinden sorumlu olan ve nöbetçi amirine vekalet eden subay
officer of the line
(Askeri) muharip subay
officer of the line
(Askeri) MUHARİP SUBAY: bkz: "line officer"
officer on call
nöbetçi memur
officer on duty
nöbetçi subay
officer on duty
(isim)betçi subay
officer safety
memur güvenliği
officer safety
memur emniyeti
officer scheduling the exercise
(Askeri) TATBİKATI PROGRAMLAYAN SUBAY: Tatbikatı başlatan ve yapılması için emir veren subay. Bu subay tatbikat sahalarının tayini, kuvvetlerin tahsisiyle ilgili temel talimatları ve gerekli koordine edici talimatları yayınlar. Aynı zamanda tatbikatı idare edecek subayları da tayin eder
officer section
(Askeri) subay kısmı
officer section
(Askeri) SUBAY KISMI: Bir karargah personel şubesinin subay kayıt ve durumları ile ilgili kısmı
officer supplemental training
(Askeri) SUBAY UZMANLIK EK EĞİTİMİ: Hava Kuvvetleri Uzmanlığında herhangi bir dalın takviyesi maksadıyla yapılan ve Hava Kuvvetleri Uzmanlık Kodunda bir değişikliğe yol açmayan resmi eğitim
officer's check
(Ticaret) kasa çeki
officer's check
(Ticaret) vezne çeki
officer's club
(Askeri) orduevi
officer's information program
(Askeri) SUBAY AYDINLATMA PROGRAMI: Subay sınıfını önemli askeri, milli ve milletlerarası meselelerden haberdar etmek için hazırlanmış bir program
officer's mess
(Askeri) Subay tabildotu
officer's mess
(Askeri) SUBAY TABLDOTU: Bir teşkil veya birliğe mensup subay ve astsubaylar ile ailelerinin bir arada yemek yemelerini temin ve eğlence ve dinlenme faaliyetinin bir bölümünü teşkil eden ortaklık veya kulüp
officer's mess
(Askeri) subay tabldotu
officer's pay data card
(Askeri) SUBAY MAAŞ HESABI KARTI: bkz: "pay data card"
officer's reserve corps
(Askeri) YEDEK SUBAY SINIFI; YEDEK SUBAY TEŞKİLATI: Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatının bir branşı. Bu teşkilatın mensupları, normal olarak, faal hizmette bulunmazlar; fakat, milli bir tehlike halinde veya harp zamanında hizmete çağırılırlar
offload control officer
(Askeri) yük boşaltma kontrol subayı
security officer
güvenlik görevlisi
consular officer
Konsolosluk memuru
commissioned officer
(Askeri) SUBAY: Cumhurbaşkanının onayı ile Silahlı Kuvvetlerden birinde rütbe ve makama sahip subay. Kara Ordusu'nda teğmen veya daha üst rütbeye atanan şahıs bir subaydır. Ayrıca bakınız: "officer"
accountable officer
(Askeri) mal saymanı
accountable officer
(Askeri) sayman
aviation officer
(Askeri) havacı subay
being an officer
billeting officer
(Askeri) konakçı subayı
certifying officer
(Ticaret) ita amiri
chief petty officer
(Askeri) astsubay kıdemli üstçavuş
commissioned officer
(Askeri) muvazzaf subay
deck officer
(Askeri) güverte zabiti
duty officer
(Askeri) nöbetçi subay
executive officer
(Askeri) muavin
executive officer
(Askeri) ikinci komutan
flag officer
(Askeri) sancak subayı
government officer
devlet görevlisi
inspection officer
(Askeri) denetleme subayı
intelligence officer
medical officer
(Askeri) tabip subay
petty officer
(Askeri) erbaş
programme officer
(Politika, Siyaset) program görevlisi
restricted engineer officer
(Askeri) sınırlı makine zabiti
senior chief petty officer
(Askeri) astsubay başçavuş
senior programme officer
(Ticaret) kıdemli program yöneticisi
staff officer
(Askeri) karargah subayı
staff officer
(Askeri) kurmay
unlimited chief officer
(Askeri) uzakyol birinci zabiti
unlimited engineer officer
(Askeri) uzakyol vardiya mühendisi
visiting officer
(Kanun) müfettiş
watch officer
(Askeri) nöbetçi subayı
active officer
muvazzaf subay
air officer
tenek subayı
army officer
ordu subayı
artillery officer
topçu subayı
certifying officer
onaylayan memur
church officer
kilise memuru
commissioned military officer
görevli askeri memur
commissioned naval officer
görevli deniz subayı
commissioned officer
görevli memur
commissioned officer
customs officer
gümrük memuru
enforcement officer
kolluk görevlisi
enforcement officer
executive officer
ikinci kaptan
field officer
field officer
alay komutanı
financial officer
finans memuru
health officer
sağlık memuru
infantry officer
piyade subayı
liaison officer
irtibat subayı
marriage officer
evlendirme memuru
military officer
askeri görevli
naval officer
deniz subayı

O bir deniz subayı olarak bir görev aldı. - He has received a commission as a naval officer.

Tom Jackson, Amerikalı bir deniz subayı ve ressamdı. - Tom Jackson was an American naval officer and painter.

noncommissioned officer
gedikli erbaş
noncommissioned officer
noncommissioned officer
ordnance officer
ordudonatım subayı
peace officer
barış görevlisi
petty officer
petty officer
deniz astsubayı
petty officer
police officer
sakçı memuru
probation officer
şartlı tahliye memuru
probation officer
gözaltı memuru
levazım subayı
regimental officer
kıta subayı
revenue officer
gümrük memuru
senior officer
kıdemli subay
senior officer
üst düzey subay
staff officer
kurmay subayı
staff officer
kurmay subay
weapon system officer
silah sistemi memuru
a police officer
Bir polis memuru
case officer
durumunda memur
chief petty officer
baş astsubay
copper, police officer (derogatory)
bakır, polis memuru (aşağılayıcı)
correction officer
Ceza evlerinde düzeni, tutukluların yasalara uygun biçimde davranmalarını sağlamakla görevli kimse, gardiyan
correctional officer
ıslah memuru
corrections officer
Ceza evlerinde düzeni, tutukluların yasalara uygun biçimde davranmalarını sağlamakla görevli kimse, gardiyan
financial officer
Hazinedar, veznedar, mali işler sorumlusu, hazine sorumlusu
flag officer
SANCAK SUBAYı: Amerikan ordusu, Hava Kuvvetleri veya Deniz Piyade sınıfında Orgeneral, Korgeneral, Tümgeneral veya Tuğgeneral, Deniz Kuvvetleri veya Sahil Güvenlik teşkilatında ise Oramiral, Koramiral, Tümamiral veya Tuğamiral rütbesinde olan yüksek rütbeli bir subay için kullanılan terim
investigating officer
subay soruşturma
noncommissioned officer
patrol officer
devriye gezen polis
principal officer
temel subay
reimbursement officer
geri ödeme subayı
traning officer
Bir kurum ya da kuruluşta personelin eğitim ve geliştirilmesinden sorumlu memur
action officer; administration officer; air officer; area of operations; aviatio
(Askeri) proje subayı; idare subayı; hava subayı; harekat bölgesi; havacılık ordu donatım personeli
central control officer; combat cargo officer
(Askeri) merkezi kontrol subayı; muharebe yük subayı
counterintelligence staff officer; counterintelligence support officer
(Askeri) İKK karargah subayı; İKK destek subayı
fire direction officer; flexible deterrent option; flight deck officer
(Askeri) ateş idare subayı; esnek caydırıcı seçenek; uçuş güverte subayı
fire support officer; flight safety officer; foreign service officer
(Askeri) ateş destek subayı; uçuş emniyet subayı; yabancı hizmet subayı
landing safety officer; landing signal officer
(Askeri) çıkarma emniyet subayı; çıkarma muhabere subayı
press information officer; public information officer
(Askeri) basın bilgi subayı; halkla ilişkiler subayı
primary control officer; procuring contracting officer
(Askeri) esas kontrol subayı; tedarik sözleşme subayı
İngilizce - İngilizce
To supply with officers
One who holds a public office
A simple contraction of the term "commissioned officer."
To command like an officer
One who has a position of authority in a hierarchical organization, especially in military, police or government organizations
An agent or servant imparted with the ability, to some degree, to act on initiative
Individuals designated by an agency head to authorize travel and approve travel expenses
Any of the licensed members of the ship's complement
A member of the Armed Forces holding the Queen's Commission Includes ranks from Sub-Lt/2nd Lt/Pilot Officer up to Admiral of the Fleet/Field Marshal/Marshal of the Royal Air Force Excludes NCO's
Any person who has regular, permanent control or oversight of personnel and supervision of their work
A member of the military holding a rank above that of cadet or midshipman
An individual appointed by the director(s) of a corporation to manage the day-to-day business of a company, such as President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc The position of officer is distinct from that of director (see above), although one individual in a small corporation very often occupies both positions
{n} a man into office, a commander in the army
{n} to furnish with officer
direct or command as an officer
someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust; "he is an officer of the court"; "the club elected its officers for the coming year"
An individual appointed by the director(s) of a corporation to manage the daily affairs of the company, such as President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, CEO, CFO, etc Although officer positions are distinct from that of director, officers can also hold the position of director
One who holds an office; a person lawfully invested with an office, whether civil, military, or ecclesiastical; as, a church officer; a police officer; a staff officer
Specifically, a commissioned officer, in distinction from a warrant officer
Commander in the British Army
An employee whose duties are wholly or mainly administrative, professional, technical or clerical
The ICS title for the personnel responsible for the Command Staff positions of Safety, Liaison, and Information
Any person, whether full-time or part- time, and whether paid or unpaid, who is one of the following: (1) The Mayor
Members of the police force can be referred to as officers. senior officers in the West Midlands police force Thank you, Officer. see also commanding officer, petty officer, pilot officer, police officer, probation officer, returning officer, warrant officer
To furnish with officers; to appoint officers over
Any member of a committee appointed to manage the affairs of the fund, or any individual so appointed, or any manager, principal officer, treasurer, clerk or other agent or employee of the fund
(of the Parliament) a permanent career official or employee of one of the parliamentary departments which provide support services for the federal Parliament
A senior officer of the Municipal Police Force
In the armed forces, an officer is a person in a position of authority. a retired British army officer Her husband served during the Civil War as an officer in the White Army
any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command; "an officer is responsible for the lives of his men"
A simple contraction of the term "commissioned officer
Ranking soldiers able to issue commands
a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel; "he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines"
As to any certificate or statement required from the Servicer hereunder, an Officer of the Servicer who is authorized to execute documents on behalf of the Servicer In any other respect, any person who is designated as an Officer by the governing documents of the Servicer or applicable Law
A director, manager or secretary of a company
commands soldiers
The Southern, Northern, Finance or Executive Director of the Legal Aid Society, or any other officer designated by the Board to act pursuant to the Rules of the Legal Aid Society
{i} commander; policeman; appointee
a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel; "he is the officer in charge of the ship's engines" direct or command as an officer
a member of a police force; "it was an accident, officer"
To command as an officer; as, veterans from old regiments officered the recruits
State corporate laws usually define officers as the corporation's president, any vice-president, secretary, and treasurer Bylaws usually define officers' titles and responsibilities Officers are appointed by the board of directors and manage the corporation's day-to-day affairs
For the purposes of this document, "officer" refers to juvenile probation and parole officers
An officer is a person who has a responsible position in an organization, especially a government organization. a local authority education officer
An individual appointed by the ASF Board of Directors and given specific authority over and responsibility for some portion of the Foundation's activities An officer may or may not be a director of the Foundation
Most senior person in the organization, usually on staff

Aren't you a police officer? - Aren't you a police officer?

officer-involved shooting
An incident in which a firearm was discharged during a situation attended by a constable, usually where the officer fired upon a threat or attack upon his person or that of another
officer candidate academic studies program
pre-military academic studies
officer candidate expediency tests
series of tests to determine if a soldier is suitable for being an officer
officer of the court
administrative worker of a court of law, court clerk
officer of the day
A military officer who, for a given day, assumes responsibility for security, order, and supervision of the guard
officer of the day
military officer who is on-duty
officer of the deck
A naval officer assigned to represent the commanding officer of a vessel or installation for a specified period during which he or she is superior to all officers below the executive officer
officer of the guard
officer that is the head of a guard patrol
officer of the watch
military officer responsible when the commander in not present (in the Navy)
officer's mess
a mess for the exclusive use of officers
officer's rank
rank of a military officer
military officer who is in command, supervising officer
accountable disbursing officer
Any commissioned military officer who receives and disburses public money in his own name for purposes specified by law
accountable officer
Individual required to maintain accounting, including records thereof, of property and funds, whether public or quasi-public. The accountable officer may or may not have physical possession of the property or funds
accountable property officer's bond
A bond executed by an individual who is charged with the responsibility of protecting and maintaining Government property or keeping records for such property
chief executive officer
The highest-ranking corporate officer or executive officer of a corporation, company, or agency, responsible for carrying out the policies of the board of directors on a day-to-day basis; CEO
chief financial officer
The executive who is in charge of financial affairs, notably as head of a financial department, typically directly under the chief executive officer and/or the board who lead the corporation or other organisation as a whole
chief legal officer
The highest-ranking corporate officer concerning legal affairs of a corporation, or agency
chief operating officer
A corporate officer of a corporation, company, or agency, responsible for executing decisions of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) according to their decided schedule; often initialised as COO
chief petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the Royal Navy, ranking above petty officer and below warrant officer class 2
chief petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above petty officer first class and below senior chief petty officer
chief petty officer
An warrant officer belonging to one of the two classes of chief petty officer: chief petty officer first class and chief petty officer second class
chief petty officer first class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above chief petty officer second class
chief petty officer second class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above petty officer first class and below chief petty officer first class
civil enforcement officer
A person employed to enforce parking, traffic and other restrictions and laws in England and Wales, formerly known as a parking attendant
commissioned officer
An officer who derives authority directly from a sovereign power and, as such, hold a commission charging them with the duties and responsibilities of a specific office or position
correction officer
Alternative form of corrections officer
correctional officer
Alternative form of corrections officer
customs officer
An officer enforcing customs laws
field officer
A (para)military commissioned officer who holds a field grade, ranking under general officers but above lower grades and fit to command medium-size units on the field, such as a batalion or regiment; or a non-army equivalents in rank
flag officer
A naval officer with the rank of rear admiral or above, such officers are entitled to fly a personal flag, especially on the flagship
flag officer
(US military, informal) In addition to naval officers of Navy and the Coast Guard, a general officer in the Army, Marines, or Air Force with the rank of brigadier general or higher
grounds officer
A person who looks after a large Scottish estate for a Lord, preventing illegal hunting and fishing, and liaises with tenant farmers
honorary officer
a voluntary, unpaid officer of an organization
master chief petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above senior chief petty officer
non-commissioned officer
A person of authority in the military who has not received a commission (a direct conveyance of authority from the sovereign government); as such they can have charge or control but not command in the most technical use of the word

A platoon sergeant may only be a non-commissioned officer but he's the one his men look to when the bullets start flying.

noncommissioned officer
A person of authority in the military who has not received a commission (a direct conveyance of authority from the sovereign government); as such they can have charge or control but not command in the most technical use of the word

A platoon sergeant may only be a noncommissioned officer but he's the one his men look to when the bullets start flying.

petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the US and UK Navy and the US Coast Guard; roughly equivalent to a sergeant in the army
petty officer first class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above petty officer second class and below chief petty officer
petty officer first class
A warrant officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above petty officer second class and below chief petty officer second class
petty officer second class
A non-commissioned officer in the Canadian Forces Maritime Command, ranking above master seaman and below petty officer first class
petty officer second class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above petty officer third class and below petty officer first class
petty officer third class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above seaman and below petty officer second class
public officer
One who holds public office; an official or employee of the government
radio officer
The person, on board ship, who sends and receives radio messages
returning officer
A local official who oversees the running of an election in a given area
senior chief petty officer
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard, ranking above chief petty officer and below master chief petty officer
staff officer
An officer that fulfills a non-combat support function, often in a headquarters or planning office
truant officer
An official responsible for investigating people who may be truant and compelling their attendance

The truant officer called at the home to see why the student hadn't arrived.

warrant officer
A member of a military organization having a rank between that of a commissioned and non-commissioned officer
warrant officer 2
Alternative form of warrant officer class 2
warrant officer class 1
A warrant officer in the Australian Army, ranking above warrant officer class 2 and below regimental sergeant major
warrant officer class 1
A warrant officer in the British Army, Royal Marines, and Royal Navy, ranking above warrant officer class 2. In the army the rank held by a regimental sergeant major
warrant officer class 2
NATO rank OR8 in all British armed services
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the British Army ranking above staff sergeant and below warrant officer class 1; company sergeant major
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the Australian Army, ranking above sergeant and below warrant officer class 1
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the Royal Marines ranking above colour sergeant and below warrant officer class 1
warrant officer class 2
A warrant officer in the Royal Navy ranking above chief petty officer and below warrant officer class 1
the captain of a flag-ship
Chief Technology Officer
CTO, executive in a company or large organization who is in charge of issues related to technology
security officer
guard, safety officer, one who works to maintain security
chief financial officer
CFO; the corporate executive having financial authority to make appropriations and authorize expenditures for a firm
correction officer
A correction officer, correction official, corrections officer, corrections official, prison officer, detention officer, prison guard or prison warder is a person charged with the responsibility of the supervision, safety and security of prisoners in a prison or jail
corrections officer
A prison officer
traning and development officer
A training and development officer/manager manages the learning and professional development of an organisation's workforce
Those members of the Legislature who are elected by the membership of their respective houses at the beginning of each session Assembly officers include: Speaker, Speaker pro Tempore, Chief Clerk, Sergeant-at-Arms Senate officers include: President pro Tempore, Secretary of the Senate, Sergeant-at-Arms
People appointed by the directors to manage the daily affairs of the corporation A corporation's officers usually consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer, and secretary In most states, one person can hold all of these posts
plural of officer
The directors appoint officers They manage the daily affairs of the corporation A corporation's officers usually consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary In most states, one person can hold all of these posts
Those persons designated by the board of directors to carry out the day-to-day business of the corporation For example, in small corporations, the president will actively run the business, while the treasurer, sometimes called the chief financial officer will actually sign checks, make deposits, prepare invoices and receipts, etc In larger corporations the officers will oversee corporate departments or other personnel who will actually perform the day-to-day activities Like the directors, officers are subject to the same requirement of acting in good faith and for the best interest of the corporation The officers, acting individually, are the only persons who can bind the corporation in the day-to-day transactions It is the board of directors who can bind the corporation to major obligations
Individuals appointed by the board of directors who are responsible for carrying out the board's policies and for making day-to-day decisions
The directors and secretaries of the company
People who are appointed by the directors They manage the daily affairs of the corporation A corporation's officers usually consist of a president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary In most states, one person can hold all of these posts
The bylaws of a cooperative usually describe several positions to be held by member in the cooperative; these positions can be President, Secretary, Vice President, Treasurer, and so on Sometimes a legal document will require the signature of corporate officers Operating Income/Expense Expenses and income associated with the day-to-day operation of the co-op Back to Top
Those Members and employees of the Legislature who are elected by the membership of each house at the beginning of each session to perform specific functions on behalf of the house Assembly officers include the Speaker, Speaker pro Tempore, Chief Clerk, and Sergeant-at-Arms Senate officers include the President pro Tempore, Secretary of the Senate, and Sergeant-at-Arms
This is a listing of the names and positions of the company's executive officers
This field gives the names and positions of the company's executive officers It also provides information regarding the company's transfer agent, state and date of incorporation, and a company contact
The senior staff on a ship, including the captain, who actually drive and navigate the ship
SCA folk who hold official positions in a local group The SENESCHAL is the chairperson and general organizer; the EXCHEQUER does the accounting; the MARSHAL supervises fighting practices; the CHATELAINE welcomes and supports new members; the CHRONICLER publishes the local newsletter; the HERALD announces at events and registers heraldry devices; the ARTS & SCIENCE MINISTER supports SCA folk in their creative projects
Elected representatives of the union such as president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer
Türkçe - İngilizce

officer teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

chief executive officer
chief financial officer
(Kısaltma) cfo
chief operating officer
(Kısaltma) coo
nöbetçi subay duty officer; officer of
the day; officer of the guard