Mamy zasadę, że nie ujawniamy danych osobowych. - It is our policy not to give out personal information.
Mamy zasadę, że nie ujawniamy danych osobowych.
It is our policy not to give out personal information.
Nie jesteś winien tego wypadku. - You are not to blame for the accident.
Nie jesteś winien tego wypadku.
You are not to blame for the accident.
Он старался не обидеть остальных. - He tried not to hurt others' feelings.
Он старался не обидеть остальных.
He tried not to hurt others' feelings.
Я постараюсь не мешать тебе учиться. - I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.
Я постараюсь не мешать тебе учиться.
I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.
Eu te disse para não falar sobre o assunto na presença dela. - I told you not to talk about the matter in her presence.
Eu te disse para não falar sobre o assunto na presença dela.
I told you not to talk about the matter in her presence.
É rude da parte dele não me ligar. - It is rude of him not to give me a call.
É rude da parte dele não me ligar.
It is rude of him not to give me a call.
Je pense que c'est mieux de ne pas être impoli. - I think it is best not to be impolite.
Je pense que c'est mieux de ne pas être impoli.
I think it is best not to be impolite.
C'est mieux pour vous de ne pas voir mon grand-père. - It's better for you not to see my grandpa.
C'est mieux pour vous de ne pas voir mon grand-père.
It's better for you not to see my grandpa.
Ich beeilte mich, um den Zug nicht zu verpassen. - I hurried so as not to miss the train.
Ich beeilte mich, um den Zug nicht zu verpassen.
I hurried so as not to miss the train.
Man darf sich nur auf sich selbst verlassen. Und auch das nicht zu sehr. - You should only count on yourself--but even then, not too much.
Man darf sich nur auf sich selbst verlassen. Und auch das nicht zu sehr.
You should only count on yourself--but even then, not too much.
Han besluttede sig for ikke at gå til mødet. - He decided not to go to the meeting.
Han besluttede sig for ikke at gå til mødet.
He decided not to go to the meeting.
Det gjorde mig næsten bange ikke at se dig online i en hel dag. - It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.
Det gjorde mig næsten bange ikke at se dig online i en hel dag.
It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.
Hij kwam, hoewel ik hem gezegd had het niet te doen. - He came even though I told him not to.
Hij kwam, hoewel ik hem gezegd had het niet te doen.
He came even though I told him not to.
Ik zal proberen je niet te storen bij het leren. - I'll do my best not to disturb your studying.
Ik zal proberen je niet te storen bij het leren.