
listen to the pronunciation of mobile
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Biyoloji) mobil

Tom'un mobil mezbahası yerel yetkililer tarafından hızla kapatıldı. - Tom's mobile slaughterhouse was quickly shut down by the local authorities.

Sami bu mobil evde kaldı. - Sami stayed in this mobile home.

{s} hareketli
(Askeri) çevik
(Bilgisayar) araç
hareket eden gezici
rüzgârın etkisiyle hareket eden küçük süs eşyası

Tom taşınabilir bir evde yaşıyor. - Tom lives in a mobile home.

hareket eden
{s} yer değiştirebilen
{s} değişken
{i} dengede hareket düzeni
{s} akışkan
{s} ask. seyyar (ordu)
{s} değişken (fikir)
(isim) dengede hareket düzeni
kararsız seyyar mobile home araba i
(Askeri) SEYYAR: Hareket edebilen, hareket ettirebilen. Bu terim; araç, kıta ve silahlar ile, seyyar hastane gibi, sahra tesisleri ve çakılı olmayan topçu için de kullanılır
rüzgarın etkisiyle hareket eden küçük süs eş
kolay değişen değişken
(Tıp) Oynar, müteharrik, hareketli, mobil
{s} kolay değişen (çehre)
(Bilgisayar) cep

Onun cep telefonu, diğer telefonları engelleyen radyo emisyonu üretti. - His mobile phone produced radio emissions that interfered with other phones.

Cep telefonun var mı? - Do you have a mobile phone?

cep tel

Cep telefonunu kapatmalısın. - You should turn off the mobile phone.

Onun cep telefonu, diğer telefonları engelleyen radyo emisyonu üretti. - His mobile phone produced radio emissions that interfered with other phones.

(Bilgisayar) yeni site
cep telefonu

Bu tür cep telefonu iyi satar. - This type of mobile phone sells well.

Onun cep telefonu, diğer telefonları engelleyen radyo emisyonu üretti. - His mobile phone produced radio emissions that interfered with other phones.

(Askeri) seyyar (ordu)
{i} hareketlilik

Takım, hareketlilikten yoksundu. - The team lacked mobility.

mobile antiaircraft artillery
(Askeri) seyyar uçaksavar topçusu
mobile artillery
(Askeri) seyyar topçu
mobile assault bridge
(Askeri) çabuk köprü
mobile computer
(Bilgisayar) taşınabilir bilgisayar
mobile defence
(Askeri) oynak savunma
mobile depot
(Askeri) seyyar depo
mobile force
(Askeri) çevik kuvvet
mobile home
mobile phone
araç telefonu
mobile striking force
(Askeri) çevik vurucu kuvvet
mobile training
(Askeri) seyyar eğitim
mobile unit
(Askeri) çevik birlik
mobile control room
naklen yayın aracı
mobile crane
seyyar vinç
mobile home
mobile phone
halta çınkası
mobile phone
yancık alısünü
mobile communication
mobil iletişim
mobile control room
naklen yayın aracı, yayın aracı
mobile device
Cep telefonu, avuç içi bilgisayar gibi taşınabilir cihaz
mobile laboratory
(Eğitim) Gezici laboratuar
mobile learning
(Teknoloji) Taşınabilir telefon, dizüstü bilgisayar gibi teknolojik araçlarla öğrenim
mobile marketing
Mobil pazarlama
mobile phone
Mobil telefon, taşınabilir telefon, cep telefonu
mobile phone
Taşınabilir telefon, cep telefonu
mobile phones
cep telefonları
mobile recording unit
seyyar kayıt birimi, röportaj arabası
mobile vulgus
derin devlet
mobile warfare
mobil savaş
mobile Army surgical hospital
(Askeri) Ordu seyyar cerrahi hastahanesi
mobile Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) remote terminal
(Askeri) seyyar Otomatik Diğital Şebeke (AUTODIN) uzaktan komuta terminali
mobile aeromedical staging facility
(Askeri) seyyar hava-sıhhi toplanma tesisi
mobile air movements team
(Askeri) çevik hava harekat timi
mobile air movements team
(Askeri) ÇEVİK HAVA HAREKAT TİMİ: Hava hareket/trafik kısım görevlerinde hareket intikali için eğitilmiş bir hava kuvvetleri timi
mobile antenna
gezgin anten
mobile anther
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) titrek başçık
mobile anther
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) hareketli başçık
mobile antiaircraft artillery
(Askeri) SEYYAR UÇAKSAVAR TOPÇUSU: Uçaklara karşı savunma vazifesi yapan ve bir yerden diğer bir yere nakledilebilen uçaksavar topçusu
mobile armament
(Askeri) seyyar silahlar
mobile armament
(Askeri) SEYYAR SİLAHLAR: Bak. "mobile artillery"
mobile army surgical hospital
(Askeri) ORDU SEYYAR CERRAHİ HASTANESİ: Nakledilmeleri uygun görülmeyen vakalarda ilk cerrahi tedaviyi sağlamak için teşkil edilmiş (60 yataklı) seyyar birlik. Bu hastane bir tümen hasta ve yaralı ayırma istasyonunda veya bunun civarında tesis edilir
mobile artillery
(Askeri) SEYYAR TOPÇU: Yol durumunda ateş mevziine kolayca geçebilen ve hareket eden topçu silahları. Bu silahlar; genel olarak, tekerlek veya eski donanımı üzerinde ateş ederler. Buna (mobile armament) da denir
mobile assault bridge
(Askeri) SEYYAR HÜCUM KÖPRÜSÜ, ÇABUK KÖPRÜ: Hücumlarda tank veya personel geçirmek üzere kurulan köprü. Bu köprüler katlanabilir ve 20 metreyi geçmeyen kısa açıklıklar üzerinde kurulur
mobile bed
hareketli yatak
mobile belt
hareketli kuşak
mobile belt
oynak kuşak
mobile belt
duraysız kuşak
mobile belt
(Jeoloji) hareketli bölge
mobile belt
(Jeoloji) devingen kuşak
mobile belt conveyor
gezici bant konveyor
mobile booth
taşınabilir kabin
mobile calendar
(Bilgisayar) hareketli takvim
mobile catalog
(Bilgisayar) hareketli katalog
mobile communication systems
mobil iletişim sistemleri
mobile concrete pump
(İnşaat) mobil beton pompası
mobile consolidated command center
(Askeri) seyyar müşterek komuta merkezi
mobile control room
(Televizyon) yaym aracı
mobile country code
(Telekom) mobil ülke kodu
mobile crusher
(İnşaat) gezer kırıcı
mobile cryptologic support facility
(Askeri) seyyar kripto destek tesisi
mobile defense
(Askeri) seyyar savunma
mobile defense
(Askeri) OYNAK SAVUNMA: Bir bölge veya mevziin; insiyatifi düşmanın elinden almak için, ateşlerin düzenlenmesi ve araziden istifade ile birlikte manevradan da faydalanarak savunulması. Bak. "forward defense position", ve "striking force"
mobile depot
(Askeri) SEYYAR DEPO: İkmal maddelerini alan, depolayan ve dağıtan yer. Böyle bir depo, ihtiyaç halinde, başka bir yere nakledilebilecek şekilde kurulur. Sahrada bulunan depolar, genel olarak, seyyardır
mobile disinfector
(Askeri) SEYYAR ETÜV: Elbiselerdeki haşaratı öldürme cihazı. Bu cihaz, genel olarak, buhar basıncı ile çalışır ve bir araç veya römork üzerine monte edilebilir
mobile disinfector
(Askeri) seyyar etüv
mobile display booth
seyyar teşhir standı
mobile diving and salvage unit
(Askeri) seyyar dalış ve kurtarma birliği
mobile electric power
(Askeri) seyyar elektrik gücü
mobile employment
(Askeri) SEYYAR KULLANMA: Hava savunma topçusunun, oynak bir durumdaki kara muharebe kuvvetlerinin savunmasında kullanılması. Ayrıca bakınız: "static employment"
mobile envelope
(Bilgisayar) hareketli zarf
mobile field office
(İnşaat) mobil şantiye
mobile field oven
seyyar sahra fırını
mobile fire team
(Askeri) motorize ateş timi
mobile fishing gear
(Denizbilim) hareketli av aracı
mobile gendarmerie
(Askeri) mobil jandarma
mobile ground system
(Askeri) seyyar kara sistemi
mobile home
hareket ettirilebilen ev
mobile hospital
(Askeri) SEYYAR HASTANE: Bak. "field hospital". MOBILE MID-RANGE BALLISTIC MISSILE: ORTA MENZİLLİ SEYYAR BALİSTİK FÜZE: Harekat kabiliyetinin düşman tesirlerine karşı sağladığı nisbi koruma üstünlüğünü temin için araca monte edilmiş orta menzilli balistik füze
mobile inshore undersea warfare
(Askeri) seyyar kıyı deniz altı harbi
mobile inshore undersea warfare unit
(Askeri) seyyar kıyı deniz altı harp birliği
mobile integrated tactical terminal
(Askeri) seyyar entegre edilmiş taktik terminali
mobile intelligence processing element
(Askeri) seyyar istihbarat işleme unsuru
mobile invoice
(Bilgisayar) hareketli fatura
mobile mass spectrometer
(Kimya) seyyar kütle spekrometresi
mobile masthead
(Bilgisayar) hareketli künye
mobile microwave landing system
(Askeri) seyyar mikrodalga çıkarma sistemi
mobile mine
(Askeri) MOBİL MAYIN, HAREKETLİ MAYIN: Deniz mayın harbinde; belirlenen mevkiye torpido gibi müteharrik bir teçhizatla gelerek daha sonra batarak bir mayın işlevini görmek üzere tasarlanmış hareketli mayın
mobile missile
(Askeri) seyyar füze
mobile mixer
gezer karıştırıcı
mobile network service
(Telekom) mobil şebeke hizmeti
mobile obstacle detachment
(Askeri) çevik engel müfrezesi
mobile operations control center
(Askeri) seyyar harekatlar kontrol merkezi
mobile port
(Askeri) SEYYAR LİMAN: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı veya diğer yetkili makamın emirleri ile geçici bir ihtiyacı karşılamak üzere, tesis edilen yeni bir seyyar liman teşkilatı kurmak maksadıyla bütün teşkilat teçhizat ve ikmal maddeleri ile birlikte, diğer bir limana nakledilebilen liman
mobile port
(Askeri) seyyar liman
mobile quote
(Bilgisayar) hareketli fiyat teklifi
mobile radar
(Askeri) mobil radar
mobile radar
(Askeri) seyyar radar
mobile radar complexes
(Askeri) mobil radar kompleksleri
mobile radar system
(Askeri) gezici radar sistemi
mobile radio station
gezgin radyo istasyonu
mobile rapcon systems
(Askeri) mobil rapcon sistemleri
mobile reactor
(Nükleer Bilimler) mobil reaktör
mobile recording unit
(Teknik,Televizyon) seyyar kayıt birimi
mobile recording unit
(Teknik,Televizyon) röportaj arabası
mobile refund
(Bilgisayar) hareketli iade
mobile reserves
(Askeri) ÇEVİK İHTİYATLAR: Muhtemel takviye veya karşı taarruz için, müsait mevzilerde hazır bulundurulan kıtalar
mobile ring
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) hareketli halka
mobile satellite
mobil uydu
mobile scaffold
(Askeri) yürür iskele
mobile scaffold
(Askeri) seyyar iskele
mobile scaffold mechanism
(Askeri) seyyar iskele mekanizması
mobile seacoast artillery
(Askeri) SEYYAR KIYI TOPÇUSU: Geçici ateş mevzilerine nakledilip monte edilebilen kıyı topçu silahları. Bunlar, ya raylar üzerinde, ya da traktör veya kamyonlarla çekilir
mobile seacoast artillery
(Askeri) seyyar kıyı topçusu
mobile services
(Telekom) gezici hizmetler
mobile shop
seyyar tamirhane
mobile sidebar
(Bilgisayar) hareketli kenar çubuğu
mobile sprinkler system
seyyar yağmurlama sistemi
mobile stress
(Dilbilim) değişken vurgu
mobile striking force
(Askeri) ÇEVİK VURUCU KUVVET: Yurtiçi Kuvvetleri (General Reserve) 'nin, D-günü veya bunu hemen takip eden günlerde, herhangi bir bölgede, derhal kullanılmak üzere hazır bulunan kısmı. Bütün asli teşkillerden elde bulunan muharebe ve destek unsurları da buna dahildir
mobile supply point
(Askeri) SEYYAR İKMAL NOKTASI: Motorlu araçlara ve vagonlara yerleştirilen ve belirli bir muharip kuvvetin desteklenmesi için süratle sevk edilmek üzere harekete hazır bulundurulan teçhizat, ikmal maddeleri ve mühimmattan ibarettir. Böyle bir nokta genel olarak, süratle değişen bir durumu desteklemek üzere tesis edilir
mobile supply point
(Askeri) seyyar ikmal noktası
mobile support group
(Askeri) seyyar destek grubu
mobile support group
(Askeri) (NAVAL) SEYYAR DESTEK GRUBU (DENİZ): Bir demir atma yerindeki gemilere lojistik destek sağlar; desteği yapan unsurlarından bazıları kıyıda üslenmiş olmakla beraber, gerçekte, yüzer bir üstür
mobile support team
hareketli destek ekibi
mobile surgical hospital
(Tıp) seyyar cerrahi hastane
mobile surgical unit
(Askeri) SEYYAR CERRAHİ BİRLİK: Bir seyyar hastanenin cerrahi kısmı. Bu kısım, en çok ihtiyaç hissedilen yerlere nakledilebilir. Sahra şartları altında yapılan cerrahi müdahaleler için lüzumlu personel ve teçhizatın nakline mahsus kendi araçları vardır
mobile surgical unit
(Askeri) seyyar cerrahi birlik
mobile target simulator
(Askeri) hareketli hedef simulatörü
mobile tradesman
(Ticaret) seyyar esnaf
mobile training
(Askeri) SEYYAR EĞİTİM: Belirli bir merkeze bağlı olmakla beraber, gerekli yerlerde dolaşmak suretiyle eğitim yapan ekipler tarafından idare edilen eğitim
mobile training assistance
(Askeri) seyyar eğitim yardımı
mobile training assistance
(Askeri) SEYYAR EĞİTİM YARDIMI: Esas itibariyle yabancı askeri personelin eğitimi için kullanılan seyyar eğitim müfrezelerini, gezici timleri ve teknik hizmetler temas personelini içine alır
mobile training detachment
(Askeri) SEYYAR EĞİTİM MÜFREZESİ: Taktik hava komutanlığı kontrolündeki bir sahra eğitim filosu veya teknik okula mensup seyyar bir müfreze. Birlik; bir müfreze komutanı ve tahsis yerinde bulunan özel bir sistemin desteklenmesi için gerekli mahallerde teknik ihtisas eğitimi gösterecek teknik nitelikte öğretmenlerden ibarettir
mobile training detachment
(Askeri) seyyar eğitim müfrezesi
mobile training team
(Askeri) seyyar eğitim timi
mobile training team
(Askeri) SEYYAR EĞİTİM TİMİ: Kuvvet kaynaklarından alınan ve eğitim vermek için geçici görevle yabancı bir ülkeye yollanan bir veya daha fazla personelden oluşan seyyar bir eğitim timi. Timin görevi, eğitimci personeli eğiterek, bir yabancı ülkenin askeri hizmet alanını, belirli bir beceride kendini eğitme imkan ve kabiliyetine ulaştırmaktır
mobile training unit
(Askeri) seyyar eğitim takımı
mobile training unit
(Askeri) SEYYAR EĞİTİM TAKIMI: Sahraya taşınma ve kullanma maksadı göz önünde tutularak ikmal ve bir silah sistemi için tertiplenmiş eğitim vasıtaları, eğitim yardımcı vasıtaları, özel eğitim yardımcı edevatı takımı
mobile unit
(Askeri) ÇEVİK BİRLİK: Kendisine tahsis edilmiş bütün personel ve malzemeyi, bir yerden başka bir yere, bir defada nakletmesi için yeteri kadar kadro aracı ile teçhiz edilmiş bir birlik. Ayrıca bakınız: "semimobile unit"
mobile warfare
(Askeri) HAREKET HARBİ: Tarafların; manevra, ateş ve araziden faydalanmak suretiyle teşebbüsü elde etmek imkanı aradıkları harp şekli. Buna "war of movement" da denir
mobile web site
(Bilgisayar) hareketli web sitesi
(Ticaret) eğitim amaçlı değişim
hareket kabiliyeti
mobile home
mobil ev
mobile home
dinlence taşıtı
hareket etme yeteneği
(Askeri) yer değiştirme yeteneği
(Biyoloji) devinirlik
you want my mobile no
cep numaramı mı istiyorsun
you want my mobile number
cep numaramı mı istiyorsun
Private Mobile Radio
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Özel Mobil Radyo; özel grup veya kurumların kullanımı için yaratılan telsiz ağı
professional mobile radio
profesyonel mobil telsiz
snow mobile
kar mobil
upwardly mobile
Yüksek sosyal sınıftan olan
(L) ACE Mobile Force (Land) (NATO)
(Askeri) ACE Mobil Kuvveti (Kara) (NATO)
(R) meteorological mobile facility (replacement)
(Askeri) seyyar meteorolojik tesis (yedek)
Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) mobile integrated com
(Askeri) Müşterek Dünya Çapında İstihbarat Muhabere Sistemi (JWICS) seyyar birleştirilmiş muhabere sistemi
air mobile patrol
(Askeri) Uçar birlik keşif kolu
allied command europe mobile forces
(Askeri) Avrupa Müttefik Komutanlığı Seyyar
book mobile
(Askeri) SEYYAR KÜTÜPHANE, SEYYAR KİTAPLIK: Kitaplar ve kitaplık malzemesi ile seyyar bir kitaplık gibi teçhiz edilmiş bir araç. Bu araç Moral Hizmeti tarafından çalıştırılır. Yerli bir kitaplık tesisine imkan olmayan seyyar birliklerin ve diğer teşkillerin personeline faydalı olmak maksadıyla kurulur. Ayrıca bakınız: "field library"
cellular mobile radio
(Bilgisayar) gözesel gezgin radyo
commander of a combatant command's Mobile Alternate Headquarters
(Askeri) bir muharip komutanlığın seyyar yedek karargahının komutanı
emergency mobile forces
(Askeri) ÇEVİK EMNİYET KUVVETLERİ: Tesisin içinde ve civarında, acil bir koruma temin etmesi için, bir askeri mevki, kamp veya garnizonda bulunan hizmet birliği personelinden teşkil edilmiş silahlı ve motorlu kuvvet
graduated mobilization response; ground mobile radar
(Askeri) yükseltilmiş seferberlik cevabı; yer seyyar radarı
ground mobile forces
(Askeri) seyyar kara kuvvetleri
heavy expanded mobile tactical truck
(Askeri) ağır genişletilmiş seyyar taktik kamyon
interim mobile oceanographic support system
(Askeri) geçici seyyar oşinografi destek sistemi
joint mobile relay center
(Askeri) müşterek seyyar röle merkezi
magnetic tape transport; mobile training team
(Askeri) manyetik teyip aktarımı; seyyar eğitim ekibi
marginal support date; mobile security division
(Askeri) marjinal destek günü; seyyar emniyet tümeni
medium equipment transporter; mobile environmental team
(Askeri) orta teçhizat taşıyıcısı; seyyar çevre timi
meteorological mobile facility
(Askeri) seyyar meteorolojik tesis
military assistance to safety and traffic; mobile ashore support terminal
(Askeri) güvenlik ve trafiğe askeri yardım; seyyar kıyı destek terminali
milliradian; mobile reserve
(Askeri) miliradyan; seyyar ikmal maddesi
mission support element; mobile subscriber equipment
(Askeri) görev destek unsuru; seyyar abone teçhizatı
{i} akışkanlık
(Askeri) HAREKET KABİLİYETİ: Askeri kuvvetlere; esas görevlerini yerine getirme kudretini muhafaza ile birlikte bir yerden bir yere hareket ve intikal imkanı veren bir nitelik veya imkan
Türkçe - Türkçe

mobile teriminin Türkçe Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

çok hafif malzemeden yapılan ve hava akımlarının etkisiyle kendi kendine hareket eden soyut heykel
Parçalar hâlinde yapılmış olup hava hareketleriyle kımıldayan heykel
çok hafif malzemeden yapılan ve kendi kendine salınan soyut heykel
Birbirine ekli parçalardan oluşan ve kendi kendine hareket eden soyut heykel
İngilizce - İngilizce
A sculpture or decorative arrangement made of items hanging so that they can move independently from each other
Capable of being moved
A mobile phone
{n} a mob, rout, sphere, cause of motion
A city in southwest Alabama
Capable of being moved, aroused, or excited; capable of spontaneous movement
{s} moveable, portable, flowing freely; changing quickly, changeable; of services provided from a vehicle
Traditionally, a game object capable of moving around without assistance A non-player character, controlled by the game Examples of mobs are city guards and fidos
capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another; "a highly mobile face"
the most mobile articulator" having transportation available (of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering tribes
The mob; the populace
the most mobile articulator"
agents move to where they are needed, possibly following an itinerary
A mobile is a decoration which you hang from a ceiling. It usually consists of several small objects which move as the air around them moves
having transportation available (of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering tribes
(of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently; "a restless mobile society"; "the nomadic habits of the Bedouins"; "believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future"; "wandering tribes"
{i} decorative structure made with delicate objects that are strung in balance on rods and are sensitive to the breeze or light touch; decorative structure made of plastic toys that is hung over a crib as an amusement for babies; cellular phone
short for mobile station
A sign or cutout hung from the ceiling so it can rotate, used to promote a menu item
a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay
A POS device designed to hang from the store ceiling
Capable of being moved from one location to another (24)
sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another; "a highly mobile face"
a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay
Changing in appearance and expression under the influence of the mind; as, mobile features
Special purpose ship-shaped platform that can move from field to field
In a mobile society, people move easily from one job, home, or social class to another. We're a very mobile society, and people move after they get divorced. young, mobile professionals. + mobility mo·bil·ity Prior to the nineteenth century, there were almost no channels of social mobility
moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place); "a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is
moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place); "a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is the most mobile articulator"
A mobile is the same as a mobile phone. see also upwardly mobile. a city which is Alabama's only port and one of the busiest ports in the US. City (pop., 2000: 198,915), southwestern Alabama, U.S., situated on Mobile Bay at the mouth of the Mobile River. The site was explored by Spaniards in 1519. French colonists built a fort near the river's mouth in 1702. It served as the capital of French Louisiana until 1720. It was ceded to the British in 1763 and captured by the Spanish during the American Revolution. Incorporated as a town in 1814 as part of West Florida, it passed to the U.S. with the purchase of Florida from Spain in 1819. During the American Civil War it was an important Confederate port, but Federal forces won the Battle of Mobile Bay and captured the city. The state's only seaport, it is a major industrial and manufacturing centre and the site of several institutions of higher education. Abstract sculpture that has moving parts, driven either by motors or by the natural force of air currents. Its revolving parts create a new visual experience of constantly changing volumes and forms. The term was initially suggested by Marcel Duchamp for a 1932 Paris exhibition of such works by Alexander Calder, who became the mobile's greatest exponent
affording change (especially in social status); "Britain is not a truly fluid society"; "upwardly mobile"
If you are mobile, you can move or travel easily from place to place, for example because you are not physically disabled or because you have your own transport. I'm still very mobile. + mobility mo·bil·ity Two cars gave them the freedom and mobility to go their separate ways
You use mobile to describe something large that can be moved easily from place to place. the four hundred seat mobile theatre
refers to a continuous-monitoring instrument mounted on a vehicle such as, but not limited to, a mining machine or industrial truck
Easily moved in feeling, purpose, or direction; excitable; changeable; fickle
sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents
having transportation available
A sculpture so constructed that its parts move either by mechanical or natural means
Characterized by an extreme degree of fluidity; moving or flowing with great freedom; as, benzine and mercury are mobile liquids; opposed to viscous, viscoidal, or oily
A MUD-controlled creature which wanders around Most can be killed reasonably easy, but some are very nasty The worst are the dragon, vampire, wolf, goblin10, thief, wyvern and skeletons A small percentage are friendly
Mobile Home is a term applied to homes built prior to June 1976 Since no code was in effect, these homes were built to voluntary industry standards This type home is usually easier to prepare for movement than is a manufactued home
Capable of being moved; not fixed in place or condition; movable
Mobile Army Surgical Hospital
A type of dedicated field hospital unit designed to be quickly set up as close to a combat zone as possible to facilitate the immediate treatment of wounded personnel
mobile game
An electronic game played using a cellular phone
mobile games
plural form of mobile game
mobile home
A prefabricated home built in a factory, rather than on site, and then taken to the place where it will be occupied
mobile homes
plural form of mobile home
mobile libraries
plural form of mobile library
mobile library
A library housed in a large van that provides a library service to those unable to attend their nearest local library
mobile phase
The liquid or gas that flows through a chromatography system, moving the materials to be separated at different rates over the stationary phase
mobile phone
A portable telephone that connects with the telephone network over radio wave transmission
mobile phones
plural form of mobile phone
mobile reporting
The use of mobile phone as a reporting tool. The user makes use of text, photo and video capability to produce a multimedia based report. The content is uploaded to the internet via mobile network or Internet connection for publishing to the web. Mobile reporting is particularly relevant in areas that lack Internet infrastructure (Sub Sahara Africa, Central Asia, South American, Latin America)
mobile speed bump
A car that travels at the speed limit to force the cars behind to do the same
mobile station
All the user equipment (mobile phone, SIM card etc) and software needed for communication with a GSM network
mobile telephone
mobile phone, mobile (UK)
mobile telephone
cell phone (US)
Attributive form of mobile phone, noun
Attributive form of mobile station, noun
mobile device
A mobile device (also known as converged device, handheld device, handheld computer, "Palmtop" or simply 'handheld) is a pocket-sized computing device, typically comprising a small visual display screen for user output and a miniature keyboard or touch screen for user input. In the case of the personal digital assistant (PDA) the input and output are combined into a touch-screen interface. Smartphones and PDAs are popular amongst those who require the assistance and convenience of a conventional computer, in environments where carrying one would not be practical
mobile marketing
Mobile Marketing can refer to one of two categories of marketing. First, and relatively new, is meant to describe marketing on or with a mobile device, such as a mobile phone. Second, and a more traditional definition, is meant to describe marketing in a moving fashion - for example - technology road shows or moving billboards
Mobile Bay
Inlet of the Gulf of Mexico, extending 35 mi (56 km) north to the mouth of the Mobile River in southwestern Alabama, U.S. It is 8-18 mi (13-29 km) wide and enters the gulf through a dredged channel between Dauphin Island and Mobile Point. During the American Civil War it was the scene of the Battle of Mobile Bay
mobile bank
motor vehicle which provides banking services
mobile bay
a bay of the Gulf of Mexico; fed by the Mobile River
mobile exhibition
traveling exhibit, exhibit that is being shown in various places
mobile home
A mobile dwelling constructed or converted and intended for use as a permanent residence and designed to be moved overland, either self-propelled or by towing It includes all HHG, personal effects, and professional books, papers and equipment contained in the mobile home and owned or intended for use by the member or the members' dependents A mobile home includes a house trailer, a privately owned rail car converted for use as a residence (51 Comp Gen 806 (1972)), and a boat a member uses as the place of principal residence (62 Comp Gen 292 (1983))
mobile home
A trailer that is designed or equipped with wheels, and made to provide a residence for one or more persons Tenant and travel trailers are not included
mobile home
A factory built single family dwelling that is transported to your chosen location and placed on a foundation
mobile home
A mobile home is essentially a moveable house--often 10 or 12 feet [3 or 3 7 meters] in width--and can only be moved by a proper tractor; not to be confused with a motor home[see RV for the definition of a motor home]
mobile home
A factory-assembled residence consisting of one or more modules, in which a chassis and wheels are an integral part of the structure, and can be readied for occupancy without removing the chassis and/or wheeels
mobile home
A mobile home is a large caravan that people live in and that usually remains in the same place, but which can be pulled to another place using a car or van
mobile home
The term coined by Elmer Frey to describe his first ten-wide models, but soon adopted by the industry to describe homes manufactured from the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s Strictly speaking, mobile homes are no longer produced, although casual terminology still refers to some manufactured homes as "mobile homes " Mobile homes were no longer built after June 1980, the date the U S Congress officially changed the term to "manufactured home " The term still applies, however, to pre-HUD-Code homes
mobile home
Manufactured housing which may or may not be moved once it reaches a destination, depending on it size and portability
mobile home
A dwelling that sits on wheels and may be moved, often under its own power
mobile home
a factory-assembled residence consisting of one or more modules in which a chassis and wheels are an integral of the structure, and can be readied for occupancy without removing the chassis and/or wheels
mobile home
A factory assembled residence consisting of one or more modules, in which a chassis and wheels are an integral part of the structure and that can be made ready for occupancy without removing the chassis and/or wheels See also "Modular House"
mobile home
A manufactured unit constructed on a chassis and wheels and designed for permanent or semi-attachment to land
mobile home
trailer home, caravan
mobile home
A moveable dwelling designed and constructed to be transported (by road) on its own chassis to a site and placed on a temporary foundation such as blocks, posts or a prepared pad It should be capable of being moved to a new location
mobile home
Prefabricated trailer-type housing units that are semipermanently attached to land, either the owner's fee land or a leasehold, such as in a mobile-home park Mobile homes are usually affixed to a concrete foundation and connected to utilities Although they may not be as mobile as the word implies, they may be removed from such attachments and hauled to a new location In this respect mobile homes possess the features of both real and personal property They are like real property when the units are attached to the earth's surface, and like personal property when they are detached and moved The courts, however, generally consider a mobile home as a fixture and thus treat it as real property
mobile home
See Manufactured Housing Unit
mobile home
A residential structure intended for permanent human occupancy and constructed for movement on the public highways, constructed prior to adoption of June 15, 1976 U S Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standards, but meeting the requirements of Oregon's mobile home laws in effect between January 1, 1962 and June 15, 1976 which met the construction requirements of Oregon Mobile Home Law in effect at the time of construction and which exhibits an Oregon Department of Commerce Insignia of Compliance that indicates conformance with U S Department of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, standards
mobile home
Manufactured housing constructed according to Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards (HUD Title 6) Mobile property constructed with an undercarriage for wheels A mobile home may later be affixed to a foundation making a more permanent installation Not to be confused with a modular home
mobile home
A Factory built home that is towed to the dwelling site and placed on a full, continuous foundation
mobile home
a large house trailer that that can be connected to utilities and can be parked in one place and used as permanent housing
mobile hospital
movable hospital, hospital which can be moved from one place to another
mobile intensive care unit
ambulance which has intensive care medical facilities
mobile library
library that can be moved from place to place
mobile phone
The term that can be inter-changed with cellular phone or wireless phone
mobile phone
Usually refers to a car phone
mobile phone
One term for a cellular phone There are four main types of cellular phones - mobile (also called a car phone), tranportable, portable and personal
mobile phone
a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections (cells), each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver
mobile phone
(Also called a car phone) The type of cellular phone that's installed in a car, truck or van There are three main types of cellular phones being sold today: mobile, transportable and portable A mobile unit is attached to the vehicle, draws its power from the vehicle's battery and has an external antenna
mobile phone
A mobile phone is a telephone that you can carry with you and use to make or receive calls wherever you are
mobile phone
{i} cellular phone, cellular telephone, cordless portable telephone that transmits signals via microwave frequencies
mobile phone
Also known as a car phone - the type of cellular phone that's installed in a car, truck or van There are three main types of cellular phones being sold today: mobile, transportable and portable A mobile unit is attached to the vehicle, draws its power from the vehicle's battery and has an external antenna
mobile property
portable goods, property which can be moved from one place to another
mobile speed bump
car traveling at the speed limit in order to slow down the cars behind by causing them to also drive at the speed limit
mobile warfare
method of combat in which troops move and advance while fighting
Used to form nouns meaning a particular type of vehicle, particularly one to transport the person or thing described by the word to which the suffix is attached
cellular mobile
A mobile phone which is linked up to a cellular network

Cellular mobiles can have apparently bizarre holes in their reach.

ground mobile force
A communications unit and their equipment; most often in reference to satellite communications
ground mobile forces
plural form of ground mobile force
The movement of people or things
The condition of being mobile
A measure of the extent to which something is mobile
Ease of movement between economic conditions
primum mobile
The outermost sphere of the heavens in Ptolemaic astronomy
primum mobile
The prime mover or first cause
A phenomenon where a Proto-Indo-European root begins with an *s- which is sometimes but not always present in the daughter languages
upwardly mobile
Likely to advance in economic or social standing
The movement of people and goods
The ability of radionuclides to move through food chains in the environment
{i} movability; ability to move; portability; agility; ability to change
Capable of moving or of being moved from place to place Moving quickly from one place to another; flowing freely
The ability of a person or people to travel from one place to another
The quality or state of being mobile; capable of moving or being moved
{n} the populace, activity, inconsistency
Private Mobile Radio
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Professional Mobile Radio (also known as Private Mobile Radio (PMR) in the UK and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) in North America) are field radio communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch console radios and are sometimes based on such standards as MPT-1327, TETRA and APCO 25 which are designed for dedicated use by specific organizations. Typical examples are the radio systems used by police forces and fire brigades. Key features of professional mobile radio systems can include
Professional Mobile Radio
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Professional Mobile Radio (also known as Private Mobile Radio (PMR) in the UK and Land Mobile Radio (LMR) in North America) are field radio communications systems which use portable, mobile, base station, and dispatch console radios and are sometimes based on such standards as MPT-1327, TETRA and APCO 25 which are designed for dedicated use by specific organizations. Typical examples are the radio systems used by police forces and fire brigades. Key features of professional mobile radio systems can include
downwardly mobile
Moving to a lower social class
upwardly mobile
Moving to a higher social class
Battle of Mobile Bay
(Aug. 5, 1864) Naval engagement in the American Civil War. The Union fleet under David Farragut sailed into Mobile Bay, Ala., breaching the protective string of mines (torpedoes) and engaging the Confederate ironclad Tennessee. After a two-hour battle, the Union fleet won control of the bay. With the surrender of nearby Fort Morgan, the former Confederate port of Mobile was sealed off from Confederate blockade runners
Global System for Mobile Communications
digital cellular communication system used in many countries (based on a variation of TDMA technology), GSM
A fuel company, part of Exxon Mobil
{i} world's second largest petroleum company (recently merged with Exxon)
downwardly mobile
someone who is downwardly mobile is becoming poorer   upwardly mobile
plural of mobile
the quality of moving freely
The velocity of a charged particle attained under the action of an applied electric field
(from Campus Profile Section): A student is considered to be mobile if he or she has been in membership at the school for less than 83% of the school year (i e , has missed six or more weeks at a particular school)
The quality or state of being mobile; as, the mobility of a liquid, of an army, of the populace, of features, of a muscle
The ability to move or be moved easily
The word is used to stress the different inside-otuside connections that travel or displacement involves Culture is presented by Clifford as a movement of people marked by gender, class, race In their inevitable "dwelling-in-travelling" they produce a variety of cultural expressions Mobility is related to immigration (how much are you free to be moveable?), tourism, even the concept of the flaneur as well as the problem of preserving one's national identity and tradition In the same respect, in The Predicament of Culture, he mentions Segalen's point of view on the modern experience of displacement: self and other a sequence of encounters, detours, with the stable identity of each at issue
First Century travel was relatively easy and safe compared to earlier times It helped in the spread of Christianity Network of Roman roads connecting cities developed for military and postal needs and well maintained under the peace and order of the Roman Empire Sea routes (Apr to Nov) connected Rome, Antioch, Carthage, Caesarea, and Alexandria Hospitality of Christians made traveling affordable (JY)
The ability to move one's chess pieces to all areas of the board quickly
The freedom of movement of your pieces See the lesson on Evaluating Positions
The number of times a student moves from school to school or district to district in a given year (frequent school or residence changes)
capable of moving or being moved
The ability of particles and substances to move, either by random motion or under the influence of fields or forces
The ability to move safely and efficiently from one point to another The term is used with "orientation" to describe specialized training for students with visual impairments
freedom of movement
fencing movements utilized to break or gain ground or to reach opponent on an attack
Usually the movement of people or goods, but sometimes the ease of movement of people or goods
In an attempt to capture migration subgroups, students are categorized as being in the district for less than or for more than one school year
Within the MoVi, the notion of mobility generally refers to changes in the configuration of a network infrastructure (encompassing the user) that is created by significant changes in the location of components of this infrastructure Some typical examples of this are
ability to move
The student mobility rate is based on the number of students who enroll in or leave a school during the school year Students may be counted more than once
The ability of people to move round an area, including careers of young children, older people, people with mobility or sensory impairments, or those encumbered with luggage or shopping Mobility can be expressed in policy and guidance in terms of compliance with statutory standards, and can be illustrated on plans
The mob; the lower classes
– the magnitude of the drift velocity per unit field (see equation 31 6)
perpetuum mobile
imaginary machine that remains in motion indefinitely once it is started; fantasy
primum mobile
prime mover; initial force of all movement (Aristotelianism)
primum mobile
See Crystalline heavens, under Crystalline
primum mobile
In the Ptolemaic system, the outermost of the revolving concentric spheres constituting the universe, the motion of which was supposed to carry with it all the inclosed spheres with their planets in a daily revolution from east to west
snow mobile
small vehicle used for traveling on snow
upwardly mobile
If you describe someone as upwardly mobile, you mean that they are moving, have moved, or are trying to move to a higher social position. The Party has been unable to attract upwardly mobile voters. The upwardly mobile are people who are upwardly mobile. the large detached houses of the upwardly mobile with their double garages and array of cars. Those regarded as advancing rapidly in economic and social standing. Used with the. moving up through the social classes and becoming richer
Türkçe - İngilizce

mobile teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

(Biyoloji) mobile

A tablet is a mobile computer with display, circuitry and battery in a single unit. - Bir tablet, tek bir ünitede ekran devresi ve pili olan bir mobil bilgisayardır.

How many mobile phones do you have? - Kaç tane mobil telefonun var?
