Nie jesteś winien tego wypadku. - You are not to blame for the accident.
Nie jesteś winien tego wypadku.
You are not to blame for the accident.
Powiedział, by na niego nie czekać. - He told me not to wait for him.
Powiedział, by na niego nie czekać.
He told me not to wait for him.
Я постараюсь не мешать тебе учиться. - I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.
Я постараюсь не мешать тебе учиться.
I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.
Когда нам говорят не приходить, нам только ещё сильнее хочется прийти. - When we are told not to come, we become all the more eager to go.
Когда нам говорят не приходить, нам только ещё сильнее хочется прийти.
When we are told not to come, we become all the more eager to go.
Ela o aconselhou a não comer muito. - She advised him not to eat too much.
Ela o aconselhou a não comer muito.
She advised him not to eat too much.
Ele já esteve em Portugal, para não mencionar também a Espanha. - He has been to Portugal, not to mention Spain.
Ele já esteve em Portugal, para não mencionar também a Espanha.
He has been to Portugal, not to mention Spain.
C'est mieux pour vous de ne pas voir mon grand-père. - It's better for you not to see my grandpa.
C'est mieux pour vous de ne pas voir mon grand-père.
It's better for you not to see my grandpa.
La prochaine fois, j’essaierai de ne pas faire de fautes. - I'll try not to make mistakes next time.
La prochaine fois, j’essaierai de ne pas faire de fautes.
I'll try not to make mistakes next time.
Ich beeilte mich, um den Zug nicht zu verpassen. - I was in a hurry in order not to miss the train.
Ich beeilte mich, um den Zug nicht zu verpassen.
I was in a hurry in order not to miss the train.
Er ist nicht zu arm, um ein Fahrrad zu kaufen. - He is not too poor to buy a bicycle.
Er ist nicht zu arm, um ein Fahrrad zu kaufen.
He is not too poor to buy a bicycle.
Jeg skrev hendes adresse ned for ikke at glemme den. - I wrote down her address so as not to forget it.
Jeg skrev hendes adresse ned for ikke at glemme den.
I wrote down her address so as not to forget it.
Jeg besluttede, ikke at tage til Europa. - I decided not to go to Europe.
Jeg besluttede, ikke at tage til Europa.
I decided not to go to Europe.
Te zijn of niet te zijn, dat is de kwestie. - To be or not to be, that is the question.
Te zijn of niet te zijn, dat is de kwestie.
To be or not to be, that is the question.
Er zijn veel goede redenen om het niet te doen. - There are many good reasons not to do it.
Er zijn veel goede redenen om het niet te doen.
There are many good reasons not to do it.