national finances loom large in the public's mind today

listen to the pronunciation of national finances loom large in the public's mind today
İngilizce - Almanca
Die Staatsfinanzen beschäftigen die Öffentlichkeit heute sehr
national finances loom large in the public's mind today


    Na·tion·al finances loom large in the public's mind to·day

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    näşnıl fînänsîz lum lärc în dhi pʌblîks maynd tudey


    /ˈnasʜnəl fəˈnansəz ˈlo͞om ˈlärʤ ən ᴛʜē ˈpəbləks ˈmīnd to͞oˈdā/ /ˈnæʃnəl fɪˈnænsɪz ˈluːm ˈlɑːrʤ ɪn ðiː ˈpʌblɪks ˈmaɪnd tuːˈdeɪ/