
listen to the pronunciation of nuclear
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Askeri) biyolojik ve kimyasal silahlar
nuclear energy
nükleer enerji

Almanya artık nükleer enerji kullanmamaya karar verdi. - Germany decided to not use any more nuclear energy.

Tom nükleer enerjiye karşı hareket için hayatını adadı. - Tom has devoted his life to the movement against nuclear energy.

nuclear family
çekirdek aile

Çekirdek aile genç bir önyargıdır; aslında, aileler sadece göreli zenginliğin son 50 ya da 60 yılı içinde birkaç yakın üyenin etrafında inşa edilmiştir. - The nuclear family is a young prejudice; in fact, families have only been built around the few immediate members in the last 50 or 60 years of relative wealth.

nuclear reactor
atom reaktörü
nuclear waste
nükleer atık
nuclear atom
nükleer atom
nuclear bomb
nükleer bomba
nuclear chemistry
nükleer kimya
nuclear disarmament
nükleer silahsızlanma
nuclear disintegration
nükleer parçalanma
nuclear emission
nükleer emisyon
nuclear family
çekirdek kodak
nuclear fission
nükleer fisyon
nuclear fission
çekirdek parçalanması
nuclear fuel
çekirdeksel yakıt
nuclear fuel
nükleer yakıt
nuclear fusion
nükleer füzyon
nuclear fusion
çekirdeksel kaynaşma
nuclear isomer
çekirdeksel eşiz
nuclear isomer
nükleer izomer
nuclear magnetic resonance
nükleer manyetik rezonans
nuclear membrane
çekirdek zarı
nuclear physics
nükleer fizik
nuclear physics
çekirdek bilgisi
nuclear power
çekirdeksel güç
nuclear power
nükleer güç

Nükleer güç çağında yaşıyoruz. - We are living in the age of nuclear power.

Nükleer güç yeni yasalar tarafından engellenmektedir. - Nuclear power is stymied by the new laws.

nuclear power
nükleer enerji

O, nükleer enerjini kötülükleri üzerine bir saatten daha fazla nutuk çekti. - He held forth for more than an hour on the evils of nuclear power.

Nükleer enerjinin dönemi henüz bitmedi. - The age of nuclear power is not yet over.

nuclear power plant
nükleer santral
nuclear reaction
nükleer reaksiyon
nuclear reaction
çekirdeksel tepkime
nuclear reactor
nükleer reaktör
nuclear stain
çekirdek boyası
nuclear station
nükleer çıngı santralı
nuclear warfare
nükleer savaş
nuclear warhead
nükleer savaş başlığı
nuclear weapon
nükleer silah
nuclear armament
Nükleer silahlanma
nuclear atom
nükleer atom, çekirdeksel atom
nuclear battery
nükleer pil
nuclear bombardment
nükleer bombardıman
nuclear charge
çekirdek yükü, çekirdeksel yük
nuclear deterrence
nükleer caydırıcılık
nuclear emission
nükleer emisyon, nükleer salim
nuclear emulsion
nükleer emülsiyon, çekirdeksel asıltı
nuclear energy agency
nükleer enerji ajansı
nuclear envelope
nükleer zarf
nuclear facility
nükleer tesis
nuclear fallout
nükleer serpinti
nuclear isomer
nükleer izomer, çekirdeksel esiz
nuclear magnetic moment
nükleer manyetik moment
nuclear medicine
nükleer tıp
nuclear model
nükleer model
nuclear moment
nükleer moment
nuclear non-proliferation treaty
Nükleer Silahların Yayılmasının Önlenmesi Antlaşması
nuclear plant
Nükleer santral
nuclear polarization
nükleer polarizasyon, çekirdeksel ucaylanma
nuclear potential
çekirdek potansiyeli
nuclear power station
Nükleer güç istasyonu
nuclear proliferation
(Politika Siyaset) Nükleer yayılmacılık, nükleer silahlanma
nuclear resonance
nükleer rezonans
nuclear science
nükleer bilim
nuclear structure
nükleer yapı, çekirdeksel yapı
nuclear theory
nükleer teorisi
nuclear umbrella
nükleer şemsiye
nuclear winter
nükleer kış
Nuclear Command and Control System
(Askeri) Nükleer Komuta Ve Kontrol Sistemi
Nuclear Execution and Reporting Plan
(Askeri) Nükleer Uygulama Ve Raporlama Planı
Nuclear Operations Monitoring System
(Askeri) Nükleer Harekat Gözlem Merkezi
Nuclear Planning and Execution System
(Askeri) Nükleer Planlama ve Uygulama Sistemi
Nuclear Weapons Intelligence Support Plan
(Askeri) Nükleer Silahlar İstihbarat Destek Planı
nuclear activity
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer aktivite
nuclear airburst
(Askeri) HAVADA NÜKLEER İNFİLAK: Bir nükleer silahın havada, ateş topu azami yarı çapından daha büyük yükseklikte infilakı. Bak. "type of burst", "airburst", "surface burst" "nuclear underground burst", "nuclear underwater burst". NUCLEAR, BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AREA OF OBSERVATION: NÜKLEER, BİYOLOJİK, KİMYASAL GÖZETLEME BÖLGESİ: Bir ordu, ordular grubu veya bir müttefik kuvvet sorumluluk bölgesiyle kıyaslanabilecek muhtelif nükleer, biyolojik ve kimyasal gözetleme bölgelerini ihtiva eden bir coğrafik bölge
nuclear boiler rated power
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer kazan tasarım gücü
nuclear bomb
atom bombası
nuclear burst
(Askeri) NÜKLEER İNFİLAK: Bak. "types of burst"
nuclear burst report
(Askeri) NÜKLEER PARALANMA RAPORU: Nükleer infilaklara etkileri hakkındaki bilgilerin gönderilmesi için faydalanılan standart bir rapor formu
nuclear cloud
(Askeri) NÜKLEER BULUT: Bir nükleer silah infilakının meydana getirdiği ateş topu ile birlikte havaya yükselen, nükleer bombanın bizzat kendisine ve çevresine ait sıcak gazlar, duman, toz ve diğer zerre halindeki maddelerin tümünü ifade eden geniş terim
nuclear collateral damage
(Askeri) NÜKLEER TALİ HASAR: Dost nükleer silahlardan kaynaklanan etkileri ile yaratılan arzulanmayan hasar ve zayiatlar
nuclear command, control, and communications (C3) assessment
(Askeri) nükleer komuta , kontrol ve muhabere (C3) değerlendirmesi
nuclear coordination
(Askeri) NÜKLEER KOORDİNASYON: Destek ihtiyaçlarını yerine getirmek amacıyla veya silahların etkisinin başka bir toprağa uzatılması nedeniyle komutanlar arasındaki irtibatın içerildiği, nükleer darbe planlamasında muhtevi bulunan bütün faaliyetleri içine alan geniş anlamlı bir terim
nuclear damage
nuclear defense
(Askeri) NÜKLEER SAVUNMA: Nükleer silahlar veya radyolojik harp maddeleri ile yapılacak bir taarruzun tesirlerine karşı savunma tedbirleri alınması ve bu tedbirlerin uygulanması ile usuller, planlar ve işlemler. Nükleer savunma; hem bu usul, plan ve işlemler üzerinde eğitimi, hem bunların uygulanmasını içine alır. Bak. "radiological defense", " NBC defense"
nuclear detonation
(Askeri) nükleer infilak
nuclear disintegration
(isim)kleer parçalanma, çekirdeğin parçalanması
nuclear disintegration
(Nükleer Bilimler) bozulma, nükleer
nuclear dud
(Askeri) PATLAMAYAN NÜKLEER BOMBA: Bir nükleer silahın, fırlatıldığı veya bir hedef üzerine yöneltildiğinde nükleer enerjiyi oluşturmak üzere tasarlanan kısmının herhangi bir patlamayı sağlayamadığı zaman aldığı isim
nuclear emergency search team
(Askeri) nükleer tehlike araştırma timi
nuclear emulsion
(Nükleer Bilimler) emülsiyon, nükleer
nuclear exoatmospheric burst
(Askeri) ATMOSFER DIŞI PATLAMA: Duyarlı atmosferin üzerinde (120 km. nin üzeri) atmosferik etkileşimin asgari düzeyde bulunduğu yerde bir nükleer silahın patlaması. Bak. "types of burst"
nuclear fall out
(Askeri) Nükleer serpinti
nuclear family
anne baba ve çocuktan olusan aile
nuclear field
nükleer alan
nuclear fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer bölünme,çekirdek bölünmesi,nükleer fisyon
nuclear fission
atom çekirdeğinin parçalanması
nuclear fission
(Nükleer Bilimler) bölünme, nükleer
nuclear forces
cekirdeksel (nukleer) kuvvetler
nuclear free
nükleer silah ve maddelerden arındırılmış toprak
nuclear fuel
(Askeri) NÜKLEER YAKIT: Kontrollü bir nükleer reaksiyonla elde edilen ve bir motorda kullanılabilecek bir çeşit enerji meydana getiren bir yakıt
nuclear fuel cycle
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer yakıt çevrimi
nuclear fusion
(Nükleer Bilimler) birleşme, nükleer
nuclear gauge
(Nükleer Bilimler) radyoaktif kaynaklı ölçme cihazı
nuclear incident
(Askeri) (DOD, IADB) NÜKLEER OLAY (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir nükleer silah. tesis veya ana parçayı ilgilendiren ve aşağıdaki durumlardan ileri gelen, fakat bir nükleer kaza teşkil etmeyen beklenmedik olay; a. İnfilak veya radyoaktif kirlenme ihtimalinde bir artış, b. Teçhizatın montajı, denenmesi, yüklenmesi veya taşınması sırasında yapılan bir yanlışlık veya teçhizat ve malzemede kurma ve ateşleme dizisindeki parçaların tamamının veya bir kısmının kendiliklerinden faaliyete geçmelerine veya önemli bir kudret değişikliğine ya da merminin infilak etmemesi (kör gitmesi) ihtimaline yol açacak arızalı bir çalışma. c. Silah, tesis veya ana parçaların hasarına sebep olan elverişsiz çevre veya şartlar, önlenmesi insan kudreti üstünde bir afet
nuclear intelligence
(Askeri) nükleer istihbarat
nuclear logistic movement
(Askeri) NÜKLEER LOJİSTİK İNTİKAL: Nükleer silahların, ikmal veya bakım faaliyetleri ile ilgili olarak taşınması. Bazı özel durumlarda, bu gibi intikaller için savaş uçaklarından faydalanılabilir
nuclear magnetic resonance
(Nükleer Bilimler) çekirdek manyetik rezonansı,nükleer magnetik rezonans
nuclear material accountancy
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer malzeme sayımı
nuclear nations
(Askeri) NÜKLEER MİLLETLER: Askeri nükleer kuvvetler ve sivil nükleer kuvvetler. Bak. "nuclear power"
nuclear operations
(Askeri) nükleer harekat
nuclear ordnance items
(Askeri) NÜKLEER ORDUDONATIM MADDELERİ: Model bakımından nükleer silah programlarına ait komple malzeme, teçhizat, ana parça ve parçalar
nuclear parent
(Nükleer Bilimler) ana (bozunan radyoizotop)
nuclear parity
(Askeri) NÜKLEER EŞİTLİK: Düşman kuvvetlerin nükleer taarruz ve savunma sistemlerine, topyekün muharebe hazırlıkları bakımından takriben eşit derecede sahip oldukları belirli andaki bir durum
nuclear particle
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer tanecik
nuclear physics
(isim)kleer fizik
nuclear power
(isim)kleer güç, atom bombasına sahip ülke
nuclear power
(Askeri) NÜKLEER GÜÇ: Uygun bir değiştiricisi olmadan bu terim kullanılmayacaktır. Bak. "civil nuclear power", "major nuclear power", "military nuclear power". Ayrıca bakınız: "nuclear nations"
nuclear propulsion
(Askeri) NÜKLEER TAHRİK: Atom enerjisi ile tahrik. Nükleer tahrik, ısı meydana getirmek için nükleer enerjiden faydalanır, sonra, bu ısı mekanik enerjiye çevrilir. Nükleer tahrik, teorik olarak, bir nükleer partiküller akımından faydalanır. Bak. "ion engine"
nuclear radius
(Nükleer Bilimler) çekirdek yarıçapı,nükleer yarıçap
nuclear reaction
(Nükleer Bilimler) çekirdek tepkileşimi,nükleer tepkime(reaksiyon )
nuclear round
(Askeri) NÜKLEER ATIM: Bir nükleer silah (HARP başlığı kısmı) ile silahı hedefe atmak için lüzumlu füze veya sevk hakkından ibarettir. Bak. " complete round"
nuclear source material
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer kaynak malzemesi,nükleer kaynak madde
nuclear stability
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer kararlılık
nuclear surface burst
(Askeri) SATIHTA NÜKLEER İNFİLAK: Bir nükleer silahın yer veya su sathında yada satıh üstünde, ateş topu azami yarı çapından daha az bir yükseklikte infilakı. Ayrıca bak. "types of burst", " nuclear airburst" "nuclear underground burst", "nuclear underwater burst"
nuclear task force
(Askeri) nükleer görev kuvveti
nuclear track
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer trak
nuclear transformation
(Nükleer Bilimler) nükleer değişim
nuclear transmutation
(Askeri) NÜKLEER DEĞİŞTİRİLME: Belirli bir çekirdeği oluşturanları yapay olarak (nükleer reaksiyon) değiştirmek suretiyle farklı bir çekirdek yapılması
nuclear underground burst
(Askeri) YERALTI NÜKLEER İNFİLAK: Bir nükleer silahın infilak merkezi yer sathı altında bir noktada bulunacak şekilde infilakı. Ayrıca bakınız: "type of burst", "nuclear airburst", "nuclear surface burst", "nuclear underwater burst"
nuclear vulnerability assessment
(Askeri) NÜKLEER HASSASİYET DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Taarruzların halk, kuvvetler ve kaynaklar üzerindeki muhtemel veya beklenilen etkisini, nazari bir nükleer taarruzun etkisini tahmin etmek. Bu kıymetlendirme, esas itibariyle, taarruz öncesi devrede yapılır; mağmafih, taarruz arası veya sonrası devrelere yayılabilir
nuclear warfare
(Askeri) NÜKLEER HARP: Nükleer silahların kullanılmasını içine alan bir harp. Bak. "postattack period", "transattack period"
nuclear warhead
nükleer başlık
nuclear warhead
(isim)kleer başlık
nuclear warhead
(Askeri) NÜKLEER HARP BAŞLIĞI: Parçalanabilir veya birleşebilir infilak maddesinden ibaret bir harp başlığı
nuclear waste
(isim)kleer atık
nuclear waste
nükleer artık
nuclear weapon accident
(Askeri) (DOD) (S) NÜKLEER SİLAH KAZASI (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Nükleer silahların veya radyolojik nükleer silah parçalarının neden olduğu, aşağıdakilerden herhangi biriyle sonuçlanan beklenmedik bir olay: a. Bir savaşın başlaması için tehlike oluşturabilecek nükleer kapasiteli bir silah sisteminin, ABD kuvvetleri veya ABD. nin desteklediği müttefik kuvvetler tarafından kazaen veya müsaadesiz olarak fırlatılması, ateşlenmesi veya kullanılması, b. Nükleer infilak c. Bir nükleer silahın veya radyolojik nükleer silah parçasının nükleer olmayan nedenlerle infilakı veya yanması d. Radyoaktif kirlilik e. Bir nükleer silaha veya radyolojik nükleer silah parçasına, tehlike nedeniyle elden çıkarılmasında-denize atılması-dahil olmak üzere el konulması, bunların çalınması, kaybedilmesi ve tahrip edilmesi f. Fiili veya ima edilen halk tehlikesi
nuclear weapon degradation
(Askeri) NÜKLEER BAŞLIK BOZUKLUĞU: Bir nükleer harp başlığının, beklenen nükleer etkisinin azalacak derecede bozulması
nuclear weapon employment time
(Askeri) NÜKLEER SİLAH KULLANMA ZAMANI: Bir nükleer silahın, atış kararı verildikten sonra atılması gereken zaman
nuclear weapon exercise
(Askeri) NÜKLEER SİLAH TATBİKATI: Ani harekat hazırlığı ile direkt ilgisi bulunmayan bir harekat. Bir silahın normal depo yerinden çıkarılmasını, kullanılmaya hazırlanmasını, kullanacak bir birliğe teslimini, ve-bir hava aracına yüklenip depoya iadesi dahil-bir eğitim tatbikat arazisindeki hareket ve intikallerini içine alır. Yukarıdaki çalışmaların hepsini veya bir kısmını kapsamakla beraber, fırlatma ve uçuş faaliyetlerini içermektedir. Tipik tatbikat şekilleri; hava aracına yükleme ve indirme tatbikatları, kara hazırlık ve taktik tatbikatları ile birliğin verilen görevi yerine getirme imkan ve kabiliyetinin değerlendirmesi amacıyla yapılan çeşitli denetlemelerdir. Ayrıca bakınız: "immediate operational readiness", "nuclear weapon maneuver"
nuclear weapon maneuver
(Askeri) (DOD, NATO) NÜKLEER SİLAH MANEVRASI (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, NATO): Ani harekat hazırlığı ile direkt ilgisi bulunmayan bir faaliyet. Nükleer silah tatbikatında gösterilen bütün faaliyetler ile birlikte-silahın ateşlenmesinin haricinde-hava araçları ile uçuşu da içine alır. Tipik manevra şekilleri, nükleer harekat hazırlık manevraları ile taktik hava harekatı manevralarıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "immediate operational readiness", "nuclear weapon exercise"
nuclear weapon state
(Askeri) NÜKLEER SİLAH MEMLEKETİ, DEVLETİ: Bak. "military nuclear power"
nuclear weapon suballocation
(Askeri) TALİ NÜKLEER SİLAH TAHSİSİ: Asli birlik komutanlarının, harekat alanı görevlerinden tahsis edilmiş kısımlara uygun olarak, ast komutanlara nükleer silah tahsisinde yaptıkları işlem
nuclear weapon surety
(Askeri) NÜKLEER SİLAH EMNİYETİ: Nükleer silahların emniyetine, güvenliğine ve güvenirliğine katkıda bulunan ve hiç bir nükleer silah kazası, olayı, müsaade edilmemiş patlama veya hedef üzerinde nükleer başlık bozukluğu olmayacağı hususunda itimat telkin eden malzeme, personel ve usuller
nuclear weapons
nükleer silahlar
nuclear weapons report
(Askeri) nükleer silah raporu
nuclear yield
(Askeri) (NATO) NÜKLEER KUDRET (NATO): Nükleer bir silahın infilakı ile serbest kalan enerji: Kudret; aynı enerjiyi serbest bırakmak için gerekli kiloton veya megaton tirinitrotoluen olarak ölçülür
nuclear yields
(Askeri) (DOD, IADB) NÜKLEER KUVVETLER (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Nükleer bir silahın infilakıyla serbest kalan enerji. Kudret; aynı enerjiyi serbest bırakmak için gerekli kiloton veya megaton trinitrotoluen olarak ölçülür. Kudretler şu sınıflara ayrılır. very low - çok düşük: 1 kilotondan az. low - düşük: 1 kiloton ile 10 kiloton arası. medium - orta: 10 kilotonun üzerinde 50 kilotondan az. high - yüksek: 50 kilotonun üstünde 500 kilotondan az. very high - çok yüksek: 500 kilotonun üzerinde. Ayrıca bakınız: "nominal weapon", "subkiloton weapon"
nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) contamination survivability
(Askeri) nükleer, biyolojik ve kimyasal (nbc) kirlenme bekası
nuclear family
anne, baba ve çocuktan oluşan aile
İngilizce - İngilizce
Relating to the core family structure of parents and children

The nuclear family has been the subject of many learned discussions.

Involving atomic or hydrogen bombs

a nuclear explosion.

Involving atomic energy

a nuclear reactor.

Relating to nuclei, especially atomic or cellular ones

The nuclear structure of the cell replicates during mitosis.

Of or pertaining to a nucleus; as, the nuclear spindle see Illust
Nuclear means relating to weapons that explode by using the energy released when the nuclei of atoms are split or combined. They rejected a demand for the removal of all nuclear weapons from UK soil. nuclear testing. = atomic. adj. nuclear species intermediate range nuclear weapons nuclear energy nuclear fission nuclear fusion nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear medicine nuclear physics nuclear power nuclear reactor Nuclear Regulatory Commission nuclear weapon nuclear winter strong nuclear force weak nuclear force Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
Related to the nucleus, or center of an atom Also, related to the fissioning of radioactive isotopes for the purpose of heat generation
Nuclear means relating to the nuclei of atoms, or to the energy released when these nuclei are split or combined. a nuclear power station. nuclear energy. nuclear physics
of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell; "nuclear membrane"; "nuclear division"
Of or related to atomic nuclei Of or derived from nuclear energy Nuclear reactions occur in the core of the sun and generate tremendous heat, and that heat flowing upward keeps the surface hot
of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell; "nuclear membrane"; "nuclear division
(weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs"
An adjective referring to the nucleus (the center) of atoms
Having to do with the nucleus of a cell The nucleus is considered the control centre of a cell
constituting or like a nucleus; "annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis"; "the nuclear core of the congregation" (weapons) deriving destructive energy from the release of atomic energy; "nuclear war"; "nuclear weapons"; "atomic bombs" of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom; "nuclear physics"; "nuclear fission"; "nuclear forces" of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of a cell; "nuclear membrane"; "nuclear division
(NEW-klee-ur) scan
Power A square indicates that the company is involved in the design, construction or operation of nuclear power stations, radioactive waste handling and/or the mining, processing or reprocessing of uranium A half square indicates production of other nuclear-related equipment, for example monitoring equipment
constituting or like a nucleus; "annexation of the suburban fringe by the nuclear metropolis"; "the nuclear core of the congregation"
the weapon in which destructive power gather an uncontrolled nuclear reaction
of Karyokinesis or the nuclear fibrils of a cell; the nuclear part of a comet, etc
of or relating to or constituting the nucleus of an atom; "nuclear physics"; "nuclear fission"; "nuclear forces"
{s} of or pertaining to a nucleus; utilizing the atomic nucleus; pertaining to atomic weapons; powered by atomic energy
nuclear age
The age in which nuclear energy and nuclear weapons were developed
nuclear airburst
the explosion of a nuclear weapon at such an altitude that the fireball remains above the ground
nuclear airbursts
plural form of nuclear airburst
nuclear aircraft
a proposed aircraft that would be powered by nuclear energy
nuclear artillery
a limited-yield nuclear weapon delivered using an artillery shell
nuclear battery
any device that converts the energy of particles emitted from atomic nuclei into electrical energy
nuclear bomb
A nuclear weapon
nuclear bombs
plural form of nuclear bomb
nuclear cataract
a cataract that affects just the dense inner part of the lens
nuclear chemistry
The application of chemical techniques to the solution of problems in nuclear physics, including the discovery of naturally occurring and synthetic radioactive elements and the results of nuclear fission
nuclear data
Compilation of experimental and evaluated data describing nuclear properties
nuclear deterrent
The arsenal of nuclear weapons of a nation viewed as a deterrent to an enemy from attacking
nuclear energy
such energy used as a power source
nuclear energy
the energy released by a nuclear reaction; either through nuclear fission or nuclear fusion
nuclear families
plural form of nuclear family
nuclear family
a family unit consisting of at most a father, mother and dependent children
nuclear fission
a nuclear reaction in which a large nucleus splits into smaller ones with the simultaneous release of energy
nuclear force
The strong interaction that binds quarks and gluons together to form nucleons; the colour force
nuclear force
The force that acts between nucleons and binds protons and neutrons into atomic nuclei; the residual strong force
nuclear forces
plural form of nuclear force
nuclear fusion
The combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones, with a resulting release of large quantities of energy; the process that makes the sun shine, and hydrogen bomb explode
nuclear fusions
plural form of nuclear fusion
nuclear holocaust
the possibility of complete annihilation of human civilization by nuclear war
nuclear holocaust
The envisaged result of a nuclear war or nuclear accident, especially one involving widespread destruction of life and the environment.New Shorter Oxford Dictionary, January 1997, Electronic Version 1.0.03
nuclear holocausts
plural form of nuclear holocaust
nuclear hydrogen detection meter
A device that contains a radioactive source to emit high velocity neutrons into a roof system. Reflecting neutrons are measured by a gauge that is used to detect hydrogen; the quantity of hydrogen detected may be linked to the pressure of water
nuclear magnetic resonance
The absorption of electromagnetic radiation (radio waves), at a specific frequency, by an atomic nucleus placed in a strong magnetic field; used in spectroscopy and in magnetic resonance imaging
nuclear magneton
the unit of magnetic moment used to describe nucleons such as the proton
nuclear matrix
A framework of fibers extending throughout the nucleus of a cell
nuclear medicine
The branch of medicine that uses radioactive isotopes in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
nuclear physics
The branch of physics that studies the nucleus of the atom, its internal structure and components
nuclear pore complex
A proteinaceous assembly that selectively transports cargoes across the nuclear envelope
nuclear power
Power, especially electrical power, obtained using nuclear fission or nuclear fusion
nuclear power
A nation that possesses nuclear weapons
nuclear quadrupole resonance
a technique, allied to nuclear magnetic resonance, that has a number of academic and practical applications
nuclear reaction
a process such as the fission of an atomic nucleus, or the fusion of one or more atomic nuclei and / or subatomic particles in which the number of protons and / or neutrons in a nucleus changes; the reaction products may contain a different element or a different isotope of the same element
nuclear reactions
plural form of nuclear reaction
nuclear reactor
Any device in which a controlled chain reaction is maintained for the purpose of creating heat (for power generation) or for creating neutrons and other fission products for experimental, medical or other purposes
nuclear reactor core
That part of a nuclear reactor which contains the fuel components that are undergoing nuclear reactions
nuclear reactor cores
plural form of nuclear reactor core
nuclear reactors
plural form of nuclear reactor
nuclear response function
A relationship that describes the probability of a particle that collides with another being scattered in any particular manner
nuclear rocket
A rocket where a nuclear process, especially an onboard fission reactor, enables thrust to be produced
nuclear rocket
A rocket with a nuclear reactor aboard
nuclear rockets
plural form of nuclear rocket
nuclear spectrum
the distribution of the intensity of particles or radiation emitted in a nuclear process as a function of energy - a unique signature of each process
nuclear summer
A period, hypothesised to follow a nuclear winter, in which surface temperatures rise to a dangerous degree
nuclear summers
plural form of nuclear summer
nuclear testing
The testing of a nuclear weapon
nuclear war
A war fought using nuclear (fission of fusion) weapons

Technically, WW II is the only nuclear war, we all hope it was the last as well.

nuclear wars
plural form of nuclear war
nuclear waste
The more or less radioactive waste produced by nuclear reactors and others
nuclear weapon
A weapon that derives its energy from the nuclear reactions of either fission or fusion
nuclear weapons
plural form of nuclear weapon
nuclear winter
A predicted drop in global temperature following a nuclear war due to dust in the upper atmosphere reducing sunlight reaching the ground
nuclear winters
plural form of nuclear winter
nuclear-electric rocket
a rocket with an ion engine powered by a nuclear reactor
nuclear-electric rockets
plural form of nuclear-electric rocket
Free of nuclear weapons and/or nuclear power stations, said especially of an area that has been declared to be such
nuclear-free zone
An area in which the local or regional authorities have banned nuclear weapons and nuclear power stations
nuclear-pulse rocket
a rocket that uses the impulse imparted by the detonation of nuclear bombs as the propulsive force to propel the spacecraft
nuclear-pulse rockets
plural form of nuclear-pulse rocket
nuclear-thermal rocket
a rocket with a thermal gas exhaust engine, whereby the thermal fluid is heated by the nuclear reactor
nuclear-thermal rockets
plural form of nuclear-thermal rocket
nuclear-thermoelectric rocket
a rocket with a thermal ion engine, whereby the ions are ionized by electricity from a nuclear reactor, and the fluid that is the source of the ions is heated by that nuclear reactor to increase specific impulse
nuclear-thermoelectric rockets
plural form of nuclear-thermoelectric rocket
Nuclear Energy Agency
The Nuclear Energy Agency is an intergovernmental multinational agency that is organized under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Originally formed on 1 February 1958 with the name European Nuclear Energy Agency (ENEA) (the United States participated as an Associate Member), the name was changed in 1972 to its current name after Japan became a member
nuclear envelope
The double-layered membrane enclosing the nucleus of a cell. Also called nuclear membrane
nuclear proliferation
(Politika Siyaset) Nuclear proliferation is a term now used to describe the spread of nuclear weapons, fissile material, and weapons-applicable nuclear technology and information, to nations which are not recognized as "nuclear weapon States" by the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also known as the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty or NPT
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
international treaty designed to stem the proliferation of materials and technology for building nuclear weapons (took effect in 1970)
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
the NRC a US government organization that checks on the safety of nuclear power stations. U.S. independent regulatory agency that oversees the civilian use of nuclear energy. Established in 1974 to replace the Atomic Energy Commission, the NRC licenses the construction and operation of nuclear reactors and other facilities and the ownership and use of nuclear materials. It issues standards, rules, and regulations for the maintenance of licenses, and it regularly inspects nuclear facilities to ensure compliance with public health and safety, environmental quality, national security, and antitrust laws. The NRC also investigates nuclear accidents, conducts public hearings, and reviews power-plant operations. Its commissioners are appointed by the president of the U.S
Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty
officially Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water Treaty that prohibits all tests of nuclear weapons except those conducted underground. U.S.-Soviet test-ban talks began after concerns arose in the 1940s and '50s about the dangers of radioactive fallout from aboveground nuclear tests. These talks made little progress until the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. In the following year, Britain, the U.S., and the Soviet Union signed the treaty, and more than 100 other governments soon followed. France and China were notable nonsignatories. In 1996 the treaty was replaced by the Comprehensive Test-Ban Treaty, which will not take effect until it is signed by all 44 countries with nuclear power plants. India refuses to do so on the ground that the treaty lacks disarmament provisions and permits nonexplosive testing. See also Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
nuclear accident
release of radioactive fuel due to an explosion or meltdown in a nuclear reactor
nuclear bomb
destructive bomb that is based upon the energy that is released from the splitting of plutonium or uranium atoms
nuclear bomb
a very powerful bomb that uses nuclear energy to kill a lot of people and destroy large areas
nuclear capability
If a country has nuclear capability, it is able to produce nuclear power and usually nuclear weapons
nuclear chemist
a chemist who specializes in nuclear chemistry
nuclear club
the nations possessing nuclear weapons
nuclear deterrence
the threat of using nuclear weapons as a way to stop an enemy from attacking
nuclear disarmament
reduction of nuclear weapons
nuclear emulsion
Any of several photographic emulsions used to detect and visually display the paths of charged subatomic particles, especially of charged cosmic ray particles
nuclear energy
or atomic energy Energy released from atomic nuclei in significant amounts. In 1919 Ernest Rutherford discovered that alpha rays could split the nucleus of an atom. This led ultimately to the discovery of the neutron and the release of huge amounts of energy by the process of nuclear fission. Nuclear energy is also released as a result of nuclear fusion. The release of nuclear energy can be controlled or uncontrolled. Nuclear reactors carefully control the release of energy, whereas the energy release of a nuclear weapon or resulting from a core meltdown in a nuclear reactor is uncontrolled. See also chain reaction, nuclear power, radioactivity
nuclear engineering
the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction and operation of nuclear reactors
nuclear explosion
the explosion of an atomic bomb
nuclear fallout
particles charged with radio-active material that was formed as a result of a nuclear explosion
nuclear family
family unit (consisting of a father, a mother and their children); five nations that are known to possess nuclear weapons (United States, Russia, Britain, France, and China)
nuclear family
A married couple and their unmarried children living together (See 291)
nuclear family
a family where only two generations live together (eg parents and children, but no grandparents)
nuclear family
a family consisting of parents and their children and grandparents of a marital partner
nuclear family
Membership within household includes one man, one woman, and their children, if any
nuclear family
Consists of a husband, wife, and their offspring
nuclear fission
splitting of an atom's nucleus into two equal parts
nuclear force
Strong interaction
nuclear fuel
fuel (such as uranium) that can be used in nuclear reactors as a source of electricity
nuclear fuel
use of nuclear fission as a source of fuel
nuclear fusion
The nuclear process whereby several small nuclei are combined to make a larger one whose mass is slightly smaller than the sum of the small ones Nuclear fusion is the reaction that fuels the Sun, where hydrogen nuclei are fused to form helium
nuclear fusion
a process in which substances fuse to from new substances and releasing large amounts of heat and light energy
nuclear fusion
The forming of a heavier atomic nucleus by joining lighter nuclei After the fusion, the resulting nucleus has a slightly lower mass than the sum of the masses of the nuclei that formed it That mass deficit appears in the form of energy according to the famous equation E = mc², where E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light The amount of energy released is enormous and is the primary source of energy in the center of stars It is also the source of energy for fusion (hydrogen) bombs, which can use the much less powerful fission (atomic) bombs as a detonator
nuclear fusion
action in which two light nuclei join into one stable nucleus which is lighter than the total of the two and therefore emits energy
nuclear fusion
A process in which two smaller atomic nuclei fuse into one larger nucleus and release energy; the source of power in a hydrogen bomb
nuclear fusion
The process by which two nuclei collide and coalesce to form a single, heavier nucleus
nuclear fusion
A nuclear process in which 2 or more elements, such as hydrogen, collide and fuse together to make a heavier element, such as helium, to produce a large amount of energy This power source is non-polluting, very efficient, and fuel is extremely broad and plentiful SeaQuest's fusion reactor is its primary source of power This power source only exists today as large experimental reactors in physics labs
nuclear fusion
a nuclear reaction in which the nuclei (=central parts) of atoms join together, which produces power without producing any waste. Process by which nuclear reactions between light elements form heavier ones, releasing huge amounts of energy. In 1939 Hans Bethe suggested that the energy output of the sun and other stars is a result of fusion reactions among hydrogen nuclei. In the early 1950s American scientists produced the hydrogen bomb by inducing fusion reactions in a mixture of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, forming a heavier helium nucleus. Though fusion is common in the sun and other stars, it is difficult to produce artificially and is very difficult to control. If controlled nuclear fusion is achieved, it might provide an inexpensive energy source because the primary fuel, deuterium, can be extracted from ordinary water, and eight gallons of water could provide the energy equivalent to 2,500 gallons of gasoline
nuclear fusion
a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy
nuclear fusion
The combination of the nuclei of certain extremely light elements, especially hydrogen, effected by the application of high temperature and pressure Nuclear fusion causes the release of an enormous amount of heat energy, comparable to that released by nuclear fission The principal by product of nuclear fusion is helium
nuclear fusion
Atomic nuclear processes which involve the fusing of nuclei with an accompanying release of energy
nuclear fusion
The fusion of light atomic nuclei sets the binding energy free For this purpose, the atomic nuclei, despite of their electric repulsion, must be brought so close together that they nearly touch This requires an energy of several MeV (million electron volt) Nuclear fusion therefore a very high temperature of the plasma
nuclear magneton
A unit of the magnetic moment of a nucleon
nuclear medicine
The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radionuclides in diagnosis and treatment of disease. Medical specialty using radioactive elements or isotopes for diagnosis and treatment of disease. A radioisotope is introduced into the body (usually by injection). The radiation it emits, detected by a scanner and recorded, reflects its distribution in different tissues and can reveal the presence, size, and shape of abnormalities in various organs. The isotopes used have short half-lives and decay before radioactivity causes any damage. Different isotopes tend to concentrate in particular organs (e.g., iodine-131 in the thyroid). Radioactive substances are also implanted to treat small, early-stage cancers. This yields a slow, continuous dose that limits damage to normal cells while destroying tumour cells. See also computed axial tomography; diagnostic imaging; positron emission tomography; radiation therapy; radiology
nuclear medicine
the branch of medicine that uses radioactive materials either to image a patient's body or to destroy diseased cells
nuclear membrane
The double-layered membrane enclosing the nucleus of a cell. Also called nuclear envelope
nuclear mushroom
column of smoke shaped like a mushroom that forms over the site of a nuclear explosion
nuclear physicist
a physicist who specializes in nuclear physics
nuclear physics
atomic physics, branch in physics which deals with the study of atomic structures
nuclear physics
the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei
nuclear power
Electricity generated by nuclear reactors of various types such as heavy water, light water and boiling water
nuclear power
Electricity generated from nuclear processes
nuclear power
Power, the source of which is nuclear fission or fusion
nuclear power
Energy produced by nuclear fission of heavy atomic nuclei. About one-third of all electric power worldwide now comes from nuclear power plants. The navies of many countries include nuclear-powered warships; almost half of U.S. combat warships are nuclear-powered. Most commercial nuclear reactors are thermal reactors. Two types of light-water reactors in use throughout the world are the boiling-water reactor and the pressurized-water reactor. In the liquid-metal fast-breeder reactor, fuel is utilized 60 times more effectively than in light-water reactors. See also nuclear energy
nuclear power plant
Any device or assembly that converts nuclear energy into useful power In a nuclear electric power plant, heat produced by a reactor is used to produce steam to drive a turbine that in turn drives an electricity generator
nuclear power plant
An electric power plant that converts nuclear energy into electrical energy Heat produced by a reactor is used to make steam to drive a turbine that in turn drives an electric generator
nuclear power station
atomic reactor which is used to produce electricity
nuclear radiation
ionized radiation whose source is in the process of atomic splitting or nuclear fission
nuclear reaction
A reaction, as in fission, fusion, or radioactive decay, that alters the energy, composition, or structure of an atomic nucleus
nuclear reaction
(physics) a process that alters the energy or structure or composition of atomic nuclei
nuclear reaction
processes which cause changes in atomic nuclei
nuclear reactor
A structure in which a fission chain reaction can be maintained and controlled It usually contains fuel, coolant, moderator, control absorbers and safety devices and is most often surrounded by a concrete biological shield to absorb neutron and gamma ray emmision
nuclear reactor
An apparatus in which the nuclear fission chain can be initiated, maintained, and controlled so that energy is released at a specific rate The reactor apparatus includes fissionable material (fuel) such as uranium or plutonium; fertile material; moderating material (unless it is a fast reactor); a heavy-walled pressure vessel; shielding to protect personnel; provision for heat removal; and control elements and instrumentation Designs of nuclear reactors currently in use or under development include
nuclear reactor
A device in which a nuclear fission chain reaction can be initiated, sustained, and controlled to generate heat or to produce useful radiation
nuclear reactor
A nuclear reactor is a machine which is used to produce nuclear energy or the place where this machine and other related machinery and equipment is kept. They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons. Any of several devices in which a chain reaction is initiated and controlled, with the resulting heat typically used for power generation and the neutrons and fission products used for military, experimental, and medical purposes. Also called atomic reactor. a large machine that produces nuclear energy, especially as a means of producing electricity. Device that can initiate and control a self-sustaining series of nuclear-fission reactions. Neutrons released in one fission reaction may strike other heavy nuclei, causing them to fission. The rate of this chain reaction is controlled by introducing materials, usually in the form of rods, that readily absorb neutrons. Typically, control rods made of cadmium or boron are gradually inserted into the core if the series of fissions begins to proceed at too great a rate, which could lead to meltdown of the core. The heat released by fission is removed from the reactor core by a coolant circulated through the core. Some of the thermal energy in the coolant is used to heat water and convert it to high-pressure steam. This steam drives a turbine, and the turbine's mechanical energy is then converted into electricity by means of a generator. Besides providing a valuable source of electric power for commercial use, nuclear reactors also serve to propel certain types of military surface vessels, submarines, and some unmanned spacecraft. Another major application of reactors is the production of radioactive isotopes that are used extensively in scientific research, medical therapy, and industry
nuclear reactor
A device in which a nuclear fission chain reaction can be initiated, maintained, and controlled
nuclear reactor
(physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements
nuclear reactor
An apparatus in which nuclear fission may be sustained in a self supporting chain reaction Commonly called reactor Formerly called pile
nuclear reactor
A device containing fissionable material in sufficient quantity and suitable arrangement to maintain a controlled, self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction
nuclear reactor
A device in which a fission chain reaction can be initiated, maintained, and controlled Its essential components are fissionable fuel, moderator, shielding, control rods, and coolant
nuclear reactor
atomic reactor, mechanism for the production of radio-active energy
nuclear reactor
A mechanism fueled by fissionable materials in a controlled nuclear chain reaction that releases heat, which can be used for civil purposes to generate electricity Since reactors also produce fissionable material (e g plutonium) in the irradiated fuel, they may be used as a source of fissile material for weapons Nuclear reactors fall into three general categories: power reactors, production reactors (for weapons), and research reactors
nuclear reactor
a place to convert uranium into usable energy through the fission process
nuclear research
study of nuclear energy
nuclear resonance
the resonance absorption of a gamma ray by a nucleus identical to the nucleus that emitted the gamma ray
nuclear rna
ribonucleic acid found in the nucleolus of the cell
nuclear rocket
a rocket engine in which a nuclear reactor is used to heat a propellant
nuclear technology
science and technology associated with atomic and nuclear reactions
nuclear terrorism
the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials; "assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism
nuclear test
test carried out for evaluating nuclear weapons
nuclear war head
forward section of a nuclear weapon that contains the explosive
nuclear warfare
war in which nuclear weapons are used
nuclear warhead
front part of a missile carrying nuclear cargo
nuclear waste
waste material from nuclear reactors, which is radioactive
nuclear waste
remainders that result after nuclear fission
nuclear weapon
A device, such as a bomb or warhead, whose great explosive power derives from the release of nuclear energy. or atomic weapon or thermonuclear weapon Bomb or other warhead that derives its force from either nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, or both and is delivered by an aircraft, missile, or other system. Fission weapons, commonly known as atomic bombs, release energy by splitting the nuclei of uranium or plutonium atoms; fusion weapons, known as hydrogen bombs or thermonuclear bombs, fuse nuclei of the hydrogen isotopes tritium or deuterium. Most modern nuclear weapons actually combine both processes. Nuclear weapons are the most potent explosive devices ever invented. Their destructive effects include not only a blast equivalent to thousands of tons of TNT but also blinding light, searing heat, and lethal radioactive fallout. The number of nuclear weapons reached its peak in the 1980s, when the U.S. had some 33,000 and the Soviet Union 38,000. Since the end of the Cold War both countries have decommissioned or dismantled thousands of warheads. Other declared nuclear powers are the United Kingdom, France, China, India, and Pakistan. Israel is widely assumed to possess nuclear weapons, and North Korea, Iran, and Iraq often have been accused of seeking to build them. Some countries, such as South Africa, Brazil, and Argentina, have acknowledged pursuing nuclear weapons in the past but have abandoned their programs. See also Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty; Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
nuclear weapon
weapon that destroys using nuclear fission or fusion
nuclear weapons
weapon which makes use of nuclear energy so as to produce awesome repulsion and deadly radiation
nuclear winter
theoretical cool down of the Earth's climate that would occur following a nuclear war (as a result of dust and airborne particles blocking the Sun's heat and light)
A nuclear-free place is a place where nuclear energy or nuclear weapons are forbidden. Strathclyde council has declared itself a nuclear-free zone. places that are nuclear-free do not allow nuclear materials to be carried, stored, or used in that area
nuclear-powered ship
ship whose motive power comes from the energy of a nuclear reactor
nuclear family
A pair of biologic parents and their children
nuclear family
A nuclear family is a family unit that consists of father, mother, and children. A family unit consisting of a mother and father and their children. a family unit that consists only of a husband, wife and children extended family
nuclear family
a woman and/or husband and dependent children
nuclear family
A family unit consisting of parents and their dependent children
nuclear family
A family comprised of one or two parents and their dependent children, all of whom live apart from other relatives



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