A piece of dimensional lumber and/or plywood secured to the deck or wall which provides a receiving medium for the fasteners. (Sometimes referred to as blocking.)
a piece or pieces of dimensional lumber and/or plywood secured to the structural deck or walls, which provide a receiving medium for the fasteners used to attach membrane or flashing Generally, it is recommended that nailers be the same thickness as the adjacent insulation, and may be treated with a non-oil-borne preservative, and be of sufficient width to fully support the horizontal flashing flange of a metal flashing (where used) (a k a Blocking)
(commonly referred to as Blocking) a piece or pieces of dimensional lumber and/or plywood secured to the structural deck or walls, which provide a receiving medium for the fasteners used to attach membrane or flashing Generally, it is recommended that nailers be the same thickness as the adjacent insulation, and may be treated with a non-oil-borne preservative, and be of sufficient width to fully support the horizontal flashing flange of a metal flashing (where used)
A piece of lumber, preferably treated, that is secured to the deck, walls, or to premanufactured curbs Nailers are used to receive fasteners for roof membranes Generally, nailers are installed wherever it is necessary to secure base flashings and edge metal Also see Blocking