This is an abbreviation for Original Equipment Please see the section "Original Equipment" Sometimes it is used as an abbreviation to refer to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (but more correctly referred to as the OEM)
Open Edition A term used previously to designate an enhanced version of the MVS operating system This was later renamed UNIX System Services (USS)
The envelope that your package will be delivered in Usually, a "teaser" line is on the front to entice the recipient to open your letter
- outer envelope The envelope that your package will be delivered in Usually, a "teaser" line is on the front to entice the recipient to open your letter
Official Editor Generally the chief official of an apa, the officer responsible for collating and mailing each issue
Acronym that is used to refer to the observing ego intervention module This is a prescriptive role from the TSIRA that is used to establish a role where people can neutrally observe and narratively label their behaviors
– Bombs and warheads, guided and ballistic missiles, artillery and mortar, rocket ammunition, mines, demolition charges, pyrotechnics, grenades, containerized and uncontainerized explosives and propellants, military chemical agents, and all similar and related items or components, explosive in nature or otherwise designed to cause damage to personnel or material Soils with explosive constituents are considered OE if the concentration is sufficient to be reactive and presents an imminent safety hazard UXO is a subset of OE