(Askeri) GAZ PAFTASI, TEŞDİT TERTİBATI: Mermi veya kamadan, gazların kaçmasına meydan vermemek için, kama payı ucunun gaz kaçırmaz hale sokmaya yarayan cihaz
İngilizce - İngilizce
obturator teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
In weapons, this is a device for making the tube of a weapon gas-tight, preventing any escape of gas until the projectile has left the muzzle For bag guns using the De Bange system used on Welin breech blocks (named after Captain de Bange of the French Army who invented it in 1872), this is a doughnut-shaped washer pad, also known as a "gas check pad," that is located between the mushroom head and the screw breech When the breech is closed, rotating the screw squeezes the pad against a conical section of the gun barrel When the gun is fired the mushroom head is driven back against the pad which forces it tighter into the conical seating and thus seals the barrel For guns using cartridge ammunition, the cartridge itself becomes the obturator Also see "Obturator" under Projectile Definitions
A prosthesis used to close an opening Frequently used to close the defect caused by a cleft palate
a prosthesis used to close an opening (as to close an opening of the hard palate in cases of cleft palate)