
listen to the pronunciation of ocean
İngilizce - Türkçe

Bu gemi okyanus yolculuğu için uygun değil. - This ship is not fit for an ocean voyage.

Tekne Pasifik Okyanusu açıklarında gitti. - The boat sailed across the Pacific Ocean.

(Coğrafya) anadeniz
(Ticaret) okyanus denizi
{i} derya
ocean lane okyanus gemilerinin sefer yolu
kürenin üçte ikisini kaplayan geniş su kıtası
ocean current okyanus akıntısı
büyük deniz
ocean greyhound
(Oyunlar) Yüzen otel diye de tabir edilen ve okyanus ötesi yolculuk yapabilen hızlı ve büyük gemi
(Spor) Gemi/deniz/okyanus taşımacılığı
ocean bill of lading
(Ticaret) deniz konşimentosu
ocean blue
okyanus mavisi
ocean bottom
okyanus dibi
ocean bottom
(Askeri) deniz tabanı
ocean bottom
(Askeri) denizin dibi
ocean currents
(Denizbilim) okyanus akıntıları
ocean dumping
(Çevre) denize çöp dökme
ocean floor
(Askeri) deniz tabanı
ocean floor
(Askeri) denizin dibi
ocean floor
(Denizbilim,Teknik) okyanus tabanı

Okyanusta çoğu ada haritalanmış olmasına rağmen, okyanus tabanı genellikle bilinmemektedir. - Although most islands in the ocean have been mapped, the ocean floor is generally unknown.

ocean going
(Askeri) açık deniz
ocean station ship
(Askeri) okyanus istasyon gemisi
ocean sunfish
(Denizbilim) pervane
ocean sunfish
(Denizbilim,Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) pervane balığı
ocean sunfish
(Denizbilim) mola mola
ocean water
okyanus suyu
ocean waves
(Askeri) okyanus dalgaları
ocean bed
okyanus dibi
ocean current
okyanus akıntısı
ocean exploration
okyanus keşfi
ocean food chain
okyanusta besin zinciri
ocean-going vessel
açık deniz gemisi
Ocean freight rate
(Gemicilik) Deniz navlunu; transatlantik navlunu
ocean current
okyanus geçerli
ocean perch
okyanus levrek
ocean trip
okyanus yolculuğu
okyanus manzarası
Ocean Cargo Clearance Authority
(Askeri) Okyanus Kargo Klerans Makamı
ocean analysis
(Meteoroloji) okyanus analizi
ocean basin
(Coğrafya) okyanus havzası
ocean basin
(Coğrafya) anadeniz teknesi
ocean bed
(Denizbilim) okyanus yatağı
ocean biota
(Askeri) okyanus canlıları
ocean blue
(Tekstil) alaska mavisi
ocean bottom seismograph
(Çevre) deniz dibi sismografı
ocean circulation
(Askeri) okyanus sirkülasyonu
ocean city
(Askeri) okyanus şehri
ocean clearance
(Askeri) okyanusa açılma izni
ocean clearance
(Askeri) OKYANUSA AÇILMA İZNİ: Ticari gemilerin deniz kontrolü olmaksızın planlanan rotalarından çıkıp, deniz nakliye prensiplerini yerine getirmek üzere açık denize açılması. Ayrıca bakınız: "shipping movement policy", "turn aside"
ocean convoy
(Askeri) OKYANUS KONVOYU, AÇIK DENİZ KONVOYU: Genellikle kıta sahanlığı dışında seyreden konvoy. Ayrıca bakınız: "convoy"
ocean convoy
(Askeri) açık deniz konvoyu
ocean convoy
(Askeri) okyanus konvoyu
ocean current
okyanus akimi
ocean current enery
(Askeri) okyanus akıntısı enerjisi
ocean deep
(Askeri) okyanus derinliği
ocean deeps
(Denizbilim) okyanus derilikleri
ocean development
(Askeri) okyanus gelişimi
ocean discharge
(Askeri) okyanusa atık boşaltım
ocean dynamics
(Askeri) okyanus dinamiği
ocean energy
(Askeri) okyanus enerjisi
ocean energy facilities
(Askeri) okyanus enerji faaliyetleri
ocean engineer
(Askeri) okyanus mühendisi
ocean engineering
(Askeri) okyanus mühendisliği
ocean going
okyanusta işleyen
ocean going
okyanusa uygun
ocean going vessel
(Askeri) okyanusta sefer yapan gemi
ocean going vessel
(Askeri) AÇIK DENİZ GEMİSİ: Okyanuslarda ve açık denizlerde sefer yapabilecek büyüklükteki gemi
ocean going vessel
(Askeri) açık deniz gemisi
ocean greyhound
hızlı giden okyanus gemisi
ocean investigation
(Askeri) okyanus incelemesi
ocean lane
(Havacılık) okyanus gemilerinin rotası
ocean lane
(Askeri) okyanus sefer güzergahı
ocean liner
okyanus gemisi
ocean mammalia
(Askeri) okyanus memelileri
ocean manifest
(Askeri) yük manifestosu
ocean manifest
(Askeri) yük bildirimi
ocean manifest
(Askeri) YÜK BİLDİRİMİ: Herhangi bir gemiye yüklenmiş tüm yükü ve bu yükü kolaylıkla tanıtacak tüm ilgili bilgileri ve yükün nereye ve nasıl yüklendiğini gösteren ayrıntılı bir liste
ocean marine insurance
(Ticaret) deniz sigortası
ocean micro – organism
(Askeri) okyanus mikro organizması
ocean navigation
(Ticaret) açık deniz ulaştırması
ocean navigation
(Ticaret) okyanus nakliyatı
ocean organic chemistry
(Askeri) okyanus organik kimyası
ocean outfall
(Askeri) okyanus tahliyesi
ocean power
(Askeri) okyanus enerjisi
ocean ranching
(Denizbilim) okyanus çiflikçiliği
ocean reception point
(Askeri) okyanus kabul noktası
ocean service
(Askeri) okyanus servisi
ocean soil engineering
(Askeri) okyanus zemin mühendisliği
ocean space
(Askeri) okyanus alanı
ocean station ship
(Askeri) OKYANUS İSTASYON GEMİSİ: Araştırma ve kurtarma, meteoroloji ve seyrüsefer yardımı ve muhabere gibi konuları içine alan çeşitle hizmetler vermek üzere belirli bir bölgede faaliyette bulunmak üzere görevlendirilmiş gemi
ocean station vessel
(Askeri) okyanus istasyon gemisi
ocean sunfish
zool. aybalığı, pervanebalığı
ocean thermal conversion
(Askeri) okyanus termal dönüşümü
ocean thermal energy
(Askeri) okyanus termal enerjisi
ocean thermal energy
deniz ısı enerjisi
ocean tide
(Askeri) okyanus gelgiti
ocean tide
(Çevre) okyanus gel-giti
ocean tide gage
(Askeri) okyanus gel git ölçer
ocean trench
(Coğrafya) okyanus çukuru
ocean trench
(Coğrafya) anadeniz çukuru
ocean voyage
okyanus yolculuğu
ocean  data acquisition
(Askeri) okyanus verisi elde etme
arctic ocean
southern ocean
güney okyanusu
Arctic Ocean
Kuzey Buz Denizi
Atlantic Ocean
Atlas Okyunusu
a drop in the ocean
devede kulak
a drop in the ocean
çok az
a drop in the ocean
okyanusta damla
antarctic ocean
antartik okyanusu
indian ocean
hint okyanusu
okyanusla ilgili
British Indian Ocean Territory
Britanya Hint Okyanusu Toprakları
a drop in the ocean
(deyim) Olması gerekenden ya da ihtiyaç duyulandan çok çok azı
a drop in the ocean
(deyim) Önem arzetmeyen şey
atlantic ocean
(Coğrafya) Atlantik Okyanusu
away from the ocean, on dry land
uzak okyanus, kuru kara
north pacific ocean
Kuzey Pasifik Okyanusu

Dünyanın okyanusları asitleniyor? - The world's oceans are acidifying.

Bir transatlantik gemi okyanusları aşar. - A transatlantic ship crosses the oceans.

sweep back the ocean
süpürüp geri okyanus
the Indian Ocean
Hint Okyanusu
the atlantic ocean
Atlantik Okyanusu
Arctic Ocean
kuzey denizi
Atlantic Ocean
atlas okyanusu
Atlantic Ocean
Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System
(Askeri) Kuplajlı Okyanus Atmosferik Mezosferik Ölçekli Tahmin Sistemi
Pacific Ocean
büyük okyanus
Pacific Ocean
pasifik okyanusu
antarctic ocean
{i} güney buz denizi
antarctic ocean
(isim) güney buz denizi
army ocean manifest recapitulation
(Askeri) ORDU AÇIK DENİZ MANİFESTO İCMALİ: bkz: "Transportation Manifest"
army ocean manifest sheets
(Askeri) AÇIK DENİZ MANİFESTOSU TEFERRUATI: Gemi yükünü, her boşaltma limanı için, ilgili sipariş sahiplerine göre düzenlenmiş, ayrı ayrı sevkiyat halinde gösteren özet bir liste
atlantic ocean
atlantik (atlas) okyanusu
drop in the ocean
(deyim) devede kulak
eastern Pacific Ocean
(Askeri) doğu Pasifik Bölgesi
german ocean
kuzey denizi
get lost in the ocean
okyanusta kaybolmak
iapetus ocean
iyapetüs okyanusu
military container moved via ocean
(Askeri) deniz yoluyla taşınan askeri konteyner
observation at ocean station
(Askeri) okyanus istasyonunda gözlem
okyanusta bulunan veya meydana gelen
okyanusta dolaşan
{s} okyanus
{s} okyanus gibi
{s} okyanusta bulunan
pasific ocean
pasifik okyanusu veya büyük okyanus
permanence of the ocean basins
okyanusların değişmezliği yasası
tactical auxiliary general ocean surveillance
(Askeri) taktik yardımcı genel okyanus gözetlemesi
the Arctic Ocean
Kuzey Buz Denizi
the Atlantic Ocean
Atlas Okyanusu
the Indian Ocean
Hint Okyanusu. the Indian Subcontinent Hint Yarımadası
the Pacific Ocean
Büyük Okyanus
İngilizce - İngilizce
A female given name of modern usage
An immense expanse; any vast space or quantity without apparent limits; as, the boundless ocean of eternity; an ocean of affairs
One of the five large bodies of water separating the continents
{n} the largest body of water on the globe
{a} pertaining to the sea
A body of water occupying about two-thirds of a world made for man - who has no gills
A body of salt water larger than a sea
The salt water surrounding the great land masses, and divided by the land masses into several distinct portions, each of which is called an ocean
{i} one of the large bodies of water covering the Earth (i.e. Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic Oceans); large quantity; great distance
tiduras of: ni old: zarego one: ba to open: eunav
Generally, the whole body of salt water which covers nearly three fourths of the surface of the globe The average depth of the ocean is estimated to be about 13,000 feet (3,960 meters); the greatest reported depth is 34,218 feet (10,430 meters), north of Mindanao in the Western Pacific Ocean The ocean bottom is a generally level or gently undulating plain, covered with a fine red or gray clay, or, in certain regions, with ooze of organic origin The water, whose composition is fairly constant, contains on the average 3 percent of dissolved salts; of this solid portion, common salt forms about 78 percent, magnesium salts 15-16 percent, calcium salts 4 percent, with smaller amounts of various other substances The density of ocean water is about 1 026 (relative to distilled water, or pure H2O) The oceans are divided into the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic Oceans
What the bathroom floor looks like after bath night for kids, assorted pets, two or three full-sized towels and several dozen toy boats, cars and animals
A body of saline water found occupying all or part of the Earth's ocean basins There are six recognized oceans: North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, Indian, and Arctic
anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume
(1) The large body of salt water covering seven tenths of the earth (2) The Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Arctic Oceans
The great body of salt water which occupies two-thirds of the surface of the Earth, or one of its major subdivisions
a large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere
Of or pertaining to the main or great sea; as, the ocean waves; an ocean stream
a great body of salt water made up of the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean
a large expanse of salt water, especially any of the Earth’s five largest such areas, the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Artic and Antarctic Oceans
The intercommunicating body of salt water occupying the depressions of the earth's surface, or one of its major primary subdivisions, bounded by the continents, or the equator, and other imaginary lines A sea is subdivision of an ocean
Acronym for Ocean Colour European Archive Network, a project of CEC and ESA established in 1990 The aim of the project was to generate a data base of CZCS data for the European seas and to set up the scientific tools needed for its exploitation OCEAN processed about 25,500 CZCS images at various levels in its five years of activity and generated an archive of about 400 GB of data from this processing Some of the processed images are available online [http: //me-www jrc it/OCEAN/ocean html]
The ocean is the sea. There were few sights as beautiful as the calm ocean on a warm night
The whole body of salt water which covers more than three fifths of the surface of the globe; called also the sea, or great sea
a large body of water constituting a principal part of the hydrosphere anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume
The great body of salt water which occupies two-thirds of the surface of Earth, or one of its major subdivisions
The large, permanent body of saline water surrounding the continents and covering most of the surface of the earth
emphasis If you say that something is a drop in the ocean, you mean that it is a very small amount which is unimportant compared to the cost of other things or is so small that it has very little effect on something. His fee is a drop in the ocean compared with the real cost of broadcasting. Large, continuous body of salt water. Ocean covers nearly 71% of the Earth's surface and is divided into major oceans and smaller seas. The three principal oceans, the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian, are largely delimited by land and submarine topographic boundaries. All are connected to what is sometimes called the Southern Ocean, the waters encircling Antarctica. Important marginal seas, primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, are partially enclosed by landmasses or island arcs. The largest are the Arctic Ocean and adjacent seas, Caribbean and adjacent waters, Mediterranean, Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk, Yellow and China Seas, and Sea of Japan. ocean perch Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean ocean current ocean liner Pacific Ocean
emphasis If you say that there is an ocean of something, you are emphasizing that there is a very large amount of it. I had cried oceans of tears APEC seems be drowning in an ocean of jargon
An ocean is a large body of salt water that surrounds a continent Oceans cover more the two-thirds of the Earth's surface
Large expanse of sea including the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic Oceans
The salt water surrounding the great land mass, and divided by the land masses into several distinct portions, each of which is called an ocean
For the purposes of the survey, ocean is divided into two categories
An ocean is one of the five very large areas of sea on the Earth's surface. They spent many days cruising the northern Pacific Ocean. the Indian Ocean
el oceano
Methods or devices for extracting energy from the ocean
the great body of salt water that covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface
The salt water surrounding the great land masses The land masses divide the ocean into several distinct portions, each of which also is called an ocean The oceans include the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean
One of the large bodies of water into which the great ocean is regarded as divided, as the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic and Antarctic oceans
The salt water surrounding the great land masses, and divided by the land masses into several distinct portions, each of which is called an ocean The five oceans of the world are the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Antarctic
ocean current
Any more or less permanent or continuous, directed movement of water that flows in one of the Earth's oceans
ocean dumping
The act of disposing of waste (especially nuclear waste) in a deep section of the ocean
ocean liner
a narrow-beam passenger ship designed for high speed trans-oceanic travel
ocean liners
plural form of ocean liner
ocean ranching
A type of aquaculture, used mainly in culturing Pacific salmon, wherein juvenile fish are hatched and reared, released to mature in the open ocean, and caught when they return as adults to spawn
Designed and equipped to be capable of sailing on an ocean
ocean greyhound
A fast ship, a liner
ocean current
A nontidal current constituting a part of the general oceanic circulation
ocean current
Horizontal and vertical circulation system of ocean waters, produced by gravity, wind friction, and water density variation. Coriolis forces cause ocean currents to move clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere and deflect them about 45° from the wind direction. This movement creates distinctive currents called gyres. Major ocean currents include the Gulf Stream-North Atlantic-Norway Current in the Atlantic Ocean, the Peru (Humboldt) Current off South America, and the West Australia Current
ocean current
the steady flow of surface ocean water in a prevailing direction
ocean current
A movement of ocean water characterized by regularity, either of a cylic nature, or more commonly as a continuous stream flowing along a definable path Three general classes, by cause may be distinguished: ( a) currents related to sea water density gradients, comprising the various types of gradient current ; ( b) wind-driven currents , which are those directly produced by the stress exerted by the wind upon the ocean surface; ( c) currents produced by long-wave motions The latter are principally tidal currents , but may include currents associated with internal waves , tsunamis , and seiches The major ocean currents are of continuous, stream-flow character, and are of first-order importance in the maintenance of the earth's thermodynamic balance
ocean current
Large scale horizontal flow of ocean water that is persistent and driven by atmospheric circulation
ocean current
A non-tidal current constituting a part of the general oceanic circulation
ocean current
transport of masses of water along definable paths through the ocean measured by changes in sea-level height
ocean floor
the bottom of a sea or ocean
ocean lane
path for sea travel
ocean liner
passenger ship, cruise ship
ocean liner
Large merchant ship that visits designated ports on a regular schedule, carrying whatever cargo and passengers are available on the date of sailing. The first liners were operated in the North Atlantic, notably by Samuel Cunard of Britain, beginning in 1840. Their heyday lasted from the late 19th to the mid-20th century. Many were extraordinarily luxurious. Among the most famous were Cunarders such as the Mauretania and the Queen Mary; the German Vaterland (later renamed Leviathan), for many years the largest ship afloat; the ill-fated Titanic; and the United States. Their reign ended in the 1960s with the rise of jet travel, but liners ranging from cruise ships to refrigerated cargo ships continued to sail
ocean liner
a large commercial ship (especially one that carries passengers on a regular schedule)
ocean pout
common along northeastern coast of North America
ocean sunfish
among the largest bony fish; pelagic fish having an oval compressed body with high dorsal and anal fins and caudal fin reduced to a rudder-like lobe; worldwide in warm waters
ocean sunfish
A marine fish (Mola mola) with a large globular body, found in warm and temperate seas. Also called mola
ocean trip
an act of traveling by water
Ocean-going ships are designed for travelling on the sea rather than on rivers, canals, or lakes. At the height of his shipping career he owned about 60 ocean-going vessels
Antarctic Ocean
The Southern Ocean, the fourth largest ocean of the Earth, surrounding Antarctica
Arctic Ocean
The smallest of the five oceans of the Earth, on and around the North Pole, between the continents of Asia, Europe and North America
Atlantic Ocean
The ocean lying between the Americas to the west and Europe and Africa to the east
British Indian Ocean Territory
a UK overseas territory in the middle of the Indian Ocean between Africa and Indonesia; created in 1965; currently used as a joint US/UK military base
German Ocean
North Sea
Indian Ocean
the ocean separating Africa, southern Asia, Australia and Antarctica
North Atlantic Ocean
The portion of the Atlantic Ocean that lies primarily between North America and the northeast coast of South America to the east, and Europe and the northwest coast of Africa to the west
Of or pertaining to Oceania; Oceanian
Pacific Ocean
The world's largest body of water, to the east of Asia and Australasia and to the west of the Americas
Southern Ocean
The fourth largest ocean of the Earth, surrounding the Antarctic landmass, to the south of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans
boil the ocean
To undertake an overwhelmingly difficult task or approach to a problem
drop in the ocean
a drop in the bucket
mid-ocean ridge
a mid-oceanic ridge
Living in, produced by, or frequenting the ocean; pelagic
plural form of ocean
{a} pertaining to the sea
a drop in the ocean
(deyim) Önem arzetmeyen şey
a drop in the ocean
(deyim) Olması gerekenden ya da ihtiyaç duyulandan çok çok azı
a drop in the ocean
(deyim) Something of small importance, size etc. when compared with something larger
An ocean
Antarctic Ocean
Although not officially recognized as a separate ocean body, it is commonly applied to those portions of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans that reach the Antarctic continent on their southern extremes
Antarctic Ocean
The waters surrounding Antarctica, actually the southern extensions of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans. the Antarctic Ocean the area of sea south of the Antarctic Circle
Arctic Ocean
The waters surrounding the North Pole between North America and Eurasia. The smallest ocean in the world, it is covered by pack ice throughout the year. the Arctic Ocean the ocean that surrounds the North Pole. Ocean centring approximately on the North Pole
Arctic Ocean
ocean located in the area of the North Pole, ice-covered waters at the northernmost portion of the earth
Atlantic Ocean
ocean which spreads out between the American continent and the European and African continents
Atlantic Ocean
The world's second-largest ocean, divided into the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic. It extends from the Arctic in the north to the Antarctic in the south between the eastern Americas and western Europe and Africa. the Atlantic Ocean the ocean between the east coast of North and South America and the west coast of Europe and Africa. The Atlantic Ocean is the world's second largest ocean. Ocean separating North and South America from Europe and Africa. The second largest of the world's oceans, the Atlantic has an area of 31,830,000 sq mi (82,440,000 sq km). With its marginal seas, including the Baltic, North, Black, and Mediterranean to the east, and Baffin Bay, Hudson Bay, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea to the west, it covers 41,100,000 sq mi (105,460,000 sq km). Including these latter bodies of water, its average depth is 10,925 ft (3,330 m); its maximum depth is 27,493 feet (8,380 m) in the Puerto Rico Trench. Its most powerful current is the Gulf Stream
British Indian Ocean Territory
A British dependency comprising small islands in the western Indian Ocean. It was formed in 1965 by agreement with Mauritius and Seychelles
British Indian Ocean Territory
{i} archipelago in the Indian Ocean which is a British overseas territory
Global Ocean Observing System
international partnership of oceanographic observers and researchers who exchange information and plans in order to understand the health and future of the oceans worldwide, GOOS
Indian Ocean
ocean located south of India and east of Africa (extending between Asia, Africa, and Australia)
Indian Ocean
A body of water extending from southern Asia to Antarctica and from eastern Africa to southeast Australia. the Indian Ocean the third largest ocean in the world, which lies between Africa and Australia. Body of salt water stretching between Africa in the west, Australia in the east, Asia in the north, and Antarctica in the south. With an area of 28,360,000 sq mi (73,440,000 sq km), it covers approximately one-seventh of the Earth's surface, and it is the smallest of the world's three major oceans (see Atlantic Ocean; Pacific Ocean). Its greatest depth (24,442 ft [7,450 m]) is in the Java Trench. Its chief marginal seas include the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, Andaman Sea, Bay of Bengal, and the Great Australian Bight. Its major islands and island groups include Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and the Mascarenes
North Atlantic Ocean
The northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean
North Pacific Ocean
The northern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending northward from the equator to the Arctic Ocean
Pacific Ocean
{i} large ocean which separates eastern Asia from the western United States
Pacific Ocean
The largest of the world's oceans, divided into the North Pacific Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. It extends from the western Americas to eastern Asia and Australia. the world's largest ocean, covering one third of the Earth's surface between the continents of North and South America to the east and Asia and Australia to the west. Body of salt water extending from the Antarctic region in the south to the Arctic circle in the north and lying between the continents of Asia and Australia on the west and North and South America on the east. It occupies about one-third of the surface of the earth and is by far the largest of the world's oceans. Its area, excluding adjacent seas, is approximately 63,800,000 sq mi (165,250,000 sq km), twice that of the Atlantic Ocean and more than the whole land area of the globe. Its mean depth is 14,040 ft (4,280 m). The western Pacific is noted for its many peripheral seas
South Atlantic Ocean
The southern part of the Atlantic Ocean, extending southward from the equator to Antarctica
South Pacific Ocean
The southern part of the Pacific Ocean, extending southward from the equator to Antarctica
antarctic ocean
the southern waters surrounding Antarctica
antarctic ocean
{i} southern waters surrounding Antarctica and southern portions of the Atlantic and Pacific and Indian oceans
arctic ocean
ice covered waters surrounding the North Pole; mostly covered with solid ice or with ice floes and icebergs
depths of the ocean
deepest parts of the ocean
drop in the ocean
small piece of a very large thing, tiny part of something; amount that is excessively small to make any improvement
floor of the ocean
bottom of the sea
indian ocean
the 3rd largest ocean; bounded by Africa on the west, Asia on the north, Australia on the East and merging with the Antarctic Ocean to the south
an eastern subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian languages constituting or living in the open sea; "oceanic waters"; "oceanic life" resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degree; "the oceanic violence of his rage" relating to or occurring or living in or frequenting the open ocean; "oceanic islands like Bermuda"; "oceanic currents"; "oceanic birds"; "pelagic organisms"; "pelagic whaling
– Of, living in, or produced by the ocean
Of or pertaining to Oceania or its inhabitants
an eastern subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian languages
relating to or occurring or living in or frequenting the open ocean; "oceanic islands like Bermuda"; "oceanic currents"; "oceanic birds"; "pelagic organisms"; "pelagic whaling
Of or relating to the ocean
constituting or living in the open sea; "oceanic waters"; "oceanic life"
an eastern subfamily of Malayo-Polynesian languages constituting or living in the open sea; "oceanic waters"; "oceanic life"
To do with the open ocean waters beyond the edge of the continental shelf
Acronym for Ocean Information Center, a data center that maintains information on WOCE, TOGA, research ships and cruise schedules, and other oceanographic information sources [http: //diu cms udel edu/]
Oceanic means belonging or relating to an ocean or to the sea. Many oceanic islands are volcanic. relating to the ocean. adj. oceanic trench Oceanic arts oceanic plateau Oceanic religions oceanic ridge
Resembling an ocean in vastness or extent
{s} of or from the ocean; huge, of oceanic size
resembling the ocean in apparent limitlessness in extent or degree; "the oceanic violence of his rage"
associated with sea-water environment seaward of the shelf-slope break
Of or pertaining to the ocean; found or formed in or about, or produced by, the ocean; frequenting the ocean, especially mid- ocean
all seven seas
means the waters seaward of the Boundary Lines as described in 46 CFR part 7 For the purposes of establishing sea service credit, the waters of the Inside Passage between Puget Sound and Cape Spencer, Alaska, are not considered oceans
large bodies of salt water that contain many types of animals, people can not drink the water in them OXYGEN a colorless odorless tasteless gas existing in air and combining with hydrogen from water OCEAN WATER water in the ocean
The great bodies of salt water which cover more than two-thirds of the earth’s surface
the plural of ocean
pacific ocean
the largest ocean in the world
Türkçe - İngilizce

ocean teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

ocean weather station