
listen to the pronunciation of obligation
İngilizce - Türkçe

Have to zorunluluk ifade etmek için kullanılır. - Have to is used to express obligation.

Bu bilgiyi paylaşmak için herhangi bir zorunluluk altında değilsin. - You are under no obligation whatsoever to share this information.


O, yükümlülüklerini yerine getirmedi. - He didn't fulfill his obligations.

Ben sadece benim toplumsal yükümlülüklerimi yerine getirmek için partiye gittim. - I only went to the party to fulfill my societal obligations.

(Ticaret) sorumluluk
(Ticaret) tazminat
(Kanun) yumuş
(Ticaret) yükümlülük borç
borç senedi
Iaw of obligations borçlar hukuku
{i} zorunluluk, zorunluk, mecburiyet; yüküm, yükümlülük; farz
{i} borç
(Askeri) MECBURİYET, TAAHHÜT, BORÇ: Verilen bir sipariş, ihale edilen bir sözleşme veya yaptırılan bir hizmetin ödenmesine ait bir tahsisat veya fon karşılığı olarak, özel surette ayrılmış dolar miktarı
{i} minnet
{i} minnet borcu
(Mukavele) görev

O, yükümlülüğünü yerine getirdi. - He fulfilled his obligation.

Vergi ödemek her işçinin yükümlülüğüdür. - It is the obligation of every worker to pay taxes.

obligation imposed by speaker
konuşucu tarafından yüklenen gereklilik
obligation to
obligation transaction
(Kanun) Bir senet ve saireyle ilgili yükümlülük getiren işlem
obligation authority
(Askeri) borçlanma yetkisi
obligation authority
(Askeri) BORÇLANMA YETKİSİ, TAAHHÜT ALTINA GİRME YETKİSİ: Kongre tarafından veya idari olarak verilmiş borçlanma yetkisi
obligation authority
(Askeri) taahhüt altına girme yetkisi
obligation of funds
(Askeri) taahhüt tutarı
obligation of funds
(Askeri) sipariş tutarı
obligation of funds
(Askeri) TAAHHÜT TUTARI, SİPARİŞ TUTARI, BORÇ TUTARI: Verilmiş bir sipariş, ihale edilmiş bir sözleşme, yaptırılmış bir hizmet veya diğer ticari muamele karşılığı, sarf için, bir tahsis fonundan ayrılmış miktar
obligation of funds
(Askeri) borç tutarı
obligation of indemnify
(Kanun) tazmin mükellefiyeti
obligation of registration
(Kanun) tescil mecburiyeti
obligation to bearer
(Ticaret) hamiline borç senedi
obligation to buy
(Ticaret) satın alma yükümlülüğü
obligation to disclose
(Kanun) beyan mükellefiyeti
obligation to give notice
(Ticaret) beyan yükümlülüğü
contractual obligation
(Kanun) akdi mesuliyet
impose obligation
zorunluluk getirmek
meet obligation
yükümlülük yerine getirmek

O, zorunluluklarından dolayı artık gelemeyecek. - He won't be able to come anymore due to his obligations.

present obligation
(Ticaret) mevcut yükümlülük
remove an obligation
yükümlülüğü kaldırmak
debt obligation
borç yükümlülüğü
enter into an obligation
yükümlülük altına girmek
financial obligation
mali yükümlülük
financial obligation
finansal zorunlukları
habitual obligation
sık sık yerine getirilen zorunluluk
legal obligation
yasal yükümlülük
moral obligation
manevi yükümlülük
pecuniary obligation
maddi yükümlülük
urgent obligation
acil mecburiyet
a personal sense of obligation
kişisel sorumluluk hissi
collateralized debt obligation
(Ekonomi) Teminatlandırılmış Borç Yükümlülükleri (TBY)
external obligation
dıştan gelen mecburiyet, dışsal gereklilik
fulfilled his obligation
onun yükümlülüğü yerine
lease obligation
kiralama yükümlülüğü
military obligation is completed
askerlik görevi tamamlandı
out of a sense of obligation
dışarı yükümlülük duygusu
out of obligation
perfect obligation
(Kanun) Aynı sorumluluk, tam mükellefiyet
positive obligation
olumlu gereklilik, mecburiyet
promissory obligation
Taahhüt, yükümlülük
release from obligation
yükümlülüğe ilişkin açıklaması
sense of obligation
yükümlülük duygusu
under a moral obligation
başka seçenek
urgent obligation
acil mecburiyet, kaçınılmaz yükümlülük
accessory obligation
(Ticaret) ikinci derecede borç
alleged infringement of an obligation
(Avrupa Birliği) yükümlülük ihlalinin ileri sürülmesi
alternative obligation
(Kanun) alternatif borç
assumption of obligation
(Kanun) borcun nakli
be under an obligation
borçlu olmak
be under an obligation
minnettar olmak
breach of an obligation
(Ticaret) bir yükümlülüğün ihlali
breach of an obligation
(Kanun) yükümlülük ihlali
conditional obligation
(Ticaret) şartlı vecibe
conditional obligation
(Ticaret) koşullu vecibe
fail fulfil an obligation
(Politika, Siyaset) yükümlülüğü ifa edememek
fulfilling obligation
(Kanun) ifayı yerine getirme
imperfect obligation
(Ticaret) tabii borç
impose an obligation
yükümlülük getirmek
indivisible obligation
(Kanun) taksimi kabil olmayan borç
moral obligation
(Kanun) ahlaki vazife
moral obligation
(Kanun) ahlaki mükellefiyet
over obligation
(Askeri) AŞIRI TAAHHÜT: Taahhütler toplamının bunlar için yetki verilmiş tahsisat miktarını aşması hali
pension obligation
(Ticaret) emeklilik mecburiyeti
perfect obligation
(Ticaret) tam mükellefiyet
perform an obligation
(Kanun) borç ifa etmek
put under obligation
yükümlülük altına sokmak
reciprocal obligation
(Politika, Siyaset) karşılıklı yükümlülük
sense of obligation
sorumluluk anlayışı
sense of obligation
minnettarlık hissi
service obligation
(Askeri) HİZMET MÜKELLEFİYETİ: Tadil edilmiş Silahlı Kuvvetler Üniversal Askeri Eğitim ve Hizmet Kanununa göre, erkek personelin 26 yaşın altında ilk defa askere girdikleri zaman bağlandıkları mükellefiyet. Bu mükellefiyet; celple, ilk gönüllü kaydı ile veya atanma ile başlar. Hizmete giriş zamanına ve diğer faktörlere bağlı olarak, muvazzaf ve ihtiyat hizmetle birlikte 6: 8 yıl olabilir
take on an obligation
yükümlülük almak
to fail to fulfil an obligation
(Avrupa Birliği) bir yükümlülüğü yerine getirememek
unliquidated obligation
(Askeri) TEDİYE EDİLMEMİŞ SÖZLEŞME, TASFİYE EDİLMEMİŞ BORÇ: Bir sözleşmenin, henüz tediyesi yapılmamış kısmı
İngilizce - İngilizce
A course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience by which someone is bound or restricted
The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone
A legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; the document containing such agreement

X shall be entitled to subcontract its obligation to provide the Support Services. >.

A social, legal, or moral requirement, duty, contract, or promise that compels someone to follow or avoid a particular course of action
That which binds us to act in accordance with duty Obligatory acts are those one is morally, legally, or contractually required to perform Normative theories usually try to explain the grounds of moral obligation as well as its practical application Recommended Reading: Michael J Zimmerman, The Concept of Moral Obligation (Cambridge, 1996) {at Amazon com} Also see SEP, OCP, and noesis
{n} an engagement, bond, favor
1) A legal term expressing legal, moral, and governmental commitments to specific courses of action, such as BPA's obligation to provide firm power to small- and non-generating public utility customers 2) Capacity and energy BPA provides under contract to public agencies and private utilities
Another name for debt
The amount of money or other type of support the non-custodial parent must provide on a continuing, ongoing basis
[General] any tangible or intangible commitment by, requirement of, or liability of a plan or an INSURER that can reduce receipts or generate disbursements [similar to ASOP Nos 7, 14, and 22]
a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor
A legal responsibility, such as to repay a debt
If you have an obligation to do something, it is your duty to do that thing. When teachers assign homework, students usually feel an obligation to do it Ministers are under no obligation to follow the committee's recommendations
{i} duty responsibility; indebtedness; agreement
A written promise or debt
Duty or responsibility to
Budgeted funds committed to be spent
A binding agreement that will result in Government spending either immediately or in the future Budgetary resources must be available before obligations can be legally incurred
A bond with a condition annexed, and a penalty for nonfulfillment
Referring to the amount of child support to be paid by the responsible parent
the condition or fact of owing another something in return for things, favors or services received
If you have an obligation to a person, it is your duty to look after them or protect their interests. The United States will do that which is necessary to meet its obligations to its own citizens I have an ethical and a moral obligation to my client. = responsibility
a legal agreement specifying a payment or action and the penalty for failure to comply
The Federal government's legal commitment (promise) to pay or reimburse the states or other entities for the Federal share of a project's eligible costs
the state of being obligated to do or pay something; "he is under an obligation to finish the job"
A transaction which legally reserves a specific amount of an appropriation or fund for expenditures Amount of orders placed, contracts awarded, services received during a given period requiring the expenditure of funds to support US&FCS events/activities The operating unit must have funds available at the time an obligation is made
a legal agreement specifying a payment or action and the penalty for failure to comply a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor the state of being obligated to do or pay something; "he is under an obligation to finish the job
Amounts which a governmental unit may be required legally to meet out of its resources
That which obligates or constrains; the binding power of a promise, contract, oath, or vow, or of law; that which constitutes legal or moral duty
Legal commitment of funds through such mechanisms as signed agreements between the U S Government and host governments, contracts and grants to organizations, and purchase orders
A federal budgetary term that refers to a binding agreement that will result in an outlay; an agreement by the federal government to pay for goods or services immediately or at some future time when the goods or services are delivered Also known as a "commitment "
The state of being obligated or bound; the state of being indebted for an act of favor or kindness; as, to place others under obligations to one
Data based on NIH funds that have been awarded by an NIH Institute/Center
Amount of money to be paid as support by the obligor
In advertisements, if a product or a service is available without obligation, you do not have to pay for that product or service until you have tried it and are satisfied with it. If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation?. a moral or legal duty to do something obligation to
The act of obligating
Total amount contractually due for a commodity or service This amount may differ from the commitment if the obligation is due over multiple periods (such as a two-year lease)
An entry made by a member of a discretionary grant team in the Department's automated accounting system that authorizes the Financial Payments Group to make payments of federal grant funds to a grantee
A course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience by which one is bound or restricted
Establishes the government's legal responsibility to pay for future goods or services to be received from a contractor, vendor, or grantee This is accomplished by either letting a new contract or modifying an existing contract Once an obligation document has been initiated, signed, and processed, the government can begin incurring costs The act of obligating funds on a contract can only be accomplished by a "warranted contracting officer "
Indicates if the data element is required to always or sometimes be present (contain a value)
The process of 1) formally assigning eligible federal funds to a study or 2) providing funds via check to FHWA or to the sponsoring agency after the TPF number is assigned Study partners that are federal, state, regional, or local agencies complete obligation forms (Federal-Aid Project Agreement, PR-2) to assign the federal funds
the social force that binds you to your obligations and the courses of action demanded by that force; "we must instill a sense of duty in our children"; "every right implies a responsibility; every opportunity, an obligation; every possession, a duty"- John D Rockefeller Jr
In a larger sense, it is an acknowledgment of a duty to pay a certain sum or do a certain things
Any act by which a person becomes bound to do something to or for anouther, or to forbear something; external duties imposed by law, promise, or contract, by the relations of society, or by courtesy, kindness, etc
obligation outstanding
financial obligation that has not yet been settled, unpaid debt
collateralized debt obligation
a type of asset-backed security and structured credit product constructed from a portfolio of fixed-income assets
collateralized loan obligation
a form of securitization where payments from multiple middle sized and large business loans are pooled together and passed on to different classes of owners in various tranches
contractual obligation
Something which must be fulfilled, in accordance with a contract
collateral debt obligation
(Ekonomi) Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) are a type of structured asset-backed security (ABS) whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of fixed-income underlying assets. CDOs securities are split into different risk classes, or tranches, whereby "senior" tranches are considered the safest securities. Interest and principal payments are made in order of seniority, so that junior tranches offer higher coupon payments (and interest rates) or lower prices to compensate for additional default risk
collateralized debt obligation
(Ekonomi) Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) are a type of structured asset-backed security (ABS) whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of fixed-income underlying assets. CDOs securities are split into different risk classes, or tranches, whereby "senior" tranches are considered the safest securities. Interest and principal payments are made in order of seniority, so that junior tranches offer higher coupon payments (and interest rates) or lower prices to compensate for additional default risk
moral obligation
An obligation arising out of considerations of right and wrong. "He did it out of a feeling of moral obligation."
perfect obligation
(Kanun) A perfect obligation is one which gives a right to another to require us to give him something or not to do something
as an obligation
as a duty, as a responsibility
fulfilled his obligation
performed his responsibility, carried out his duty
holy day of obligation
a day when Catholics must attend Mass and refrain from servile work, and Episcopalians must take Communion
holy day of obligation
A feast on which the faithful are obliged to hear Mass and abstain from servile work
lease obligation
promise to rent a property
moral obligation
commitment to follow one's conscience
moral obligation
an obligation arising out of considerations of right and wrong; "he did it out of a feeling of moral obligation
Payments, and amounts which the Government is obligated to pay, for goods and services received (or contracted for future delivery) made from appropriations during the fiscal year indicated
Any amount which may require payment by an entity at a future time
grants and cooperative agreements awarded and applicable transactions during a given period which legally bind OSM to payment
a general term for all classes of indebtedness, the fundamental idea is since the debtor is bound to pay the creditor, therefore, has some legal power to compel this payment
Amounts of orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, or similar legally binding commitments made by Federal agencies during a given period that will require outlays during the same or some future period
Commitments made by Federal agencies to pay out money as distinct from the actual payments, which are "outlays " Generally, obligations are incurred as the enactment of budget authority However, since budget authority in highway programs is in the form of contract authority, obligations in these cases are permitted to be incurred immediately after apportionment or allocation The obligations are for the Federal share of the estimated full cost of each project at the time it is approved regardless of when the actual payments are made or the expected time of project completion
Any debt, or recurring payment the borrower is obligated to pay, including mortgage payments
A binding agreement that will result in outlays, immediately or in the future
represent orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period, regardless of when the funds were appropriated and when the future payment of money is required
are estimates of future expenses that are committed for a particular purpose Obligating funds increases the expended amount and decreases the available balance A purchase order and an ASR for Central Engineering are examples of obligations
Technically defined as "amount of orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period which will require payments during the same or a future period "
Obligations are the amounts for orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period, regardless of when the funds were appropriated and when future payment of money is required Obligations differ from expenditures in that funds allocated by Federal agencies during one fiscal year may be spent by the recipient institution either partially or entirely during one or more subsequent years
The amounts of orders placed, contracts and subgrants awarded, goods and services received, and similar transactions during a given period that will require payment by the grantee during the same or a future period
Amounts that an entity may be legally required to pay out of its resources   Included are not only actual liabilities but also unliquidated encumbrances   (See Liabilities )
>> Any debt or recurring payment the borrower is obligated to pay, except for mortgage payments
The amounts of orders placed, contracts awarded, or services received , which will require outlays during the same or future periods
Amounts of orders placed, contracts awarded, services received, and similar transactions during a given period that will require payments during the same or a future period (A Glossary of Terms Used in the Federal Budget Process, GAO, 1993) See Budget Authority, Outlays, and Cost
the state, fact or condition of being indebted to another for a special service or favor received; a duty, contract, promise or any other social, moral or legal requirement that binds one to follow or avoid a certain course of action; the sense of owing another
The same as liabilities, that is, these are future sacrifices
Commitments made by federal agencies to pay out money, as distinct from the actual payments, which are "outlays " Generally, obligations are incurred after the enactment of budget authority The obligations are for the federal share of the estimated full cost of each project at the time it is approved, regardless of when the actual payments are made or the expected time of project completion Also: A federal budgetary term that refers to a binding agreement that will result in an outlay; an agreement by the federal government to pay for goods or services immediately or at some future time when the goods or services are delivered Also known as a "commitment "
Amounts of orders placed, contracts awarded, services rendered, or other commitments made by federal agencies during a given period that will require outlays during the same or some future period
Any kind of indebtedness; an encubance or commitment
signed an obligation
committed himself in writing, signed a promise
under an obligation
committed to something, owing