
listen to the pronunciation of nuts!
İngilizce - Türkçe
s., argo
{i} taşaklar
{i} hayalar
(Gıda) sert kabuklu meyveler

Tom çerez yiyemediğini biliyor mu? - Does Tom know you can't eat nuts?

Eğer eğerler ve fakatlar şekerleme ve çerez olsalar, hepimiz neşeli bir Noel yaparız. - If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas.

sert kabuklu yemişler

Tom'un sert kabuklu yemişlere allerjisi vardır. - Tom is allergic to nuts.

Tom'un yer fıstığı hariç sert kabuklu yemişlere alerjisi vardır. - Tom is allergic to nuts, but not peanuts.


Senin annen altı dil konuşuyor - Bu çılgınlık. - Your mom speaks six languages — that's nuts.


Tom somunları sıkıştırdı. - Tom tightened the nuts.


Senin annen altı dil konuşuyor - Bu çılgınlık. - Your mom speaks six languages — that's nuts.

Sanırım çılgın olduğumu düşünüyorsun. - I suppose you think I'm nuts.


Tom ve Mary'nin deli olduğunu düşündüm. - I thought Tom and Mary were nuts.

Delia'nın onlara allerjisi olduğu için bu yemek tarifinden fındıkları çıkarttım. - I've left out the nuts in this recipe because Delia's allergic to them.

{ü} illallah
argo deli
{ü} halt etmişsin
{ü} asla
İngilizce - İngilizce
A hand that can be proven unbeatable even when the hand's holder does not know any of the cards the other poker players involved in a hand hold or held
Signifies rejection of a proposal or idea, as in forget it, no way, or nothing doing
Crazy, mad; unusually pleased or, alternatively, angered

The referee made a bad call against the home team and the crowd went nuts.

Insane, mad

After living on the island alone for five years, he eventually went nuts.

plural form of nut
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nut
Indicates annoyance, anger, or disappointment
(n ) a flared piece of metal placed into a bottle neck constriction as a means of protection
{i} testicles, gonads (Slang)
third-person singular of nut
Is an acronym for the UK nomenclature of Territorial Units NUTS areas are used to determine eligibility for European Structural Funding so changes to their structure are a significant progression towards Agenda 2000 Territorial Units are split into four grouping by size
The best possible hand given the board If the board is Ks-Jd-Ts-4s-2h, then As-Xs is the nuts You will occasionally hear the term applied to the best possible hand of a certain category, even though it isn't the overall nuts For the above example, somebody with Ah-Qc in the above hand might say they had the "nut straight"
A dry fruit consisting of an edible kernel or meat enclosed in a woody or leathery shell Native varieties could include chestnut, walnut, butternut, and hickory The Physic nut from the West Indies was tried in this period (Jatropha Curcas)
{ü} shucks!, drat! (expression of dismay or disappointment)
n a flared piece of metal placed into a bottle neck constriction as a means of protection
plural of nut
(n ) a flared piece of metal placed into a bottle kneck constriction as a means of protection
A hand that can be proven unbeatable even when the hands holder does not know what the opponents secret cards are
The nuts is the best possible hand This makes most sense in flop games like hold'em, where the community cards make the nuts pretty much the same for everyone An exception is when your hole cards make a better hand impossible If the board is AAK52, the nuts would be AA to an observer, but a player with AK would effectively hold the nuts (assuming the 2 and 5 didn't share a suit with one of the A's) In hold'em, the nuts is never less than trips "Nut xxx" is used to refer to the best hand of a particular type, especially a straight or flush If the table described above had the AK2 of spades, the nut flush would be the queen and any other spade
Removable metal pieces of protection that one wedges in cracks or crevices They get their name from the fact that the original nuts (which also describes the pioneering climbers that used them) were large machine nuts with webbing tied through the center hole Also known as chocks
{s} crazy, insane; excited, enthusiastic (Slang)
informal or slang terms for mentally irregular; "it used to drive my husband balmy"
crazy or insane, not in your right mind
The best possible hand at any point of the game A hand that cannot be beat





    ... And people said, you're nuts. ...