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listen to the pronunciation of normal
İngilizce - Türkçe
{s} olağan
{i} standart

Tom çoğunlukla abur cubur yese de, nadiren hastalanır ve Vücut Kitle İndeksi normal aralıktadır. - Even though Tom eats mostly junk food, he rarely gets sick and his BMI is in the normal range.

(Biyokimya) düzgül

Kız arkadaşımın normal olduğunu düşündüm ama onun bir şeytan olduğu ortaya çıktı. - I thought that my girlfriend was normal, but she turned out to be a succubus!

Onun normal pozisyonu üçüncü orta saha oyuncusu. - His normal position is third baseman.

(Tıp) Herhangi bir şekilde (yapı, görünüş, işlev v.s.) anormallik göstermeyen, tabii, normal
{i} dikey doğru
{s} dikey
{s} tipik
{s} dik açılı
olağan, normal normal

Normalde günde kaç saat çalışıyorsun? - How many hours do you normally work?

Dünya'da böyle çok insan vardır. Normalde onlar cesur değildir. Hava karardıktan sonra, onlar cesur olur. - There are many people like this in the world. Normally, they're not brave. After getting drunk, they turn brave.

normal bir şekilde
normal equations
(Bilgisayar) olağan denklemler
normal frequency
(Askeri) çalışma frekansı
normal modes
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) doğal kipler
normal plane
(Matematik) dik düzlem
normal science
olağan bilim
normal stress
yüzeye dik gerilim
normal stress
(Dilbilim) olağan vurgu
normal use
(Ticaret) normal kullanım
normal distribution
olağan dağılım
normal distribution
normal frekans dağılımı
normal distribution
normal dağılım
normal acceleration
normal hızlanma
normal drop hammer
Normal tokmak
normal electrode
normal elektrot
normal file
normal dosya
normal flow direction
normal akış yönü
normal force
normal kuvvet
normal function
normal fonksiyon, düzgen işlev
normal induction
normal endüksiyon
normal line
normal doğru, düzgen doğru
normal load
normal yük
normal magnetization
normal mıknatıslama
normal mode
normal mod
normal plane
normal düzlem, düzgen düzlem
normal pressure
normal basınç
normal school
öğretmen okulu
normal section
normal kesit, düzgen kesit
normal solution
normal çözelti
normal speed
normal hız
normal stage punching
normal kademeli delgileme
normal stress
normal gerilme
normal temperature
normal sıcaklık
normal velocity
normal hız
normal visual range
normal görüş alanı
normal alphabet
(Askeri) NORMAL ALFABE: A'dan başlayıp Z'de biten direkt standart alfabe
normal atom
(Fizik) olağan atom
normal atom
(Fizik,Teknik) normal atom
normal audition
(Tıp) ortakuzi
normal backup
(Bilgisayar) normal yedekleme
normal barrage
(Askeri) NORMAL BARAJ ATEŞİ: Emrinde topçu destek birliği bulunan bir komutanlığın, düşman taarruzu halinde mevziin korunması için, destek topçu tarafından yapılan sabit baraj ateşi. Bir batarya başka bir faaliyeti olmadığı zaman normal baraj ateşi açacak şekilde bulundurulur ve desteklenen birlikten verilen işaret üzerine bu ateşi açar
normal barrage
(Askeri) normal baraj ateşi
normal bed capacity
(Askeri) NORMAL YATAK KAPASİTESİ: Hasta yatakları için ayrılan koğuş ve odalarda, kurulabilecek yatak miktarı olarak ölçülen ve yatak ortasından yatak ortasına aralık 8 fit (yatak başına ortalama 100 fit kare) olarak kabul edilen hasta yatakları sahası
normal behavior
(Bilgisayar) olağan davranış
normal bend
normal dirsek
normal boot
(Bilgisayar) normal önyükleme
normal braking
(Otomotiv) normal frenleme
normal button
(Bilgisayar) normal düğme
normal charge
(Askeri) normal barut hakkı
normal charge
(Askeri) NORMAL BARUT HAKKI: Normal şartlar altında, bir topun ateşlenmesinde kullanılan standart hakkı. Normal barut hakkı; özel şartlar altında kullanılan azaltılmış barut hakkından (reduced charge) veya tam barut hakkından (supercharge) farklıdır
normal charge
normal şarj
normal colors
(Bilgisayar) normal renkler
normal crossing
(Askeri) emniyetli geçiş
normal crossing
(Askeri) EMNİYETLİ GEÇİŞ: Köprülerden geçişte vasıta sınıf numarası köprü sınıf numarasına eşit veya bundan daha küçük olması halinde yapılan geçiş. Aksi halde geçiş kontrolü, ihtiyatlı veya tehlikeli olarak adlandırılır
normal curvature
(Matematik) normal eğrilik
normal curvature
(Matematik) düzgen eğrilik
normal depth
normal derinlik
normal document
(Bilgisayar) normal belge
normal document view
Normal belge görünümü
normal drag
Normal Sürükleme
normal editing view
Normal düzenleme görünümü
normal equations
olagan denklemler
normal fault heading against the dip
tabakalanma eğimine dik normal fay
normal fault heading with the dip
tabakalanma eğimine uyumlu normal fay
normal final
(Bilgisayar) normal son
normal frames
(Bilgisayar) normal çerçeve
normal frames
(Bilgisayar) normal kare
normal frequency
(Askeri) NORMAL TEKERRÜR: Kriptografide; bir metin veya birim harfinin, açık metin meydana getiren diğer metin birim veya harflerine oranla büyük bir metinde, yapılan istatistikle elde edilen standart tekerrür
normal function
(Matematik) normal fonksiyon
normal function
(Matematik) düzgen işlev
normal gas
normal gaz
normal goods
(Ticaret) standart mal
normal graphics
(Bilgisayar) normal grafikler
normal heptane
normal heptan
normal hours
(Ticaret) normal saat
normal humidity
normal nem
normal hyphen
Normal tire
normal icon
(Bilgisayar) normal simge
normal impact
(Askeri) NORMAL VURUŞ, DİKİNE VURUŞ: Bir merminin kendi uçuş yoluna dikey bir düzeye çarpması
normal impact
(Askeri) normal vuruş
normal impact
(Askeri) dikine vuruş
normal impact effect
(Askeri) NORMAL VURUŞ ETKİSİ: Bak. "cardinal point effect"
normal impedance
(Elektrik, Elektronik) olağan celi
normal impedance
(Elektrik, Elektronik) normal empedans
normal incidence
(Nükleer Bilimler) dik geliş (bkz.straight beam)
normal indent
(Bilgisayar) normal girinti
normal inspection
(Nükleer Bilimler) normal denetim
normal intelligence reports
(Askeri) NORMAL İSTİHBARAT RAPORLARI: Ayrı ayrı istihbarat maddelerinin hemen yayınlanmasında klasik olarak kullanılır, istihbarat yayınlanmasında geçerli bir rapor sınıfı. Bak. "intelligence reporting", "specialist intelligence reports"
normal interval
(Askeri) NORMAL ARALIK: Yan yana duran askerler arasındaki boşluk. Bu aralık; sol kolun omuz hizasına kadar kaldırılması ve parmak uçlarının, aynı sırada bulunan diğer elin omzuna değdirilmesi suretiyle alınır. Bak. "close interval"
normal landing
(Askeri) NORMAL İNİŞ: Bir uçak uçuş hızını kaybettiği anda, iniş takımının ve (varsa) kuyruk tekerleğinin pist sathına temas ettirmesi ile yapılan iniş
normal landing
(Askeri,Havacılık) normal iniş
normal landing
(Askeri,Havacılık) üç nokta inişi
normal level
normal düzey
normal level
normal seviye
normal lift
(Havacılık) normal kaldırma kuvveti
normal lighting
(Askeri) normal aydınlatma
normal lighting
(Askeri) (GROUND VEHICLES) NORMAL AYDINLATMA (KARA TAŞITLARI): Askeri nedenlerle kısıtlama olmaksızın belirli bir ülkenin kanunu tarafından öngörülen veya müsaade edilen şekilde taşıtların aydınlatılması. Bak. "reduced lighting (ground vehicles) "
normal limb
normal kanat (kıvrım)
normal line
(Matematik) düzgen doğru
normal line
(Matematik) normal doğru
normal line
(Askeri) dik çizgi
normal lines
(Matematik) normal doğrular
normal margine
(Ticaret) normal marj
normal margins
Normal Kenar Boşlukları
normal market
(Ticaret) normal piyasa
normal matrix
(Matematik) düzgen dizey
normal matrix
(Matematik) normal matris
normal mode interference
uclar arasi karisim
normal modes
dogal kipler
normal mood
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) doğal duygudurum
normal operating conditions
olagan calisma kosullari
normal operation
(Nükleer Bilimler) normal işletme
normal operations
(Askeri) NORMAL FAALİYETLER: Birleştirilmiş bir muharip komutanının kendisine belirli bir coğrafi bölge veya görev bölgesi tahsis edildiği zaman girişeceği kapsamlı işleri ifade eden genel ve müşterek bir terim. Birleştirilmiş komutanlık planının belirli komutanlıklara ait bazı maddelerinde başka şekilde nitelendirilmediği takdirde, birleştirilmiş bir kuvvet komutanının "normal faaliyetleri" şu hususları içine alır; olağanüstü durumlar; mevzii harp ve genel harp harekatının planlanması, sevk ve idaresi; askeri yardımın planlanması ve idaresi, müşterek kurmay başkanları 2, 3 ve 4 nolu yayınlarda emredilen ilişkilerin idamesi, direktifi yürütülmesi ve yetkinin koordine edilmesi
normal operator
(Matematik) normal operatör
normal operator
(Matematik) düzgen işleç
normal page
(Bilgisayar) normal sayfa
normal pages
Normal sayfalar
normal pan
(Bilgisayar) normal geçiş
normal pattern
(Otomotiv) normal osilogram
normal position
(Bilgisayar) normal konum
normal power
normal güç
normal price
normal fiyat
normal print
(Bilgisayar) normal yazdırma
normal print
(Bilgisayar) normal baskı
normal probability curve
normal range of use
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) olağan kullanım erimi
normal range of use
olagan kullanim erimi
normal return
(Ticaret) normal getiri
normal return
(Ticaret) normal gelir
normal risk
(Ticaret) normal riziko
normal science
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) olağan bilim (kuhn)
normal scour
normal oyulma
normal select
Normal Seçme
normal select
(Bilgisayar) normal seçim
normal share
(Bilgisayar) normal paylaşım
normal shim
normal beslenme
normal shock
(Otomotiv) normal şok
normal shutdown
(Nükleer Bilimler) normal durdurma
normal sitting position
(Askeri) NORMAL ATIŞ VAZİYETİ: Namlu ağzı ortalama 21 inç (33.5 cm) yukarıda olan bir makinalı tüfek nişancısının oturarak atış vaziyeti
normal size
Normal Boyut
normal size
(Bilgisayar) normal boyuta göre
normal solution
normal solüsyon
normal space
(Matematik) normal uzay
normal space
(Matematik) düzgen uzay
normal state
(Nükleer Bilimler) normal durum
normal state
normal hal
normal style
Normal Biçem
normal subgroup
(Matematik) düzgen altöbek
normal subgroup
(Bilgisayar) normal alt grup
normal subgroup
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) normal altgrup
normal subject
(Dilbilim) içsel özne
normal usage
(Otomotiv) normal kulanım
normal value
(Ticaret) doğal kıymet
normal variate
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) gauss değişkeni
normal wideband
(Askeri) normal geniş bant
normal wideband line termination unit
(Askeri) normal geniş bant hat sonlandırma birimi
normal wideband terminal
(Askeri) normal geniş bant terminali O
normal zone of fire
(Askeri) ESAS ATEŞ BÖLGESİ: Ateş bölgesi içinde, bir topçu birliğinin normal olarak, sorumlu bulunduğu ve ateşlerinin normal olarak tevcih edildiği bölge. Bak. "zone of fire"
normal; not operationally ready, maintenance
(Askeri) normal; bakım sebebiyle harekata hazır olmayan
resume normal speed
(Havacılık) normal hızınıza dönün
completely normal space
tamamen normal uzay
make normal
normal hale getir
normal olarak

Tom normal olarak yürüyor. - Tom is walking normally.

Normal olarak bu kadar sessiz misin? - Are you normally this quiet?

beyond the normal; unusual (french)
normal ötesinde; alışılmadık (fransızca)
log-normal distribution
lognormal dağılım
principal normal
asil normal, basçil düzgen
resume normal speed
normal hızla devam et
situation normal all fucked up
durum normal tüm çuvalladı
tool normal clearance angle
(Mühendislik) serbest açı
tool normal rake angle
(Mühendislik) talas acısı
tool normal wedge angle
(Mühendislik) kama acısı
{i} normallik
{i} dikeylik

Şimşek genellikle gök gürültüsüne eşlik eder. - Lightning normally accompanies thunder.

Bir cümlenin genellikle öznesi ve yüklemi vardır. - A sentence normally has a subject and a verb.

Türkçe - Türkçe
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Mat: Bir eğri çizgiye teğet olan doğrunun değme noktasından bu doğruya çizilen dik çizgi
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Fr. Kanun, usul ve âdetlere uygun olan. Uygun
Bir eğrinin bir teğetine değme noktasından çizilen dikme
Aşırılığı, eksikliği ve taşkınlığı olmayan şey
Aşırılığı, eksikliği ve taşkınlığı olmama; ortalama durum
Kurala uygun, alışılagelen, olağan, düzgülü, aşırılığı olmayan, uygun: "Atatürk'ün normal zamanlarda insana okşamak arzusu veren ipek gibi saçları, birdenbire yelelenirdi."- Y. K. Karaosmanoğlu
Ortalama durum
Kurala uyan, alışılagelen, uyan, düzgülü, aşırılığı olmayan, uygun
İngilizce - İngilizce
which commutes with its adjoint
A line or vector that is perpendicular to another line, a surface, or a plane
which commutes with its conjugate transpose
In which all parts of an object vibrate at the same frequency; See normal mode

We don't like your sort around here - this bar is for normal people.

which is pre-compact
Healthy; not sick or ill

John is feeling normal again.

of, relating to, or being a solution containing one equivalent weight of solute per litre of solution
A person who is normal, who fits into mainstream society, as opposed to those who live alternative lifestyles
According to norms or rules

Organize the data into third normal form.

whose digits, in any base representation, enjoy a uniform distribution
which is the cokernel of some morphism
which is the splitting field of a family of polynomials in K
in the default position, set for the most frequently used route
which has a very specific bell curve shape
Usual; ordinary

Felicia baked the bread the normal way.

in which every monomorphism is normal
which is strictly monotonically increasing and continuous with respect to the order topology
which is the kernel of some morphism
which is a normal epimorphism or a normal monomorphism
whose cosets form a group
Perpendicular to a tangent line or derivative of a surface in Euclidean space

The interior normal vector of a ideal perfect sphere will always point toward the center, and the exterior normal vector directly away, and both will always be co-linear with the ray whose' tip ends at the point of intersection, which is the intersection of all three sets of points.

in which disjoint closed sets can be separated by disjoint neighborhoods
Pertaining to a school to teach teachers how to teach

My grandmother attended Mankato State Normal School.

Denoting certain hypothetical compounds, as acids from which the real acids are obtained by dehydration; thus, normal sulphuric acid and normal nitric acid are respectively S(OH)6, and N(OH)5
conforming with or constituting a norm or standard or level or type or social norm; not abnormal; "serve wine at normal room temperature"; "normal diplomatic relations"; "normal working hours"; "normal word order"; "normal curiosity"; "the normal course of events"
{a} perpendicular, forming a right angle, relating to rudiments or principles
A matrix is normal if A AH = AH A, where AH is the conjugate transpose of A For real A this is equivalent to A AT = AT A Note that a complex matrix is normal if and only if there is a unitary Q such that QH A Q is diagonal
A normal to a face or plane is a vector perpendicular to that face or plane
A line or vector that is perpendicular to another
According to an established norm, rule, or principle; conformed to a type, standard, or regular form; performing the proper functions; not abnormal; regular; natural; analogical
This is a slippery, dangerous term, because what's normal to one person at one time is abnormal to another person, another time The use of "normal" to describe brake reach is a very common source of confusion and trouble
Direction perpendicular to a surface
The long-term average value of a meteorological element for a certain area For example, "temperatures are normal for this time of year " Usually averaged over 30 years
Something that is normal is usual and ordinary, and is what people expect. He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life The two countries resumed normal diplomatic relations Some of the shops were closed but that's quite normal for a Thursday afternoon Life in Israel will continue as normal
(informal, pejorative towards homosexuals) Heterosexual
a solution concentration of one gram equivalent per liter of solution
A normal is a vector that is perpendicular to a surface
A general term applied to behavior or abilities that fall within the average range; that which is considered acceptable, not exceptional
{i} perpendicular; vertical; regular, usual
A line at right angles to a surface, usually a mirror or glass block
being approximately average or within certain limits in e g intelligence and development; "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person I've ever met"
being approximately average or within certain limits in e
{s} regular; standard; usual, common
A normal person has no serious physical or mental health problems. Statistics indicate that depressed patients are more likely to become ill than are normal people Will the baby be normal? = healthy. the usual state, level, or amount
Specifically: Of or pertaining to a normal
intelligence and development; "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person I've ever met"
forming a right angle
The word "normal" is used in mathematics to mean "perpendicular "
Denoting that series of hydrocarbons in which no carbon atom is united with more than two other carbon atoms; as, normal pentane, hexane, etc
in accordance with scientific laws
Standard; original; exact; typical
According to a square or rule; perpendicular; forming a right angle
something regarded as a normative example; "the convention of not naming the main character"; "violence is the rule not the exception"; "his formula for impressing visitors"
Denoting a solution of such strength that every cubic centimeter contains the same number of milligrams of the element in question as the number of its molecular weight
intelligence and development; "a perfectly normal child"; "of normal intelligence"; "the most normal person I've ever met" in accordance with scientific laws
at right angles, perpendicular The line that is normal to the plane is a right angles to any line that lies in the plane
Perpendicular If one line is normal to another, then they are at right angles to each other
That positional relationship of a vertebral segment, the skull, or pelvis in which these structures are aligned to the vertical axis, and in which the resultant of all acting forces is zero and the sum of all torques about their axes of motion is zero
of relating to, or being a solution containing one equivalent weight of solute per litre of solution
Any perpendicular
The normal at the point P of a curve C is the line through P perpendicular to the tangent at P
A straight line or plane drawn from any point of a curve or surface so as to be perpendicular to the curve or surface at that point
The line which is perpendicular to a point on a surface There's a diagram, too
(a ) Perpendicular (n ) A normal vector
A ray that is perpendicular to, and points away from a solid
The recognized standard value of a meteorological element as it has been averaged in a given location over a fixed number of years Normals are concerned with the distribution of data within limits of common occurrence The parameters may include temperatures (high, low, and deviation), pressure, precipitation (rain, snow, etc ), winds (speed and direction), thunderstorms, amount of clouds, percent relative humidity, etc
To understand whether precipitation and temperature is above or below normal for seasons and longer timescales, normal is defined as the average weather over 30 years These averages are recalculated every ten years The National Weather Service has just recalculated the baseline period for normal from 1961 to 1990 to 1971 to 2000 Since the cool decade of the 1960's has been replaced with the mild 1990's, normal temperatures in many areas have increased
normal distribution
A family of continuous probability distributions such that the probability density function is the Gaussian function

\varphi_{\mu,\sigma^2}(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}} \,e^{ -\frac{(x- \mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}} = \frac{1}{\sigma} \varphi\left(\frac{x - \mu}{\sigma}\right),\quad x\in\mathbb{R}.

normal for Norfolk
Of a patient, having lesser intellect
normal for Norfolk
Peculiar or odd
normal force
Any force acting normal, to a surface, or perpendicular to the tangent plane
normal form
A matrix that represents the possible outcomes of a game
normal form
Any of various forms of a relational database providing criteria for determining a table's degree of vulnerability to logical inconsistencies and anomalies
normal form
A standard, canonical way of presenting an object
normal form game
Formally, a structure (P, \mathbf{S}, \mathbf{F}) where P = {1,2, ...,m} is a set of players, \mathbf{S}= (S_1, S_2, \ldots, S_m) is an m-tuple of pure strategy sets, one for each player, and \mathbf{F} = (F_1, F_2, \ldots, F_m) is an m-tuple of payoff functions
normal histology
The study of the microscopic structure of living tissue (histology) that is in good health (as opposed to pathological histology which studies that of diseased tissue)
normal hydrogen electrode
Alternative name for the standard hydrogen electrode; an electrode with a standard electrode potential of zero; used as a standard against which other electrodes are measured
normal hydrogen electrodes
plural form of normal hydrogen electrode
normal pause
The four frames of silence between each line of dialog. The name refers to what would be normal pausing between words in the cadence of someone's typical speech pattern
normal pauses
plural form of normal pause
normal saline
A solution of 0.9% w/v of NaCl, about 300 mOsm/L
normal space
A regular space with the additional property that for every disjoint pair of closed sets in that space, there is a disjoint pair of open sets which contain the closed sets, respectively
normal spaces
plural form of normal space
normal subgroup
A subgroup H of a group G that is invariant under conjugation; that is, for all elements h of H and for all elements g in G, the element ghg−1 is in H
normal subgroups
plural form of normal subgroup
normal time
the two standard 45-minute periods of play; usually in contrast with either injury time or extra time
normal bite
proper state of overlapping of the upper and lower jaws, normal jaw positioning
normal component
vertical component, vertical part or force
normal curve
A graphical interpretation of a population that is 'bell shaped' as it has the highest frequency in the middle and this frequency diminishes the farther you get from the center on either end
normal curve
A bell-shaped graph representing a hypothetical frequency distribution for a given characteristic
normal curve
The plotted form of the normal distribution
normal curve
A continuous distribution that is bell shaped and symmetrical about the mean
normal curve
a mathematical model that show the relationship between tow variables--in our case, test scores and the proportion of students
normal curve
A bell-shaped, symmetrical relative frequency curve We will present the exact equation that gives this curve in Chapter 5 (page 47)
normal curve
The normal curve is the familiar "bell curve: ," illustrated on this page The mathematical expression for the normal curve is y = (2×pi)-½e-x2/2, where pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter (3 14159265 ), and e is the base of the natural logarithm (2 71828 ) The normal curve is symmetric around the point x=0, and positive for every value of x The area under the normal curve is unity, and the SD of the normal curve, suitably defined, is also unity Many (but not most) histograms, converted into standard units, approximately follow the normal curve
normal curve
The normal curve is the familiar "bell curve " Its mathematical form is y = (2pi)-½×e-x2/2, where pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and e is the base of the natural logarithm The normal curve is symmetric around the point x=0, and positive for every value of x The area under the normal curve is unity, and the SD of the normal curve, suitably defined, is also unity Many (but not most) histograms, converted into standard units, approximately follow the normal curve
normal curve
A curve of a probability distribution It is also sometimes called a bell shaped curve The curve is completely specified by its mean and standard deviation
normal curve
A bell-shaped curve that results when a normal distribution is graphed
normal curve
A mathematically derived curve depicting the theoretical probability or distribution of a given variable (such as a physical trait or test score) in the general population
normal curve
a symmetrical curve representing the normal distribution
normal curve
A frequency curve with a characteristic bell-shaped form
normal development
average advancement, development at a rate which is thought to be normal or standard
normal distribution
a continuous frequency distribution whose graphic representation is a bell-shaped curve that is symmetrical about the mean, which by definition has a mean of 0 and a variance of 1 Many other types of distributions exist that have different shaped curves, such as hypergeometric, Poisson, and binomial
normal distribution
Normal distributions are a family of distributions that are characterised by a bell-shaped, symmetric curve, with scores more concentrated in the middle than in the tails They are defined by two parameters: the mean (m, mu) and the standard deviation (s, sigma) Many kinds of data are approximated well by the normal distribution Many statistical tests assume a normal distribution Most of these tests work well even if the distribution is only approximately normal and in many cases as long as it does not deviate greatly from normality The normal distribution plays a vital role in inference
normal distribution
An important and widely-used distribution in the field of statistics and probability All Normal distributions are symmetric, and the mean and standard deviation values are used as its two distribution parameters
normal distribution
The symmetrical clustering of values around a central location The properties of a normal distribution include the following: (1) It is a continuous, symmetrical distribution; both tails extend to infinity; (2) the arithmetic mean, mode, and median are identical; and, (3) its shape is completely determined by the mean and standard deviation
normal distribution
A term synonymous with the standard normal distribution The normal distribution (a bell-shaped curve) represents a theoretical frequency distribution of measurements In a normal distribution, scores are concentrated near the mean and decrease in frequency as the distance from the mean increases
normal distribution
A specific distribution having a characteristic bell-shaped form
normal distribution
The well known bell shaped curve According to the Central Limit Theorem, the probability density function of a large number of independent, identically distributed random numbers will approach the normal distribution In the fractal family of distributions, the normal distribution only exists when alpha equals 2, or the Hurst exponent equals 0 50 Thus, the normal distribution is a special case which in time series analysis is quite rare See: Alpha, Central Limit Theorem, Fractal Distribution
normal distribution
A common probability distribution displayed by population data If the values of the distribution are plotted on a graph's horizontal axis and their frequency on the vertical axis the pattern displayed is symmetric and bell-shaped The central value or mean represents the peak or the most frequently occurring value
normal distribution
A continuous probability distribution which is used to characterize a wide variety of types of data It is a symmetric distribution, shaped like a bell, and is completely determined by its mean and standard deviation The normal distribution is particularly important in statistics because of the tendency for sample means to follow the normal distribution (this is a result of the Central Limit Theorem) Most classical statistics procedures such as confidence intervals rely on results from the normal distribution The normal is also known as the Gaussian distribution after its originator, Frederich Gauss Parameters: mean mu, standard deviation sigma>0 Domain: all real X Mean: mu Variance: sigma^2
normal distribution
The normal or Gaussian distribution is one of the most important probability density functions, not the least because many measurement variables have distributions that at least approximate to a normal distribution It is usually described as bell shaped, although its exact characteristics are determined by the mean and standard deveiation It arises when the value of a variable is determined by a large number of independent prcoesses For example, weigth is a function of many processes both genetic and environmental Many statistical tests make the assumption that the data come from a normal distribution
normal distribution
A probability distribution in statistics, graphically displayed as a bell-shaped curve
normal distribution
A random variable X has a normal distribution with mean m and standard error s if for every pair of numbers a <= b, the chance that a < (X-m)/s < b is P(a < (X-m)/s < b) = area under the normal curve between a and b If there are numbers m and s such that X has a normal distribution with mean m and standard error s, then X is said to have a normal distribution or to be normally distributed If X has a normal distribution with mean m=0 and standard error s=1, then X is said to have a standard normal distribution The notation X~N(m,s2) means that X has a normal distribution with mean m and standard error s; for example, X~N(0,1), means X has a standard normal distribution
normal distribution
Any of a family of bell-shaped frequency curves whose relative position and shape are defined on the basis of the mean and standard deviation
normal distribution
a theoretical distribution with finite mean and variance
normal distribution
graph which shows the majority of a population to be concentrated around the average and fewer people located at the extremes, bell curve graph
normal distribution
The mathematical function that describes the symmetric bell-shaped curve defined by the Gaussian
normal distribution
Based on a mathematical formula, the normal distribution is theoretically symmetrical and bell shaped Random events such as height, running speed, and IQ scores tend to fall across this distribution While no empirical distribution of scores fulfills all of the requirements of the normal distribution, many carefully defined tests approximate this distribution closely enough to make use of some of the principles of the distribution This includes the fact that 68% of scores fall between one standard deviation above and below the mean (e g with NCE's - between 29 and 71 nationally) The 16th percentile lies one standard deviation below the mean and the 84th percentile lies one standard deviation above the mean in normally distributed scores Measures of central tendency such as the mean, median, and mode are the same in a normal distribution (50 with NCE's)
normal distribution
A symmetric bell-shaped frequency distribution that is the approximate sampling distribution for many statistical estimates The normal distribution is completely determined by its mean and standard deviation The standard normal distribution has a mean of (0) and a standard deviation of (1)
normal distribution
A probability distribution forming a symmetrical bell-shaped curve
normal distribution
A theoretical distribution of scores which forms a curve that is bell shaped and symmetrical
normal distribution
The usual "bell shaped" distribution which may or may not be due to Carl Friedrich Gauss 1777-1855 Called "normal" because it is similar to many real-world distributions Note that real-world distributions can be similar to normal, and still differ from it in serious systematic ways Also see the normal computation page "The" normal distribution is in fact a family of distributions, as parameterized by mean and standard deviation values By computing the sample mean and standard deviation, we can reduce the whole family into a single curve A value from any normal-like distribution can be "normalized" by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation; the result can be used to look up probabilities in standard normal tables All of which of course assumes that the underlying distribution is in fact normal, which may or may not be the case
normal distribution
A theoretical frequency distribution for a set of variable data, usually represented by a bell-shaped curve symmetrical about the mean. Also called Gaussian distribution. In statistics, a frequency distribution in the shape of the classic bell curve. It accurately represents most variations in such attributes as height and weight. Any random variable with a normal distribution has a mean (see mean, median, and mode) and a standard deviation that indicates how much the data as a whole deviate from the mean. The standard deviation is smaller for data clustered closely around the mean value and larger for more dispersed data sets
normal distribution
The frequency of a data distribution simulating a bell-shaped curve that is symmetrical around the mean and exhibits an equal chance of a data point being above or below the mean (syn: Gaussian distribution)
normal distribution
The fundamental frequency distribution of statistical analysis A continuous variety x is said to have a normal distribution or to be normally distributed if it possesses a density function f(x) which satisfies the equation where μ is the arithmetic mean (or first moment) and σ is the standard deviation Also called Gaussian distribution
normal distribution
a continuous distribution that is bell shaped and symmetrical about the mean
normal energy level
basic level of energy
normal fault
A fault in which the hanging wall has moved downward relative to the footwall
normal fault
an inclined fault in which the hanging wall appears to have slipped downward relative to the footwall
normal force
vertical force
normal good
A good the demand for which increases as income increases
normal good
a good for which demand increases when income rises and decreases when income falls (chapter 3)
normal good
a good the consumption of which rises as income rises
normal good
A good whose income elasticity of demand is positive, so that an increase in income leads to an increase in consumption of that good
normal good
A good that is in greater demand as a result of higher incomes
normal good
Any good for which the demand increases as incomes increase
normal good
Good for which demand increases when income rises
normal good
A good for which an increase in income increases demand
normal good
merchandise that has increased demand when income rises
normal hill
{i} (Ski) ski jump hill 90 meters high
normal mode
The vibrational state of a mechanical system in which the frequency of vibration is the same in all directions
normal person
sane person, person who is mentally healthy, clear-minded individual
normal procedure
normal way of doing things
normal profit
level of profit that enables continuation of economic activities, regular profit
normal relations
standard relationship, healthy relationship, conventional bonds or ties
normal school
a two-year school for training elementary teachers
normal school
A school that trains teachers, chiefly for the elementary grades
normal state
basic state, natural condition, regular state
normal turnover
average level of change in a business, regular level of circulation
Backus normal form
The Backus-Naur form
Boyce-Codd normal form
A stage in the normalization of a relational database in which a database is in third normal form and all determinants are candidate keys
conjunctive normal form
The form of a boolean formula that the formula has if the formula is a conjunction of disjunctions of literals, such as "(A or B or C) and (D or E or not F)"
disjunctive normal form
The form of a boolean formula that the formula has if the formula is a disjunction of conjunctions of literals, such as "(A and B and C) or (D and E and not F)"
fifth normal form
A stage in the normalization of a relational database in which a database is in fourth normal form and every join dependency is implied by the candidate keys
first normal form
A stage in the normalization of a relational database in which repeating groups and attributes have been eliminated by putting each into a separate table connected by a primary key - foreign key relationship
fourth normal form
A stage in the normalization of a relational database in which a database is in Boyce-Codd normal form and all multi-valued dependencies are functional dependencies
The concentration of a solution expressed in gram equivalent weights of solute per litre of solution
In the manner of a variable with a Gaussian distribution
In the expected or customary manner

Lisa ate normally, until she realised that she was late for choir, when she sped up.

To a usual or customary extent or degree

He was abnormally agitated, she only normally so.

second normal form
A stage in the normalization of a relational database in which it is in first normal form and every non-key attribute is dependent upon the entire primary key
standard normal distribution
The normal distribution with a mean of zero and a variance of one
standard normal distributions
plural form of standard normal distribution
surface normal
A unit vector at any given point P of a surface M which is perpendicular to the tangent plane TP(M) of M at P. For a surface with parametrization \vec x(u,v) , it is given by
third normal form
A stage in the normalization of a relational database in which a database is in second normal form and all non-key attributes are mutually independent (no transient dependencies.)
expectedness as a consequence of being usual or regular or common
(of a solution) concentration expressed in gram equivalents of solute per liter
conformity with the norm
{i} standard thing, normalcy, normal thing
A measure of how well an observed distribution approximates a normal distribution
The state of being normal or usual; normalcy
being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning
a measure of solution concentration expressed in equivalent weights of solute per liter of solution
Normality is a situation in which everything is normal. A semblance of normality has returned with people going to work and shops re-opening. a situation in which things happen in the usual or expected way
the number of equivalents of solute dissolved in one liter of solution
Usually refers to the assumption behind most parametric tests that the data are normally distributed in the population
conformity with the norm expectedness as a consequence of being usual or regular or common (of a solution) concentration expressed in gram equivalents of solute per liter being within certain limits that define the range of normal functioning
usually, most of the time
under normal conditions; "usually she was late
Under normal conditions or circumstances; usually; most of the time
under normal conditions; "usually she was late"
If you say that something normally happens or that you normally do a particular thing, you mean that it is what usually happens or what you usually do. All airports in the country are working normally today Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts Normally, the transportation system in Paris carries 950,000 passengers a day
If you do something normally, you do it in the usual or conventional way. She would apparently eat normally and then make herself sick. failure of the blood to clot normally
In a normal manner
Türkçe - İngilizce

Five gallons of regular, please. - Beş galon normal benzin, lütfen.

Ten dollars of regular unleaded, please. - 10 dolarlık normal kurşunsuz,lütfen

(Bilgisayar) normal font
normal stress
(Bilgisayar) plain type

Tom believes in paranormal phenomena. - Tom normal ötesi olaylara inanıyor.

Tom successfully convinced many people that he possessed paranormal powers. - Tom, çoğu kişiyi başarıyla normal ötesi güçleri olduğuna ikna etti.

(Matematik) (a) perpendicular, (a) normal

Always use distilled water in steam irons because using ordinary water will cause a mineral build-up over time that will clog the steam holes. - Normal su kullanmak zamanla buhar deliklerini tıkayacak mineral birikmesine sebep olacağı için buharlı ütülerde her zaman damıtılmış su kullan.

normal; natural
all in the day's work
normal aile
(Matematik) normal family
normal aralık
(Otomotiv) normal range
normal benzin
regular gas
normal cephane
(Askeri) ball ammunition
normal dışı
(Tıp) abnormal
normal emir
(Ticaret) normal order
normal eğitim
(Eğitim) mainstream education
normal eğri
(Matematik,Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim,Ticaret) normal curve
normal fay
(Coğrafya) normal fault
normal fişek
(Askeri) ball cartridge
normal form
(Çevre) normal form
normal görünüm
(Bilgisayar) normal view
normal hesap
(Bilgisayar) normal account
normal hızda
(Bilgisayar) normal speed
normal kip
(Bilgisayar) normal mode
normal konuşma
station to station call
normal kıvam
(İnşaat) normal consistency
normal metin
(Bilgisayar) plain text
normal olarak
normal olmayan
normal olmayan
normal pencere
(Bilgisayar) normal window
normal stil
(Bilgisayar) normal style
normal stres
(Çevre) normal stress
normal su
normal water
normal su
(Çevre) light water
normal sürat
(Denizbilim) service speed
normal sürüş
(Otomotiv) normal driving
normal tablo
(Bilgisayar) table normal
normal tarife
(Havacılık) normal fare
normal usul
(Politika, Siyaset) normal procedure
normal öncelik
(Bilgisayar) normal priority
normal ötesi
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) paranormal
normal agrega
(İnşaat) normal weight aggregate
normal altgrup
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) normal subgroup
normal altı
normal atom
(Fizik,Teknik) normal atom
normal ağırlık
standard weight
normal baskı
(Bilgisayar) normal print
normal basınç
normal pressure
normal belge
(Bilgisayar) normal document
normal benzin
two-star petrol, regular gas
normal benzin kullanıyorum
I need regular
normal beton
(İnşaat) normal weight concrete
normal beton
(İnşaat) common concrete
normal bileşen
normal component
normal boy
standard size
normal boyut
(Bilgisayar) normal size
normal dağılım
normal distribution
normal debi
normal discharge
normal değer
(Ticaret) normal value
normal dikiş
(Tekstil) constant feeding
normal dikkat
common diligence
normal dirsek
normal bend
normal doğru
normal line
normal doğum
natural childbirth
normal durum
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) normal state
normal durum
normal düzen
(Bilgisayar) regular layout
normal düzey
normal level
normal düzlem
normal plane
normal düğme
(Bilgisayar) normal button
normal ebat
standard size
normal elektrot
normal electrode
normal endüksiyon
normal induction
normal esas çizgi
(Hukuk) normal baseline
normal eğim
ordinary pitch
normal eğrilik
(Matematik) normal curvature
normal film
standard gauge film
normal fire
(Ticaret) trade ullage
normal fonksiyon
normal function
normal gaz
normal gas
normal gebelik
(Tıp) normal pregnancy
normal gelir
(Ticaret) normal return
normal geniş bant
(Askeri) normal wideband
normal geniş bant hat sonlandırma birimi
(Askeri) normal wideband line termination unit
normal geniş bant terminali O
(Askeri) normal wideband terminal
normal gerilim
standard voltage
normal gerilme
normal stress
normal getiri
(Ticaret) normal return
normal geçiş
(Bilgisayar) normal pan
normal girinti
(Bilgisayar) normal indent
normal görme
(Tıp) chromatic vision
normal güvenlik
(Bilgisayar) medium security
normal güç
normal power
normal hal
normal state
normal hat
standard gauge
normal hava
standard air
normal heptan
normal heptane
normal hız
normal speed
normal hız
normal velocity
normal hızlanma
normal acceleration
normal iniş
(Askeri,Havacılık) normal landing
normal iniş
(Bilgisayar) track normal
normal iz
(Askeri) ordinary track
normal kalite
(Bilgisayar) quality normal
normal kare
(Bilgisayar) normal frames
normal kat
(İnşaat) typical floor
normal kağıt
(Bilgisayar) paper normal
normal kesit
normal section
normal kireç
common lime
normal konum
(Bilgisayar) normal position
normal kulanım
(Otomotiv) normal usage
normal kuvvet
normal force
normal kuvvet
longitudinal force
normal lise
regular high-school
normal mal
(Ticaret) normal good
normal marj
(Ticaret) normal margine
normal matris
(Matematik) normal matrix
normal menüler
(Bilgisayar) regular menus
normal mertek
(İnşaat) common rafter
normal mesai
regular work hours
normal mod
normal mode
normal mod
normal mıknatıslama
normal magnetization
normal nakliye
(Askeri) ordinary transport
normal nem
normal humidity
normal oktan
n octane
normal olarak

Are you normally this quiet? - Normal olarak bu kadar sessiz misin?

Tom seems to be unable to interact normally with other people. - Tom normal olarak diğer insanlarla geçinemiyor gibi görünüyor.

normal oyulma
normal scour
normal pasaj
locus classicus
normal piyasa
(Ticaret) normal market
normal rakam
(Bilgisayar) arabic number
normal renkler
(Bilgisayar) normal colors
normal riziko
(Ticaret) normal risk
normal saat
(Ticaret) normal hours
normal sayfa
(Bilgisayar) normal page
normal seviye
normal level
normal seçim
(Bilgisayar) normal select
normal seçim
(Bilgisayar) normal selectnormal select
normal seçme
normal select
normal simge
(Bilgisayar) normal icon
normal soluma
normal somun
plain nut
normal son
(Bilgisayar) normal final
normal süre
(Spor) regulation time
normal sıcaklık
normal temperature
normal tarama
sequential scanning
normal temalar
(Bilgisayar) typical themes
normal terhis
(Askeri) general discharge
normal tire
(Bilgisayar) regular hyphen
normal tire
(Bilgisayar) normal hyphen
normal tren
local train
normal türev
(Matematik) normal derivative
normal usul
(Hukuk) standard procedure
normal uzay
(Matematik) normal space
normal vergi
(Ticaret) normal tax
normal verim
normal performance
normal vinil
(Kimya) plain vinyl
normal vuruş
(Askeri) normal impact
normal yansıma
regular reflection
normal yayılma
(Çevre) normal dispersion
normal yük
normal load
normal çerçeve
(Bilgisayar) normal frames
normal çözelti
normal solution, standard solution
normal çözelti
(Kimya) normal dispersion
normal çözelti
(Kimya) normal solution
normal ücret
(Ticaret) regular rate
normal şarj
normal charge
normal şok
(Otomotiv) normal shock
normal; bakım sebebiyle harekata hazır olmayan
(Askeri) normal; not operationally ready, maintenance
log normal dağılım
(Askeri) log normal distribution
log-normal dağılım
(Çevre) log-normal distribution